#byan doesn't really ever greet someone the same way twice and caters a lot of their greetings to the specific person they're talking to
byanyan · 6 months
Your Muse's greeting methods; insp.
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Hostile: depending on the level of hostility, you may encounter: cold glares; vicious insults or being cursed out; being flipped off; having a knife pulled on you; a harsh "fuck off" and a baring of teeth; being physically or verbally attacked with little to no warning.
Neutral: a guarded or annoyed expression; suspicion or hostility; "what."; a disinterested "hey"; a bored expression and an expectant raising of eyebrows with no verbal greeting.
Friendly: an energetic "hey"; "check this out" with a crooked grin; jumping straight into conversation without any proper greeting; a friendly (but strong) punch to the shoulder or arm; an affectionate shoulder check; a casual nod and a "hey" or "sup"; a too-casual nod as they enter your home and start going about their business without a word.
Romanced: a warm and affectionate "hey" and a big ol smooch; sprinting forward and practically tackling him to the ground (affectionately); sweeping him off his feet with a cheeky grin; an arm slipping over his shoulder and a bonk of their head against his OR a kiss to the side of his head/cheek.
tagged by:ㅤ@gnarledbite tyyy!! ♡
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