#but others are talking about how they'd be left without a date/sitting in the bleachers
chmydarling · 1 year
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blueberrysets · 4 years
Alright so I may or may not ha e just seen your navigation post and diOaksnsks ma'am you now have yourself a top fan soaowisis anyways, may I request headcanons for Yaku, Kenma, Akaashi, and Sugawara with a same year as them s/o who's part of the music club and the younger members look up to said s/o like a big sister? I wonder how they'd react...
From: The one and only BucketofForks
To: You :DD
okay, this request is sO CUTE!! AHH!! thank you for being my first request and I hope you enjoy it! :) 
their musical s/o that acts like a big sibling  to the younger members
suga met you after school when he just so happened to walk by the music room on the way to practice.
his ears picking up such a beautiful sound flowing from the cracked open door that his body just seemed to move by itself over there.
through the small window, he could see that someone was obviously practicing the violin. their eyes closed with a pleasant look on their face.
he was mesmerized, his eyes following along with the way their body would sway along to the music and their foot-tapping to keep the rhythm
he couldn’t help himself to push further into the room and clap after they were finished, a bright red blush spreading across your face as you realized someone was watching you
“that was amazing,” suga exclaims, his bright smile livening up the room
“really?” you ask, “I’ve only had the piece a couple of days, but we have a show coming up soon so I want to get it down.”
“well I think you definitely have it down alright, can you play me another?”
yes, he was late to practice that day, but BOOM romance erupted from there.
the first time the boys met you, it was when you walked into the gym to give suga some notes for one of his classes. of course, you walked right into the fifth kageyama and hinata argument of the day.
of course, all of the other boys are tense and not sure how to stop them from bickering but DUN DUN DUN suga’s s/o to the rescue.
“alright, it seems like you two need to sit down and have someone guide this conversation,” you blurted out, everyone’s head snapping towards the unfamiliar voice.
“hey sugar,” suga voiced as he jogs his way over to you, wrapping his arms around you before placing an obnoxious kiss on your cheek, “don’t worry about them, they do this all the time.”
“is that so? well, it seems like they’re holding everyone else up, I’ll sort them out.”
coach ukai is just like please, I’m begging you.
so kageyama and hinata are dragged over to the bleachers where they are scolded by their upperclassman and lead through a very thoughtful and successful conversation
even made them hug it out, which was great blackmail for tsukishima later on.
the boys knew that if you could calm down kageyama and hinata, then you definitely need to stick around.
and you did, in fact becoming very close with them.
you’re seen at every one of their volleyball games, cheering so loudly for the boys (well, mostly suga.)
you probably yell embarrassing things like “SUGA YOUR BUTT LOOKS GREAT.” “HINATA SWEETIE, PULL UP YOUR PANTS.”
the boys are in the front row for every performance you have, asahi has definitely cried once when you had a solo
you’re one of the few people that can pick on tsukishima, and him not having a comeback for it
you walk around and make sure that the boys are eating properly at lunch
you help yachi with breathing exercises when she gets too overwhelmed
you always make sure that they all get big hugs after the games
you tease nishinoya and tanaka by telling them that someone was going to ask kiyoko out today, just to see their reactions
but most importantly, you give them all emotional support when the boys need it the most.
overall, suga’s s/o would be just as chaotic as him. but loves to give them bear hugs, a good scolding, and sneaks them some snacks throughout the day to make sure they have enough energy.
akaashi met you during one of fukurodani’s talent shows, hosted by the music club!
you signed up to perform, deciding to play your guitar and sing as well.
akaashi couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his heart fluttering with every note that you would sing.
he loves the way you let yourself get lost in the music even though you’re performing in front of hundreds of people right now.
he had to talk to you, and he gathered up the courage to after the show.
“hey,” he stutters slightly as he approaches you, you’re even more stunning up close, “you did amazing up there.”
“oh gosh,” you laugh slightly covering your red cheeks, since you’ve always had a crush on the observant setter of fukurodani, “you’re too kind, but thank you.”
“would you teach me how to um, play the guitar maybe?” he blushes
you couldn’t believe it, THE akaashi keiji is asking YOU to help him learn how to play guitar? you obviously agreed to it, anything to get close to him
the weekly guitar lessons, turned into weekly dates, that turned into finally becoming significant others. 
the first person you meet is bokuto, naturally. he forgot his lunch at home that day and didn’t want to spend money to get something to eat. his hair all frumpy as he goes into emo bokuto.
but lucky for him, you always pack an extra lunch in case one of your friends forget theirs. so you offer it to him, and bokuto looks at you as if you put the stars in the sky. bokuto happily eats your food, complimenting it with every bite. then invites you to come to their practice.
akaashi was nervous to have you come to practice, what if he messes up? what if you think volleyball is lame? what if the boys hate you?
