#but want 2 be like. less superior abt it while i'm thinking abt it
aeide-thea · 2 years
i get a little on my high horse sometimes abt the way in which cishet+ culture will sometimes (usually implicitly) link, hm how to put this, gender hypersaturation with attractiveness—like, dialing up the level of eg Manliness gets framed as inherently also dialing up someone's level of sexiness
this has always seemed totally nuts to me, as someone frequently attracted to very effeminate men+ and very androgynous women+
but i definitely do kind of frame my own self-criticism in terms of like. 'failing at masculine model of attractiveness, failing at feminine model of attractiveness, guess i gotta just go sit by myself in my miserable little mudpit'
which is like. literally what even, self. like. is 'thumbing my nose at all binary standards' not. the nominal objective actually. and yet!!
#anyway like. not sure where i'm going with this but i guess i do want to work on that reflexive feeling of superiority#like. it's difficult to get positive gender affirmation from society at large as any flavor of trans#but there's definitely a particular flavor of difficulty that comes with nonbinary identification#like‚ 'i can't expect you to read my mind so probably just hoping you don't actively gender me in any direction is the best i can hope for'#like sometimes ppl on here will use pronouns for me that feel nice and i like that. special shoutout 2 box on that front.#but anyway basically either i get coercively gendered a binary gender (mostly but not always F)#or i get clear feedback that i'm Failing (to be categorizable which yes is the goal but. emotional experience of Failing still not good)#and just—idk where i'm going with this but i guess i think like. there IS this real desire to be like. a pleasing example of one's genre#and i still kind of think it's weird to conflate what's essentially gender eu-/dysphoria with attractiveness to *others*#but also i think those things ARE weirdly tangled up for a lot of us for whatever reason?? want 2 think abt that more#but want 2 be like. less superior abt it while i'm thinking abt it#bc i just think it's. easy to get reverse snooty when yr not getting any affirmation yrself (is i think where i was trying to go w/ this)#and like. fully understandable but like. how is this feeling i have any different from a cis person wanting the same affirmation#anyway i'm tired and not probably articulating myself that clearly but like. 'more thinking less sneering' good general bywords really#feelingsblogging#the psyche#what is gender we just don't know
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dhaaruni · 3 years
Ok re VP Harris i feel like she's going to have a hard hill to climb whether she does everything PERFECTLY or not, right? This article and a few others I've been reading are not super optimistic about her ~~chances~~ bc she's been given the real shit jobs so far (immigration, crime, etc) which are all R hammering points. But I feel like that could actually be freeing? Im obsessed w the concept of the valley of political death where a politician can make a bold, morally superior move that initially craters them but after a couple of months ppl end up having a higher opinion of them?? NOT to use AOC as a model bc she like squanders her goodwill ALL THE TIME but i feel like if i were VP i'd be like. K, im already a woc in power and Rs are going to try and nail me 2 the cross on immigration and crime, their biggest throwback hits - might as well become their biggest nightmare? Like i think people are spoiling for a less tepid dem response and in lieu of getting that response from the senate she can kind of ride on that?? Like if she just starts hammering back abt cruelty 2 children and capitalize a little bit on immigration as a childrens wellfare thing she can keep up pressure in the suburbs. they dont want to vote for a woman or poc BUT WE DO LOVE a maverick in this country still!! THIS IS NOT me saying she should go full Bernie btw
Oh thank you for your long response!
I think that wrt Kamala Harris, her biggest issue is our country's polarization in addition to the fact that while she knows California politics down cold and I'm not diminishing her accomplishments as DA, attorney general, and senator, that isn't representative of the rest of the country. Don't get me wrong, if she's the presidential nominee, I'm campaigning for her as much as possible whether professionally or as a volunteer, but the fact remains, a large part of the country, including people that pulled the trigger for Biden, won't vote for a Black/Asian woman, especially those who voted Republican down ballot (Biden-Collins voters in Maine, I'm staring directly @ you).
