#calling this 'analysis' would be an insult to actual analyiseseseses so i wont
acidmatze · 3 years
Gojou's eyesight
aka „I wanna be realistic but also not too much cuz research makes my eyes go hurty“
Disclaimer: Yeah yeah I know Gege doesn't actually meant for Gojou to have albinism and it's Not That Deep but I am bored and can swim well so I will make it that deep.
I'm not an eye doctor (obviously), just someone with too much free time and all of this is speculation just for fun (also obviously).
So what he can see how he sees it and what he cannot see, maybe.
He's already wearing glasses canonly which makes a whole lot of things easier for me. Thanks, Gege.
Most people with any form of albinism experience photophobia (sensitivity to sun).
Yeah, I know he probably wears the tinted glasses because his eyes are too pretty to handle or whatever but it's not much of a stretch to assume he's sensitive to light.
IIRC normally the melanin in your eyes and the iris and such prevents too much light from entering your eye and bouncing around like a rubber ball but if you lack said melanin all of the light that normally would be blocked does exactly that. Which produces glare and pain and makes the whole Seeing thing pretty hard.
Pretty obviously, bright sunlight is unwanted but not many people realise that certain types of overcast weather have just the same effect.
Also quite obviously, dark tinted glasses reduce the glare.
Gojou is either near or far-sighted. Which it is is a roll of the dice but I lean towards near-sighted because he does the head tilt sometimes. I also do that cuz my glasses are so strong if I wanna see something up close it takes a lot of effort to keep my eyes „in place“ and doing so is very straining so looking over the brim of the glasses is much easier.
Would explain why he wears them rather loosely. Even though that makes a whole lot of things unnecessarily complicated again since very strong glasses for near-sightedness seem to „shrink down“ things and make them seem smaller than they are and the effect gets worse and worse the further away the glass is from your eye.
(Does this mean glasses for far-sighted people make things seem bigger.....?)
He most likely has a reduced visual acuity due to two things: Nystagmus Less cones in the retina and an either complete lack or an underdeveloped fovea cuz of a lack of melanin (Yes melanin doesn't just make your skin, eyes and hair dark its also needed for the eye development)
Less cones does not equal blurry vision. Blurry vision is caused by near or far-sightedness and astigmatism (something Gojou most likely also has) and can be corrected with glasses.
The fovea is kind of like a screen where the image is projected on to and where it Should be sharp. Without it, there is no sharp image and details are lost. Visual acuity could be broadly described as.... The maximum „resolution“ your eye has. The higher the resolution the sharper and more detailed everything is even over great distances.
It has no impact on colour vision so Gojou can see colours just fine.
Since Gojou has completely white hair (realistically it would still contain hints of blonde) and blue eyes his vision should be... not particularly spectacular.
I'm throwing darts here and guess roughly about 20/250...? 20/300?
Google „visual acuity tool bayer“ and you will find a tool that simulates with questionable accuracy several pictures with different accuities. It has a slider and all. Put the slider down to 6/75 and that's roughly what I imagine his vision to be (with glasses!).
It puts him under sight impaired but not yet legally blind. I think.
I'm going by european definitions here, no idea how its handled in america or japan.
And if someone wonders if he can see HD or 4K, i have been informed that yes, he can if hes close enough.
Nystagmus is fast involuntary eye movement. Which would be a bitch to animate and also pretty impossible to draw.
It can either go from side to side, up and down or even rotate.  
How fast and frequent and everything it is depends on person to person. Some people say they notice the movement and some say they don't notice anything until someone points it out.
It additionally lowers the visual acuity.
And again, experiences vary. Some people say they have trouble focussing on things and others say they don't have troubles focussing on stuff at all, it just happens to be blurry.
Some people are able to find a head position that counteracts the nystagmus and either balances it out or the position slows it down somewhat for whatever reason.
I haven't noticed Gojou doing that but realistically he probably would.
Why would he wear glasses then if his vision is bad anyway? Because it makes the difference between seeing barely moving blobs of colour that could be very close or very very far away and seeing something definitely car-shaped coming at you fast and it doesn't matter wether you can read the license plate or not cuz you need to get off the damn road fast.
It makes the difference between knowing that he needs to make a right turn at the McDonalds but not knowing which blob is McDonalds and which blob isn't and being able to see the giant fucking McDonalds sign.
It's the difference between knowing that Yuuji is wearing a red hoodie and being able to spot said red hoodie in a crowd and just seeing blobs of colours that run into one another.
You get the gist, i guess.
Just turn the tool all the way down to get a feel of how the world without glasses would look. Kinda sorta.
For reasons i don't quite understand people with albinism also have bad depth perception. Because experiences vary once again, some people notice this a lot and others have no problems with it.
Since Gojou seems to have no problems with aiming, throwing and catching things i guess either Six Eyes helps or he has adapted to no stereovision.
I wonder if Gege will ever drop hints wether or not Gojou can see anything under that blindfold of his. But i assume no.
We also have no real information on how Six Eyes actually works but several people say he can see cursed energy.
If we assume that works despite the blindfold he could still easily navigate crowds of people and recognise people (didn't he recognise Getou that way...? Or did i misunderstand?) probably even better than with his regular eyesight. So moving around in Tokyo wouldn't really be a problem and he probably has memorised the layout of the schoolgrounds already anyway.
Recognising people he knows well at a glance from a distance also wouldn't be a problem anymore.
His phone probably has a screen reader.
Also modern phones work just fine when controlled per mic.
The old phone he had as a teen was a lot less sophisticated but also a lot less complex so it would be easier to use. Less things that can go wrong and the physical buttons provide sensory feedback. Also the buttons on old phones make different noises so that's another clue.
No need to read who calls you when you assign different songs to different people. (Maybe Nanami is Dancing Queen.... who knows? Megumi calls and Black Parade starts playing.)
Adding a strong contrast between things can also make or break a situation.
Why he wears the blindfold at all would also be interesting to know.
Is it because the information he gets from Six Eyes is enough to get around?
Is he overwhelmed from the visual input he gets?
Does it simply keep the sunlight out way better than glasses?
Gege, explain!
Anyway I'm done with this, no idea where I wanted to go with this. If you Actually know stuff about vision please feel free to throw stones at me and all.
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