#but what has this blog been for except oversharing grief lol
fasterthanmydemons · 11 months
would pietro have TSA (twin separation anxiety) in the Sotg verse? after seeing those results for basch and noah I think pietro and wanda would also have it but mostly pietro. I could totally see him turning to rocket or mantis for comfort since they're the ones who are talking to him the most for now (as much of an asshole as rocket can be lol)
{out of breath} First of all, thank you for reading my huge headcanon post over on my other blog. You are awesome. =) For those who don't know what the Anon is referring to, I basically analyzed by muses' mental (and partially physical) health over on my other blog for their MCU verse, kindof as an evaluation report they would have done before they could qualify to do field work with the Avengers. If you're interested, you can read it here. I'll put the actual ask answer below a cut because long, heh.
TSA (twin separation anxiety) is a specific type of anxiety that happens to twins when they are separated from each other. It doesn't necessarily have to be under traumatic circumstances. It could be going off to separate colleges, moving out and having their own places, one twin beginning to date and the other feeling left out, etc. In other words, normal growing pains and milestones in life can contribute to TSA, and that's okay. It's when normal TSA isn't handled properly, or when TSA results from a sudden and/or traumatic separation, that it can have lasting detrimental effects on the twins' psyches, such as some anxiety disorders, insecurity, uncertainty about oneself and their future, fears of abandonment or of being alone, and even lashing out in the form of erratic emotional or physically violent outbursts.
Pietro and Wanda both have longstanding experience with TSA, unfortunately. They first experienced it shortly after their parents died and they were placed into an orphanage that separated girls from boys. Because of this and because the twins were said to have been "too dependent" on each other, they were kept separate a lot, which resulted in Pietro sneaking over to the girls wing to see Wanda, and then in them running away from the orphanage to avoid being separated again.
The twins' TSA only got worse once they volunteered for the Hydra experiments. They were kept in separate cells, were afraid for each other's welfare, but could not always see or communicate with each other. This was a serious shock to them, since they had always been so close before.
In MCU canon, Wanda experiences TSA to an extreme degree after Pietro dies. She also experiences what is known as being a "twinless twin," which is a specific type of grief and trauma response someone experiences when their twin dies.
In an AU where Pietro lives, they both still experience some TSA just from having their own separate rooms in the training compound, being trained separately and differently, falling in with different circles of friends, Wanda starting to date Vision, being sent on missions separately, etc. None of that is necessarily bad, but before that, they were extremely emotionally co-dependent on each other, so any kind of separation is going to cause anxiety at first.
And then once again, imprisonment in the Raft heightened the effects of TSA on the twins by physically separating them under stressful conditions. Not only were they worried for each other, but they were each under a lot of stress without the one person in the world they were most used to going to for comfort.
So by the time he gets to the SotG AU, Pietro's TSA is pretty damn bad. Wanda's... hmm. It's not that Pietro has it worst than Wanda, but Wanda has an easier time of it for a couple reasons. First, she has Vision to support her. Pietro doesn't have anyone but Wanda, to that degree at least, except in verses where he's shipped with someone. Wanda is a lot more mentally stable at that point in her life than Pietro is. He is more prone to emotional and violent outbursts, he either overshares or completely closes off from others and switches between those at random, he takes things very personally, and the more time he spends without Wanda, the more unhinged he becomes in a lot of ways.
In AUs where Wanda dies instead of him in AoU, or if he's alive during the Blip but doesn't get snapped like she does, he spirals out of control very quickly and can becomes suicidal. Wanda never really got to that point until the end of DSMoM, after she'd lots not only Pietro, but Vision (like what, three times?), various friends, and her sons. So Pietro is actually a lot more emotionally fragile and vulnerable than Wanda is. It takes a lot more to break her down than it does him.
So at the time SotG is happening, Wanda is a lot better supported and more mentally stable than Pietro is, so that makes the effects of TSA worse for him. By that point he is very jittery, his nerve damaged arm and hand shake a lot worse and more often, he has even more trouble sitting still, and his behavior is erratic. He'll go from crying to yelling to shutting down all in one hour. And all those insecurities he's been picking up throughout his life (being the worse twin, his ADHD symptoms making him feel stupid and like he can't learn, and the times he couldn't protect his sister making him feel like a bad brother) are also amplified as a result.
These kinda of asks give me life, so thank you for asking! =)
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