#but that's really a complaint for the comics since they've been forcing her into a distaff counterpart role since comics!spider-verse
Loved Quidditch, hated season 3.
This is for you seeker. Always.
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"The golden snitch of Hogsmade" left me with zero words and lots of questions.
Let's do some comparison, shall we?
"Searching for a Comet" was indeed funny and tragic-comic and while rotating around events not crucially important from the characters prospective (MC would've won the cup even without Skye alms!) it built a story around the real plot that was HUGE. You start to understand much better Skye and all of her complexes at that moment, you start to getting closer and closer to Erika from there.
Also you actually feel what's going on inside the plot. The trio may be problematic and disfuctional to resolve a mystery, but on the other hand they worked together as a team accepting themselves as equals and companions, showing a real human facade of a teen and also giving some lines that clearly my gallery will never forgive me to have saved ALL (ORION AMARI SAID SORRY TO NO ONE). Exactly what you'll find in season 2: team cooperation and amending errors.
And then...This.
What exactly I should've get?
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That when evil comes, MC finds a way to use her/his force and save the day!
This time, there isn't a plot. There isn't an urgency to find this legendary snitch like the Comet (well it that case was optional but it made sense.)
It's not that the team isn't superstitious. Frankly they had the opportunity to justify the following research; more than once in season 1 & 2 they alluded to lucky socks or ritual gestures. (a part of a chapter is entirely about their pre-match traditions btw. Ironic.)
The true research here is finding why they left everything they were doing for this. They weren't even utterly demoralised and in deep need to something to rescue them up.
Ironically I have the felling that in this season they tried tried include more all the members of the team almost failing. Curiously it's not because them, they are nice and decent people, but because MC has to be their shadows they've started a development that never came to and end.
Like the keeper. Boy, why are you even here?
Skipping a paid job is becoming a sport and now there are the nationals finals with Chester to decide who deserves the golden medal?
His appearance worths screen time partially. In Hogwarts Mystery they have the tendency to explore some aspects of the reality who weren't really spotted on in HP so a young man disappointed of the lavorative life that comes back to his old team to be useful is a possible scenario.
I do love that.
He was pretty naive surely, a complaint like that could've be fine if the team in question was an a Hogwarts-level, he got accepted in the Wigtown Wanderers wich are history of the Quidditch itself so he should've be expected to stay in the boarders for some time. But I can understand him.
However what he has done is not nearly helpful.
He wasted unrepairable time for training and caused troubles too (now kid YOU PAY THE SHOWCASE).
She makes a decent appearance longer than "I GOT TO GO TO THE TOILET" and finally we tasted her personality. A little bit obsessive but it's a Rath's archetype.
The devotion of this girl to her team is priceless.
WHAT IS NOT PRICELESS is how they treated her.
As a veteran player and someone who's been playing Quidditch since day 1, I've knew her as the friendly teamate who always supported MC, even moving him/her under her arm after every match. Seeing all her effort on finding the snitch (and token it to a fanatic level), trying so hard to catch it, falling from the broom Orion's style yet GETTING UP like nothing is happened and HEARING SKYE'S COMPLAINTS AND MC EXULTING BECUASE HE/SHE DISCOVERED WHAT SEASON 4 WILL BE ABOUT hurts.
Hurts badly. Probably like season 3 chapter 1.
And watching her approaching to Bean to find some comfort while MC is still laughing and overjoyed about the catch was terrible.
I fell so bad for her.
The aggravation lives in the animation: just compare how peculiar, fluid and difficult the Seeker's one looks compared to that of MC, who's here just like "WOW ENFANT PRODIGE!"
And here, HERE you find the Pandora box. Here you find the problem.
Congratulations for winning the lottery, because it's MC!
They keep saying that he/she's not only a good captain but the deus ex machina of Quidditch, they keep overshadowing others (MY BELOVED SEEKER ARGH) to give some merits to say this kind of statements and they keep MC doing other else's job.
This TLSQ is MC stepping on everyone.
A good capitan would've talked to the Seeker after a move like that. A good captain would've listened to Skye when she rightfully declared that even if the stuff was interesting they had to practice because this season was ALREADY compromised by other events.
And I keep to not understand why they repute MC a good leader if everything that they are doing is literally thought by Orion or Murphy in the background. Every. Single. Aspect.
You know what is also funny?
That the keeper came for Orion, Murphy appeared in the promotional photo for the event, yet they didn't appeared once.
What is good in this TLSQ is Skye, even if good is a big word and no one has ever been in a development roller coaster as her.
It's fine just because she pointed out clever aspects.
I do not blame her to start to go a little bit against MC'a leadership. And knowing how much it took to Orion to grace Skye is considerably an issues, since she's also a pillar.
She actually had some doubts about the effective importance of the team in front of MC.
I do not blame her if at first she was unhappy with MC's decision to go after the Snitch. They are first of all a sport team and they need to be concentrated and trained well for the upcoming match, decisive for the finale, taking aside the fact that Madam Hooch suspended the team from using the pitch for days.
I do not blame her either for that angry reaction after the discovering of the hoax of the old keeper. She had some valid reasons.
My only hope for the future is that discovering what really bothers Orion may save this season (which, I repeat, has the potential but it's not applying at all) from a tragic ending.
Less MC, please.
This illustration is dedicated to everyone who felt terribly sad after this TLSQ, especially thinking about the seeker.
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