#but y'all really gotta do more research on who the houthis actually are
On the New Conflict Between U.S and Yemen
First off, I gotta say, fuck the U.S for not acknowledging the true reason behind the whole Yemeni blockades in the Red Sea AND funneling money to Israel during the ICJ hearings. Still, I am sick and tired of tankies/non-nuanced obviously former/current Twitter users straight up defending the Houthis as if they're some sorts of heroes and freedom fighters (sounds familiar doesn't it). They are funded by Iran (theocratic fascist state) and their slogans and mission statements are disgusting (and actually anti-semetic). We cannot just hop on the bandwagon of unconditional support for a militant group just because they say "free Palestine", you folks gotta become more nuanced than this, come on now. Truthfully, the U.S is heading into a conflict that is going to be pointless, the Yemeni blockades won't do shit to free Gaza, since the Red Sea is merely a trade route shortcut, and us (a.k.a, Commander in Chief) bombing MENA and getting involved once again, much like when we got involved with Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11 also won't do shit but escalate the conflict. Our foreign policy is naive, imperialistic, and never should've been implemented in the first place, but hey, that Saudi oil money was too good to give up, and now we're being quietly complacent in an ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people. So please people, I sing the same damn song every time, get yourselves some nuance, and legitimately educate yourselves, please, I fucking beg of you. Politics and international relations isn't some fucking (American) football game, you can't just pick a side and root for them because they share one common idea.
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adhdnojutsu · 5 months
Who hired a circus?!
So there's a call-out post about me, yay, I made it ig.
About both being a pro-shipper and being Israeli. I won't dignify y'all yapping about how I make pixels kiss, because I just returned from a flea market and have had my fill of screeching babies for the day.
But the Israeli part? Here's the short version.
NO MATTER HOW PROBLEMATIC a person's literal country of birth is, you are INSANE for judging that person for being born there, since there was no in-utero option for foetus-me to research my preferred country of birth and text my mother about it.
You are INSANE for judging me for not wanting my literal family, my friends, my 26 flings including Palestinians*, and everything I've come to call home, to burn. Like, imagine taking issue with that. Do you hear yourselves? And you are flaming hypocrites for singling us out to hate for our country, when a bunch of you are Americans and people aren't hating on y'all for your government laying waste to Iraq, Afghanistan etc (also, did you read your country's origin story and when are you headed back to Europe?). I'm not judging Yemenites for hailing from a country whose babies are being starved by the Houthis and whose country decimated Jews. I'm not judging random Palestinians for Hamas murdering my aunt, an innocent old lady who never served, on October 7, fck you very much.
I am 100% judging you for the insanity of picking and choosing whose life & attachments are valid depending on what side of a fence they're on, since 2 million Israelis are Arabs aka Palestinians... who also get bombed by Hamas, Iran, and Lebanon, btw you absolute circus.
Judging anyone for (not hating) their origin, is insane and racist.
I'm very critical of a lot of what Israel does and I left for a reason, not to mention I never said a word of support for what's happening in Gaza (not that I hear y'all calling out Hamas who knew this would happen), but don't you dare judge me for not hating my home, especially if you're the descendant of Europeans and who pitched your tent on the mass graves of the true indigenous folks your ancestors butchered to make room for slave plantations. Oh, your ancestors did no such thing? Great, mine didn't either, they were refugees fleeing Islamic violence against Jews that started centuries before 1948, and who UNWILLINGLY returned to the Judea they retraced our personal lineage to, because of the exact social/political climate y'all are currently rebooting for Jews in diaspora.
Now go f* yourselves with a Sabra, and if you have to google what a Sabra is, you really don't get to speak on the issue. PS Arabs are indigenous to the Arabian peninsula, Islam originates from today's Saudi Arabia, Jews from "Canaan". Temple of Solomon: Jerusalem, 957 BC. Al Aqsa Mosque: on said temple's ruins, 685 AD. Your "they were there first, you wretched colonizer" math ain't mathing. Learn what you're disrupting universities about, well, at least until you break down because you saw a banana or weren't sent an ambulance to change tampons in. The people y'all march for have more dignity than that.
PS2 since y'all love to make this about race for obscure reasons, friendly reminder that the vast majority of Israelis is brown and optically indistinguishable from Arabs because we are, brace yourselves, not from Poland.
*those not radicalized by Hamas et al are not nearly as hysterical about Israel as you kids are, and that's funny actually; the ones I met cared way more about my Israeli tzitzim wrapped around their massive.... anyway, gotta go feed the chickens.
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