#but then they'll continue to interact with that person? that's what i've never fully managed to wrap my mind around
heich0e · 6 months
as someone who had a premise completely stolen by a writer I had shared a private snippet with, who's got a much larger following than me, I can understand I think. I'm so sorry if that's happened to you before!
i'm so sorry little friend :( that is devastating when done by a stranger, let alone someone you're close enough to speak to and share your work with privately. it's even worse because there's truthfully very little recourse in situations like this, without devolving into an unproductive "he said/she said/they said" kind of situation, which i can speak to all too well from personal experience—and that's not even accounting for the power imbalance that you mention here. i'm so sorry and am sending you a lot of love <3 pls don't let the behaviours of a few bad actors stop you from writing the things you're passionate about creating and telling the stories you're inspired to share!!
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