#but never posted it 'cause the previous panels didn't feel quite. right
blaiddraws · 2 years
some gunsmoke au stuff from a while ago! Nobori having a crisis and elesa's like. yeah bro whatever we're still besties
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omgcpausandstuff · 2 years
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#part of the appeal to these kinds of stories for me that are caused by a wish (unintentional or otherwise) is that the character themselves
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For optimal well-being, both bros must remain in the same enclosure.
111 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Shout out to Ransom's white baseball cap. There are several iconic pieces of clothing associated with different characters (Jack's shoes, Bitty's shorts, etc), but Ransom's hat is easily the one that shows up the most by a huge margin. He's wearing it in his first appearance and his last appearance. Other characters wear it sometimes! He wears it to his consulting job!
This man put that hat on one day and decided, "This slaps, lets wear it as much as possible." And he was right!
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131 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Something I've never quite understood about Samwell vs Yale and "Lucky Shot" is that Jack isn't just upset about his father's comments on his play. Jack seems dismayed in his reaction shot as soon as Bitty scores -
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Your team is probably going to win! You should be happy, right? Well, not if you care more about how you performed than how the team did. The game was tied 0 - 0 with 4 minutes left when Bitty scored - Jack hasn't scored and they're getting clobbered in the shots on goal, so its only thanks to Johnson that they're not getting steamrolled.
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Theres no way that Jack doesn't see these facts as a personal failure. He's not scoring, and he's probably not producing as many chances to score as he usually does. He's supposed to be better than these college players, isn't he? To top things off, his dad is watching.
Clinching things personally in the third period or winning in overtime isn't ideal, but I think for Jack, not scoring in this game might as well have been a loss. When Bitty scores, he feels the chance for him to "redeem" himself slipping away, and in the end he didn't score at all.
And the thing is - Bitty scoring did involve luck; he took the shot with his eyes closed, and admitted that in front of Jack. Jack has dedicated his life to hockey, is deeply invested in the idea that being skilled at hockey is important, certainly the most important thing for winning at hockey - I wouldn't be surprised if him taunting Bitty wasn't just an attempt to hurt him (which it was) but he was genuinely rankled that the game was decided the way it was. It doesn't feel out of character for Y1 Jack to be upset if he was the one who got a lucky goal - he wants the effort he's put into being skilled to matter; to have been worth it.
Bob being present is obviously a huge amplifier for Jack's anxiety over his performance. Would he have been happy to get a win, even if he didn't show up on the scoreboard, if Bob wasn't there? I can see it going both ways, but I think that to some degree he would still be upset - at least with himself. At the awards banquet he talks about how he wants to play for the team in his final year, and I think this game being evidence of him still caring too much about his personal performance ties in neatly to that.
So its not so much that he's jealous that Bitty scored, or just because his father complimented Bitty and not him - he feels he failed, and he wants to take it out on someone.
171 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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Despite the coaches pointing it out in the previous panel, I've never put much thought into the fact that Jack is surprised by the coaches saying this, and how weird that is.
There's something more going on here other than Bitty and Jack just complementing each other and playing well together, because Jack should recognize that. He's been on lines with powerful chemistry before, so he knows what that's like and Jack is absolutely focused on his hockey and his performance, so it's not like he's just not paying attention in practices with Bitty. So, what gives? Why is this a surprise?
One possibility is that there is some level of self deception going on here. Perhaps his preconceived notions about Bitty's value to the team mean that Jack is discounting the obvious evidence. Even if he's accepted that Bitty can contribute to the team, maybe the way they work together on the ice is so different from what he had with Parse that he can't recognize that it's exceptional in its own way. Jacks glare at Bitty in the panel after this could be because he resents the coaches putting him on equal footing with someone that he doesn't consider his equal.
But I keep coming back to how they phrase this; they could have said that Jack and Bitty work well together, or that Bitty complements Jack's play well, but they don't. Not to put too much weight on one line, but to me saying that Jack's a better player implies that Jack is doing something different when they play together.
What is it like to play with someone who has mental hangups like Bitty does? Someone you've invested time with to overcome them. How does that change how Jack approaches the game? At the beginning of the year, I'd say that Jack would treat him as a liability and do everything he could to avoid relying on him. We're clearly well past that - Bitty doesn't faint anymore, but I think Jack would still alter his play to be accommodating to him. Does Jack pay more attention to him? Worry about him? Make different choices to keep him from running up against his mental block?
