#can't advocate for shit without dad going on some trumpy 'he was the best president' rant so anything else is already a lost fuckin cause
possible-eldritch-catboy ยท 6 months
man I absolutely Knew my dad would end up falling head first for the zionist propaganda so it wasn't even Remotely worth tryna talk to him about current affairs but it is so goddamn frustrating to be proven right... ๐Ÿ™ƒ
I tried to talk to him about the state of palestine Years back (somewhere around 2018-19 I think) and admittedly I didn't have all the facts then but I could tell I was fighting a losing battle even then facts or no facts because my dad's too busy sucking israel's dick to care when human beings are being subjugated, or even consider that maybe israel Could be in the wrong here. add all the propaganda being shoved down his throat rn and I just know he ended up saying death to palestine with his whole chest. absolute joke of a family I'm in man.
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