Plus, the Biden administration is sealed tight (which is infuriating the DC press corps) and Kamala's corner always leaks like a sieve, which has been an issue she's had since the presidential primary. Also, Kamala quite frankly let her family play too much of a role in her presidential campaign like Maya and Meena Harris should not be employed by the campaign and Meena shouldn't be using her aunt's image to boost her clout as an influencer while also tweeting about defunding the police, which both Kamala and Biden have loudly disavowed. If you noticed, while Jill Biden and Michelle Obama and Bill/Hillary Clinton (depending on who was running) all campaigned for their spouses and did events, but none of them were employed by the campaign and none of them contradicted the nominee! And I don't trust Meena to do the same thing based on her Twitter persona.
I also think crime and immigration are Democrats' biggest red spots as a party simply because we keep letting our most liberal members on MSNBC every single night to yell about abolishing and defunding things so nothing Biden and Harris or any other elected Democrat says counteracts that. Max Rose, who repped Staten Island where all the NYC cops lived, got clobbered with defund the police despite the fact he's about as pro-cop as you can get for a Democrat. Again, we need to run a tighter ship in terms of messaging as a party and that's my bottom line. If that means banning certain people from being on cable news, so be it.
I talked about it before but I really think that Kamala needs to shore up support in the Blue Wall, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Her being on the ticket actually helped with our Latino support although it still cratered from 2016 to 2020, but quite bluntly, we need to make sure she wins enough white men in swing states. That means putting a Midwestern Democrat on the ticket as VP (Pete Buttigieg, Gretchen Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar, Conor Lamb if he gets elected to the Senate), and that means parking herself down in the upper Midwest from the moment the primary is over until the general election. Honestly, I don't think a white and more moderate seeming female VP from the Midwest really hurts Kamala electorally given she herself is a progressive woman of color from California, but who knows, I may be wrong.
All that makes sense right? I'm not an expert but I've learned a lot about how conservative America is in the last year and it'd do people better to learn that sooner rather than later.
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crimsonsalutations · 6 years
What don't you like about fandom hanzo? :o just asking because I'm really picky about it myself personally
oh anon youve asked the Wrong question bc i have A Lot of thoughts on my boy hanzo
BUT before i say anything i just want 2 say that Despite the fact that i bitch a lot abt characterization on this blog, i dont intend hate or disrespect @ anyone who portrays characters in the way i bitch about. fandom is about making yourself happy & if a characterization makes you happy then you should pursue it despite what my dumb bitch ass has to say about it. ok.
ive mentioned this a few times before but i 
A. love redemption arcs and 
B. dont like... victimization. whether its canon or not-- like a character whose whole thing revolves around them being a victim of everything in their life? eh. boring. like widowmaker: she was a happy ballerina... she got brainwashed... it’s like... now what. she was happy, now she’s a victim, there’s nothing cool in there to explore.
i dislike characterizations of hanzo where people try to explain away the fratricide with ‘he was abused by sojiro’ or ‘he was brainwashed by the clan of elders’ partially because of what i just said and partially because it just seems unlikely in canon bc
1.chu... a while ago, said genji was part of overwatch when he was human, which we took as a slip-up but i dont think(?) that he ever took that back. 
2.genji says something in retribution like ‘no matter what i do... i cannot escape my fate’ when mccree says they’ve become assassins, implying he’s tried to escape becoming an assassin.  
3. overwatch was conveniently close enough to genji & the shimadas that they could swoop in and save him before he actually died
4. genji wasnt murdered. he was brutalized. he has scars up and down his arms, he’s got burn scars on his face, and when hanzo was done with him he couldnt walk anymore. plus there’s a post somewhere on here that theorizes due to the nature of blackwatch genji’s prosthesis +  the blood spatter in hanamura, it seems that hanzo attacked him from behind
hanzo’s bio says
Upon the death of his father, the clan elders instructed Hanzo to straighten out his wayward younger brother so that he, too, might help rule the Shimada empire. When his brother refused, Hanzo was forced to kill him. This act broke Hanzo's heart and drove him to reject blah blah 
but genji’s death doesnt seem like some kind of duty driven, single-manly-tear-slipping-down-the-cheek, hold-him-in-your-arms-as-he-goes death. he was brutalized. hanzo was angry.
