#but you can dress Nightwing up in his colors and it literally says 'tribute slade' on it
thebibliosphere · 8 months
Spoilers for Gotham Knights video game, but it is so funny to me that after The Gang finds out about the Court of Owls and their horde of ninja zombies literally coming out of the walls of Gotham, Tim's immediate reaction is, "Yeah, no we should probably start killing."
And Barbara is like, "Tim! I can't believe this, one little setback, and you resort to murder!"
Y'know, the one little setback being there's a secret cult of the wealthy elite who have been running Gotham for centuries, and they've got literally thousands of undead ninja zombies ready to go at a moment's notice. Oh, and they're at war with the League of Assassins, so there's that.
And Dick jumps in like, "No, no, let's hear him out..." because fuck all of this. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything.
It's slightly more nuanced than that, and of course, Alfred steps in and gets them back on track. But the vibe of unhinged comic!Tim, who will absolutely fuck your shit up if you back him into a tight enough corner, is there and thriving, and I love it.
Meanwhile, Dick is on his third, "I'm fine! Totally fine..." nervous mental breakdown of the week, trying to smile and be bouncy-happy for everyone else but also contemplating the merits of calling in a favor from Deathstroke because, oh my godddd, there are ninja zombies dressed like owls coming out of the walls.
Like, c'mon Slade. You like fighting people dressed up like birds. It'll be fun...
He'll wear the orange and black uniform that's called "Tribute Slade" in the crafting menu...
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