#but rosho's smile got me crying
there is new event and new dotsuitare hompo cards!! ofc the second i saw it i was opening gatcha, getting my f/o's cards is a basic need
under cut pics and my insanity ig
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he's so cuteeeee aaah 💜💖💘💜💝💕💝💘💖💜💗 and the smile??? do you see this adorable smile???? omfg aljsaljalalaajhs im crying sobbing screaming he's just he's he he's um
i love him
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toshima-division · 2 years
Mei's Thoughts on Second Members
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Jiro Yamada
"This kid is Ichiro's younger brother, right? Kid looks alright. I've heard that he has bad habit of running off at the mouth. That's all well and good, but you need to be able to back up what you say, pal. Actions speak louder than words, after all."
Jyuto Iruma
"From what I hear, this guy's got a lot of enemies. He's a cop, and a dirty one at that. He does a lot of crooked things because he wants to end the sale and production of illegal drugs, apparently. A pretty good goal, I'll admit. Me personally, I've got nothing against the guy. Sometimes in order to get what you want, you often have to do things that others don't approve of. ...But fair warning: he tries anything funny with me, and he'll regret it."
Gentaro Yumeno
"I don't get why people give this guy grief cause of his attire. It's outdated, sure, but if he likes it, who cares? I hear he's an accomplished writer with a gift for gift for gab. It's no wonder people can't tell when he is telling the truth or not. If he ever gets tired of writing, there are plenty of jobs out there that could use something like that."
Hifumi Izanami
"Argh, I can't stand men who think they are the greatest thing to ever step on Earth. They think that all they need is a wink of the eyes, a nice, clean smile and a charming personality will have women falling to their knees. Sorry pal, but that's not me. Plus, I'd like men to have only one personality, not two."
Rosho Tsutsujimori
"...How exactly is this guy a teacher when he doesn't like standing or speaking in front of people? Seems a little backwards, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, I'm not joshing the guy. But maybe he should think about switching to online learning or something. I don't know."
Jyushi Aimono
"Like I said with the glassmaker guy, I don't like men who can't control their emotions. Stop crying about everything! Men aren't supposed to cry! If you can't control your emotions, how is anyone supposed to trust you to take care of them?"
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
hypmic characters & affection hcs
i didn’t write these in order so some are about hugs n stuff and some are more about emotional affection but i hope you like it anyway! it’s all the divisions & chuuoku  `;:゛;`;・(°ε° )
i tried to make them about both platonic and romantic love (bc i love both) but some are more one than the other oh well
Ichiro will full-body hug you at all times. It looks like he’d squeeze you hard, but his hugs are surprisingly gentle, and he would never intentionally hurt you. He’s absolutely the type to pick you up and hold you tight when you haven’t seen each other for a while. If you become really close, even just as friends, he’ll give you kisses on the top of your head.
Jiro gives hugs the most when he’s trying to reassure someone. He’s not the best at giving advice and stuff like that, so he’ll do his best to tell you that he’s got your back by holding you close. He’ll let you cry on his shoulder if you need to, and he refuses to let go until you’re feeling alright.
Saburo will be too shy to initiate contact most of the time but he doesn’t mind it with his friends. When he’s looking for comfort he’ll very gently tug on your sleeve with an anxious look, and he’ll settle down once you’ve brought him into your arms. He forgets all too easily that he loves being held by someone he trusts.
Samatoki will give little bits of physical affection that seem mundane at first, but he gets close enough that you can tell it’s his way of showing that he cares. The most common will be his hand on your arm or shoulder as he asks how your day’s been, maybe working up to a hug. From that, and the sweet smile on his face as he does it, it becomes clear that he’s more than genuine.
Jyuto doesn’t think there’s a huge barrier between what levels of affection you should show whether it’s a platonic or romantic relationship, only because he thinks both are equally important. And he’ll respect your boundaries because he has his own. When you’re excited about something he’ll ruffle your hair to show support, and in return he loves gentle strokes to his hair (the bunny loves being pet, what can I say?).
Riou loves having one arm over your shoulder as you’re lying down, admiring the sky. Whether you’re looking at clouds floating by or the twinkling stars, Riou could lose hours staring at them with you by his side. His hugs are so warm that it’s easy to get sleepy in his arms. Seeing you feel safe around him is all that Riou could ask for.
Ramuda is the clingiest hugger ever, in the best way possible. It’s kind of scary how easy it is for him to tell when something’s amiss, and he’ll be attached to you until whatever was bothering you has gone away. It feels more intimate for him to hold someone’s hand than much else, so he’ll save it for super special occasions.
Gentaro is fonder of casual affection than anything else. Whenever the two of you are hanging out he won’t mind if you lean on his shoulder as he reads, and vice versa. It’s like a little reminder that you’ve got his back when he needs it. Likes the occasional pat on the shoulder (and on the head too but he’d never say it).
Dice needs physical affection a lot more than he lets on, but it’s not as if he tries to hide it. When you’re hanging around with him and he’s in the mood for a cuddle he’ll whine and sigh dramatically until you get the hint. It turns into a habit, Dice asking for a hug without him actually saying it. And it’s only because he’s too embarrassed to admit it. One thing he can rely on is that your arms will always be open to welcome him, whatever state he’s in.
Jakurai has the softest hugs in the world. It starts with him placing his hand on your back to ask for permission, and when he gets it he puts his other hand on the back of your head, bringing you to his body with as much caution as if you were made of glass. But there is a strange strength to his embrace. It feels like if anyone tried to pry his arms open they wouldn’t budge at all.
Hifumi will, of course, act differently depending on which side of him you’re interacting with. But if you’re close with him he’ll be happy to cuddle you no matter which Hifumi it is, because after all, they are the same person. If you’re alright with it, he likes flirting with you platonically (you get me?) to make you smile. But he can’t take it. Being told compliments as you hug him make him weak.
