#but luke had been gone for 4 years by that point & katie might never have been at camp with him
cantmakethisbleepup · 6 years
my roommate left me at a sketchy motel and it’s been rough. college (week 1-2)
Hi guys, I realize that I’m really out here on Tumblr spilling the tea that nobody really asked for because well 1.) who cares about my drama u guys don’t even know my college friends and life and such u don’t care, 2.) no like u really probably don’t care and 3.) we all get on Tumblr to be angsty and just live out our 2014 selves. Well, even though you didn't ask for it, I’m still gonna rant about my experiences because a lot of shady BLEEP happens and I can’t rant to my friends or family back home cus they’ll like fear for my life or send me to rehab or make me move home and go back to community college. anyways lemme tell you how it all started. Just a little back story about me: I went to college at 18 as a freshman but I had some credits so class wise I'm a sophomore, I live with freshmen though, and I go to a small small town public, 4 year college. OH and my roommate is one of my best friends since we were 12, we went to school together, and other than her I knew nobody at this school and it’s in the middle of nowhere so essentially we’re in this weird, scary, experience together. Her name is Katy. She’s sweet, fun, outgoing, has a crazy work ethic, but she’s also a slob and probably a sociopath idk, after living with her I know that something is up but I'm also not a psychologist. So picture this: it’s a hot, humid, August time. We’re moving into a college in the south and I almost cried on move in day but yo I held it together cus I'm not weak. (nah I blinked a lot and hid the tears) point is: I was kind of having a break down mentally, but it wasn’t really the time for that. Katy and I were chilling in our new, messy dorm. I was trying to build a shelf, but it was going really poorly so I put it back in the box, put it under the bed, and we all forgot about that travesty. We figured we might as well go to the next town over, go to Walmart (our town is so small we don’t have a Walmart), and get some things to really spice up the dorm. As soon as I get in her truck (yes, truck, you heard right I live with a redneck) SHE HITS HER FREAKING JUUL. A JUUL. I instantly thought: “what? lame. who juuls? who did I move in with?” and that whole drive to Walmart she continued to tell me all about guys she talks to on her dating app. It’s like a great value tinder, no shade to u if u use dating apps or u vape, it’s just not my scene. not my vibe. It never was hers’ either, so that’s what really threw me off. So anyway as u can see, I started to understand that maybe I didn’t really know my roomie like I thought I did. But we kind of went on with life, she made me hit her juul like 3 times. wasn’t too inspired, but whatever. never again. That was the first week of classes and things were okay, didn't really have new friends yet but who really does when u meet a ton of strangers for a few days. Katy kept mentioning that she wanted her redneck couple friends to visit and I was like “gross no I don't want them vaping in our dorm and filling the halls with Luke Bryan and crap” plus week 1 of school they’re pretty strict about visitation and stuff and I was like “no they aren't staying here.” so Friday rolls around and we’re ready for a night on the town, we’re in college and we needed something to do. BUT HER REDNECK COUPLE FRIENDS SHOWED UP. they also did not have arrangements because they still wanted to stay in our dorm. After they had driven like 5 hours, had little money, and the girl lied to her dad that she was in an entirely different state, they asked if they could stay in the dorm. With a deep sigh I said “no.” and they had to book a cheap, sketchy, motel in another town over. A “Red Roof Inn.” This town was kinda known for crime too, but I mean it be like that sometimes. So we got food, we actually found a random speedway and watched race cars, rode around like rednecks do on Friday nights, and then around 1am we hung out at their motel. One thing to note about Katy is that she loves attention. She was also in love with the redneck guy at the time, and I guess seeing him with this girl all night just didn’t go over well. I somehow said something blunt, or offensive, or both and THIS CHICK LEAVES ME AT THE SHADY MOTEL AT 1AM. We were initially like “yeah Katy whatever okay” but no she was gone. she went to a nearby gas station to get an icee and then picked me up and I was like “yo please don’t leave me at a random motel again”. so we drive home, she spills her guts about her secret love for this guy, not to mention I was dealing with a lot myself with emotions and life and such and now I was moved far away, my roommate was different than I knew her, and I really didn’t know how to handle it all. and I honestly new right then and there, college was gonna be a sh*t show for me.
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