#but yeah zenos is one of my favorite characters! really interesting guy
motheatenscarf · 1 year
Doing raids today, waiting forever in queue because I just want to dps and don't feel like tanking, thinking FF14 thoughts while I wait.
I'm at the halfway mark, and of the Final Fantasy games I've played, I would currently rank FFXIV as 5th.
Mostly because every single thing in Heavensward was tailor made for specifically me, repeatedly slamming the joy buzzer in my brain like a fucking quick time event.
I don't know if it's possible for this game to land in the top 3 for me; 6, 7, and 12 are too deeply ingrained in my psyche. But 10 is largely coasting on nostalgia, so... here's a hopes post of what I think 14 could deliver on to make it my 4th favorite.
Step 1: make the adult Scions more interesting, present, and fucking matter. A solid main cast is fucking required for a good Final Fantasy game, it's why I love 12 specifically as much as I do, it's a small but solid cast of characters who all go on satisfying arcs. The Scions would be the weakest element here if not for the twins. I joked that I thought Lyse would surely have to die now that she was fun and interesting, and then they literally wrote her out of the Scions. They already felt like a useless brunch club with how much more effective things became once it was just the WoL and Alphinaud, so the narrative repeatedly faking out killing them to excuse their absence and inaction is getting cheap. I get that they wanted to make the PC front and center in ARR and the expansion characters the focus as they're introduced. Unfortunately, it means there's no point to the Scions being here until we need them to clumsily pull lore out of their asses when it's immediately relevant. In between that they're comatose, missing, or presumed dead. If they're only gonna be here for plot contrived nonsense and not have personal goals, then at least spice up their personalities. Make Urianger weirder, Y'shtola meaner, and Thancred more pathetic. It's fine if they're forgettable and static if they're supporting characters, god knows Biggs or Slaffborn ain't nobody's blorbo, but the narrative treats them with the weight of main cast which... no...
Step 2: STOP. USING. RAPE. AS. SET DRESSING. This is an easy one! Maybe the story about evil darkness worshiping bad guys who want to blow up the moon or whatever other JRPG nonsense logic they're following is not a mature enough story to respectfully resolve plot elements like human fucking trafficking!
Step 3: More interesting villains. This really helps solidify 6 and 7 with being as iconic as they are and is the one I'm most hopeful for going forward. Solus is a campy nihilist and Zenos has NO setting on the dial between 1 and 11, they're so fun. Many of Solus' comments have me hopeful that his apparent bitchy disdain for the other Ascians will mean we get to finally see them have personalities and different goals and agendas. Even just temporary antagonists and not necessarily villains, like Ysayle and then later Fordolla, are getting more compelling and complicated. That's rad, more of that, less of Yotsuyu because again, check Step 2!
That's it! That's all it will take to be my 4th favorite Final Fantasy game! Heavensward and just how FUN the gameplay is and how pretty the world are have done enough for me to forgive a LOT. I have other ideas for steps they could take that would make me happier and rank it higher, but I'm not gonna delude myself into asking for better/more brown and/or queer characters, that's a monkey's paw wish and I ain't kicking that football.
So yeah, the bar is... low! Can they reach it?
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squirrelwrangler · 3 years
For the fic meme! 13, 24, 39
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
Fanfics- nope! Mostly because they are way too short for me to require them. The longer ones still won’t have much of one written out, though mentally I might have a general sequence of scenes. What often occurs is that because I write by scenes and then balloon out said scenes when I get to them or the added transitional scene grows into something larger and more weighty than the original is that what I think will be two chapters or pages becomes six. And it is extremely common for me to write out at least part of the dialogue if not at least a third of the ending scene or penultimate paragraphs, so my drafts will often have the start and then end and then leave said hypothetical reader to guess how one got from point A and B to point G.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
I don’t read as much fanfic as I used to and only for a few of the really popular fandoms. I have pet peeves in said fandoms and squicks, but a generalized trope that I would blanket avoid and never write? The demonization of female love interests to shove two (white) male characters into the slash pairing homogenization and then pretend its performative and somehow in the minority is really old and generalized to being in modern fandom, same with my annoyance with the purity wank anti culture which is almost always just a ship-war in disguise. I am really angrily tired of how often then characters that I hate or grow to hate fall into this category of “sympathetic” male villains who espouse fascist ideology but because they are thought of as attractive by the majority or at least a vocal minority and have either byronic antihero traits (via fanon) or because they latch onto the main protagonist as the “worthy” exception to their superiority ideology, they get labeled the tragic hero. Kylo Ren, Fëanor, Emet Selch and Zenos and even Gaius, MCU with what Loki turns into half the time and other comic-book superheroes... And because I don’t want to make all encompassing statements about villain ‘stans -  there’s nuance and multiple factors underlying when and where I bounce off a character and/or their fandom. And very similar characters that I do love. Usually the closer a trope is to something I love and yet in execution or nuance pings onto something I don’t, the more I will hate it.