Doppo loves bedtime snuggles. Just being able to forget about the world outside of the bed is one of his favourite feelings, especially with the warmth of a loved one. Even just knowing someone cares about his well-being enough to want to be there with him as he falls asleep is enough to warm his heart. Waking up next to them and being free to drift in and out of sleep in the warmth is something he’ll secretly cherish forever.
Kuko (canonically I think) isn’t fond of being around too many people, so his affections come out when you’re hanging out alone, and even then it’ll take a while for his sappy side to come out. Standing shoulder to shoulder enough affection for him at the start, but over time he finds himself realising how much he just wants to snooze and cuddle next to you.
Jyushi needs hugs so much. When he’s nervous, before a live show, after practice, you name it and Jyushi wants a hug. Most hugs will be you hugging him as he’s hugging Amanda. Letting you get so close to Amanda is a whole honour in itself! If he’s not up for a hug and needs his space, before you can get to him he’ll bonk you on the nose with Amanda’s squishy snout.
Hitoya will only let you be affectionate in private. Out in the world he’s more stoic than soft, but in the comfort of his or your home he’s game for anything. He loves kicking back with you, making some food and drinks and chatting about whatever. That alone is intimate for him, but your embrace would make him even happier with your relationship.
Sasara will opt for fleeting touches, like a quick hand squeeze or a hug that’s over before you know it. He’ll make you just want to wrap him up in your arms and not let him skip away with that annoyingly cute grin of his. If you do he’ll say that it’s too much for him (jokingly of course), but the reality is that he gets embarrassed. If you tease him about it then there’s no telling what might happen.
Rosho makes sure the affection is equal between you. You hug him, he hugs back, you compliment him, and he compliments you back. Even if he blushes the whole time. His favourite way of showing affection is definitely through words. Hearing that his jokes amuse you make him blush up to his ears, and he’d have no idea how much he loves being complimented on his appearance.
Rei isn’t a hugely sentimental guy, so it’d take some convincing that you’re trying to be affectionate towards him. There’d be a lot of trial and error, finding out what works for the two of you. Saying “You did good today.” or “It’s nice to see you here!” will be the tipping point. Actually getting to admit that he likes your company is the hard part.
Otome is cautious of opening up to someone, but with enough mutual love and trust it’ll come through. There’s a mine of affection sitting inside her, with glimpses coming through every now and then. Stroking her hand while she’s talking about something she’s invested in shows her you care, while also letting her have her space.
Ichijuku takes a while to warm up to a lot of physical affection, but she wants to! She appreciates how much you’d pay attention to when she gets a little antsy and needs some alone time. The pay-off would be worth it though as she’d start to surprise you with greeting hugs, and maybe even a light-hearted kiss on the cheek to show how thankful she is to have you in her life.
Nemu loves little hugs and squeezes throughout the day, making sure to get one in before and after work. Knowing she has someone warm to hug when she gets home makes all the hard work worth it. She also loves binge watching her favourite shows with yummy snacks to last you all night, and the two of you huddled under a warm blanket.
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lentejulie · 3 years
A kind teacher a day keeps the bad grades away
Since last week he got a tutor now Rosho who was willingly to help him, and he was so thankful for him. Rosho was a kind teacher and would go on his tempo and was very understanding. He denied being wanted to be paid by saying “I am doing this so you can prove you’re strong so don’t worry about it”.
 This week they would meet up for the weekly progress report since they often had their sessions online. Jiro was waiting nervously in the living room for Rosho since he had notified him a few minutes ago they were almost there. Saburo had gone out for the day to meet up with his friends and Ichiro was going out with Kuko, Sasara and Samatoki.
(more below the cut)
Somewhere deep down he was happy for that because it was just him and Rosho. A knock was now heard on the front door “Oi Ichiro we are here now” Samatoki loudly spoke through the door. “hold your horses Toki” Ichiro yelled from the other side of the room. “Jiro can you open up the door?” his brother asked him, and he nodded “sure thing… also since when is Samatoki ‘Toki’?” he asked while he walked to the door.
 “its just to piss him off” Ichiro laughed while he was still packing up some stuff to take along on the trip. He had opened the door at this point and the 4 men walked right in “Hello Jiro” and a “Hi bro 2” were heard as he let them pass him. Rosho stayed with him while the other 3 walked to Ichiro to annoy him probably.
 “Hello Sensei” Jiro started off looking at him “Jiro-kun please just call me Rosho” he told Jiro once again like he usually would. “alright Rosho then… where would you like to set-up?” he asked the other as the 4 others were about to leave by the looks of it.
 He smiled now “lets set-up at the dinner table shall we” he motions towards the table “oh sure while you set-up everything would you like anything to drink?” he asked as they walked towards the table. In the meanwhile Ichiro yelled “goodbye make sure to eat dinner! Rosho make sure he won’t burn the house down” before the click was heard.
 “I would like tea Jiro-kun” Rosho responded after a little pause and Jiro walked towards the kitchen to boil the water and grab the tea bags. After a while he left the kitchen with in one hand the boiled water and in the other the tea bags. “here you go Rosho I am going to grab a glass of soda” he set it all down before disappearing again.
 While Rosho had picked out the tea flavour Jiro had already returned with his glass. He saw the whole set-up a few books and a laptop already booted up. “so Jiro-kun let us start shall we” he started off opening his document on the laptop “please take a seat” he told him quickly after.
Jiro chose to sit next to Jiro so he could see what Rosho was doing, and he took his first sip “so we are going to start with Japanese specifically kanji reading” he started off looking at his notes. Rosho started laying down what he had noticed and how he could possibly help but still he had a lot of catching up to do. The teacher was nice about it and kept telling him that some just have trouble learning but still Jiro felt terrible.
