#but the time period is the same and they're that iconic shade of pink
july-19th-club · 9 months
so mid that neal doesnt drink from antique glasses to match his antique clothes. up your game gayboy
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pixxiesticksys · 5 months
Not radqueer
Parasocial Attachment Disorder
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Parasocial Attachment Disorder
Image ID: Two flags. Both Feature 11 stripes of pinks, yellows, and a very light blue. The first three stripes on both flags are light pink, each slightly more yellow than the last. The forth flag is a much redder and darker shade of pink. The fifth stripe is yellow and the sixth is very light blue, easily confused with white. The last five stripes mirror the first five. Yellow, the redder pink, and the three light pinks, now going from the most yellow to the least. The first flag also has an icon of a phone with the visual of a person inside. Faded outlines of love hearts float behind the phone. End ID
This is NOT a radqueer term
Parasocial Attachment Disorder is a term to describe people who experience parasocial relationships on the most disruptive level.
Symptoms people with Parasocial Relationships may experience are
Inability to think about anything other than Parasocial Figure for long periods of time, resulting in lack of focus
A need for constant updates or viewings of Parasocial Figure causing excessive internet usage in their name
A sense of emotional pain or distress when Parasocial Figure is no longer accessible or available which can lead to feelings of abandonment or loss
A sense of jealousy or discomfort towards other fans or when when Parasocial Figure interacts with others
Intense emotional reactions to the life events of Parasocial Figure
A tendency to view Parasocial Figure as perfect, leading to unrealistic ideals
A tendency to struggle interacting with those on the same "relationship level" as Parasocial other. Siuch as having a hard time making friends due to the belief that they will never be as good or feeling they're cheating on their partner due to their feelings
Unrealistic ideals for the future, such as believing they will meet Parasocial Figure and Parasocial Figure will immediately be everything they dreamed of them being/solve all of their problems
Desire to take/intrusive thoughts of taking extreme measures to ensure a relationship with Parasocial Figure
Feelings of depression, distress, anguish, or even suicidal over the reality of the relationship between themself and Parasocial Figure
Inability to stop or control thoughts relating to or about Parasocial Figure/Influx of intrusive thoughts
Attachment to Parasocial other feels like a disorder or an addiction and is near impossible to get over without the help of others
Attachment lasting years without pause
Attachment randomly triggering again after the haver was thought to be over with it
This is still NOT a radqueer term ! I cant stop anyone from using it but if you do please don't like if your main is radqueer or reblog onto a radqueer blog
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