But I trope that I never read/will write? Ah, that flower disease thing where the guy will die if his love doesn’t get requited for the warping of what could be a fairytale element into the worst of ‘nice guy entitlement’ I don’t want to see or read.
Some of the sexual kink stuff is...nah no. Again- a writer I like with the right fic, but some I will auto-skip.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
My figurative language descriptions. Sometimes my dialogue or puns are very witty. Internal rhythm of the good paragraphs. But yeah, those scenes where my internal Zack Snyder has decided to switch to slow-mo and we’re recreating a Caravaggio-inspired storyboard of this instance of a pose : Andreth wiping the blood on her hand covered in ash as she shifts through bones, Oromë pulling back an arrow, the kingfisher smacking a fish. Also I think when I nail those final gut-punch lines in the bittersweet fics I really nail them. “Bull and Tides” and all that- though Survivor’s Guilt Coda is one of my favorites because “But why did he still smell flowers?” is the inverse.
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lost-combustion · 5 years
can be used for rp   &   non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen   !
1. FIRST NAME:           Stephanie, but call me Bishy <3
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:            If you were to walk into my apartment, you’d find medieval weaponry hanging up on the walls all over the place. I also was always compared to Iron Man, only because my entire left arm is almost all metal.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:             Their eyes are the first thing I look at. When I saw my wife first, I looked at her eyes and just. Yes. The next observation I really look at is the smile. Each smile holds part of their personality. Then I tend to notice their height. Luckily for me, my wifey is taller than me. <3 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:               Ooooof. If I had to choose just ONE dish, I would have to choose Lemon Pepper fish. While I love sushi, and Alfredo, the lemon pepper fish is absolutely amazing and I finally learned how to make it myself. So I won’t starve if my wife leaves for a night or two. xD
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:               Spinach. Just. Yuck.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:              Okay so I have a few guilty pleasures. First and foremost is making characters with character creators in games. I just love making them. I also have a huge guilty pleasure for shipping. I’m actually going to copy a statement that someone else made because they describe it incredibly well. 
I love healthy ships and unhealthy ships (but like, don’t glorify them. Recognize they are unhealthy and should not be idealized for RL) I just love love, and I love the butterflies and coyness and excited uncertain that leads up to the very first time a ship admits their feelings most of all.
             But yeah. More guilty pleasures. I also love editing screenshots of characters. I love playing around with the colors and shadows. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:           Pajama pants. It’s rare for me to sleep with a top on, only because my wife is a massive heater and I’ll overheat if I wear too much.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:              Hah, well I’m married soooo. In October it’ll be 2 years, but we’ve been together for almost 5 years. Longest relationship I’ve ever had! <3 We have our difficulties, yes, but we work through it and keep on trucking.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:               If I could go back, I’d tell my boss to fuck off and stay in Texas with my dad for an additional 3 weeks. That was really the last time I got to spend time with my dad, seeing as the next time I saw him, he passed away. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:             I didn’t grow up around affection. So it took a long time for me to open up and actually showcase affection to people willingly. I’m finally getting better at it though! I want to say yes, I am an affectionate person, but I still struggle at times on whether it’s appropriate or not.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:             This will forever be “Sweeney Todd”. I absolutely adore that movie. Or any of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” just because of the aesthetic.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:            Oh gosh. This is extremely hard to choose, only because I love reading. Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones; anything from Stephen King; I read anything and everything, so choosing one as a favorite is nearly impossible.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:            Ooooof. I have too many to share. So like, it’s a very toxic ship, but Tsumi ( @tivtastic) and Syat’a are a huge toxic ship that I cannot wait to dive into. Another good ship that I’m kinda adoring is the friendship between Shoto ( @chooseyourmuse) with Astrid. Their closeness just brings me massive feels, and I adore them. Okay, so that’s only two. Let me think. I also am really interested to see the development between Denki ( @persona-de-interes) with Astrid.