Jack is likely the kind of skilled that can adapt his play to match the strengths and limitations of his linemates - but how much has he needed to do that at Samwell? From Jack's perspective, any extra effort to meet Bitty where he is could look like a handicap. Any deviation from playing exactly how he wants to, how it comes naturally to him at this point, is an unnecessary complication and a reason not to put them on a line together.
It would be a shock to have the coaches turn around and say that it's actually better that way; better than what you thought was your best. You've been measured on an axis that you didn't think was important, and before now you were found wanting. And, well, people don't enjoy having their conceptions of themselves challenged.
I don't think we have enough information to come to a definitive conclusion. What has Jack and Bitty's relationship been like since the game against Yale? The coaches say they play well together, but what exactly does that look like? We don't know, and likely never will. Thankfully, I enjoy recreational rampant speculation.
183 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think if Jack and Bitty were ever put into a situation where they go head to head with other couples in some kind of competition, they would not be normal about it.
Like, they do something with the Falconers, and some people expect Jack's competitiveness to be lessened by Bitty's presence - he looks positively relaxed when they're together and Bitty is so friendly!
However, they are wrong because Jack and Bitty Are A Team, and they Need To Win.
314 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
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marshthat · 4 years
My Jedi master Eeth Koth headcanons!
Eeth Koth has been my comfort charcter for quite a long time, and still is now (and I hope still will be in the future also, bc I cant imagine me existing without my love for Eeth anymore).
So, I've decided to share my most prominent master Koth headcanons that I've accumulated at this point
As promised, I'm posting only general ones, without any specific implied pairings or other relationships!
note: (due not so much info about Eeth in Canon and Legends (unforgivably little actually), maaaaybe I'm projecting some of my own mental stuff on him, but eh, this is unevitable I guess :)
Have fun reading these!
1. Change of the profile
In his youth, Eeth was a Jedi Guardian, a.k.a "Jedi-on-the-front-line", and carried a blue lightsaber. But after the death of his master, followed by him joining the High Council, Eeth calmed down his inner rambo and changed his profile to a Jedi Consular. And so he chose a path of a diplomat, built a green lightsaber (with a hilt very similar to his dead master's one, as a remembrance) and eventually became famous in the Jedi Order exactly for his ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. (that's why no big missions on his part before the Clone Wars era apart from his participation in the Yinchorri incident)
2. The acceptance issue
Eeth pays a lot of attention to his appearance: carefully brushes his hair, makes sure his clothing is perfect, and so on.
Some consider this a simple whim, but in fact this will to have an ideal appearance is a consequence of some issues Koth now has because of his difficult childhood. Due to the fact that Eeth spent his first four years as a ragged orphan in the filthy slums of Nar Shaddaa, he sometimes feels as if he doesn't deserve to be in such a clean and nice place as the Coruscant Jedi Temple. (And the fact that his membership in the Order at first caused a lot of controversy among the Council masters only worsened this fear)
That is why Eeth tries his best to always look as perfect as possible - to be suitable for the beauty of the Temple and to not feel himself a stranger in its walls.
3. Long meditation hours and self-reflecting
He does meditate on his issues quite often, in order to get rid of every irrational fear he has, like the one described in the previous headcanon. Usually he does that in the evening, after all the tasks are completed - he gives himself time to reflect on what happened during the day, what he did and said and how the others reacted. This does help, but still some thorns can be very hard to get out of his hearts. His favourite meditation place is his own quarters in the Temple, where he can have a nice view on the evening/night Coruscant, which is somehow more relaxing to him than the gardens in the Room of Thousand Fountains.
4. A little peek into the apartment
Eeth’s master-quarters in the Temple are decorated with effort and thought. The most significant part are the long heavy thick and soft curtains, that, if closed, take all the light in the room away, leaving the nice pleasant semidarkness atmoshphere. Also Eeth has a lot of various cushions around the whole apartment, along with an enormous supply of aroma candles! 
5. The tragedy of the Padawan
Eeth's first and only Padawan learner was Sharad Hett.
Sharad's will to quit the Order deeply hurt Eeth, even if he didn't say that out loud, as he put a lot of effort and dedication in his promise to be the best master possible for Sharad. Also he lowkey agreed with the accusations of other masters telling him he was responsible for Sharad's departure because Koth failed as a teacher - so he does feel himself guilty of failing both Sharad and the Order.
After the Hett's incident, he actually vowed to himself not to take any more Padawan learners, so as not to let anyone's expectations down again. (And, like master Saesee Tiin, chose to put his efforts into other fields rather then teaching)
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(these panels still hurt me somehow qwq 
Sharad made Eeth cry, for kriffs sake!)