 Why was everything so difficult? There is too much text to concentrate, and he just couldn’t keep his attention in his lessons. “Jiro-kun? Jiro?” Had stopped talking now and looked the boy sitting next to him. Jiro was too deep in thoughts to notice Rosho had noticed he wasn’t paying attention anymore. “Jiro?” he called out once more before he just simply closed the book he had opened.
 Rosho took a deep sigh “Jiro my boy” he started now placing a hand on his back “should we take a small break?” he finished looking at him. He could see small tears in the corner of his eyes, but Jiro only nodded. Rosho could notice whatever they were doing it had cut down in Jiro in a negative way. “Jiro say can I tell you something?” he asked now pulling Jiro into his side and felt a nod. “learning is different for everyone but there is a difference in not understanding but doing nothing about it and not understanding but trying to understand it” he paused.
 “Jiro my boy you are trying your hardest and that is most of importance” he finished and now he heard a sniffle. He smiled slightly when he saw Jiro cry and then suddenly Jiro had hugged him. Rosho froze not sure what to do but after a few seconds he put his hands on his back. “it is going to be fine Jiro okay. We are going to work on it, and you can always call me if you need it” he reassured the teen.
 He had to remind himself Jiro was still young, and he just needed some reassurance from someone while he let Jiro cry more in his shoulder. They stayed in silence a little longer while Rosho stroke his back now and hushing him. When the crying stopped Jiro looked up in embarrassment and pulled himself off Rosho’s lap.
 “I am sorry” he let out while he went and sat down again next to him and Rosho let out another sigh “it is fine Jiro we all need some comforts so please don’t say sorry” he told him while he sipped his tea. “come here we can continue later everyone will be out until tomorrow right?” Jiro nodded at that.
 Rosho closed his laptop and stood up “lets do something fun now take your mind off it” he offered looking around he didn’t know what, but they could find something. “let’s” Jiro responded back while he stood up to lead Rosho to the tv to watch his favourite show to distract himself for now.
part 1 | part 2
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hypmic-fic-time · 4 years
Hypmic babies pt 3, Emergency!
This collection of mini fics includes, personal ships, mpreg and mentions of birth,  Part 1 Part 2
Sasara hummed as he cleaned up around the apartment, drying dishes and wiping off the counter when he heard the phone ring.
"Hello, is this the Sasara Nurude?" A female voice asked.
"It very much is! What can I do for you?" Sasara asked.
"Well, this is about Rosho Tsutsujimori, your husband, he went into early labor not too long ago and-...Nurude-san? Hello?"
Sasara had dropped the receiver and was running around the apartment grabbing the packed hospital bag and his coat and then picking up the receiver again, "Where is he?! Where can I find him?!"
"He's in the infirmary at the school but we called for an ambulance to come-"
"Thank you! That's all I need to know!" Sasara hung up the phone and rushed down to his car, driving off to the hospital and running inside.
"Is there a Rosho Tsutsujimori here?!" he asked the receptionist, panting hard.
"Y-yes he's in room 435, he's about to be taken to the delivery ward" the receptionist stuttered.
"Thank you!" Sasara said before rushing off to the room.
Sasara got to the room and ran inside seeing Rosho being moved into a wheelchair and looking up to see him.
"Rosho! It's ok, I have everything with me, its ok!" Sasara said as he followed the nurses and doctor.
The doctor tapped Sasara's shoulder, "Um...sir who are-"
"He's my husband, let him come with me!" Rosho snapped at the doctor angrily.
"Y-yes sir…"
Rosho was quickly rushed to the delivery room with Sasara holding his hand the whole time. 
"Off with your glasses, Rosho…" Sasara said as he took off his husband's glasses, "It'll be ok, you're gonna do great!" 
"I wish you told me that back when you put these damn things in me!" Rosho growled. 
Sasara laughed nervously, "It'll be ok, just breathe".
Several hours passed until both babies were born, one boy and one girl.
Sasara smiled as he held his newborn daughter while Rosho held his son, "They're so cute~, they both look just like you Rosho!"
Rosho smiled, "Really? I think they look more like you…" he yawned, "They need names...Sasara I want you to name them ok?"
"Of course I can! Here give me our son, you need your rest" 
"Thanks honey…" Rosho laid back as Sasara took the boy and quickly fell asleep.
As he did, Sasara looked at his new twins "I'll name you, my little girl Nozomi and I'll name you, my little boy, Naozumi" he laughed and kissed their heads, "And I'll love you both to the moon and back".
Dice groaned as he sat up in bed, he gasped in pain and shook Gentaro.
"Yes Dice….?" Gentaro groaned. 
"I think the baby is coming!" Dice shouted.
"Oh...OH! OH SHIT!" Gentaro jumped out of bed and picked up a bag of stuff, running over to Dice and helping him get out of bed, "It'll be ok Dice, we'll get you to the hospital, no problem…" Gentaro said as he walked Dice into the living room and helping him sit on the couch. 
Gentaro grabbed the phone and dialed the hospital, asking for an ambulance to come to the apartment, once he confirmed he sat with Dice on the couch. 
"Dammit…! This fucking hurts!" Dice groaned as Gentaro sat with him, "God...why did I let you do this to me?!" 
"It'll be ok...you'll have our baby and you'll be ok…" Gentaro said as he ran a hand through Dice's hair.
Time passed and the ambulance arrived and took Dice and Gentaro to the hospital and got Dice ready for delivery.
"Ok, we're ready to go, hopefully this should be done soon, it'll be ok" the doctor said. 
Hours passed, night became day and Dice delivered a healthy baby girl as the doctor said.
"She's so little…" Dice said as he held her, kissing her head softly. 
Gentaro chuckled, "Babies tend to be little, Dice"
"Oh shut up…"
"She needs a name you know, you want to do it?" Gentaro asked.
Dice nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I already have the perfect name for her".
"What is it then?"
Dice looked out the window and then at his baby, "Sora, I want to name her Sora".
