#but rpf fanfiction comes with the clear acknowledgement that it is... well... fiction
thenobleprincex ยท 4 months
hoping this actually doesn't show up on any tags but i just... im getting so tired of this anti-gt* vitriol. like i have all the people i see blocked and it still seems to keep popping up like weeds. and their conversation and rhetoric is always so mysoginistic and disgusting and belittling and insulting of not only gt* (and al*, of course) but of the boys too! like, they're grown men. I'm sure they are capable of choosing who they want in their lives, including who they're in a fucking partnership with.
i mean, there's nothing i can say that hasn't been said before: even if there's a shred of truth, the boys would never be thankful; it's incredibly misogynistic; micro-analysing body language is fucking bananas; etc. Honestly, I'm just tired. I just can't fucking understand it. Do I think gt* is some goddess or whatever? Fuck no. She's just her own person, doing her own thing. Sometimes she's funny, sometimes she's not (and the ratio of those times will obviously depend on your own sense of humor), but other than that, she's minding her own business. And that is also true of dt* or ms* or any of them. They all seem lovely, but i don't fucking know them! And to pretended i do know any of them is a disservice to both of us. I just- on the one hand, parasocial relationships, and the feelings that come with them, are very much real. The affection i feel for any of them isn't any less real because of the nature of of a parasocial relationship. But also, it is important to be aware that the nature of the relationship does play a role, and acknowledging the rift of distance between me and them is the least I can do, for both our sakes.
Like, just last week we were clapping dt* (and rightly so) for a speech that at its heart hold the message of "just let people be", and yet somehow his "fans" (and often times the ones applauding him) can't seem to grapple with it?? Like, maybe try to actually listen to what he's saying? Because live and let live also means leaving their relationships alone, regardless of whether they're all fucking each other, or hating each other, or loving each other, or cheating on each other, or or or. If they're the happiest they've ever been or utterly miserable, it doesn't matter. Their relationships are their own, end of story. And, despite everything, the least we can do as fans, is to give them the dignity of their own experience. If what they want us to know is that they're together and in love, then that's what we get. It's not their duty to fulfill whatever fantasies we have. (not to mention, speculating on other people's sexuality is never ok!!! Like, that's rule number one of fandom)
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