           Oh! Another super big ship of mine is Caspian with Roselyn ( @sky-gryphon) on discord. Their raw connection just. Mmph. I love it. I also am really in love with the connection between Colette and Zegnes ( @sky-gryphon) on discord as well. While she’s this big bad predator, he’s so soft towards her and I just. He makes her feel things, which results in me feeling wonderful things for them. Now another- OH MY GOSH HOW COULD I FORGET.  
           How could I ever forget Arron ( @-tiviani-)??? He with ANYONE of my kids. FUCKING ANYONE. Give me that GORY SHIP. So fricken toxic, but YESSSS. 
             EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET THIS ADORABLE SHIP. OMG SOMEONE HIT ME FOR FORGETTING. Jupiter with Niel ( @softvorenoms). LEGIT GUYS. This ship is SO SUPER ADORABLE. Every time I think of canon relationships for Jupy, I immediately think of Niel. When I finally sit down to write the actual books for Jupiter and her siblings, Niel will either show up in it somewhere or be mentioned. Because these two. <3 <3 <3
15. PIE OR CAKE:           Pie! <3
16. FAVORITE SCENT:                I’m more towards vanilla, but I also am really liking cinnamon (even if I can’t say the damn word)
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:              Ooooof! Hmm. Okay, so I don’t really keep tabs on celebrity life, so give me a moment to really think. The actress that plays as Scarlet Witch. Yep, she’s real pretty. I also really adore Felicia Day. She’s just perfection. Then there’s Tom Hiddleston. He’s gorgeous. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:          Mm... Probably Italy ( seeing as I’m Italian and have yet to see where my family came from ) or Scotland ( because who doesn’t love their accent?? )
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:              Technically, I’m classified as an “Extroverted Introvert”, but I just like to call myself an Introvert and leave it at that.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:             Hah! I don’t think I scare easily, but I jump super easily.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:               Android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:               ...Do I play video games?? OOOOOF. Yes, lmao! I bounce between PS4 and PC. From Mortal Kombat, Dragon Age series, FFXIV, and soooo many others; I play pretty much anything. 
23. DREAM JOB:                 I’m actually doing my dream job! I work at a museum; I’m a tour guide. I adore learning new things, and retelling history to others. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:               I would first and foremost pay off any dept that my wife has. Then I’d put half of my cash to the side for saving. The rest would be put into paying off my wife’s vehicle (since mine is already paid off) and helping us settle down in an actual house somewhere we want to live for good. Currently we’re living in an apartment, and it’s comfortable yes, but it’s not forever. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:            A fictional character I hate? Hmm. Oh, oh! I know so many others really adore this character and find him “oh so attractive”, but I cannot stand Zenos yae Galvus from ffxiv. Just no. I can’t. At all.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:                I used to be big into Inuyasha. In fact, that was the first fandom I actually got into! But I’m not into it any more, only because finding tons of people that still want to write that fandom is almost impossible. Shout out to @nioiidamaa for pulling me back into the fandom because they write AMAZING.
STOLEN FROM:  @bagwormmulti TAGGING:  everyone that I already tagged in earlier, soooo @chooseyourmuse, @persona-de-interes, @sky-gryphon, @tivtastic, @nioiidamaa, @softvorenoms. I also welcome anyone else! If you do it and you weren’t tagged, you’re tagged now!! :D
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do yona!!!