Gentaro smiled and kissed him, "It's not bad, I like it".
"Ichiro…!" Kuko groaned, gripping his husband's sleeve until his knuckles were white. 
"Kuko?" Ichiro looked at him and gasped "What's wrong?! Are you sick or-"
"The baby is coming you idiot!"
"Oh God! Shit come on!" Ichiro picked up Kuko and rushed to the front door, quickly calling an ambulance.
The ambulance came and soon arrived at the hospital, a doctor took Kuko to the delivery room but made Ichiro stay outside to wait.
Ichiro began pacing outside in the waiting room and soon began walking through the hallways, passing by the maternity ward, seeing all the newborn babies.
"I wonder how long it'll be…" Ichiro mumbled to himself, "Kuko...I really want to be with you...I'm sorry…" he said before walking the halls again until he ended up back at the waiting room, sitting on a bench and falling asleep.
A few hours passed when Ichiro was shaken awake by a nurse who told him he could see Kuko.
"Right!" Ichiro exclaimed as he shot up and ran into the room, seeing Kuko.
Kuko looked at him with tired eyes and smiled "Hey Ichi…"
Ichiro rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry, they made me stay out, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, there's something more important than me anyway" Kuko laughed.
"What's-...oh! oh right!" Ichiro looked down at Kuko's arms and saw a newborn baby, fast asleep.
"Meet your son" 
Ichiro's eyes filled with tears as he looked at his son, "Hi...Kuko, can I hold him?" he asked
Kuko laughed again, "Of course, he's your son" he passed the baby to Ichiro.
"Oh my God...Kuko he's adorable…! I love him so much!" Ichiro sobbed, cuddling his son close.
"I wanna name him Tatsuo, what do you think?" Kuko asked.
Ichiro leaned down and kissed Kuko's cheek, "It's amazing, it fits him perfectly".
"HIFUMI!" Doppo screamed from the bedroom, Hifumi rushed in to see his husband on his knees with a puddle of water underneath him, he rushed over and tried to help him up, "Doppo-chin what-"
"The baby...they're coming...call Sensei please…" Doppo managed to say, clinging to Hifumi's shirt desperately, tears running down his face.
Hifumi helped Doppo up and helped him sit on the bed and pulled out his phone, dialing Jakurai.
"Ah, Hifumi-kun what can I-"
"No time Sensei! The baby is coming! What do we do?!"
"Ah! Stay there, I'll come get you both, time the contractions, I'll be there quickly!"
Hifumi hung up the phone and hugged Doppo, "It'll be ok Doppo, you can do this, we have everything ready to go, ok, I won't leave you side, I promise, I love you"
Doppo looked at him and nodded, not letting go, still gripping his shirt tightly. 
A few minutes passed and Jakurai showed up, they got Doppo and everything they needed into an ambulance and drove off. 
"Hifumi...it hurts...it hurts really bad…I can't do this...I can't, it hurts…" Doppo sobbed as Hifumi held his hand and kissed it.
"Of course you can Doppo, you're going to do great, you'll deliver our baby and they'll be healthy and happy ok?"
Doppo sniffled and nodded as they arrived at the hospital.
Jakurai got Doppo inside and in a gown, he was on the delivery table with Hifumi holding his hand tightly. 
"Ok, we're ready, Doppo-kun, breathe like we practiced, Hifumi-kun, help him if he asks for anything and support him" Jakurai said as he put on gloves and a mask.
Both Doppo and Hifumi nodded.
Hours passed and the sunny afternoon quickly turned into a rainy evening when Jakurai stood up, holding a baby who was crying loudly.
"Congratulations you two, you have a healthy baby boy!" Jakurai said excitedly.
Doppo sighed in relief as he leaned back and Hifumi wiped away his sweat and kissed his head "You did fantastic Doppo! Good job!" 
"Thank you Hifumi...Sensei...you said a boy…?" Doppo asked as Jakurai walked over with the baby, now cleaned off, "That's right, he's nice and healthy, you should start feeding him" 
Hifumi helped Doppo slip off the top of his gown as Jakurai handed him the baby, he smiled as Doppo took him and watched him latch, "He's so beautiful...he has your hair Doppo…"
Doppo yawned but smiled, "He's really eating, I hope I'm doing this right…"
"You're doing perfect, Doppo-kun, you're free to rest while he eats." Jakurai said.
"Thanks Sensei...Hifumi...I know what I want to name him"
"What is it?"
"Ishi...I...I thought it would be nice"
Hifumi kissed Doppo's cheek, "Its absolutely perfect, Ishi Kannonzaka is the perfect name for him".
Ramuda hummed as he braided Jakurai's hair, Jakurai laid in a hospital bed in a gown while he read a maternity book. 
"And...done!" Ramuda said as he tied a ribbon at the end of Jakurai's hair, "Another perfect braid!" 
Jakurai looked at it and smiled, "You've been practicing your braids a lot since I got pregnant"
"Of course I have! The doctor said it would be best for when you have Ame in a few days and I want you to be comfortable when you do" Ramuda said then sighed, "I wish Ame was going to be born sooner…"
"I'm sure these last couple of days will-AH!" Jakurai groaned and held his stomach, dropping the book he was holding.
Ramuda stood up and rushed next to his husband,  "Jakurai?! What's wrong?!"
"She's...she's coming and quick...get the doctor…" Jakurai groaned. 
Ramuda nodded and ran into the hallway and managed to grab the doctor, rushing him to Jakurai. 
The doctor called for nurses and took Jakurai to the delivery room but they had forced Ramuda to stay outside. 
"But-! Oh...b-be strong Jakurai! You can do it!" Ramuda said as the door shut, he walked over to the bench that was there and sat down. 
He pulled out his phone and without any ideas just began texting his friends that the baby was coming and that he was outside of the room but quickly received replies of excitement, comfort and support, almost nice enough to distract him from the fact he was crying hard.