yet when you stepped into the gym, you seemed to fit right in.
you help them set everything up, you get along with yukie and kaori, you compliment bokuto when he seeks your praise, you help toss to konoha, and sneak in little kisses for akaashi
since that day, the team seems to stick to you like glue
they always ask you for help when it comes to studying
you give them little performances during their breaks in practice
you give them head pats and words of encouragement before every game
you even invite them to every single one of your performances, knowing exactly where they in the crowd from bokuto’s prominent voice.
basically, you become the teams' second mom behind akaashi. you support them with motherly love and they support you back by being your number one fan.
you were a mystery to kenma at first
every day after school, kenma would hear the most beautiful voice singing in the stairwell of the school. yet, he could never see who it was since they left before he reached the bottom.
but one day, he was determined. it was like figuring out who the mysterious voice was that was guiding him in a video game, so he left earlier to wait at the bottom of the stairs. lo and behold, here comes you singing to your heart's content as you descend the stairs. 
stopping in the middle of a long note as your eyes land on kenma, sitting on the bottom step looking up at you with a slight smile on his face.
“you have a nice voice,” his soft voice states as your cheeks become redder by the second
“oh, thank you, I don’t really sing in front of others,” you state bashfully
“you should join the music club,” he casually states as he picks up his volleyball bag, “they would accept you right away.” then he walks off, gaming on his phone.
the next week you come racing towards him, a bright smile on your face as you explain to him that you got into the music club. 
“but,” you explain as your smile drops, “I still can’t get over the nervousness of singing in front of others.”
“you can start by singing in front of me, if you’d like,” kenma states, his eyes lowered in shyness, “then maybe once you’re comfortable around me, you can work your way up.”
“oh! like leveling up in a video game,” you exclaim.
kenma swears his heart stops for a second at that statement, his cheeks a bright red.
“yeah, exactly like that.”
so every day, either before or after school (depending on his practices) you would sing in front of kenma. while either walking to school or from, eventually kenma couldn’t hold his feelings in any longer and finally asked you on a date. and then you became love birds.
you met the boys by kenma’s idea actually
“you’re comfortable around me, what about we move up to my team?”
you agreed, reluctantly of course. but here you are, in the gym about to sing to a group of boys. 
but you put your big kid pants on, and you did it. you ended up making lev cry from how beautiful your voice was, you had to console him with hugs and head pats.
the boys were in awe of not only your talent but the way you just casually hugged lev. soon enough, all of the boys wanted hugs. then they became your little clingy cats.
you had Yamamoto hissing at people in the hallway when they looked at you as if kenma did already do that.
you sang the periodic table song per kuroo’s request
you always listened to lev excitedly explain something and explain something to him if he didn’t understand
when it came to your first ever performance on a stage, the boys sat in the front row so you had familiar faces to look at.
it was at that moment that you would’ve never been where you are without kenma.
the boys were curious, why has yaku been showing up to practice at the last minute every day?
he would run in, out of breath, with a sappy look on his face. 
so, they followed him (as sneakily as lev and Yamamoto would let them) and see what he did after school every day.
that's when they found you and him in the music room, you were playing the piano while GASP, YAKU WAS SINGING?
the boys were astonished, not only because he had this talent and he never told them. but because he has the voice of an angel??
his voice is what made you approach him in the first place, you heard him singing loudly with his headphones in his ears while he walked home from school one day. you just so happened to need a voice to test out the new song you just wrote.
so you asked, well more like begged him. but you were too cute to say no to. you would meet every day after school, he even helped you fix some things for the song. eventually, you two would start hanging together at lunch and even after school. leading you two to start dating.
but now here we are, with all of the nekoma men's volleyball team in too much shock to move as they find their libero singing beautifully in front of them.
oh but don’t worry, lev will say something.
“yaku, you sound like an angel!” he exclaims as he steps into the room.
“Actually we’re all here.”
cue yaku running around the music room to hit each and every single one of them for a. stalking him and b. finding out his secret.
which leads to you introducing yourself, and having another shock to the team as yaku actually has a significant other?
“whaattt?? yaku got someone before me?” kuroo whines as he pouts with his arms crossed. leading you to karate chop him on top of the head, because no one disrespects your mans >:(
that small action would make the team realize that they now had two mothers to yell at them.
and oh boy would you.
you had to scold lev if he would say something mean to other teams (without realizing, he's a precious boy he doesn’t mean any harm) 
you drag Yamamoto by the ear when he over girls for too long
you take kenma’s gaming devices so that he eats during lunch
you also scold kuroo every time he hits lev with a ball
but they wouldn’t have it any other way, because they adore you (and you keep yaku calm)
when it finally came to performance time for your song and for yaku’s big singing debut, you wouldn’t want any other team to be in the front row.
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