#but what's the point of moping over it if you've already did that a hundred times over
sharlmbracta · 8 months
ok depression warning cw depression or something but am i the only one who feels like the world will die out by the time i become 30 or before that
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remwrites · 2 years
for a cute little scarian prompt: immortal scar trying desperately to find a way to cut his golden thread, so that he can grow old with grian because the guilt he would feel if he tried to make grain immortal with him is so overwhelming he can’t even fathom it <3<3 (bonus points if grian wants to become immortal because no length of time—save forever—with scar is enough for him…)
"cute little prompt" ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME
For anyone else in the world, sitting on the edge of a roof would be a worry.
For Scar, it was no more dangerous than sitting on his living room couch. The endless drop below his hanging feet was a stunning visage, and Scar knew exactly what it felt like to sink like a stone through the air, to hit the ground. And to survive.
His ancestor had given his life to save a hundred. So his descendants, Scar included, had been gifted a hundred lifetimes.
After a few centuries it stopped being a gift.
Now Scar was here, specifically hanging over a roof forty stories off the ground, standing at the drop and knowing it would be nothing more than an inconvenience to fall. He hadn't come up there to fall. He'd come up there to think.
Scar exhaled. He didn't turn around. He said, to the wind, "I'm not going to change my mind."
"Stubborn fool." Grian replied, footsteps approaching.
That got Scar's attention. He turned, "Watch the edge."
Bitterness flashed over Grian's face, dark and annoyed. "I wouldn't have to, you know."
Scar had never loved anyone as much as he loved Grian. He'd also never had a fight with someone like they just had, screaming at each other until Scar had stormed off to mope on the roof like the melodramatic immortal he was.
And Grian, the fragile human, tugging the edge of his long sweater sleeve. The cold visibly cutting through him, even as he defiantly lifted his chin.
"You don't want this." Scar said, throat sore.
Grian narrowed his eyes. "I think I'm capable enough to know what I want."
Scar sighed, eyeing the roving city blurs beneath his feet. "I told you. It would be better if I joined you, instead of you joining me. We can live a normal life together. I've already done immortality for too long and let me tell you, it's not all it's cut out to be."
"But if you join me, Scar, you could die. And what the hell am I going to do if it's before me?" Grian stomped his foot, eyes flashing.
"That's exactly why you can't join me." Scar's smile went bitter and sad. "Because all I've ever known is everyone I love dying before me."
"It wouldn't fucking matter." Grian said incredulous. "Because the only person I'd need would be right there beside me."
Scar couldn't respond, the pain in his throat reaching a threshold. He looked away, back at the forty-floor drop. Ants of people on the sidewalk, milling, headlights and street-lamps in pinpricks.
"I want to grow old with you." Scar said, scratchy. He didn't want to argue anymore.
"You've had so much time." Grian replied, approaching to sit in front of him, hands in the gravel roof. "But I haven't. I want more with you. If we could have eternity together, why wouldn't you take it?"
"Because eternity sucks."
"Eternity sucks alone, yeah." Grian reached out and took both his hands.
"I'm not going to change my mind." Scar couldn't stop himself from squeezing his hands back.
"And I'm not going to change mine." Grian smiled, challenging. "If we play chicken, who do you think will break first?"
A slimy hand closed around Scar's heart. He said, wary, "What do you mean?"
"If you cut your golden thread, I will take it." Grian promised.
Scar's breath was taken away. He swallowed, realizing the force of nature he was dealing with. Grian was truly unlike any person he'd ever met in centuries. It was going to be his downfall.
He did not want to doom Grian to his own fate. His partner didn't realize what he was asking for. But Grian was the type of person who did not lose. He would cut off his nose to spite his face.
He was forcing Scar's hand. He stared at the fragile human sitting at his feet, far too high off the ground. Grian's eyes searched his face, the line of his mouth set in stone, speaking to the true severity of his words.
"Are you going to help me find my own?" Grian asked.
Scar looked ahead at his growing eternity. He would just have to make sure it was worth it for Grian.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Imagine you're Henry's neighbour, you've heard his conquests, have to admit you're a little jealous as they all sound happy. But it make you wonder if they are faking it.
You chat to friend on the phone whilst in the garden, not realising he can hear you.
