#but no we've missed the window for an animated movie.. dark and gloomy live action we go
mekatrio · 9 months
i literally hv no prediction or guesses for what direction the loz movie will take bc zelda is such a weird franchise thats all over the place but hmm nintendo would Play It Safe, whatever that would look like. too lazy to research the director or whatever but when i discussed this w my sis she bought up a good point that theyd probably look to continue capitalizing off of botw + totk bc those are the highest selling zelda titles. which i mean i can understand that, but also i think the gameplay was the selling feature of those titles and only a vocal minority of fans care abt these titles plot. and yeah that minority is probs like 30 - 40% but a minority is a minority to a corporation. also the devs said theyre done w this era of zelda (botw/totk incarnations). and also things like the demographic i dont even have a clue on cuz like, yeah nintendo is family-friendly but toon link has died in a ditch and the Zelda That Sells are darker and gloomier titles like oot and tp. its hard for me to imagine a movie from nintendo that would be for ages 10+ rather than 6+. also i dont feel like nintendo respects older fans enough to have the movie be a complete return to form (aka an oot retelling). IDK!
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