#but the way it's written just... normally doesn't telegraph that well I think
22degreehalo · 2 years
Not to be mean but it feels like such a distinctive trait of modern day school AU fics to have the pairing meet and write it as though they’re setting up a slow burn or even just some kind of conflict surrounding the relationship development and then just have the ship suddenly get together three chapters into a 30 chapter fic without issue.
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not100bees · 1 month
wait what has the reaction to amazing spiderman been? trying to contextualise your post
Okay so for a little context, in 2022 there was a new volume of Amazing Spider-Man primarily written by writer Zeb Wells (Who is really really good by the way, If you want to get into X-Men comics, I highly recommend reading House of X/Powers of X and then just reading all of Hellions, It's really really good. It's all of the good parts of Suicide Squad stuff with none of the bad parts) that is pretty good but in it at the beginning everybody's really really mad at Peter for reasons that haven't been explained and Mary Jane is with another guy, Paul. It gets revealed that one day Peter and Mary Jane basically got sucked into a pretty standard alternate dimension where time moves faster than in the real world. It's also shitty and post-apocalyptic, but in it they meet Paul who's like a normal guy who has been surviving in the alternate dimension for a while for stupid comic book reasons Paul saves Peter from a no-win situation by using the one escape like button or whatever. I don't remember back to the real dimension. Peter was only in the ultimate dimension for like 30 minutes but a week has passed so he realizes what's going on and alienates everybody who cares about him in the mad rush to try to rescue Mary Jane as quick as possible. He makes some dumb moves but I think like it's pretty clearly telegraphed that he's just trying to work as fast as possible and isn't thinking straight but in a couple of days he manages to reverse engineer the button with the help of Norman Osborne who is good now I guess I'm not really up to date on my Spider-Man lore. I mostly just read this because I really really like the writer. And anyways he rescues Paul and Mary Jane and also the kids they adopted. Please don't worry about the kids. I do not want to get into the kids and I quite frankly don't understand the kids. They're not important. But anyways, because of the time dilation Paul and Mary Jane have been surviving in the post-apocalyptic hell dimension for like years and years and Mary Jane eventually like got over. Peter and got with Paul but even though Peter knows that it's been years, he doesn't feel it and there's like an argument and Paul punches Peter and like there's an arc about Peter like learning to get on with Mary Jane, even though she's his ex and he's just sort of growing as a person and getting over the really dark place he was in and all the people he alienated it's good.
The reaction has been most importantly people being really really nasty to the writer and the artist and just horrible generally. Even the people who aren't like forming a hate brigade for the real life person, they've been really nasty about like Paul's "stealing" Peter's girl and being weird and incel-ly about Mary Jane and just not shutting up about Paul being Spider-Man's greatest villain. I'm going to have to snort grass to counteract writing this post. But I do it for you, my beloved audience.
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