#but sure -- I'm ''a TRA and encouraging women to transition'' for saying that more detransitioners' data should be included -- not just
butchgtow · 6 months
how are you shameless enough to claim to be a radical feminist while believing that in non-sexual contexts, coerced decisions should be treated as freely made choices, particularly in analytics?
"financial coercion? whatever, she made her choice. violent coercion? whatever, it was her choice.
"it was all her choice. the intentional limitations placed by either an individual, a set of individuals, or the system oppressing her have no place in consideration."
you aren't a feminist -- especially not a radical feminist. you refute fundamental feminist philosophy of coercion as nonconsent (with rape as the only exception). you deny materialism.
you're directly encouraging the sex data gap and its intended, ever-successful outcome of women's global economic exploitability with your statements in this very moment.
anyway book recommendation because this user is a reactionary contrarian who loudly and proudly refuses to read it: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez.
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