#but yeah my supervisor reckons people from other areas are maybe saying they can't cover on office days bc they have to 'prepare'
Sooooo sometimes when we have no regular classes scheduled we get "office days", which are basically days when we're on call for cover. Most of us use these days to prepare materials for classes but usually we have to stretch it out fill our time and end up spending 1-3 hours twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do.
But we've now received a company-wide email saying office days are not for preparing classes and we should be doing something that "benefits the company or customers". Whatever the fuck that means. I have legit no idea what I'm supposed to be doing if I'm not prepping lessons; I thought that's what office days were for.
My supervisor said he considers us prepping for lessons/making materials "beneficial to the company and customers" because it allows us to deliver better lessons. But I asked him "does studying Japanese count because it means I'll have better interactions with students and parents" and he said yes. So in future I'll no longer have to pretend to be busy for like 3 hours; I can just openly get out my Japanese books and study! :D
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