AHHH HELLO LOVE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i smiled so much when i saw this ask last night thank you for enabling me hehe (under a read more because i . am very chatty today JFLKG)
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation (please it’s so funnie, there is amazing chara dev, oh no i forgot my last point gfjg) (the manga esp is so amazing omg thank you miss kusanagi)
fav characters: yona: she is SO strong god i . god i love her sososo much i’m tearing up just thinking about her hjkgdfhgfjdhg her chara dev is SO amazing oh my god. if you watch the first episode and then read one of the most recent chapters you’d just be stunned at the difference . i love my queen i was going to go on some more about my other faves but this would get Long so i’ll just list them: the four dragons, yoon, and lili least fav characters: gogi (goji??) and perhaps the king that they’re facing off rn, i forgot his name jkghgdfjghffav relationship: hak and yona and hak and jae ha GDFJLKGJ they’re so dumb gdjksgk OH and yona and lili fav moment:omg okay honestly my memory of yona is like . super bad esp since i sped read it like . maybe a year or two ago gdfjkghdfg so i forgot a lot, though i plan to reread soon hehe (~: i actually reread the arcs where lili appeared and wow
like okay first . yona saving lili from that guy who was on nadai??? drop kicking him and then turning to lili to ask if she’s all right??? please that was really cool.... and also like. i really love how lili saw yona and was inspired to change because of her??? like she realized her own flaws/insecurities once (?) she saw yona’s strengths and was like shit dude??? when she realized her flaws i feel like, hm how to say gdfjghjf yona’s strengths helped her improve in the areas of herself that she was unhappy with?? that just makes me feel . so warm like. wow . gjdfksgjfkd but yeah she wanted to change things > her dad wouldn’t let/help her > and she was also. really scared?? but i feel like seeing yona’s displays of courage really helped her be more brave !!!! for ex, when they were staying at the inn where the guy responsible for nadai was at, yona put herself out there and protected lili and tetora. lili questioned yona’s actions and asked if she was scared and said that she wasn’t strong. yona pretty much agreed with those things but was like ‘even though i’m scared, i have to protect you both’ (or smth) and just. wow . that really. Does Something you know??? and i just love yona so much for that she’s so admirable like putting yourself out there even though you’re scared??? i..... h. and wow i’m really going off track . i feel like that all really fueled lili’s next actions of taking the golden water seal and making all those decisions for the better in order to try to get rid of the nadai. if i remember correctly, even though she was scared and knew of the repercussions, she still went on because of the courage she saw yona had and because she really cared about her nation and i just !!!!! fuck man !!!!!!!! she’s so strong and that made me so happy to see that she wasn’t held back by her fears and that she was willing to sacrifice things for the better like . god man . 
and i just love their friendship besides that like when they hung out in the tent and just their convos are so fun!!!!! i love that yona is lili’s first friend like i think that’s so cwute ))): i would die to see an ova or an extra story of just them hanging out and having fun like god i really love their bond so much like every time they’ve had to part i get so emo like no please stay together T___T and i also really love that they’re both figures ??? of royalty in some sense idk why i think it’s kool gkjdghfdoh and that guy who tried to kill yona after they were exiled, his chara dev was great i love and appreciate that gjkfdhgjf
headcanons/theories: oh BOY i WISH i had some ugh but my brain and its lack of creativity ://// oh wait hm maybe i would like to think that hak one day is able to move on and receive some sort of closure from what soo won did ???? like i completely recognize that it’s super hard to recover from what happened ://// like god his. anger from when he first saw soo won again???? like zude . i feel like that was illustrated vvv nicely but it was also so sad to see how mad he got bc it just means that he’s hurting so much you know ))): like his anger and pain was so strong that it was so difficult to hold him back ))): 
hm i like to think that the night of when that happened, yona just sits with hak outside and he just starts talking about his feelings and yona is just there listening because hak doesn’t really talk about his feelings )): he usually  keeps the Cool and Strong front for Princess Yona but those feelings are bound to come out one day, and that day was after seeing soo won again. he goes on about how it felt to see him again and you know about how he just felt so betrayed and hurt, about how ‘i refuse to believe that the gentleness we were shown was fake’ (as said by yona but i like to think that hak feels this way too) and i just feel like that makes it so much more painful because. you have someone who was your childhood friend who was really nice to you and who you had a lot of fun with. then one day they turn around and suddenly take the life of someone very important to you. you want to hate this person and detest them and lock away any memory of them, but it’s hard because you have fond memories of them, they were a good person to you. so then it’s like how do you feel??? i feel like it leaves them feeling vvv conflicted and torn. and it’s just so. heartbreaking to hear hak express his feelings like this esp because she can Feel his hurt. they’re sitting side by side and it’s dark with Minimal moonlight but she can still see the slight tears ): she can’t hear him crying because he’s talking normally and masking it somehow gjdkfhgjf but she gently puts his head on her shoulder and takes his hand and i die unpopular opinion: hm i sadly don’t see that many akayona opins in general so i don’t know :/// oh hm one of them may be that i don’t really like soo won??? gdjkghf like i’ve seen some people say they like hm... and i honestly don’t know how to feel??? i’m trying to pay more attention to his character during my reread and right now i’m Conflicted because . you know gjdkfghdfjgf but hm he is interesting thoughhow’d you find it: OH boy so i have a friend who i watched anime with during my last year of hs and she recommended that we watch yona!!! it was sososo funny omg the anime is so fun!!!! i really loved it and decided to read the manga and oh Man am i so happy that i did because it shows way way more than the anime does and it’s SO good SO amazing i love
random thoughts: zude i feel SO sad for zeno ))): okay before i go into it, first can i just say. the fucking TRAUMA of everyone seeing his power for the first time???? when he got cut up and got his HEAD cut off ???? like miss kusanagi did not hold back with that and showed it i gjdghj and god yona’s expression when that happened like the HORROR on her face i . even though he ended up being okay, i don’t know how someone can recover from that trauma you know???? of seeing a loved one get their head taken off like that??? like god....
