#but yk what if people show enough interest maybe i'll do another one
darklight-owl · 9 months
So I wrote an entire essay explaining this character but Tumblr was a bitch and erased it so now I have to start over (whatever I'm not mad I'm not mad I'm not mad)
Some of you will remember that a while ago (like in May-) I made something called a "character theme challenge", where I posted a character theme from their series ost and asked people to reconstruct the character based on the theme. I posted this in like. June. And then didn't write the post revealing it. Oopsies. But since it's the last day of the year I figured some closure is in order. (Better late than never, right?)
Here is the post in question.
The character this theme is for is:
Norman from The Promised Neverland!!
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How do I begin to describe Norman? The 14 year old sacrificial lamb who carried himself to the altar. Something the main trio in The Promised Neverland has in common is their tendency to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their siblings, but what makes Norman stand out is that well. He's good at hiding it. He hides his emotions and pretends all is fine when in reality he's dying inside. As soon as he's away from earshot of the other characters he breaks down. Which can be heard in this song in the form of the calm, melancholy melody that slowly builds up and explodes with emotion. Its bittersweet, because while Norman himself believes he can't be saved, all he needs is one single lifeline to keep him going. He truly wants to live. The violin and piano also add a feeling of grace, which is perfect for his M.O. He does things with careful planning, always thinking five steps ahead and taking the safest route, which is a contrast to Emma and Ray who do things a bit more impulsively.
@demon-sterrr participated in this challenge, and they were able to identify the tragedy in the theme, as well as the underlying hope present. They also mentioned the song reminded them of water, and gave their character a lotus theme :3 (which although it doesn't have a lot to do with Norman, it is similar to his blue-white color palette, which is interesting):
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This was closer to the character than the other character theme art trade I'd made, and I think that has to do with the fact 22194 uses more traditional instruments, so it's closer to what you'd expect.
Thanks again to demon-sterrr for participating in this!!! (I know I took ages to post this haha. But it really was super interesting!) And happy New Year, everyone!
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
"The Reverend"
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Warnings - Religious themes
Note: Lowkey hate the minimalist pic for this one bc it's not how I think kita would look but whatever yk. This didn't feel very wild west-y, lowkey hate the fic too 🤨
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
There are two sides to every coin.
This town is no exception. Tourists, visiting family or friends, people who just stop through, they only get one side of it. They get the kind people with bright eyes and even brighter smiles. They get the easygoing townsfolk who have absolutely nothing weird going on under the surface.
The reverend, on the other hand, gets the other side of that coin.
The church was put together. Well taken care of, cleaned regularly, polished and bright. The townsfolk, (aside from a few stragglers), came in on Sundays for the regular sermon, then they'd leave. Occasionally a funeral would be held there.
Of course, that wasn't all that happened. In fact it was far from it. Kita, working in arguably the most energy filled place in the whole damn town, has witnessed multiple things he wouldn't begin to explain. Birds who looked a little too human, whispering in the steeple, oddly quiet older women and men during Sunday service who he never sees again. He'd considered finding someone to work alongside him, though nobody was very willing.
At this point, he's just gotten used to it. And he's gotten used to you.
Hearing your voice in his head, seeing you prowling around his dreams, watching you occasionally lurk in the halls. Hell, he'll even say something back to you if your constant comments in his head about his 'stupid cross' got too annoying.
Not to say that he knows what you are though. What your name is, where you came from, if you're good or evil. He's just settled on neutral, much like an anarchist who would come through to say something about the church.
When it all started, he almost thought he was being punished for something. That some wayfaring god had sent you to torment him for the multitude of sins he's gathered during his day. Though, the longer it went on, the clearer it became that you were no lackey.
Tonight though, he could tell something was different. He could tell the moment you didn't disappear as he approached. You just kept sitting in his chair, feet propped up on his desk.
"What're ya doing here." He'd asked coldly. Kita hardly ever saw you. Usually you only showed in his dreams, or just as a disembodied voice in his head. When he did see you it was only for a couple seconds.
Your head shot up from the paper in your hands. (One that you clearly plucked from his desk). "Oh-! Hi father," you said, dragging out both of the words. Kita could already tell that this interaction was going to be hard to get through.
You, on the other hand, were elated. The cute human who you may or may not have a crush on is standing less than fifteen feet away from you, and you weren't booted back into the veil! Maybe today you could actually stay here.
Kita watched you pull your legs off of his desk, leaning forward to grip the edge of the chair visible between your thighs. The only reason why he wasn't startled or frozen at the moment was how...non threatening you looked to him. Maybe others would say otherwise, but he's seen you enough in his dreams or out of the corner of his eyes to be fine.
The abnormally large bat shaped ears jutting out from the sides of your head shifted with every expression you made, reflecting whatever you said. Two small horns, one larger than the other, grew out of your forehead. Aside from that and your weirdly glowy (e/c) eyes, you looked more human than he thought you'd be. Still, he could just feel that you weren't.
"Well," he sighed and leaned against the doorway. "Is there something you needed, demon?"
You gasped in faux offense, chuckling shortly after. "I'm not a demon, father," you rolled your eyes. "I'm more...meta human." You gave him a toothy smile.
His look didn't falter.
"Right," you deflated at his lack of interest in your antics, dragging out the word. "I jus' wanted to see you."
That caught him off guard, his hand instinctively reaching to the cross strung around his neck. "For what reason," he started slowly.
"Mm I dunno," you gave him another insufferable smile, "Maybe I jus' really like cute humans with grey hair."
He still looked far from impressed. "Well, leave," he said.
You looked shocked for a moment. You knew he was blunt but you didn't think he would just straight up tell you to leave. You shuffled awkwardly in his chair. "You don' wanna learn about me? N'my kind n stuff," you nervously trailed off.
He sighed heavily, dragging his large, well worked hand through his cropped hair. "No, I do not. Unless you've got something important to tell me, or show me, I do not need you here."
Your ears drooped a bit. You don't know why you thought this would actually go anywhere. The longer you watched him, the more you built up this image of how it would be in your head. You'd meet, he'd fall head over heels for you, you'd be 'stuck' in this realm, an adventure would ensue, and eventually it'd end with you staying and getting married to him.
Childish, sure. Childish and rather stupid, but oh well right? As it turns out, you were far less charming to him than he was to you.
He turned to leave. He hadn't anything important to do in his office anyways, though now he just wanted to head home. "Wait!" You called.
Kita could make out the sound of his chair being pushed out as you stood up. He paused, giving you a brief invitation to say what you wanted to say. "Can you just give me a chance! Please? I'll be good, promise," you nervously tugged on your larger horn.
He looked down, eyes closing. "A chance for what."
You ignored how it sounded more like a demand than a question. "I dunno! Just hangin around? I'll even work at the church! Just let me stay with you, only for a week!"
He perked up at your offer to work at the church. Turning around, he finally looked you dead in the eye. "Only if you work."
A smile split your face, head nodding up and down feverishly.
No way in hell was this a good idea, but at least he could keep an eye on you.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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