#but tbh remembering that doesn't make me feel *less* catty
splendidemendax · 2 years
it's slightly exasperating for our local news station to have ads for their coverage of midterm elections with the capitol building in the background.
this is washington dc. i understand we have the building, but we don't actually get to vote on the people inside it. that's the thing we notably don't get to do.
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punk-pandame · 2 years
OK COOL i was just wondering like. do you have any specific thoughts on how sasuke would interact with like shino or kiba??? like characters you don't Normally see with them even in fics... i think they'd be kinda funny
i think sasuke wouldn't mind kiba too much tbh, he's just a neutral palette wet-dog-smelling version of naruto. he'd definitely like akamaru better than him tho. like, he shows up to kiba's house when he throws parties just to ignore him and pet akamaru. he always brings the good treats too so akamaru adores him. AND IT DRIVES KIBA CRAZY!!! he rants and raves about what a jerk sasuke is all the time and everybody's just like we get it kiba, you've got a boner for his attention, just shut up and get in line. and that makes him SO MUCH ANGRIER, it's SO funny. sasuke seems like he could not care less but he loves it. unlike naruto, kiba's tantrums have no emotional leverage with him. he can just sit back and watch the guy make a fool of himself with zero effort on his part. he is literally just sitting here vibing and kiba's losing his marbles for no reason. peak entertainment. no attention for kiba. his doggy sensibilities are WOUNDED, i tell you. WOUNDED. HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME IN MY OWN HOME AND BEFRIEND MY DOG WITHOUT ME, GIMME THOSE TREATS YOU SON OF A BITCH-
now shino. oh, my boy shino. idk where the post is rn but there's this one that's like wouldn't it be funny if the only other classmate sasuke remembered from the academy aside from his teammates was shino, the one guy naruto consistently forgets about? because HE WOULD. he'd be like oh yeah that quiet guy with the bugs who literally never bothered me? of course i remember him, i liked him. he never invaded my space like you crazy fucks. he doesn't talk unless he feels he has something important to say, unless you bring up the bugs, in which case sasuke gets the rare treat of subconsciously absorbing the infodump while he zones the fuck out for a bit. personality wise, shino's a lot like juugo, and he was clearly sasuke's favorite on taka so it makes perfect sense they'd get along too. ideal friendship for him tbh. but don't get it twisted, shino would love sasuke assuming he doesn't care too much about the whole treasonous war criminal thing. the guy sits quietly and respectfully while he rants about bugs? will not kill the bugs for doing what bugs do and crawling on/flying at him? also enjoys ignoring people and petting akamaru at parties? A+ literally all shino needs tbh. he'd even agitate kiba further by taking sasuke's side sometimes because shino knows it entertains him. plus sometimes kiba gets squeaky when he screams and shino thinks it's funny. not that anyone else can tell. sasuke learns how to speak shino like that tho so now they're just this secret catty creepy-crawly boys club. no we can't hang out tonight, we're gonna be busy painting our nails black and watching the beetles throw shit, sorry not sorry.
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