#but the outright erasure of nb ppl just cuz they're afab is so gross
transwolvie · 4 months
I keep thinking about that post about all the celebrities that are out as non-binary, but how people will just ignore that cuz they're afab, cuz it really does make me so sad. Miley Cyrus has talked abt being nb. Demi Lovato not only is nb but has said they gave up on using they/them and just retreated to she/they because no one will gender them correctly. Janelle Monae is ignored not only as a bisexual woman who advocates for polyamory and open love but also ignored as a non-binary person. It's really such a shame because non-binary people are EVERYWHERE, but people just fully....ignore us. Just let it wash over them when it's stated someone is non-binary and then go back to living their lives with no change in treatment or pronouns like they were never even told in the first place.
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