#but this is my secondary light time i use when i'm impatient and don't have to worry about any healing
high-ratx · 2 months
my short story so far of Apple and Sandedwishes!
A warrior cats short story
Chapter 1:
  As cool sunlight poured into my den, my dream ended abruptly, the light piercing through the darkness of the dream. I padded out to the clearing, grabbing a vole to satisfy the growling in my stomach, then went to the group of cats gathering by the secondary exit for the dawn patrol.
“Hey Sandedwishes!” Berryfur purred as he pulled up next to me
“Good morning Berryfur” i mewed in reply
Berryfur was one of the very few cats who were nice to me, let alone talk to me when not necessary. I'm thinking we’re mates, or something close to that, as we’ve never talked about it, but he gives off that energy. We were on a simple border patrol, but no one was ever on our territory, besides some random rouges at time, so I didn't have to shake away my drowsiness too soon. Lost in thought I inevitably pulled behind the rest of the patrol. A quiet critter rustled a bush nearby, I thought nothing of it as this wasn't a hunting patrol, then decided that we could always use more prey and stalked closer to the bush. I crept closer not sniffing the air, trusting my gut, but just before I leapt something came tumbling out on top of me. I quickly used the advantage of the cat's open stomach to claw repetitively at the soft skin.  
“Owww! What’d you do ‘at for?” the cat yowled in pain, though I could still make out a light southern accent.
“You’re on windclan territory” I growl, pinning my ears back making sure this rogue knew I was still prepared to fight him.  
No matter how unloyal windclan thought I was, I would fight any rogue no matter how incapable they looked.
“Win’clan?” The tom murmured as he wobbled to a sitting position
“Yes, windclan, don't you mouse brained rouges know of the four clans?” I rasped, impatiently flicking my tail.
“Well I wouldn' know, i'm no rogue, i'm a loner thank ya’ very much” He replied tilting his head to one side snobbily “Those mousebrained fools”
“But do you know of the four clans?” I mewed “well obviously not if you don't know windclan”
“Win’clan win’clan win’clan” He mumbled to himself “I swear i've heard tat’ somewhere be- OH! You're dem’ wild cats?” “Wild cats? Only kittypets call us that- please tell me you weren't a kittypet before this!” I meowed in a disgusted tone “Look, I don't have time for this, you should be thankful you still have all your fur. I need to catch up with my patrol, go back to your barn, don't ever go this far into windclan territory.”
“Oh, well tank’ ya’ i suppose” He murmured before running off.
After making sure he was truly gone, I pelted back to the patrol, hoping they didn't notice I was gone, though most likely they did not. Before long I was trailing behind them, weirdly missing the presence of that strange loner. Shaking the memory I padded up a few foxtails to where I was trotting next to Berryfur. The rest of the patrol was very enjoyable with his company, and before I knew it we were arriving at camp with no news to tell.
lmk in the comments if you would like to be tagged in pt.2!
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 9 months
The Consort's Will - Chapter 6 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
The next few minutes are unadulterated chaos.
Brayden manages to keep Tegan from escaping but with Leo's quickly deteriorating state, we end up needing her help.
He's unconscious and rapidly losing blood.
Even his pulse is slowing.
Brayden's red eyes sear me as I suggest letting her go.
"She'll kill you, human," he mutters.
"Out of the question."
"We need her help."
Tegan defiantly stares ahead.
Even though she's a Secondary, she has the same sense of pride as vampires.
She's not angry that she's being held captive.
She's angry she slipped up enough to get in that predicament in the first place.
Brayden shakes his head.
Leo is curled into a small heap beside me.
I've switched out the clothing in front of his stomach, twice.
His paleness takes on a sickly hue and I know he doesn't have much longer.
Brayden's made it clear time and time again that he doesn't care whether Leo lives or dies but I do.
And I know if the roles were reversed, he'd be doing all he could to save me.
I push myself away from Leo and go to the duffle bag.
The picture of Archer Robbins has fallen just a foot beside it and I hastily swipe it up before walking over to Tegan.
Her dark eyes glower with every step I take but my need to help outweighs my fear.
Brayden grunts when I've gotten close enough and my feet come to a stop of their own accord.
I would just say it's because I'm used to listening to him but I know it's more than that.
Brayden and I are connected in a way that's hard to explain.
I sigh and hold the picture up, high enough that it catches the light... and Tegan's attention.
"We're not lying about the picture," I say, hating the tremor in my voice.
"We really are... or were... looking for you and the rest of the Secondary population."
Tegan's terrifying gaze scours over the picture.
She studies it in silence.
Then her eyes flicker over to Brayden.
"Archer Robbins," she says.
"Yes," I breathe out.
"Did you know him?"
She shakes her head a single time.
"No, only heard of him. But you know him."
I frown in confusion, turning the picture to face me again.
I study the face I've stared at more times than I can count.
I almost feel like I do know him.
He looks like Brayden but not quite.
Not really.
Then I shake my head.
"I don't know him."
Tegan sighs impatiently and nods her head towards Brayden.
"Yes you do. It's him."
"No it's not. The nose is different. The eyes..."
"When a Secondary changes, it's not like when a human changes," Tegan responds flatly.
"Humans look identical. But because the Secondary already has the blood of a vampire flowing through them, when they change and become fully vampire, their human... imperfections... are modified. They look the same but different."
Brayden stiffens a few feet beside me.
This is news to him, too.
I swallow hard and look at the picture again.
My heart beats funny staring at the picture of a man for so long I believed was Brayden's family.
But come to find out... it's been him all along.
"Why... why would he have a picture of himself?" I ask quietly.
"Practice of war," Tegan replies simply.
"Even though Secondaries are powerful, we're not immune to the loss of memories when we change, either. So before we helped during the first war, we were told to bring a picture of ourselves to carry on us. That way if we died... or changed, we would have our own piece of identification for someone to find."
I recoil at the news and stumble back a step.
It makes sense, so much so that I wonder why I didn't think of it myself.
I study the uneven, sharp slope of Brayden's, I mean, Archer's, Secondary nose.
A genuine smile is spread across his lips.
He looks so happy.
So real.
"I had no idea..." I whisper.
Leo twitches from the corner of my eye, and my temporary daze is broken.
My gaze snaps back up to Tegan's face and my expression becomes pleading.
"You see for yourself," I say.
"That Brayden used to be a Secondary. He was once one of you. That has to count for something. Please. Please help us. He'll die if you don't."
Brayden scowls.
"Human, there is no..."
"I'll help him, Finn," Tegan agrees, effectively cutting off Brayden's argument.
Then her cold smile turns sinister.
"But help comes with a price."
"Anything. I'll do anything."
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adhdvane · 6 years
((for some reason uploading the video straight into tumblr makes it an ever shittier quality than it was before, like using quicktime to screen record is already not great, but dang, at least the sound is fine.)) it’s been nearly a year since the last cerb showdown and the previous one was my first ever and i was just a baby newbie who couldn’t even beat the nm lv70 without getting lucky. now i can beat nm lv 120 while using a kaguya support. i’ve come so far ; - ; i just need to finish farming for the dagger flb because i’ve been waiting all this time for the even to come back so i could even do it.
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