#but sufford seems like a guy who used to have a little sister. it's the patience (<- has two little sisters who are also twins and devils)
riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
Hee hoo ask time
7, 9 and 11 for Kelth, and 8 and 15 for Sufford! Sorry if that's too many, you gave me tools to ask for OC lore without having to be smart and i am enjoying this power immensely. Anyway if it's too many just pick what you wanna answer most :D
>:D i am having so many excited-jitters about this whole thing. tingly. i hadn't actually thought about the questions in relation to my own guys very much which. shouldn't surprise me as much but. hee
OKAY OKAY TO WORK rubs hands
Kelth, 7: What is your favourite thing about this character? well one of the first things about them is that i wanted them to have something to do with programming. because i'm a programmer and i needed more self-insert OCs in my arsenal. SPECIFICALLY i was imagining what it'd be like for someone ingame to try organize their void relic shit without a google sheet. and that kind of. DRASTICALLY snowballed. into kind of this whole blog. there are a lot of smaller things but this one is the one that makes me smile the quickest & most joyfully (angst potential is a close second but that's a more evil grin)
Kelth, 9: Do they keep in contact with old classmates/friends/other Tenno? What is their connection? well shit uh. i haven't thought about this before so this is shiny new lore (and part of why i love ask games). they don't keep in contact, they don't reach out by themselves, because social contact requirements wise they're fulfilling all their needs with Ordis & the warframes already, and they weren't fantastic friends with the other kids to start with. nothing like bullying, just... they weren't exactly included by the others in stuff. they fit in enough to not be bullied, but not enough to be included. but if they're contacted by someone they used to know (and, if we're going with they both remember The Old Days) they'll be polite & nice & maybe even genuinely enjoy it for a bit. but their social battery would drain fast
Kelth, 11: Are they comfortable jumping out of their Warframe and showing their own bodies to others? Why (not)? HAHA NO. Noooo Kelth very much prefers to HIDE. Kelth does NOT like the vendors that deny their frame access. Does NOT appreciate them. Kelth isn't tall, and they get tired fast, and if they gotta get out of their frame it's already a place where the frame can't go either so they don't have backup of any kind with them except Ordis in their earpiece. Outside of a frame, they're pretty much only comfortable on the Orbiter. Or, if they're alone with just the frame(s) they brought, out in the open, sometimes. The sun & wind & soft ground can feel nice, though Ordis gets on their ass about sunscreen & insect lotion if they stay too long.
Sufford, 8: Do they have any hobbies? Sufford spends a decent chunk of his non-mission time training or meditating, though for fun, (please hold, new lore being generated) he likes drawing. Sometimes, he'll design cool-looking blades, and once or twice he's convinced Ordis to build whatever he made up in the Foundry. Otherwise, it's a lot of landscape & creature drawings. I think he also likes to collect cool small rocks if he can
Sufford, 15: Do they have anything that still ties them back to their days as human? His whole fighting style, to be honest. He's always been a guard, though now he only has one small charge. but now i'm thinking if he perhaps has an Object. i reckon the orokin let him keep his sword if only so they wouldn't have to requisition him a new one. or maybe a portrait of his old family. maybe he had a little sister who he lost track of completely during the old war...
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