but anyway onto my point gdjfklgf i feel so sad for him because of his immortality )))): like he’s going to go through his life meeting and bonding with so many people that he’s going to eventually lose )): as he goes through out his life, he must get sad thinking about the people who he’s lost and how he can never talk to them again no matter what. he carries these memories of loved ones and i think that SUCKS i would literally just want to die i don’t think i can deal with a loved one dying, and for that to happen again and again forever???? like..... zude 
also jae ha is so stupid i love him  
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californiapoppyshop · 4 years
Ready To Get Sauced Cranberry Thanksgiving T Shirt From AllezyGo
Hold country hostage but again because the Ready To Get Sauced Cranberry Thanksgiving T Shirt From AllezyGo American people turned out the vote for the right president in 2016 or at least the right representatives in Congress who in turn gave their electoral votes to the right president we don’t have to worry about that tyrannical bullshit anymore and our constitutional rights are being upheld in court’s so we have enough weaponry to fight. Because again my job is to protect my children with my life and during his cove in 19 shit is going on at all his mask and as I saw the masks healthy human traffickers and if if I have family members that can’t adequately protect my child and don’t know this information then I can leave my job with them and if they try to take her from me without my consent without my permission I will call the FBI and I will file charges against you and I will put your ass and present I’ll get you my mother I’ll give you my sister I’ll give you my brother I’ll give my father I don’t care who you are because if you don’t know what’s really going on and was really being done wasn’t was really behind it and there’s no way in hell that you can adequately protect the child especially not my child does she safer with me plane is a and well as my son even with his mom so I guess he’s all right the backbone of the story and I’m going to get into okay let’s see we got some PayPal that came in our eye we got one from Tony Boswell no note shout out to you Tony. Friday is probably true but things to be totally changed by Monday or Tuesday of next week in the Methodist I think every one of the people there about the Biden campaign that jump campaign the debate commission have to watch this and see how this unfolds to make sure the decision to make reflective of what they want to see what’s going on at the White House was going on at Walter Reed and make the best decision so I think as of today upon but there’s no no you can’t guarantee that as of Monday or Tuesday that they make a different decision package and is the right thing to do hearing in the vice president I last saw the present we are told on Tuesday afternoon they believe life is just vice president staff is said that they believe anything is clear doesn’t have to quarantine does not isolate in any way going forward what were the best guidelines and what does it come in contact with the president should do going forward enjoy you know you lovely we need going for what information would be very interesting important
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Now life is the letter led to the great love spoke on the phone practically every day sometimes multiple turning working together to very infantile but ever thought about quickly bow with the kind of guy I people can be a Ready To Get Sauced Cranberry Thanksgiving T Shirt From AllezyGo better version and found a way to talk about and will be a standard with incredible lines in the uniform of the love between about and had to stand for and gave riding the rails flight from Wilmington to Washington learning time and sent to little boy would just laugh in a tragic know that the world is still turning I came to keep them first and found that they can everyone why will I do to make life better for you. You know what I got you know all those limping and let you know bidding at the point when me and my dad we had a good relationship where we begin to talk to me and I will tell let’s get it out and if you do that and I’m brat I do want to say about heart about working he was talking like he was so bad like to put my hand up and then she with the other hand you don’t you do when you get what you play ABC you back tonight to sell back now I am really really grew up in the whole backing I went to a BBQ at the whole that iconic and I worked on meds and urban black radio bracketing Kiki there is a Saudi and I guess it is something that just two ways utilities they you are going to write you are you write the you is that he may not be as you may never be a but using you know I got the in a way I think discipline in a home is probably some young people today but say all the time you are you going to say I go you say I got a key never never really angry and don’t be a yes Jan I gather I know that when I do yeah raise. Time is short because like many things we decided we began in about a week after the asset was we want to do it as fast as possible which would sort of short time sitting around feeling sorry for ourselvesand knowing growingand so forthand was once on the road doing no more do to play lie toand whateverand that’s what you want he was the first person to church anyway now I mean the