#but yeah ittosara i love ittosara if you dont love ittosara why if you think ittosara shipers are lesbophobic why???
versadies · 2 years
HELLOOOO IM BACK AGAINN, COULD YOU RATE SOME OF MY FAV SHIPS? Ty. (some of these are popular ships but yeah) I'm also a multishipper so there might be multiple ships that have one character that's the same - Chiscara - Eulamber - Xingyun - Shenjin - Yantao - Kazugorou - Kokosara - Ittosara - Ittogorou - Eimiko Its ok if you dont rate ships though, I completely respect that!
i dont mind rating them !! just to be sure tho: for those who are reading this, this is just purely my opinion, don’t attack me for it and don’t attack those who ship these <<33
warning: spoilers to inazuma quest, act 2 and act 3 !
chiscara - 8/10
i think i can see why you and other people ship this. they give me enemies to lovers vibes - esp with their situation from the 2.2 update. it’d probably be amusing to see those two interact in-game :DD
overall, an interesting ship with two baddies. they’re the type to be super chaotic together hehe
eulamber - 1028303833/10
beautiful. stunning. wholesome. every time i see those two together i can just feel the rainbow and hear holy music. they’re honestly one of the pairs that’s most likely going to be dating and i’m not complaining. as an old amber main AND an old eula main, i just scream whenever i pair them together in my team 😍
they also have a lot of chemistry and it’s great that we got to see that in the 2.3 update (EULA PULLING AMBER CLOSER TO HER WHEN AVALANCHE FELL AAAAHSHWWHDI)
overall, it’s an amazing dynamic and i love how those who ship them are so nice <<33
xingyun - 10/10
another pair that’s most likely going to be dating and i’m not complaining. fun fact: those two came home in the same 10 pull and i just know i have to keep them together in my team. they’re also the first two four stars that ascended to level 90 before xinyan :DD
in all honesty, they’re the only ones so far that has the most interactions with one another in-game besides eulamber. it’s clear that those two are very close, have a wonderful dynamic and chemistry. i’ll be very happy if mihoyo decides to make them a couple, but i also don’t mind if they didn’t as long as they interact a lot :DDD
overall, a very cute ship that has a lot of potential.
shenjin - 8/10
i don’t have any opinion on this ship but it’s def cute !! i love how yunjin was very respectful to shenhe’s opinions regarding the performance’s story and how they get along well. i also like how those two respectfully talk about the other in their voicelines (like shenhe praising yunjin and yunjin hoping that shenhe will be happy and not lonely).
overall, they give me friends to lovers vibes and i hope we’ll see those two interact more soon <<33
yantao - 10/10
i can see why people ship them. they’re the type to really get along with one another (despite having different ambitions and careers) and never get tired of talking to one another. it’s a shame that there’s no interactions between them so i hope mihoyo will give shippers a chance to see those two interact !
overall, a good ship with likable characters :DDD
kazugorou - 8/10
wholesome shippers. i love how gorou was happy when kazuha arrived to battle - they look very cute together :>> i love their fanarts/fancomics too !! ive seen a lot on twitter and they’re all so wholesome :DDD
overall, a good ship with good shippers <<333
kokosara - 7/10
i honestly thought this was “kokoscara” and was shocked 😦😦😦 but then i realized it wasn’t and it was just kokomi x sara 🥴🥴
im not surprised that people ship them. i don’t ship them much unfortunately :(( i like how they’re both respectable to one another and how they’re willing to fix things between them after what happened.
overall, a very fascinating ship that involves two girlbosses 🤝🤝
ittosara - 9/10
enemies to lovers? tsundere vibes? sign me in ✋✋
i laughed when i saw their interactions in the boards that can be found around inazuma city, even more when i saw their voicelines. im happy to say that i have both of them in my account and they have a good dynamic. the people who ship this are also very nice too!
it’s a shame that there are a few people who bash the ship because it isn’t lgbtq+ :((( it’s honestly bad that they bash the ship even if there’s nothing wrong with it at all.
overall, a funny ship with potential fanfics !!
ittogorou - 9/10
i ship them, but not as much as some ships that im obsessed with. i like how itto is a big fan of ms hina and how he confessed about gorou making him feel things. it’d be funny to see how itto would react when he finds out that gorou and ms hina are the same person.
nevertheless, those two are a really good pair. gorou can guide and advise itto while itto can help gorou take a breath from his duties and simply have fun together— its just so nice and so wholesome 😌😌
overall, it’s a good ship with wholesome characters !
eimiko - 1827229383/10
yes please.
i like how ei stops going berserk at traveler for a moment when yae miko enters the fight. i also like how yae managed to make her laugh just a bit during their interaction to one another and how those two talk like old friends, it rlly just shows that they’re the only ones left for each other after everything they went through.
i also like how yae sometimes stops by to give ei desserts and light novels to get her out from boredom and how ei is capable and willing to mock yae first if she ever shows any signs of mocking ei. it’s cute that they understand each other a lot.
overall, a very cute ship with two cool electro women 😍😍
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