#can't tell if it's truly from this or just subconsciously taking advantage of the situation to catch up on my insurmountable sleep debt
hwnglx · 5 days
pick a pile - which blackpink member are you like?
some time ago i reached over 1k followers, so i thought i could do a pac as a thank you! this reading will tell you which blackpink member you resemble, and your potential strengths and weaknesses. hope it's fun for you guys. breathe slowly, take your time and use your intuition to go with the pile that speaks to you the most. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. 𓆩♡𓆪
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✧ pile 1 ✧
jennie kim
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shuffled song: seasons by wave to earth
hi pile 1 person! you got 빛이 나는 solo, miss jennie kim. let's get into what your strengths and weaknesses might include.
+ you have a childlike enthusiasm for life. i can see you're this cute person full of excitement, who truly enjoys having fun and going through life in this free-spirited manner. probably have a cute smile and laugh too. and although you likely don't like feeling restricted by others and value freedom a lot, you're still good at being a teamplayer. you're a person who can match to other people, and knows how to compromise for the sake of a groups harmony, whether that's your friends, family, or colleagues at work. truly unselfish and charitable energy. you're also someone who has so much creativity flowing through your veins, and many ideas you'd love to realize. you're likely blessed with a great imagination, a lot of energy and drive once you feel passionate about something. you could also be someone who enjoys the feeling of nostalgia. you likely enjoy looking back on fond memories, and can romanticize the past sometimes. in addition, you could be blessed with a very sensitive and intuitive nature, someone who has a strong connection to your subconscious. you likely feel emotions on this very deep and intense level.
- do you sometimes hide behind a strong and proud facade, when in reality you can be easier to hurt? you might prefer hiding your emotional and sensitive nature due to the fear of appearing weak to people. you're likely to be a very giving and generous person, which might've caused others to take advantage of you in the past. this in return might've caused for your walls to go up. i can sense some trust issues and fears as well as insecurities here, which don't always find their way out. you might be prone to internalizing a lot of your struggles. there also seems to be a tendency to act in this very carefully calculated and thought-through manner, especially when it comes to other people. this likely stems from your problems with trusting people's motives. you're always alert and sometimes overly careful in your actions. you don't enjoy offending people, overstepping anyone's boundaries, riling anyone up. you might also be prone to sugarcoating your words sometimes, or being afraid of speaking up, or being straightforward, out of fear of stepping on anyone's toes.
✧ pile 2 ✧
kim jisoo
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shuffled song: intro (end of the world) by ariana grande
hi pile 2 person! you got flowery miss kim jisoo. let's discuss what some of your strengths and weaknesses could include.
+ you set yourself up to veery very high standards, which in return makes you an incredibly perfectionistic person. this perfectionism is likely to have assisted you in several endeavours. you also put a lot of value into family, and keeping a harmonious circle of friends and family. there is this “everybody's darling” vibe to you, where you're just a person everyone can't help but like. very agreeable and pleasant energy. you might be known as the person everyone goes to when they have a problem, because you have a good balance between emotional understanding and compassion, as well as rational and logical thinking. you give great advice. you're likely to be a great listener, and display this reliable and trustworthy existence to your friends. like you don't allow situations of desperation to destroy you. this stable and firm energy of yours is admirable, it can help the people around you. they appreciate that quality about you. you're also incredibly smart and observant. even when you're calm and silent, you're likely hearing and listening to everything people are saying. a very perceptive and attentive person.
- you're extremely independent. so overly independent that you might sometimes struggle asking for help. if you have a problem, you're likely to try solving it on your own till the very end, even if it means having to endure more challenges because of it. you likely don't like becoming a burden to the people around you with your problems, and therefore just prefer handling difficulties alone. do you literally hate when people disrupt your plans? you're incredibly self-efficient, but maybe to such an extent, that you can obsess over the things you've mapped out for yourself. there might also be a tendency to nag a lot and micromanage other people's lives at times. i can sense there might be this almost scary duality in you as well. you usually are very composed, but once someone tests you, provokes you or riles you up, you can transform into a very different person. like cut-throat, you don't play. especially verbally, i can see your words potentially being hurtful to the people around you sometimes. you might also have problems approaching people once you've hurt them or you're going through a rough patch, and prefer detaching yourself emotionally in order to protect your own peace.
