#but we'll see if my puter can even run it. it's very hit or miss...
kira-moonrabbit · 2 years
ah, something nobody could have possibly known reminds me. i bought a little game called "coromon" today-yesterday-ish. it feels like today due to my sleeping being funny.
its like... a monster collector similar to but not the same as Pokemon from the looks of it. i feel like i've been jonesing for a good monster collector lately... replaying pokemon games on my aging 3DS doesn't sound like my cup of joe, rom hacks can be a little too difficult and hard to aquire, and while I would be willing to put my poor, poor 3DS through more hell to play yo-kai watch 3 again, it has a grand total of 4 required stealth sections that made me pull my hair out on my first go-around and the parts i left off at in the postgame in my main file sound way way too difficult at the moment.
i know nothing about coromon aside from what i could gather from a single trailer and the steam description for it. it looks cute and also very fun from what i have seen. i'll try to let the class know if i start it and how it's going when i do, in case anyone feels the same way.
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