while hanzo’s bio talks about hanzo’s broken heart, genji’s bio says this
Hanzo demanded that Genji take a more active role in their late father's empire. Genji refused, enraging Hanzo. The tension between the brothers built to a violent confrontation that left Genji on the verge of dying. 
and i mean ok. im not here to judge hanzo or condemn him (personally i think ppl who try to assert their moral superiority over fictional characters are.. a little pathetic) & there’s a lot that goes into this, pressure from the elders, japanese culture, unhealthy environments. but hanzo had a choice.
all this stuff seems to imply to me that genji betrayed the shimadas for overwatch. maybe he caught on that he was in danger without sojiro around to protect him. maybe he just wanted out. i dont know. does it matter? 
but hanzo couldve spared him. couldve cast him out. couldve done a bunch of things, but he didnt. 
the fact is. that hanzo killed his brother. (brutalized his brother).
 and thats why i find him interesting. how do you deal with that?
like, okay. you’re standing there, and you’ve got your little brother’s blood on your hands. and you’re looking down at him (at his corpse) and the adrenaline high is leaving and it’s beginning to sink in that you’ve murdered your little brother. in cold blood. what do you do? what’s next?
i mean, you punch someone in the face and you feel bad about it, you go ‘oh shit im so sorry’ and you grab them an ice pack. but genji’s dead. there’s no one to apologize to. there’s no way to fix it. you’ve done a terrible thing. an evil thing. an abusive, awful, terrible thing. and you cant take it back. and there’s no one or nothing to blame it on: you did it and there’s nothing you can do to change that. 
what’s next? where do you go from there?
that’s what i find interesting about hanzo. because thats the thing about overwatch. anyone can be a hero. even if youve killed your brother. even if you’re the worst person on the planet. all you have to do is try.
and. in this context it makes more sense that hanzo rejects genji at first. the cycle he mustve been going down those ten years.
i killed my brother --> im a terrible person because ive killed my brother --> i killed my brother because im a terrible person
his whole concept of himself has devolved into this brother-killer who can never redeem himself, and then genji pops up one day like ‘hey whats up’ and this isnt just forcing hanzo to re-evaluate his relationship with genji, but also himself. it’s a bit self-centered, yeah, but he rejects genji in part because He Is A Brother Killer, that’s just how he sees himself. genji shows up and hanzo’s like, ‘you cant be alive because im a filthy bastard that killed my brother’
its obvious he still regrets it though. he says it was duty (i cant even get into that w/o more context abt what he means by ‘duty’ + the whole situation beyond vague descriptions in bios) and he also stopped using a sword after that. which is interesting either way. was that out of respect? did he just feel sick using one? idk. 
the whole idea of blaming what he did on abuse or brainwashing is just so meh :/ to me because i just dont like those kind of stories. partially because a lot of the time they just feel like the author is trying to garner sympathy for an unlikable character, and partially because oftentimes abuse is passed off as a motivation when it’s not. 
lots of people are abused. there is no one reaction or outcome of abuse. someone lashes out at their abuser and kills them, that’s because they were angry or scared, not because they were abused. the anger was created bc of the abuse but the anger is what led them to act, not the abuse. 
hearing about the abuse just makes me sad, and to be completely honest it doesnt make me sympathize with a character any more or less. it’s just like adding really bland cheese to a sandwich. i can tell the cheese is there, but i cant taste it and it doesnt really affect the sandwich. all it does is give me more to chew.
hanzo didnt kill genji because he was abused or brainwashed, or else all abused/brainwashed children would kill their siblings. hanzo killed genji because he was angry (maybe that anger as born of abuse. frankly i dont think it matters much). what i want to see less of with hanzo is ‘fucked up bastard kills his brother’ and less of ‘poor abused baby accidentally tripped and stabbed genji with his sword :(’ and more ‘confused man tries to figure out how to live with himself after realizing he is kind of an awful person’
plus i feel like hanzo is a very specific balance between a broken man and a complete jackass and no one seems to combine those 2 traits in a way that satisfies me
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