The knock on your door later that evening was unexpected but when you see your hot neighbour there you have no idea why.
Until he offers to show you just why those other women were so happy
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Okay so i decided to continue my PE Teacher Henry series with this one, previous parts below:
Thigh Riding,  Jingle My Bells , An Epic Quickie
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of Angst, talk of breakups, young idiots in love.
The Boy Next Door
The sun was shining and the sounds of late summer could be heard as the four of you settled on dining chairs that had been pulled out onto the ramshackle patio so you could celebrate moving into the shared house for your last year of Uni and doing Post-Graduate for teaching. Opening a chilled bottle of Echo Falls Rose Zinfandel, Marie sloshed it into the four waiting glasses, handing on to each of you;
“Here’s to just one more year of Uni, then we can be set free onto the world of teaching education rather than being taught!”
The four of you had all done your degree’s together, and by the end of your 3rd year you had moved into a shared house to save on halls of residence costs. When you’d all decided to attend the same Uni for your Post Graduates qualification it was the easy choice to decide to rent together, and you’d manage to snag a gorgeous multi level Victorian town house to rent for the year. The landlord had admitted a few things needed to be updated, but it was a short walk from campus so in exchange for a reduction in rent you’d found the perfect place. 
By the time the 3rd bottle of Zinfandel was opened you were all pleasantly merry, and from the advantage point of the raised patio where the garden dipped away as it went downhill you could see the road that ran alongside the house next door that yours was connected to. The corner house had looked a lot more appealing, but the rent had been considerably higher, so the compromise was that you’d rented the one away from the street corner. Just at that moment another Removals Truck pulled up alongside the corner house, and you could hear various cars park behind it, the sound of young male voices easily heard. It was obvious you had a group of male students living next door.
Three weeks into term and you were sat at the desk in your room, glaring at the wall in front of you. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on how to teach fronted adverbials, the screams of the woman obviously on the verge on an orgasm from the guys house next door just reminded you of your lack of love life. With a sigh you set your pencil down and headed downstairs, away from the obvious now orgasming woman.
“Oh hey Hunny, thought you were catching up on some English Lit stuff?” Marie smiled as she poked at an egg she was attempting to fry on the small electric cooker.
“I was… until there was another screamer next door”
“Oh… another one?” she winced, knowing that from the 2nd day the guys next door had moved in, the one that was in the room next to you had been able to bed a different girl about every three nights or so.
You grabbed a glass of water and stepped outside, letting the sunshine warm your face. Opening your Motorolla Flip Phone you scrolled through your texts, smiling as you saw messages from last years classmates, checking in on how everyone was doing. You were vaguely aware of Marie coming outside, setting a plate down on the patio wall and the click of her lighter as she lit a Royals cigarette.
“You still miss him, don’t you?” she asked.
Pulling your gaze up to her, your eyes immediately growing wet. Nodding you swallowed the lump in your throat. Wrapping your arms around your body you looked out over the garden;
“I know… it’s stupid. Its been two years, and it was a mutual decision to part ways, but Henry was my first, you know? He was my first everything. We got together when we were sixteen, we made it through our A-Levels together, we even managed a year doing long distance when we didn’t get into the same Uni…”
“What about that dude… Chris? Didn’t you two have a thing a while back”
You let out a laugh;
“He loves his politics too much to commit to a relationship. If i had to listen to one more rant about Tony Blair whilst we tried to go out for dinner i would have screamed…”
You looked at Marie who was now halfway through her fried egg sandwich whilst her cigarette sat smouldering in the petunias that had mostly gone over for the season, and she gave you the ‘sad puppy eyes’ as she chewed. You let out a grunt of frustration;
“FUCK! I just want to not feel like this anymore! I’ve spent two years moping over Henry-fucking-Cavill, i just want to be able to get on with my post graduate and move on with my life without being constantly reminded of his skills every time i try to do any work in my room!”
Henry smiled and waved as Monica, no Michelle, no… wait… whoever made their way down the front steps of the house, closing the door with a sigh of relief. 
“Another one dude?”
Looking at where Anthony was coming down the stairs he nodded;
“Yup. Sorry about the noise” 
He followed his housemate through to the kitchen, switching the kettle on. He was now used to Henry’s conquests screaming the house down, but it was still fun to taunt Henry about the noise they would make;
“So, this was was faking it again?”