"Flowers…" he stood up from the bench and wiped his eyes, "I'll go get them flowers" 
A few hours passed and Ramuda was rushing back to the delivery room, flowers in hand and he had arrived just in time as the doctor was calling for him right when he returned. 
Ramuda walked into the room where he saw Jakurai leaning back on the bed and in his arms was a little bundle of pink. 
"Ah, Ramuda, there you are darling" Jakurai said as he saw his husband, "I'm sorry they forced you out, I really did want to hold your hand…" 
Ramuda nodded and set down the flowers "Its ok...can I-"
"Oh yes…! Here she is" Jakurai handed the bundle to him, a nurse helping Ramuda hold it properly.
"H-hello…" Ramuda said quietly to the baby in his arms, tears flowing down his face again, "Oh Ame...you're perfect, my little girl…"
"She's amazing isn't she? She looks just like you too" Jakurai said. 
Ramuda smiled and nodded, kissing Ame's head and then Jakurai's, "I love you, I love you both so much, I'll take amazing care of you both, that's a promise". 
"Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to go group camping two weeks before Jyuto's due date, in the middle of the forest again?!" Samatoki growled at Rio.
"I'm sorry...I didn't know the baby would want to be born now…" Rio responded quietly. 
"Babies can come earlier than the due date, stupid! Come on we need to do something! Jyuto is having serious contractions!" 
Rio nodded and picked up Jyuto, "There's a hospital close by, if I run there we can make it in time, you stay behind and watch the camp!" Rio immediately took off out of the forest.
Rio rushed through the forest with Jyuto in arms and bursting through the hospital doors and getting Jyuto to the delivery room. 
"Everything will be ok sir, you'll be ready to deliver soon" the doctor assured Jyuto.
"Thank you...ugh...Rio what the hell?" Jyuto groaned.
"I'm sorry, I should've researched pregnancy better, I'll be better, I promise" Rio kissed Jyuto's forehead as the doctor said he was ready to deliver.
Hours quickly passed and it was soon four am, when the doctor handed Jyuto a healthy baby boy.
Jyuto took the baby while panting and smiled, "He's cute...he's really cute…"
Rio nodded and kissed Jyuto's head, "You did a good job Jyuto, I'm sorry I couldn't do much".
Jyuto smiled, "It's ok, here, hold him, he's your son too"
"A-are you sure…? I don't want to mess up…" Rio said, nervously. 
"It's not hard, promise"
Rio gently took his son in his arms, smiling softly at him and then kissing his head.
"Jyuto I...I want to name him, I have something in mind for him".
"What is it?" Jyuto asked.
"Koumori, Koumori Busujima".
"I like it…" Jyuto smiled and yawned, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to pass out…"
"Alright, we'll be here, I love you".
Jiro smiled as he watched Jyushi perform from backstage.
"Thanks for inviting us out here and letting us sit backstage, Jiro" Ichiro said.
Saburo nodded "Yeah, though shouldn't you be in the hospital? You're really close to your due date right?" 
"Nah, I'll be alright, the show will be over soon anyway" Jiro stood up but then immediately fell down to his knees.
Both Ichiro and Saburo gasped, Ichiro running over and helping him up, "Jiro! Are you ok?!" He asked, panicked. 
"I...I think the baby's coming…" Jiro groaned.
Ichiro sat him back down on the couch and rubbed his back, "Saburo! Tell security and Jyushi!"
Saburo nodded, "Right!" He ran out of the room and alarmed the security guards who called an ambulance.
He then rushed towards the stage.
"Alright! How was that song?!" Jyushi yelled into his mic.
The crowd cheered loudly. 
Jyushi smiled, "Then, next up is-" he was cut off by his mic being ripped out of his hands by Saburo making the crowd gasp.
Jyushi was surprised "Saburo?! What's wro-"
"JIRO IS IN LABOR!" Saburo yelled into the mic.
The entire room went silent and Jyushi stared at Saburo.
"He is…?" 
"Yes! Come on, the ambulance is on its way!" 
Jyushi gently took the mic back from Saburo and looked at the crowd, "So...um...the show is canceled for the rest of the night...I'll be sure to make sure you're all refunded" he dropped the mic and immediately ran offstage with Saburo.
"Oh god it's all my fault! I knew he was close to his due date but I invited him out anyway!" Jyushi cried as he ran with Saburo. 
"Don't worry about that! Worry about my stupid brother and your baby!" Saburo yelled back.
They ran outside to the back seeing Jiro getting loaded up into the ambulance, Ichiro holding his hand. 
"Jiro! It's alright I'm here!" Jyushi said as he ran to Jiro's side and grabbed his free hand. 
Jiro smiled weakly, "Hey Jyushi...what about the show…?"
Jyushi shook his head, "It doesn't matter! Let's just get to the hospital and make sure you have our baby safely!" He exclaimed, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Ichiro and Saburo were lead to a limousine and got inside, following the ambulance.
Saburo glanced at Ichiro "Please tell me you weren't that much of a crybaby when Tatsuo was born" 
"Sorry to disappoint Saburo but you know I was".
"Don't worry about a thing" the doctor said as got ready, "Your baby will be delivered safely"
"Are you sure you're ok Jiro?" Jyushi asked as he held his hand
Jiro nodded, "I'll be fine"
"Alright, we're ready to go" the doctor said. 
Hours passed until it was sunrise and Jiro delivered a healthy baby girl. 
"She's so tiny and cute" Jyushi said. 
Jiro smiled "She's eating good, so she'll be big and strong" 
Jyushi kissed Jiro's cheek and hugged him tight "I can't wait to raise her with you, I love you both so much".
"I love you both too, you and...hmm what should we name her?" Jiro asked. 
"Saaya, if that's alright with you…" 
"I like it, Saaya it is".