6. But he's still very friendly to kids
Despite the unpleasant exprienece with his own Padawan, he did let go of his initial frustration and now he is quite happy to give younglings and young padawans some general lessons! Also sometimes he takes other masters' students to group trainings or supervises them during the Trials of Knighthood. And young Jedi do love master Koth a lot - because he's soft and very patient, and does allow them some liberties :)
7. The social butterfly
Eeth is a "social butterfly" or a "caretaker" (ESFJ mbti-type)
He is used to being among a large number of people, but even though it seems that he gathers these people around him, in fact this is not true - his natural charm and outgoing personality allow him to easily make new acquaintances, interact with friends and encourage conversations, but he more follows his more assertive companions, adapts his behavior and words to them in order to create the most comfortable atmosphere possible, than directs them himself.
In other words, he offers the fun, but enjoys more the others' reactions to it, than the fun itself!
8. Sweet tooth!
Eeth LOVES sweet things! He generally likes all sorts of sweets, starting with various desserts and finishing with sugary tropic fruits. (Gaining weight? Naaah, the zabraks physiology allows him to consume a lot of food because of the higher metabolism due to the zabraks having two hearts. And also he does a lot of physical exercise in the training halls. So it's not a problem at all!)
9. And he is sweet himself too
This love for sugary things is not only for sweet treats actually, but also for the scents of cosmetics too! (And he does use a lot of that stuff). That is why Eeth usually smells of something nice, either caramel, or vanilla, or fruity etc.
This is often favorited by his colleagues on the Council, who definitely enjoy the pleasant aroma Eeth always brings with him to the Council meetings.
10. Energy drinks!
He got badly used to them during the Clone Wars era, because he really needed an additional energy resource when staying up all night brushing through various diplomatic documents and strategy plans. Caf wasn't much of a help because it just turned out to be not strong enough for the zabrak, so he eventually replaced it with cheap but more effective sweet energy drinks. It doesn't really matter to him which drinks to buy exactly, but the meiloorun-flavoured ones are among his favourites.
11. Form of lightsaber combat
Form III - Soresu!
I actually did a separate essay analyzing why Eeth’s form of combat is definitely Soresu, but if keeping brief: he uses Soresu mixed with some Ataru moves. Ataru was his initial style, advised by his master due to Eeth’s small complexion and natural agility & flexibility, but after changing his Jedi profile to a Consular he also adopted the main Consulars’ style - Soresu (usually called “the diplomat style”, “the most peaceful among the seven'' etc.). Koth’s Soresu moves can clearly be seen in the “Grievous Intrigue” episode in particular. Also Koth’s stance in the "Intrigue" is different from the famous Kenobi's "point-fingers" thingy simply because Eeth's pose is not an opening Soresu stance, but the brace-ready stance, which in Soresu is described as “having much in common with the "Ataru guard," with the hilt held at waist height on the dominant side in a two-handed grip for greater control, extended vertically upwards”
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12. The double-bladed saber
Eeth wields a double-bladed saber almost as well as a regular one.
And in fact, it was Darth Maul who has inspired Eeth to try this kind of a weapon - after the High Council sent him to lead the investigation on the question of a zabrak sith on Naboo in 32 bby, he got genuinely interested in the possible perks of two blades in his Soresu and eventually mastered the double-bladed saber on quite a level. But he still sees this only as an interesting training option, but nothing more. So the double-bladed saber stays in the Temple and is used only in the Training Halls, but never on the battlefield.
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13. An earring (yes, in the singular form)
Eeth has one of his ears pierced (right one), and he actually has several different earrings, mostly simple, like basic metal rings, which he usually picks every morning according to his mood. But to be honest, this earring thing is purely only for himself - because you can’t really see his ears under his usual three-ponytails hairstyle.
Though, he did abandon wearing earrings during the Clone Wars era - because since the war began and the potentially dangerous missions became more frequent, it wasn’t really a right place and time for such things, especially knowing that the Separatists can use some specific traps (like the ones they used to magnetize Jedi lightsabers on Lola-Sayu). The prospect of losing the whole ear due to such a trap is not the most pleasant one indeed.
14. HUGS (and other tactile activities)
Eeth very very VERY much loves hugs!
