#but tough to think of hcs I haven't told Anyone dlfkjg
langdhon Β· 7 months
character info sheet.
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name. Michael Langdon
name meaning. Michael is originally Hebrew and means "Who is like God?"
alias( ses ). The antichrist, which he doesn't like to be called because he thinks it sounds dumb. Little shit. Witches frequently call him motherfucker, so...
two pictures you like of your character.
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three headcanons you never told anyone.
i : sometimes before sleep, he fantasizes about growing up with his actual family and how it'd have been if he could've gone to school, make friends and all the normal stuff. That his mother loved him and he had his big sister by his side. ii : he always gives into cravings. Should he wake up with a mighty need for unhealthy food, he'll get that. If he visits a fashion show and he likes a piece, he'll get it etc. He knows there's nothing he can't have, so why hesitate? iii : he has no drivers license and never even tried to drive.
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
i : attend fun events to live a little and prank some people ii : read, particularly about the human psyche and horror fiction iii : horseback riding, preferably near or on the beach
three people your character loves.
Miriam Mead ( erased timeline ) : She was a mother he never had, a guiding light who didn't ever judge him for what he is while knowing full well what he's capable of. He not only respected her for accepting and caring for him, even if that meant saying 'no' sometimes, whereas the other satanists merely kissed his arse... he felt safe with her. Even though she was just human and couldn't really protect him from the wrath of the witches. Her loss was so unbearable for him that he commissioned a literal clone-bot of her; which he wouldn't have done for anyone else. The only person in that timeline who always had his back, no matter the odds.
Alice Turner ( @ravenskeeper ) : She was the wallflower in that book store who impressed him with her eidetic memory. They literally started their first encounter showing off to each other, and he wanted to dig deeper behind that reserved facade. Which he did. And found a soulmate, someone who doesn't judge him and teaches him things while he teaches her to live in spite of the cruelty she's faced throughout her entire life. They rub off on each other, probably not even noticing it most of the time; but they don't try to change one another. Which is the most important factor.
Sira Cruz ( @viiolencia ) : She's, he would say, his best friend. They understand each other on a level only the devil himself otherwise could, given their ties to hell. It's a lonely existence, but not if you can share its perks with someoneβ€” they're both callous and don't beat around the bush, while acutely aware of the brutality sitting in each their bones. Kill together, get intimate, play their little mindgames with one another and even get into fights. It's never fatal though. They know where they're at with each other and, ironically, hell connects them just as their experiences with family loss.
two things your character regrets.
i. getting outsmarted by the witches he thought he'd gotten rid of before starting the end. Self-explanatory, his biggest and most fatal failure which resulted in the 'new world' not even getting a chance to rise because Mallory made everything undone.
ii: making Constance hate him. Or if it's not hate, at least resentment and fear. While she wasn't a picture-perfect mother figure, with Michael she really tried within the frame of her flaws, but he drove her mad. At some age, he knew exactly what he did, noticed how he kept upsetting his grandmother and still... didn't stop. He never imagined her to throw the towel. And when she did, he was hit by realization that her love for him wasn't stronger than her fear of what he might do to her next. It still haunts him.
three phobia's your character has.
i. failure and being seen as small, useless ii. betrayal committed by those few he trusts iii. cars, unless he sits in them (new timelines)
Tagged by: @ravenskeeper β™₯
Tagging: @anthrcpophagi @asteritm @butscrewmefirst @colorsdevoid @detectivechandler @hecatespower @hiveruled @ruinedmyself @retconned-royalty @thcmcnstcr @untilthcyrot @viiolencia @were-jer
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