Henry looked at him in mock-shock;
“I can assure you none of them fake it”
Chucking teabags into two mugs Anthony chuckled;
“I know man. But i also know you’re still trying to fill the void she left. Its been two years man”
“Yeah, but she’s long gone, i’m her past, i’d only drag her down. She’s probably got some hot politics graduate about to propose to her. She wouldn’t want some dumb physical education ass like me anymore”
Handing him the strong cup of tea Anthony nodded;
“Whatever man, but i still think you should message her, you haven’t spoken in two years and you’re still hung up on her, one last try, huh?”
Heading out to the garden Henry sat on the patio wall and lit a cigarette. He’d sworn he’d never smoke again, what with being a physical education student, but there were still times when he buckled to his nerves and stresses. Lighting up he inhaled deeply, enjoying the quiet of the garden before he heard his neighbours come out onto the patio next door. Through the trellis covered in a thick layer of ivy he could hear everything, as although it did a great job at giving visual privacy, the clear voices of the young women next door carried easily through the greenery.
Ten minutes later Henry almost knocked Anthony over as he bolted up the stairs;
“Sorry man, got something to do… gotta get my Blackberry”
The next morning you were on your way to class when your phone chimed, looking at the screen you felt your blood run hot then cold at the name on the display;
“What does he want?” you muttered to yourself, before with a sigh you pushed the phone back into your bag, deciding to look at it later once you had finished your class. The last thing you needed to get your mind off of Henry was a text from him.
Making your way out to the patio, you threw your bag onto the sofa and smiled as you saw the rest of the girls already out enjoying the last of the days sunshine;
“Heeeyyyyy there she is” Janelle called, sipping from a bottle of Becks
“Is there any more of those? I need a drink”
Handing you a bottle Marie smiled as you smashed the cap off using the top brick of the wall, sipping the tart bubbles of Lager you let out a sigh;
“Henry texted me today”
The three girls went quiet before Jo spoke;
“What did he say?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t read it. I’m trying to get over him, the last thing i need is getting my hopes up. He’s hundreds of miles away, no doubt doing something super sporty that only makes him look even better, probably coaching kids rugby or something. He’s not gonna want some boring English teacher wannabe like me”
At the mere mention of the word ‘Wannabe’ the others broke into a poor rendition of the Spice Girls song, unaware of the silent frustration happening the other side of the ivy trellis.
After one beer you’d excused yourself, deciding to take advantage of the quiet to get some coursework done, thankful that your room neighbour on the other side of the wall wasn’t entertaining any female guests again, but you had no idea how long that would last so the sooner you got some work done the better. With your bedroom window open you got back to work, getting in a full hour before your phone chimed again with another text. Glancing at the little screen on the front you scowled, another text from Henry.
Setting the phone down you went back to your work, frowning as you struggled to concentrate, until five minutes later your phone chimed again, your eyes going wide when you saw it was yet another text from Henry;
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!” you yelled at your phone.
You sat at your desk, surely your ears were now playing tricks on you, you could have sworn you’d heard Henry’s voice. With a sigh you set your pencil down and opened your phone, reading the messages;
Received 8.46am: Hi. I know its been a long time but i’d love to call you at some point. Would be good to hear your voice. Hen. x
Received 4.55pm: Miss you. Can I call you? Hen. x
The phone beeped whilst you held it, another text coming in;
Received 4.59pm:
Look outside.
Glancing at your window you moved to it and looked out, before a voice so familiar it sent chills down your spine shouted out;
“Down here!”
Janelle shouted out as you flew down the stairs, Jo and Marie both staring at the blur you made as you ran past the lounge and out the front door, letting it swing on its hinges;
“Where is she going so fast?”
The three girls stood at the window and smiled as they wanted to run into Henry’s arms;
“Into her future Husband’s embrace” Marie sighed, the three watching as the young lovers fell back into each other's arms.
“Wait, is he the ‘loud’ one?” Jo asked to no-one in particular
“Unfortunately… i spoke to one of the other guys - Anthony - last week, he apologised for his housemates noises”
“Oh well… guess she can get us some ear plugs then”
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