#but ya'll wanted high stakes and I am delivering anyway xD
higherxhigher · 2 years
Somewhat plotted starter for: @all-the-muses and @words-of-honor
"Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air! Deploying countermeasures! Dagger three defending! Dagger two defending! Pheonix, on your six! We're taking damage!"
The fight is chaos. Before they could even make it to their target, five 5th Gen fighters seemed to come from nowhere, their radars missing them until it was too late. Their formation almost instantly dissolved into a free-for-all dogfight the small, three-pilot strike team was sure to lose.
Lizzie struggles to make heads or tails of anything. Communication had dissolved with their formation, everyone's voices overlapping into a panicked cacophony no one could quite keep up with.
"Shit! I'm out of flares!" A voice comes over the comms, all too familiar, just before Lizzie registers the explosion somewhere to her right and below.
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"Bradley!" she practically shrieks into the comms, twisting as best she could to search the cloud of debris for the white field of a parachute, but the jets were moving too fast and the scene was too low for Lizzie to see for more than a second.
Still, it's only when her fighter careens to the right that she faces forward again, quickly leveling the F/A-18E out once again. Suddenly, she is acutely aware of the mask over her face, pressed firmly against her skin; the heavy weight of her helmet as the G-force pushes against her; the way her G-suit squeezes around her limbs. Her breath comes in quick, ragged gasps as she barely pulls her fighter up out of the way of a new missile, deploying a stream of flares until she catches the sight of fire and smoke behind her.
Was she losing oxygen somewhere? Her lungs ache and her head swims like she is, but she doesn't have time to ponder it. Somewhere ahead of her, a missile collides with Pheonix and Bob's plane, sending the fighter up in smoke. She's quick to push her own jet into a sharp right, turning the jet onto its side to miss the cloud of debris, but now the comms are too silent. The only sound was that of her own breath sounding back to her and then the high-pitched tone warning of another missile on her tail.
"Smoke in the air!" she repeats for no one but the men and women keeping track of the mission from the carrier. "Dagger two defending! Shit...shit, shit, shit..."
There's only seconds between the realization that her own plane has run out of the flares and the impending impact, but Liz is quicker to respond than she has ever had to be before - pulling the ejection handle in just enough time to miss the explosion as it rattled the air around her.
The reaching branches of the evergreen trees below snag her parachute, tangling it around themselves and making the landing end more abruptly than it should have. The ground below her is still at least ten feet away but the branches provide easy footing as soon as she reaches for them. Her feet now securely planted on the closest branch, Lizzie uses one hand to hold onto another and then the other to free herself from the harness of her seat. Once freed, she climbs her way down to an acceptable height and drops the rest of the way when the branches end. Despite the way TV depicts it, snow is not as soft as it looks but short of the jarring motion and a fall backward as she loses her balance, Liz comes out of the ordeal mostly unscathed.
Glancing up at the sky, she finds only smoke lingering in the air but she knows the quiet is only a temporary respite. The enemy would want them dead but the density of the forest would require a ground approach versus an aerial one. Unfortunately, there was no telling how long it would take ground troops to respond without knowing where the nearest base was but either way, she would have some sort of headstart.
If only she planned on taking it.
If she had survived, there was a chance - however small - that Bradley, Pheonix, and Bob could still be alive somewhere back there and she sure as hell was not going to leave this country unless she was one hundred percent sure they had not made it through. The hardest part, aside from surviving, would be finding them. In the chaos, she had not been able to keep track of exactly where they went down or double back to bring herself closer to them. Pheonix and Bob would be the closest but Bradley's fighter had to have gone down miles back.
Lizzie had barely been walking twenty minutes when the sound engines rumbled behind her. The yellow gleam of their headlights was already visible in the fading daylight. Sucking in a breath, she pushed herself into a sprint just as the sound of gunfire began.
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Bullets sent snow flying at her ankles and lodged into trees but it wasn't until a sudden burst of searing pain ripped through her thigh that she stumbled, knees colliding hard with the frozen ground. A pained cry escaped her lips before she could stop it.
Adrenaline and desperation made the pain manageable enough that she quickly pushed herself back to her feet, moving to run again before she had even straightened. Lizzie managed another hundred yards before the ground gave way to a steep drop into a ravine littered with frozen underbrush. Quick stumbling steps got her part of the way down but eventually, the snow slid under her feet and she had to move the rest of the way on her bottom. Ducking under a newly fallen tree, she watched three jeeps filled with armed soldiers pass her by through the dying needles and the snow they had accumulated.
It wouldn't be long until they doubled back, realizing that she had to have gone a different way, but she's confident enough that she has a minute to examine the blood staining her G-suit and the hole torn straight through the muscle and flesh beneath. The bullet must have barely missed the bone. The first time she notices the tremble in her fingers is as she fumbles for the medical kit in her pack, struggling to open it and lacking the dexterity to cut through the gauze and bandages properly. Biting down on her lip, the next cry of pain is reduced to a high-pitched whine followed by a long, low groan as she packed the wound with gauze and wrap it tightly with the bandage. Her head instantly seems to fill with something dense and heavy, forcing her to close her eyes against a wave of nausea and the darkness that begins to encroach on the edges of her vision.
Blinking rapidly, she sucks in a deep breath and forces her eyes open once again as she pushes herself back to her feet. The pain is beginning to settle in full but she does not have the time to let it slow her down so, despite the deep throbbing and the sharp pain that tore through her nerves with each movement, Lizzie climbed from the ravine and forced herself into a half-assed run, silently hoping the falling snow would cover the prints her boots left on the ground before those jeeps circled back.
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