#but using honorifics for the atla universe would probably drive people off. also it'd be a mess to make because likely nations would also
dropespeon · 1 year
figuring out what to do with honorifics for this dcmk crossover is the most miserable experience. do you just drop them altogether. but then you lose a lot of nuance because the way people refer to each other in dcmk is So important. so do you just use the ones that are really important. but then it's awkward. so do you make it so just the dcmk characters use honorifics and no one else. but that's also awkward. it's atla so like. it's still asian. but it takes inspiration from a lot of different cultures (and also kind of fuses them which is not great). the written language is traditional chinese i think?? but then that raises more questions. like. is there a language barrier? how big is the language barrier? traditional chinese and japanese share a decent amount of characters but they're still very different so should it simply be treated as the avatar universe having its own universal language that doesn't have honorifics (but there are regional languages and being bilingual is standard? it would make sense considering the history). would japanese just be very similar to the regional language of kyoshi island where honorifics *are* standard? i am in the trenches rn
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