#can you tell my ga'hoole phase is back
cyanopicas · 2 months
i've been pondering so many thoughts. owl thoughts.
i think that heaven is definitely the blue brigade and the great tree is hell
god is the striga or whatever the one blue owl was. eventually god disappears and leaves the rest of heaven
the councillors take over in the chaos and stuff gets wacky from there
imo minos and sisyphus are the joint rulers of the great tree
sisyphus is in the colliering chaw, minos is perhaps navigation or something fancy like that. they're gay and in love and Ohhhh gayass kings. minos has a bit of girl power though
eventually perhaps the council goes to gabriel, who would be a blue brigade member and likely a higherup. This is so i can give him a bit of blue in his design
anyway they're like 'kill the kings or we might have to depronoun you'
so gabriel goes and kills them and takes over the great tree
and hes like Ok at being in charge. hes chilling but hes still listening to the councillors
then v1 shows up somehow (pure ones? not sure) and beats gabriel's ass so hard he develops the most embarrassing crush of all time
i'm leaning towards robot owl v1 at the moment
i will add a bit of robots to ga'hoole as a treat
perhaps before the humans disappeared they made some little robot guys
but then that leaves the pure ones bc i havent quite Figured Them Out yet
anyway gabriel has his angel of darkness amv moment and kills the whole council
not quite sure how to fit ferryman in this whole thing though ....
perhaps she lives by herself outside of all factions
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