#can't wait to move to texas so I can escape this awful diet shit and just eat my heart out in grease
femslashspuffy · 1 year
You know what I like about Texas that California and Colorado fail at? The fact that leftist Texans don't shy away from how bad it is. Sure it's a little bit more relevant when you're living in texas than Colorado and California but I'm sick of my western friends acting like it's some great moral failing to live in Texas. There are multiple towns just an hour from Denver where the population is exactly what my friends think of as 'Texan' like just because you live in a blue state does not make you better than someone living in a red state it just means things are a tiny bit more controlled by the people
I really hate it when they imply that I'll be killed for being queer in texas as if it's not exactly as dangerous to be queer in Colorado and California. People talk about it more but we get killed just the same
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