child is always about sort of fighting on finding a lot of things have always been away we’ve had that no actions before with James Bogan is not broken Bob on file by the old town as I which is always about fighting on carry on inand going to install the sort of the ossicles coming awayand was never like this before but it’s I don’t think bowling is Guinness 170 more sort of really do it because now all you have to do it the place to decide now is actually no starlings whatsoever busy as any different is meek as well was doing so well as for the storm individual characters Cliff was a Zeno very very neat both as a personality to play on the original different down same life was whenever you find anyone like that so it was not like we were sort with strong individual personalityand so forthand see what is on sideline we all my love to me in an information of what I am going to the nations in Louisville he sent me a call my friend Michaeland we had together so that was due in addition to lives call meand just went from thereand I told you I had four days before audition or whateverand so I find myself in my room with the tapesand the statement you canand say is what I had the chance others no way I was beginningand is slamming I told myself to some is no way that I was especially is like a dream come true really is create you know the seven personalityand everybody was saying was got their own thing on earth as his personality lives as his James has as a unit in a layout the one quarterand to make the ultimate unit sums to fill my 25 overhead on the site create my own personalityand an as far as the base plans to do my own style lies told meand he was saying that it will print quality impossible is no advocateand so on the scanner for my own styleand then snoop will do my thing it seems to where you assign me the writing I think the ways legal Academy I came from my bank plus McKesson the zone I was put out first down back in summer phone the band with the drummer Kelly Smith to we did we started about fourand half years agoand the scene of one too many people living at our players mentally by thinking togetherand then the Dimmesdale manner been really is anything so as that’s pretty much had they been the style is lieand then vitamins out they had that only a heavy influence on the whole thing like Iron Maiden without weariness with the restaurant is like I’m on a call back today from music the second additional second permits when this little food jointsand Tommy Elliott is free as a file test was to go to the boys lies asked if I wanted job stood up on the tableand screamed in would be realizedand broadening my bills what is the job James goes to is the last man is free during the undulate of these he has been long time is unbelievable is the situation for people everybody’s whining me out the expected learning to deal with enough social until the deal is like my I give that they can feel the way for okay I this respect is getting better at first it was really about you it’s all about how first we make of all European dates on its own beforeand all mandates that were canceledand surviving in the course selected so early to really say much more than just start writing in getting things togetherand so forthand talking all year but I sure hope See Other Shirt: Dear Santa It Wasn't Me White Bichon Frise T Shirt
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greenmagic-oilspill · 7 years
Spoiler Heavy Stormblood Review
Now that I’m done, I’m gonna try to splurge out all my thoughts on the expansion. Very spoiler heavy and LONG, so putting this under a read more...
Okay, first! Most important to me in any medium is the characters and the development they go through. And by god Stormblood did not fail to deliver! I had such a tough time picking who my favorite was in this expansion, but I’m probably going to have to go with Lyse. She developed SO much and I loved all of the focus on her. I knew she’d be a focal point this time around, but I didn’t expect quite so much and I loved it. Stormblood was HER story, and she owned it. It’s so hard to imagine her as the same old Yda from 2.0. I love her so much that I’m afraid they’ll be done with her once the 4.x series is over, especially since she left the Scions. I do not want to see her drop out of the story.
I loooooved everything about the Leveilleur twins. Alisaie really came into her own as a character, just like Alphinaud did in Heavensward, and I really hope these two, at the very least, remain constants with the Warrior of Light all throughout the future of FFXIV. I just loved them so much - from their bickering, to them trying to one up each other, being KIDS, showing so much open fear and concern for the others’ wellbeing... It was just perfect.
All around I just loved all the new characters this expansion in every area. Hien was fantastic. Loved the focus on Yugiri, too, and as much as I expected Gosetsu to sacrifice himself I am glad he pulled through and is still alive by the end. Special mention is gonna go out to Soroban and Cirina. Too much for me to comment on all around. I just loved the writing and how new characters brought so much to every place we visited. Also can we talk about Estinien randomly appearing and helping out and not telling anyone about it? I already care for him much more than I ever did in Heavensward and I’m looking forward to seeing him more. Love the Kain parallels.
