#but thinking perhaps sidious finding maul while savage isn't around.
mutatiio · 1 year
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@starssung is being so nice and not mean at all: ' so you live ... ' from ♡ darth sidious
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he falls to one knee instantly upon sensing him, head bowed. steels himself as the sound of footfalls draw near. his pulse quickens when he hears his voice, just as it had before naboo. just as it had on lotho minor. even in his crazed state, memories… or hallucinations- if there was really a difference it was slight and unimportant. maul had heard his master's voice in the tunnels. fear. hunter. filth. nothing… there is no mercy, mercy is a lie.
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" yes, master. " maul says aloud, or tries to, his words lost in his throat - leaving his voice hardly above a whisper. golden eyes close, willing himself calm. " your teachings- your training… it was because of you that i was able to survive, master. " as if it had been on purpose. as if he had clung to life and used the tools he'd been given to survive. he would have preferred to die, preferred it had kenobi finished the job. but was the dark side ever willing?? or was he, whether he liked it or not, merely trapped within it?? a slave to it. was there anything in his life he could seize control of??
" and i return to your side. i am yours to command. "
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and-claudia · 2 years
His Heir pt. 31 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
This one is short but.... well I'll just let y'all see for yourself. A/N at the end too ;D
Wordcount: 1041
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I was laying with my head in Maul's lap. 
"What do you want to name him?" I asked, looking at the scans we just got of him. 
Now, at twenty-two weeks, we were over halfway there, and we weren’t even in the ballpark of finding a name for him and it was starting to stress me out. 
He thought for a moment, "I haven’t thought about any specific names if I am being honest. Do you have any ideas?" 
"I’ve thought about what type of name we should go with but I haven’t been sure on what would work best. If I am being honest he is kind of a mess of cultures…” 
“What do you mean?” Maul asked. 
“Well I am a Mandalorian. You’re Dathomirian. You are also a Sith Lord and Nightbrother. I am Human. You’re a Zabrak. There are just so many routes we could go. Or we don’t even have to go down one of those paths for his name, we could just go with a name in Galatic Basic. I just don’t know what to do Maul. I’ve thought about it so much that my feels like it’s going to explode…” 
Maul looked at me oddly for a moment. I could tell he was probing at my mind through the force. I didn’t mind though, he knew that I could feel him digging around my thoughts and if I truly didn’t want him there I would block him out. I let him in, but I only allowed him to see what I wanted him to see. 
“You have a name picked out already… why didn’t you say something?” He asked gently. 
I pushed myself to sit up, with some help from him, and turned around to face him. 
“Because I really want him to have a name like the Nightbrothers…” "Are you sure? We could go with a more traditional name." Maul offered. 
I shook my head. 
"Maybe a traditional middle name, perhaps even a Mandalorian one, then he could have a little piece of both of us. But I really want him to have a Nightbrothers name. My only issue is they’re hard to come up with. Like your name isn’t hard, it’s Maul, you say it the same way as the word maul, like some mauled by an animal.” 
Maul laughed at my explanation but nodded for me to continue. 
“But… um… But other names like…like…” I trailed off, not sure how he would feel about bringing up his brother. 
“Like Savage.” He said for me and i nodded before continuing. 
“Like Savage,” I agreed, “I’ve played around with a few words… and I just know.” 
“Let me hear them.” He said. 
“I like Riot, and just leave it as Riot.” I said, watching him to judge his reaction. 
“I like that. What else do you have?” 
“Okay bear with me on this one, the word lethal, but pronounce it Lee-thal.” 
“Hm… I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. It’s different.” He said. 
“You hate it don’t you?” I asked. 
“No. Not at all, I’ve just never heard it. I like it actually.” He said, easing my worries. 
“Okay, I have one more, vicious but make the ‘i’ a long ‘i’ so it’d be Vīkous… thoughts?” 
“If I am being honest, I like all of them. I think any of them would be perfect for our son. Is there a particular one you are leaning towards?” He asked.
“Not really honestly. I’ve thought about maybe just waiting until he’s born to pick one. Get a good look at him, decide what name fits him best.” 
“I like that idea.” Maul agreed with a smile, bringing his hand to rest on the side of my belly. 
Maker, his smile could make me melt on the spot. 
"What about a last name? I know we’ve talked about it some, but I just really don't want him to take mine." I said.
"I know, but I don't have a last name,” Maul began, “... well actually I suppose I may... my lineage isn't exactly certain. I was taken by Sidious so early that I don't know anything from my early life besides training in the ways of the dark side." 
I grabbed the hand that he had resting on my stomach and brought it to my lips to press a kiss to his knuckles while muttering, "I'm sorry." Against his tattooed skin. I knew he didn’t like talking about his childhood. 
“I've thought about that too actually… your last name.
"What if you took the name Oppress?" I suggested gently. 
"Fr- From my brother?"
I nodded. 
“I think he would be honored to have you and his nephew take on the name Opress. Maul Opress, has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” 
Maul smiled once again, “I suppose it does. What about the names you suggested, how do they sound?” He asked. 
“Let’s find out. First, Riot Opress… I actually really like that if I am being honest.” 
“Agreed, it sounds powerful. Okay how does, Lethal (lee-thal) Oppress sound? I like that one as well.” 
I gasped a little, “Okay I love that one too… last is Vicious (Vīkous) Oppress…” I cringed slightly and I could tell by the look on his face Maul wasn’t a fan either. 
“I think Vicious (Vīkous) Oppress is off the table. I’m not loving it like I did the other two.” I said. 
Maul nodded, “I agree.” 
“Okay so, this,” I placed my hands on my stomach, “is either little Riot or Lethal (Lee-thal) Oppress.” I said before looking up at Maul with a mischievous smile on my lips. I took my hands off my belly and placed them on his cheeks, “And this is not-so-little Maul Opress.” I said, smiling widely as he smiled at his name. 
He shook his head slightly at my antics before bringing his hands up to replace where mine just were on my stomach. 
“The Opress Family… sounds nice, doesn’t it?” He asked, not looking at me. 
“Well, I’m not an Opress.” I said. 
Maul was silent for a moment, before looking up at me. 
“I know…” He swallowed hard and it was making me nervous, “But would you like to be?” 
A/n: Y’all THOUGHT you were going to get the baby’s name in this one but I threw a curve ball there at the end!!!!! 😉😉 Anyways which name do you think it’s going to be??
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