#but since Hunter is a Human™ who doesn't have the organs required to properly process these abilities it instead comes out
Hi I found another new detail to pick your brain over :)
In Piercings you show two versions of the same image. One is simply how Hunter looks to everyone else. The colours are flat and how they always have been. But the second has blues and purples pulsating around his head, which matches how his technology works in his understanding of pain.
What interests me is that in the second image Hunters hair is kind of inverted? Like the dark green of it all is still the same, but the blue and orange have been swapped for a bright yellow and electric blue, respectively. This absolutely fascinates me because there's so many possibilities with this. Does his hair change colour (to Hunter) based on what he's feeling? That would explain why the alternate blue looks similar to the lines surrounding him. Or does he have some kind of colour blindness and thought he was picking different dyes when he did his hair? I am very normal over this if you can't tell(<- me when I lie)
- ⌚anon
ah more detail finding! Love it :D
So Hunter's been dyeing his hair since he was a teenager, long before he got the implant. He's more attached to his hair color now than ever, because while everyone he sees has some kind of neutral color that changes with their feelings, when he looks for his own color, there's nothing there
(which is just a feature of the implant: since it's sourced from the user, it doesn't register the 'neutrals' on the user, but Hunter doesn't know that so he just assumes it's because it's him)
What Hunter sees that "comes from him" usually manifests in patterns he can see around him, or things covering his body. Even with very "visible" things like pain, it's more like the colors are hovering over him/in front of him/overwhelming him from the inside out.
That being said, the brighter hair is a result of the implant, but it's less "the colors are tied to his pain" and more "he's in a state of shock when someone makes him look in the mirror and this manifests in some colors in his immediate vicinity becoming almost painful to look at" :)
(hope this makes some kind of sense 😭 describing implant effects and how it works in a way that's linear and sensible is actually Really Hard lol)
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