So what did Krile go through in captivity? Did she get experimented on? Is she gonna reveal something insane that happened to her? I felt like that was glossed over pretty quick.
The villains: For the first time in this game, I found someone to be genuinely threatening - Zenos. Every time he was around, I lived in the constant fear that someone was gonna die (I was on the fuckin edge of my seat when Yugiri tried to assassinate him oh lawd). The only thing that put me off about him was that he would fight you and kick everyone’s ass and then just... leave? Multiple times? Like, I get it, he just likes a good fight, but by the second or third time that happened it bordered on stupidity. I loved Yotsuyu as well - she was twisted as hell, and now that she’s still alive I’m excited to see what they do with her. Fordola also has a lot going for her, and I’m fully expecting a redemption arc by the end of the 4.x series, which I’m all for. I was also hoping to see more of Aulus(?), the mad scientist guy. I was intrigued by those Resonant experiments and I wonder if there’s going to be any consequences for that in the future. I just wish we didn’t kill Aulus so quickly and, frankly, randomly.
Side note before I forget: Shipping! This game is sorely lacking in the romance department for some reason and I do actually want to see more. I thought it would be refreshing not to have any romantic subplots, but I do like at least a little bit. I just can’t decide if I ship Hien with Yugiri, Cirina, Lyse, or the WoL. I’m also not about Magnai/Sadu... would definitely prefer Magnai/Cirina if it doesn’t work out with Hien for her lmao. Loved the ship tease with Lyse and the WoL as well.
I loved all the drawn out war scenes. They really pulled out all the stops with the cinematics this expansion, and it showed. They really captured the scale of it pretty well, I think. Oddly, though, it seemed like NPCs were safe walking into towns and villages and stuff because every time there seemed to be no imperials around? Occupation, what occupation? They just visited on occasion and terrified people and left? I think a lot of the reason for this is that we didn’t see ANY Garleans really just patrolling around as regular enemies in the field or even like a token guard as a townsperson. Like, there’s a castrum a stone’s throw outside of Wineport and no one seems to bat an eye, but in Stormblood areas they seem way more afraid of “nearby Garleans” that we don’t even really see. Yeah, we have the word of NPCs to go off of and certain story cutscenes, but other than that I didn’t feel like I was in an occupied area... though a lot of that has to do with how we conveniently arrive just as the Alliance chased them off, or something. No such excuse in the East.
Other side note: NPCs seem to travel between Gyr Abania and the Far East really quick?? Especially Hien with his big damn heroes moment on the wall in Ala Mhigo? Didn’t it take us weeks to sail there the first time??
I loved, loved, loved the role of beastmen in this expansion. It was interesting to see the Garleans recruit them for their own forces (and a bit bizarre, I thought they were against all Beast Tribes...) and just see what roles the Kojin and Ananta played. Loved both Primals and their fights. Really, really intrigued by the Lupin and even the Namazu! I hope the rest of the 4.x series introduces their beast tribe quests and Primals.
I LOVED the way the MSQ ended. Zenos fusing with Shinryu was a little unexpected and I’m still processing how I feel about it, but I do like to think of it as a little callback to Vayne fusing with Bahamut in XII. Just... how did he manage to seal Shinryu when Papalymo’s spell barely did? That battle was awesome, though. And the final cutscene where Lyse walked by everyone and Arenvald raised the flag and everyone was singing made me super emotional and I still get chills just thinking about it. That was an all around beautiful scene.
Thank god Nidhogg’s eyes are finally done with. I liked that Estinien was the one to break them, but... why did everyone just leave the eyes there after they carried off Zenos’ body?
Surprising lack of Ascians until the stinger this time around. But since the Garleans took a back seat in Stormblood a bit, I’m okay with it. Kinda surprised to see Varis willingly working with Elidibus. Definitely intrigued to see where that goes. And I’m wracking my brain trying to think of what Elidibus looks like that it got Varis so shook.
But anyway! All around AMAZING expansion. I didn’t really feel like it dragged anywhere. The areas are beautiful, the music was solid, gameplay and battle mechanics are all fresh and unique... So, so happy with it.
Thanks for reading all this!
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