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divisionscenarios · 4 years
Fem reader x rosho NSFW in classroom pls 👀
gonna answer everything in the order i received them and this the first request i got :3c tbh i think i got a bit carried away so this turned out longer than expected. lmao 
also, i wasn’t sure if you wanted a scenario or not but i hope i did your request justice, anon! ;w; enjoy! (scenario under read more to avoid a wall of text, although i apologize in advance to anyone reading this on mobile.. i’m still trying to find a way to make the read more link show up there u_u)
“Rosho? It’s me.” you announced as you knocked on the door of your boyfriend’s classroom. Your voice made Rosho look up from the papers he was filing as you entered the room. He adjusted his glasses and called out your name with a soft smile. “What are you doing here?” he questioned while you walked towards him, closing the door behind you, noticing the evident fatigue in his face from an afternoon of grading papers.
“I got your message about coming home late but I couldn’t wait to see you. Sorry if I interrupted anything.” you responded, making your way to stand next to his desk. Rosho settled the papers down on the table and stood up to walk in front of you, gently taking hold of your hand. “Thank you but actually, I was just about to wrap up.” he said before bowing his head to place a kiss onto the top of your head. “If anything, I feel bad that you went all the way here as I was about to finish.” Rosho ran a hand over the back of his neck, looking at you apologetically. 
“Oh.” you pouted but you could feel your heartbeat getting faster as you decided to tell him the real reason why you went here. “To be honest, there’s another reason I came by instead of waiting at home,” you pulled back to look up at him. Rosho raised a brow, “And what could that be?” Your free hand fumbled with the hem of your shirt, looking down as you muttered, “Uh…so, you know about that time we talked about how it would be like if we had sex in your classroom?”
Rosho eyes widened, “N-Now?! What if someone’s still here and they hear us or walk in on us?!” he stammered, nearly choking on his words. You couldn’t help but giggle when you noticed his cheeks beginning to redden. “Trust me; I didn’t see anyone on the way up here! But even then, we can just try to keep quiet!” you replied. By this time, his blush had already crept up to his ears at the thought of going through with the idea. Rosho ran a hand through his hair and sighed, making you suddenly regret bringing it up. Embarrassment started to well up inside you and you added, “Actually, it’s okay. Forget I said-”
“Alright, let’s do it. Just…let me lock the door first to make sure,” he said, avoiding your gaze to try to hide how red he was getting. His answer made your heart feel like doing leaps with his agreement to indulge in your joint fantasy. As Rosho padded towards the door to lock it, you hugged him from the back and said, “Thank you, Rosho.” He could practically hear how loud his heart pounding from the idea of you two fucking in his classroom and from the way he could feel your breasts pushed up against him. He cleared his throat and turned to face you while pushing up his glasses from slipping down his nose bridge. “Let’s do this on the desk so we have something stable,” he said as he took your hand, leading you to his desk. “Let me just put away my papers first, alright?”
As he finished setting the papers into a drawer, you went behind him and rubbed the outline of his cock through his pants. “Someone’s getting excited, aren’t we?” you commented with a smirk. Rosho breathed out your name in a moan, placing his hands flat on the desk for something to maintain his balance. He placed his hand on top of yours causing you to halt your actions as Rosho turned around to look at you with a desperate expression. “Get on the desk… I’m sorry but I don’t think I can hold it in any longer,” he said. You hurriedly moved to sit on top of the table near the edge as you watched Rosho remove his glasses, setting them safely aside. Rosho placed an arm on the surface of the table and the other over and under your thigh, guiding it to wrap loosely around his hips. He kissed you fervently, which in response, made you moan. Rosho deepened the kiss, aiming to fulfill his desire for more. His tongue swiped over your bottom lip and you obliged his request while pulling him closer to you. He broke the kiss for air and breathily said “Is this why you wore a skirt today?” proceeding to trail feather light kisses down your neck, only stopping to suck on the flesh there and soothe the reddening area with his tongue. You didn’t see a need to respond as he pulled your shirt up to reveal your bra, the feeling of the cool breeze hitting your sensitive skin causing you to gasp. Not wasting time, he slightly pulled down at the aforementioned clothing low enough to expose your nipples to him.
You lightly tugged on his sleeve and pleaded, “Rosho, please…” He kissed your breast before taking a nipple into his mouth to tease it, making you emit a strangled moan from the sudden contact. Rosho straightened himself upright and unbuttoned his pants, pushing his zipper down to loosen the garment to free his aching cock. His actions made you shift your position to pull on your panties down your legs to get ready. Rosho’s leg nudged the side of your knee to motion you to part your legs to spread wider for him. “Good girl.” he smirked while the soft touch of his fingers trailed from the top of your thigh to your slit before reaching your clit, rubbing it in small circles. You whined out his name and subconsciously bucked your hips forward. His fingers drifted down to your entrance and started to push in, fingering you with a steady pace. After a while you started feeling yourself getting wetter so you gazed up at Rosho to tell him, “I can’t wait anymore, baby. I need you inside me, please.” He nodded and gave a quick sound of acknowledgement. He removed his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, sucking them to savor your taste.