✧ pile 3 ✧
roseanne park
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shuffled song: art deco by lana del rey
hi pile 3 person! you got graceful miss roseanne park, whose everything is on the ground. (excuse my lame attempt at an on the ground sneak) let's see what your strengths and weaknesses might include.
+ oooh, you are a boss through and through! you're a very strong and powerful person, with so much inner strength and resilience. you've probably been through your fair share of trials in your past, which gave you very thick skin. you also have this very elegant and mysterious energy to you, which people find very charming. you're likely to be a good flirter, a person who can sweep people's feet off the ground with your charm. (no pun intended damn 😼) you're good at connecting to people, making them feel understood and special. people just truly enjoy being around you, because you're so magnetic, and are great at creating these deep and meaningful relationships with people. very sweet and empathetic. despite your at times dominant energy, you don't put yourself above your friends or act like you're entitled or superior to them. you're much more grounded than people would think. you always remember where you came from, don't forget your roots, and have a close connection to your home. you're aware that you've been able to get to a place of stability with your own power, and are proud of the things you were able to overcome with your very own strength only.
- you can be very stubborn. like “i am doing things my way, and my way only. if you disagree, you can talk to the wall.” is what it's giving. extremely self-willed. so much so, that even if your decision ends up being wrong, your ego is likely to hold you back from admitting it. you don't really seem to enjoy showcasing your weaknesses out of fear of others looking at you as vulnerable or defenseless. deep inside, you might get scared of people hurting you. you might carry many more burdens than people realize. although some hardships can truly weigh on you sometimes, you likely don't enjoy making people believe you're struggling. you prefer making everything look easy and effortless. you can care a lot about what others think, and get scared of making yourself look like a fool or silly. there might also be a tendency for you to prefer looking at the world or certain people in a more idealized and romanticized way, especially if you really like someone, and wanna see the good in them. there might be this fear of ending up alone in you, so you actively choose to blend out negativity and focus on the positive way too much, in a way that can border on blind optimism or delusional thinking.
✧ pile 4 ✧
lisa manoban
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shuffled song: worth it. by raye
hi pile 4 person! you got miss rockstar lalisa manoban. let's see what your strengths and weaknesses might include.
+ you're very self-disciplined. you might've been through some losses and disappointments in the past, which gave you the necessary know-how on how to handle them now. like negativity doesn't get to you as easily anymore, you're well-versed in handling it now, know how to deal with it gracefully. you're good at recognizing the potential of growth in every situation, and try to take every experience, good or bad, as a lesson. you're also likely a very loving person, truly care about the people close to you and put a lot of importance into them being alright. i can see you checking up on your friends or loved ones a lot and making sure they know how much you care. very affectionate, almost this fuzzy and cuddly energy. very lovey-dovey too. you might be very people-oriented and always looking to please everyone. you likely value harmony a lot. there could also be a huge sense of optimism within you, where you actively choose to ignore negativity that doesn't serve you. in this “nah i'm not dealing with this anymore.” type of way. you can also be very eager to fulfill your own goals and dreams, and feel this desire to enrich your own world. you want to feel proud of yourself. so much so that if someone displays a source of negative energy, you probably won't entertain them for much longer.
- you might have problems trusting people fully and can therefore hide or disguise several parts of yourself. this might be a habit you can't manage to break. you're not always good at being very open and straightforward about your thoughts, might often be prone to internalizing them more. confrontation might be a struggle for you. you likely get defensive pretty fast, and might feel easily attacked, or take some things way too personally sometimes. this might, as a result, trigger you to shut yourself off from that source. whether that's a person or a situation, you just might prefer detaching yourself instead of dealing with it head on, because you don't like putting yourself in that vulnerable spot. you can also be overly focused on the image people have of you, always going back and forth between doing what people expect of you and want you to do, but also wanting to do the things you yourself wanna do. this might cause some conflicting feelings within you, because you wanna please yourself, but the people around you as well. you might struggle finding harmony between your ego, personality and your feelings. your emotions might get very intense and weigh on you more than you'd like. you might find that your strong emotions can stand in your way sometimes.
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