#but look at those dummies aahh i love them
chidoroki · 4 years
The Promised Neverland S2EP4
aka: the fast-forward button is BROKEN! but my heart is oddly happy?
Friendly reminder that the full version of “Identity” was released yesterday and I love it even more now!
Oh? We got WM’s real name reveal this early too?
Bruh, they’re playing the “Introduction” theme from the first season’s soundtrack.
Ahh! The Glory Bell kid’s names are written on the “help” wall! Good!
Wait, what? What’s with this book that’s been written in though?
“Everybody’s gone. I’m all alone. I can’t stand this any longer. I’m also going to head for the human world. To anybody who’s reading this, don’t give up!” Well, that helps to confirm that geezer was here but again, it raises even more new questions. How does he know of the human side of the world? Does he know how to get there? And why does he sound so hopeful? It seems so unlike him..
Type “future” into the pen? That’s new too.
Ah, it’s the map we saw a glimpse of in the preview.. but D100? It’s not Cuvitidala since its coordinates are D528-143, so what is this new place?
They sure enjoy reminding us of Norman hm?
Chris!! You adorable child, I love you! I know it was Emma who wakes everyone up their first morning at the shelter but this is okay too!
And this is probably the closest we’ve ever been to seeing Ray’s sleeping face.
January 22nd.. so it’s passed the day they were supposed to meet geezer.. okay.
Aww, the younger kids are practicing archery!
Also, can we change into the shelter clothes already? Give my girl those nice black pants!
The duo out hunting!!! Aaah!!
The underground tunnels really are extensive huh.
Ayyy! There we go! Now we get Emma waking everyone else up!
They’re all so cute living their daily lives in the shelter though.. I can’t be mad at the anime for this.
Dominic, you little pro archer you.
Chef Ray! Yeeaahh!!
Okay but.. shirtless Ray too? He didn’t join the other boys in manga at all when in the bath, as we saw last ep, so I’m surprised.
Nat playing the piano before the kids go to sleep.. aah my heart!
Dominic is gonna go hunting with him?? Yes please!
Oh god, Thoma and Lani are going too.. I’m prepared for trouble.
Wow, I’m surprised that Don and Gilda went too, since that means they left the younger kids in the care of Anna and Nat.
No doubt the strangest fishing trip I’ve seen.
Oh nooo! Nat is the poor soul who has to test the fish to see if they’re safe for eating.
“No way, or I won’t play piano anymore!” “You can’t do that!” Awww!! Everyone loves hearing him play! I’m feeling so soft for this family right now man..
Look at our troublemakers stepping up and taking Nat’s place.. ah! And Ray!
Oh! Seems like the fish are okay to eat.. and delicious? I guess I can’t be surprised if Ray was the one who cooked them.
WHAT? February 26th?? Huh? Umm.. I have a major concern here!! GP was supposed to blow up on January 29th! I know this seems real bad and a ton of people are gonna jump in and say they cut that arc out, as if people weren’t already saying that since last week, but hello?? I guess it’ll just happen on a different date?.. hopefully.
It’s been a month and still no shelter outfits why?
GASP!! Is it she?? My queen??
Anime can have all my HELL YEAHS for giving us her with her hair down again!! I’d never thought I’d see it.. but I’m so thankful!!
“I will return all of the children unharmed, and ship them out as originally planned.” You shut your damn mouth grandma.. and speaking of “original plans,” aren’t you supposed to be dead by now?
While I’m completely thrilled we got to see Isabella again.. I don’t know how I feel about seeing her like.. this? In manga she had her strong “iron woman” front the entire time but here she looks so defeated? Like she would never show weakness but grandma taunting her like that by talking about the children’s lives to see how Isabella would react.. man, I have mixed feelings.
Rossi you’re too cute.
Goddamn.. I knew it was coming from the preview but I wasn’t ready for that explosion right now.
Wait.. it actually was their shelter? It wasn’t one of the fake, dummy ones James set up?? AH SHIT!!
Oh, and they decide to play “Tension” as well.. great.
I swear, if one of those dudes is the bastard I think it is..
“We have to get out of here. It’s not safe anymore.”  Bro, I didn’t think I would be getting ch104 flashback this soon! Oh no!
Oh god, Don and Rossi are still in the monitor room too.. which almost plays out like future manga events but darn it!
Queen!! We get to see more of you??
No no no, get vida flower away from her.
“I’m too ashamed to face them. Besides, I know that they will get away.” AAaahh, the confidence she has in them!
“They are my children, after all.” HER SMILE!! Y’all I love this woman so much!!
Don really knocked that dude out with a chair.
Oh shit, RAY!! Hahaa he was so close to shooting the guy with that arrow!
Aaahh! That hug Don gets from Gilda though, awww!
Look at our boy Chris lead the way through the tunnels! (please anime don’t you dare hurt this boy right here, right now like ch105)
NO! Sir, whoever you are, put the gun down!
“We just want a normal life like everyone else.” I’m not fond of these ch105 feels right now anime! I’m panicking!
Thoman and Lani!! Our troublemakers coming through with some nice shots of their own!
And the duo end up tackling the guy too! No hesitation whatsoever! AAHH I love them!!
Run my children!
Huh?? The younger kids ended up being captured anyway? Oh hell no!
Wild demon! Yeess! Damn, that thing is huge!
Dominic, sweetie, I love you and appreciate your bravery, but please just focus on running away instead of shooting at the beast!
YOOOO! RAAAYY! As if I couldn’t love you anymore than I already do! That jump! That accuracy! That kill! I’m so proud! Why is he so perfect??
Damn right my queen’s life was spared.
Bruh.. it might not be Peter making the deal with her but still.. why are we getting this scene now?? It’s from ch165!!
“Your release won’t be the only reward.” And.. what else? The hell did you just whisper in her ear!? Tell me!
“Rest assured, I will get back those children who betrayed me.” Y’all.. if you could see the damn smile on my face right now, holy shit. I’m in awe of this woman. Yes, what she said is highly concerning if you don’t know, but if you do know.. it’s fucking fantastic.
I get they wanna make it seem like she’s still an enemy and they executed that scene real well to convey that. (i’ll fight anyone who says she’s a bad mom though)
The kids running for their life through the forest exactly how ep1 started.. nice.
So.. yeah, I’m worried about the obvious things like geezer, GP and the main story line but like.. I’m also highly intrigued right now?
Ah, these reactions are gonna be so much longer now that we’re going original. I.. kinda dig it honestly. To just watch these kids do their own thing and not be so judgemental over every little thing the anime changes from manga.. it’s kinda refreshing.
Okay, so if we’re gonna be getting all new scenes, here’s one I’m hoping for. We just saw Nat play piano before the kids all went to sleep, right? So can I hope that while everyone is out in the forest trying to sleep, can we get Ray humming the lullaby? Please??
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