His hand moved to his cock to line it up against your slit, rubbing the head against your clit then down to your dripping entrance as you both let out a shaky moan, eyes fluttering shut from the sensation. You wrapped your arms again around Rosho to pull him into a kiss in an attempt to muffle your sounds and wrapped your legs around his waist, ushering him to fully insert himself into you and start moving. As he did so, Rosho snaked his free arm around your waist to pull your body flush against his. The friction of his clothed torso against your nipples making you groan, the contrast causing the heat coiled in your stomach to ignite. Rosho started with a moderate pace, but he could feel his composure lose him as your walls gripped him tighter. He moaned against your mouth as he felt the heel of your foot lightly pushing his hips, a silent request for him to go faster and deeper. You felt the head of his cock pushed deeper into you and hit a spot that made you cry out against his mouth and clench your inner walls. The feeling getting too much to bear, Rosho broke the kiss and let out heavy breaths against your ear. In response to the loss of contact, you clung tighter to him, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“I’m close…” Rosho breathed out. “I am too.” you responded against his skin. His pace continued to pick up as he was beginning to feel the both of you near your limits. Rosho removed the hand around your waist and brought it to your clit to try and help you reach your climax before him and his actions were all it took for your body to lose control and come to your orgasm. You bit back your moan and brought your hand to your mouth to stifle the sound of you calling his name as you rode out your high. Rosho felt your walls squeeze around him, and sensed the last bit of his composure shatter. "I’m sorry! I’m gonna…!“ He suddenly pulled out his cock from inside you, his emission spilling on your inner thighs and onto the surface of the desk between your legs, followed by a string of expletives leaving his mouth. 
As you two both came down from your climaxes, you cupped Rosho’s face and gave a quick peck to the corner of his mouth. “That was good.” you remarked. “I’m sorry..! I got it all over your thighs.. This is so embarrassing… ” he stammered, bringing his hand up to cover his face from the growing humiliation. You let out a laugh and said, “It’s alright, Rosho… really, I don’t mind. Anyways, I can help you clean up.”
“I don’t know if i’ll ever look at my desk the same way again.” Rosho sighed to himself as he opened his desk’s drawer to get some tissues. You felt a bit apologetic but reassured him, “Just give it some time then I’m sure you won’t think about it.” You paused and thought aloud, “Although, I can imagine that over the next few days, this will make you even more nervous to face your class and probably make you clam up more than usual…” He froze and stopped you. “…I’d rather not think about that now. Let’s just get cleaned up and look presentable so we can go home.” Rosho said, tucking his softening member back into his pants as he added, “I can always go for a round two.” Then instant regret painted his face, “I-If you don’t mind, of course..” trying to play off the suggestion, cursing himself in his mind for being presumptive. You grinned and replied back, “Of course not! Now, let’s hurry. I want to take you up on that offer.”
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hypmic-fic-time · 4 years
Hypmic babies pt 1, Announcement
Hello there, this is a series of mini fics including my ships, however, it does include mpreg, this fic is also going to be updated later in order to add another ship
🧡🧡 Sasaro 
"Rosho my teacher darling! I'm home from work!" Sasara said as he came into his apartment. 
"A-ah welcome home Sasara…" Rosho greeted him nervously.
Rosho looked down at the floor before sighing "Sasara I...I need to tell you something important...have a seat…"
Sasara tilted his head but then smiled and nodded "What ever could it be my dear?" He asked as he sat down. 
"Um...what has four limbs...is really cute and is...something we've been trying for since we've got married…?" Rosho asked.
"Ah! A riddle I see!" Sasara laughed "Hmmm...four limbs...super cute...something we've been trying for...ah!" He stood up and walked over to Rosho, wrapping his arms around his waist "are you pregnant my love?" 
Rosho's eyes filled with tears and he nodded "another thing...what comes in pairs sometimes?"
Sasara wiped away his husband's tears as he hummed "you already told me you're gonna have a baby so what could-" he stopped, shocked by what he realized "twins…? You're gonna have twins?!" 
"Y-Yes…" Rosho told him nervously.
The comedian pulled away for a second only to hug Rosho tighter a second later "I'm so happy! Twins right off the bat! You did so well my darling!" 
Rosho smiled and hugged him back, tears flowing again "I love you Sasara…"
Sasara pulled away and smiled, "I love you too Rosho" he said before kissing his husband, he then dipped down and put his nose against Rosho's stomach "and I love you both! My pear of babies~"
"Oh my God that was so dumb…" Rosho said to himself, stifling a laugh.
"Dice, you dropped this" Gentaro said as he picked up the thing that just fell out of his husband's pockets, he then looked at the packaging "stop-smoking gum…? Dice?"
Dice looked down at the ground, his hands in his pockets, he shuffled his feet, not saying anything. 
Gentaro walked over to his husband and tried to look at him "You want to tell me what this is about?" He asked.
Without a word, Dice grabbed Gentaro's other hand and placed it on his stomach "it's because of them" 
"Them…? What are you talking-" 
The novelist went silent, tears started flowing down his face making Dice gasp "H-hey! Gentaro what's wrong?!" 
"This isn't a lie right?" Gentaro asked quietly. 
"What? Why would I lie about such things? I'm not you Gentaro" Dice began laughing only to be kissed by his husband before being hugged tightly.
“A baby...you’re gonna have my baby…” Gentaro whispered, “Thank you, I love you so much, Dice.” 
Dice smiled and hugged Gentaro back, burying his face in his neck "I love you too"
"You do know this means no more gambling right?"
Ichiro paced outside of the bathroom, waiting for Kuko to come out, he had been in there for a while when the door suddenly opened to reveal Kuko, holding something tightly in his one hand. 
"Kuko? What's wrong? Are you sick?" Ichiro asked, his hands on Kuko's shoulders, gripping them tightly. 
Kuko looked down and held out what was in his hand to Ichiro, "Look…" he said quietly. 
Ichiro took the object from his husband's hand and then gasped "You're...you're…"
"Yes…" Kuko nodded and lifted it up his shirt just enough to reveal that his stomach was now protruding slightly, "I'm already a few weeks along…"
Ichiro suddenly dropped to his knees and placed his hands on Kuko's stomach, followed by his forehead and a bunch of kisses "I'm so lucky! I'm gonna be a daddy!" He said excitedly. 
Kuko snickered as he watched his husband, tears of joy in the corner of his eyes "Ichiro you're such a sappy guy".