And for him, tactile contacts are more than just a way to feel comfortable - for him it's a vital part of the whole communication process. This issue dates back to his master, Kosul Ayada, who was a herglic (a race that is actually not very good at speaking Galactic Basic), and therefore helped himself with gestures and body language. And spending a lot of time around master Ayada, Eeth also got used to supporting his verbal dialogue by body language and tactile contact.
That is why while speaking Eeth actively gestures, grabs the other's hands, squeezes shoulders etc. And the hugs are his way to express sympathy and also to feel safe and appreciated!
15. Driving skills
Master Koth can drive, and actually quite well. And by driving I mean not spaceships, but smaller things that stay on land, like speeders.
And because he is a diplomat who often attends various meetings with senators and ambassadors, he also has a personal speeder, allocated to him by the Order for the ease of attending senator events and other diplomatic ocasions.
(But he does use it for other personal purposes too, because why not to, if there is an opportunity)))
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(A panel of Eeth casually driving a speeder like a damn pro is one of my fav Eeth comics crumbs,,,,,,)
16. Singing
Eeth enjoys singing! But he usually keeps this thing to himself, making the quiet manthra-like singing a part of his meditative prep - it helps him to settle down his tangly thoughts a bit and tune his mind and body for the actual meditation.
(the hc was inspired by Hassani Shapi’s singing in one of his films, because Shapi’s voice is really beautiful and I’m sad they didn’t give him even a single line in the Phantom Menace when filming Koth’s Council scene)
17. Space soap operas...? (not so serious, sometimes treated as crack, but sometimes not)
Koth (secretly) likes soap operas on the late-night HoloNet, and often stays up to watch a new episode of something before going to bed. His favourite series is called “Lekkus of love” (my imaginary in-universe show I usually use in my sw writings) and it's about a twi’lek girl’s life, filmed in the style of our “Magnificent Century”, with lots of romantic intrigues and twists.
18. LOTS of feelings
Referencing the previous one - Eeth is very emotional, actually! Yes, he’s a Jedi and he knows how to keep his mind clear, but he’s still sensitive enough to actually cry over sad episodes of "Lekkus…" because “Poor Ai’sha, she worked so hard to get her man’s attention, but he still chose that togruta girl? This is outrageous, this is unfair! :ccc”
Also this can be in fact explained biologically. He's a zabrak, and zabraks are supposed to have a hot, blazing, higly-emotional nature (to match their home planet, Iridonia, wich is also boiling with acid seas and all that - otherwise they won't survive)
19. Podracing as a favourite sport
Eeth enjoys podracing. He first got into it back on Nar Shaddaa, when he heard a lot about racing and stuff from smugglers and bounty hunters (and at that time he even dreamed of becoming a cool podracer - but that was of course before he was taken to the Temple).
Now he doesn't dream of podracing that much, but still can and actually does enjoy watching annual championships via HoloNet. He also tries to keep in touch with the latest news in the podracing world (that interest he shares with the young Anakin Skywalker, and they do sometimes occasionally discuss podracing when they both have free time)
20. Horns
Eeth doesn’t really trust droids with trimming his horns, so he usually does that by himself, in the freshener, and that always takes a while. Also unlike a lot of male iridonian zabraks, who prefer to keep the tips of their horns comparatively sharp as a sign of their brutality and masculinity, Eeth chooses to make the tips humbly rounded and smoothed.
21. A pet? (Also not so serious - but sometimes it IS the most serious hc!)
Eeth has a pet loth-cat! The loth-cat is a she-cat, and she's big, fluffy and always on her own mind. Agen Kolar sometimes points out that the loth-cat is very similar to her owner in a lot of little things, like the way the cat purrs when being hugged and how she is obsessed with being clean and ideal too.
The loth-cat is also a bit jealous of her owner’s attention, so she will every time make herself comfortable on his knees when Eeth is meditating or working with documents to show that this is HER man. (especially when smb comes over to Eeth’s apartment - that's the case when she just NEEDS to state who’s the real boss here).
22. Participation in the first battle of Geonosis
I headcanon that Eeth was not directly on the Petranaki Arena actually during the first battle of Geonosis in the AOTC. Since he's not on-screen in that symbolic circle of survivors but is still stated as a participant, I assume that instead of being a part of the main group, Eeth joined Yoda on his trip to Kamino. Maybe not directly on the planet but still somewhere there, helping to gather clone legions to guide them to Geonosis.
(p.s. I know that Eeth's on-screen absence is because of Shapi being replaced with another actor and the new character turning out not at all alike to TPM Koth, but this little hc actually kinda fixes the hole without ruining anything…?))
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