#can't be bothered tagging most of the npcs rn but i will tag
surleetonin · 8 months
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the friday the 13th/black cat curse event is so funny for no reason
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about me
got tagged by @fade-touched-shenanigans! <33 Not gonna tag anyone cos i'm not sure who has and hasn't done it yet but if you read this and wanna do it consider yourself tagged!
Favourite colour: Don't have one bc it depends a lot on the context of colours etc etc but on their own i do prefer more earthy tones
Favourite food: Oh man idk there is so much good food
Song stuck in your head: None my brain is currently too occupied with various video games but most specifically Oxenfree (replayed it yesterday <3)
Last thing you googled: Oxenfree letter locations lol (usually i like trying to finding these things myself but the protag walks super slowly and i can't be bothered roaming through the whole map to search them......)
Time: 17:23
Dream Trip: Uhh dunno honestly :') Though i'd love going to Scandinavia some day, specially Iceland
Last book you read: Re-read Black Beauty recently <3
Last book you enjoyed reading: Also black beauty :)
Last book you hated reading: Not a book but the little info pamphlet from the place i work in rn it's so pretentious
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I love baking cakes!! but like the types that have creams or fillings or layers
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: Drawing for sure
Most niche dislike: My brain is in video game mode rn so the first thing that comes to mind is sequences where you have to lead or follow npc characters who are super slow
Opinion on circuses now and in history: Haven't been to a circus since i was really little and tbh don't know enough about them to have opinions on them :')
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: Lol nope. Though i'd say my gut instinct is pretty decent when it comes to finding my way even if i have no idea what i'm doing. I can't remember a good getting-lost story rn but i'll edit it here when i can think of one xD
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