Ichiro stood up and picked up Kuko bridal style before gently setting him down on the bed and then spooning him from behind, his hands on his husband's stomach once more, "I'm just so excited, I love you Kuko and I love our baby too~"
"I love you both too, god if you're like this now wait till the baby is actually born and god knows what your family is gonna say"
"AH!" Ichiro shot up in front the bed "THAT'S RIGHT I HAVE TO-" but he was then pulled back down by Kuko "Alright, calm yourself there, hotshot, we'll call them later".
"I-I'm home from work Hifumi…" Doppo said quietly as he entered his shared apartment to reveal Hifumi running over "Welcome home Doppo-chin! Thank God you're home early!" He greeted.
"H-hey Hifumi um...remember how I was throwing up before I left for work…?" Doppo asked, rubbing his arm sheepishly.
Hifumi frowned as he remembered, "Of course, you said you'd go to see sensei, you did right?"
Doppo nodded before handing Hifumi a manila folder, tears in his eyes "I'm gonna go lay down…" he said before walking off to the bedroom
"Doppo-chin wait what's-!" Hifumi tried to call out to his husband but he already closed the bedroom door. 
Hifumi's eyes turned to the folder, he opened it and took out the papers inside only to gasp and drop them all over the floor before falling to his knees, reaching for the paper he dropped and then reading it.
(The patient KANNONZAKA DOPPO is seven weeks pregnant, pictures from the ultrasound have been included, please return to the doctor JINGUJI JAKURAI if any problems occur-Shinjuku hospital.)
"Doppo-chin…" Hifumi whispered to himself, he then remembered what the letter said and reached into the folder, grabbing the ultrasound photos and rushing to the bedroom, opening the door to reveal Doppo on their bed wrapped up in the blanket, sobbing gently "I'm sorry...Hifumi I'm so sorry…"
Hifumi frowned and walked over to the bed, pulling the blanket off and crawling on top of Doppo, making him look into his eyes "Doppo-chin...you have nothing to apologize for, don't cry"
Doppo sniffled "B-but I'm pregnant now...y-you may not even want a baby…" he said "You'll have to take care of me more than you already did...I'm sorry…" 
"Did I ever say I never wanted a baby?"
"Did I ever say I didn't want you to have my baby?"
"N-no but…" 
Hifumi hugged Doppo "I've always wanted to have a baby with you Doppo, you said when we got married you wanted a baby, right?"
Doppo nodded.
"So then what's the problem? We have a doctor in place, a big apartment, both of us have nice salaries and we've been planning forever" Hifumi said as he wiped away Doppo's tears.
"Will...you still love me…?" Doppo asked.
Hifumi smiled and hugged him, "Forever and always" 
Doppo smiled and wiped his eyes as Hifumi laid next to him and held up the ultrasound photos "I'm jealous, sensei got to see our baby before me…" he pouted.
"At least you're the reason I'm pregnant in the first place…" Doppo told him. 
Ramuda hummed as he worked on his current project when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he picked it up and smiled when he saw the message from his husband, Jakurai and without hesitation, opened his phone.
(Ramuda, I have something very important to show you :)) 
Ramuda smiled widely as he read the message before texting back.
(What is it??? I'm dying to know~!)
He patiently watched his phone when it buzzed again, another message but this time it was a picture of Jakurai standing in front of a mirror with his shirt pulled up so his stomach was visible.
(Are you trying to seduce me~? You're still at work Jakurai~) 
Jakurai then sent another picture of a large medical machine, in his hand was a small object.
(What's this about? Can't you just tell me already?)
Another picture was sent, this time the head of the object was against Jakurai's exposed stomach.
(What is it? Please tell me!!!!)
One last picture sent, this time it was pointed at the screen of the machine from a minute ago and on the screen was an ultrasound of a baby and what followed was the text from his dearest. 
(Congratulations Ramuda, we're going to become parents)
Ramuda froze, his phone falling from his hand as he stood there silently before jumping up and down excitedly "I'M GONNA HAVE A BABY! I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!" He shouted suddenly, he started dancing around the room with the dress he was working on when he stopped himself again "I gotta go see my darling!" He said to himself, throwing the dress to the side and grabbing his jacket and putting on his shoes as he got to the door and opened it.
"I'm coming Jakurai!!!" 
Rio hummed as he cooked breakfast for him and his husband when he saw said husband come up beside him and set something on the counter and then sit down at the table. 
He picked up the object which turned out to be a folded up piece of paper, he opened it and read what was inside.
"Start cooking extra for my meals, I'm eating for two now"
Rio froze and then turned off the stove, walking over to Jyuto who sat at the kitchen table, checking his phone and then looked up at Rio "So, what do you-"
Jyuto didn't get to finish his sentence as he was kissed softly by his husband. 
"Thank you" Rio said, hugging Jyuto close.
Jyuto laughed and hugged him back, "You're welcome"
“Jiro! I think we should go to the doctor!” Jyushi said while he stood outside the bathroom door.
Then the sound of vomiting came again and then groaning, “N-no, it’s fine! I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug…” Jiro replied before vomiting again.
Saburo sighed as he stood next to Jyushi, “That dumbass...oi, Jiro I’m gonna hand you something, you’re gonna read what’s on the box and follow the instructions, understand me?”
“What the hell is it?” Jiro groaned, opening the door slightly.
Saburo handed him a pink box and Jiro looked at him confused before closing the door again.
“W-what did you give him…?” Jyushi asked Saburo, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.
“Just wait and see”.
A few minutes passed and Jiro came out of the bathroom and looked at his husband.
“Jyushi, I’m pregnant” Jiro said bluntly.
Jyushi's eyes immediately filled up with tears, he hugged Jiro as they spilled over.
"H-hey…! Jyushi what's wrong?!" Jiro asked, hugging Jyushi back.
"I-I'm just so happy...you're gonna have my baby…!!" Jyushi sobbed, "a little baby of our own!"
Jiro smiled "Yeah, I'm excited too"
"I guess I can go now" Saburo said as he left the room.
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