#can't you just imagine reigen practicing the whole
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Gates to Heck Chapter 2
It’s a little on the short side, but I’m happy to be able to post Chapter 2 for Teru’s birthday.
This story is a follow-up to the omake "Teaching Mob Basketball > Anti-terrorism", in which Teru does a vigilante-justice speedrun so he can teach Mob how to dribble. 
"Spirits and Such Consultation, this is the greatest psychic of the 21st Century, Reigen Arataka, speaking."
"Oh, Mob." Reigen dropped the voice. "I thought you were learning how to dribble today. What's the-"
"Shishou, I need your help."
"I already told you, I don't play the ball sports." Reigen heard a suppressed sound from the kitchenette. As if Serizawa had room to snort. The only sport he played was Wii Golf.
"It's Hanazawa-kun. He's- He's hurt."
"How badly hurt are we talking?" Reigen closed the lid of his laptop. "Do you need an ambulance?"
"I don't think so? He came to basketball practice, but then he fainted. I think his head is hurt, and also his arm, but it's not just the injuries. It's everything."
Serizawa appeared in the kitchenette doorway, looking for all the world like a concerned housewife with his dishwashing gloves and furrowed brow.
"When I asked how he got hurt, he laughed so hard he passed out again. Well, I did ask if he was forming another gang, which may have been rude, now that I consider it. He wouldn't-
"Wait a second," said Reigen, waving a hand even though only Serizawa was there to see him. "Middle schools have gangs?"
"Yes," said Mob. "Hanazawa-kun was the urabanchou at Black Vinegar."
"Middle school gangs have shadow leaders?" When Reigen was fourteen, he was eating cup noodles and drawing Sailor Moon doujinshi like it was a full-time job.
"Yes, but- but that doesn't matter, Shishou. He's acting tired, like he did before, and he's gotten thin again. He must weigh less than…" Mob gave a small grunt. "50 kilograms."
"Did- Did you just pick him up?"
"Well, that's how much I can lift in my club." Mob's voice had the barest hint of defensiveness.
"Really? Wow."
"Just the deadlift."
"I know what that means," said Reigen. He started playing with a stress toy on his desk. Mob's friend, Kurata-chan, had gotten it for him last month, no doubt as some sort of joke, but squeezing the little alien until its eyes popped was strangely satisfying.
If Hanazawa had lost that much weight, it must have been more than a schoolyard fight. It had to be a chronic issue, like bullying, or even abuse.
Reigen swallowed hard. "His parents still overseas?"
"Yes," said Mob. "They have been since he was nine. He doesn't have anyone to take care of him." The kid was never what you would call expressive, but there was a note in his voice that Reigen could only describe as panic. "Shishou, I think he has a concussion, and I don't know what to do."
Reigen was already patting his pockets: wallets, keys, business cards, salt. "Right. I'll be there as soon as I can swing by a pharmacy."
"He doesn't need first aid supplies," said Mob, his voice going strangely grave.
"Oh, actually, he's running low on cooling patches. I think he has a Failure Fever too."
"Failure… fever?" Reigen grabbed some cooling patches from the office first aid kit and waved a quick goodbye to Serizawa, whose forehead was more furrowed than ever. Reigen had to resist the sudden impulse to smooth it down with his thumb.
"Hanazawa-kun gets a fever whenever he loses something."
Reigen hailed the first cab he saw. "Let me get this straight. You're telling me he has a psychosomatic reaction to losing fights? With middle school gangs?"
He fumbled with his wallet for the paper containing Hanazawa's address, which he'd kept tucked away ever since their final confrontation with Claw.
"No, I think it was mostly with Claw."
For a moment, Reigen thought he had misheard, somehow conflating Mob's words with his own thoughts.
"Claw- They- Mob, do you mean they went after him before they took Otouto-kun?"
"He was nine the first time they went after him," said Mob.
Reigen kept moving on autopilot, sliding into the cab's backseat and shoving the paper into the driver's hands. He didn't bother to cover the mouthpiece when he said, "Sorry, sick kid."
The driver nodded, tapping a Polaroid taped to the dash. The cab pulled into traffic and Reigen returned to his conversation with Mob.
"The same age he was when his parents left?" he asked, because that was easier than thinking about psychic terrorists targeting a literal child for five years.
Mob made a noise of assent. "He said it was safer that way."
"I didn't understand at first either, but I think he meant safer for them."
Reigen did cover the mouthpiece this time. At least the cab driver didn't seem to mind all the swearing.
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fruiteggsaladit · 8 months
The fandom needs more aus so Im adding one I just made#2
Mp100 au - The whole basis for Reigen and Mob's mentor-mentee relationship is built on a lie that was good for the both of them. Mob needed to know a self-assured adult esper who understood that his powers can be dangerous and has thought about that constructively and productively, and Reigen needs a nephew-best-friend he can help teach and grow so he has a long-term social relation.
So it's a little difficult to think of who would fit the bill for Reigen - if I can figure that out, then I know who would be Mob.
Yusuke would be the one to leave the safe water bottle company and make his own office and lie about having ESP to a kid who needs guidance, I think. But would he break that character once he learned the kid DOES have powers? If he's an adult and assuming he grew up pretty okay (Reigen standards) then I imagine at most that he's having a moment of inner panic abt having lied abt this bc he thought the kid was fibbing. And then he looks at the kid being so hopeful and glad and he folds - he'll roll w it! The kid needs the lie right now.
Oh, Masaru could be a good choice? The very kid that Yusuke saves and dies for in canon! Another thought was Botan in a role-reversal au as well as mp100 au.
Suddenly entranced by the concept of Yukina in the role of Shou. "See you later!" She says with a gentle smile. Anthy Himemiya is that u--
In that case I could see Yusuke as Mob and Shizuru and Botan having dual roles as Reigen (being the mentor: Shizuru, being the goofball w crazy charisma rolls: Botan)
Kuwabara siblings sharing the spot for Serizawa would be neat! They're very sensible in canon, both practice and encourage a normie life of studying and working despite their powers, so Serizawa's problem of finding it extremely difficult to control his powers due to his anxiety feel like a sufficient background for what would push them into a terrorist organisation.
Hina as Soichirou... She's been dead too often in my aus and concepts, Rui usually taking the spotlight, it's time for "oh no it's worse when they Lived". Epic divorce-woman ftw. Rui fulfills Shimazaki's powers of teleportation and knows where Yukina is at all times. She would really like Yukina to just stop trying to convince her mother not to be a terrorist anymore. For plot reasons she'll sometimes help Hina out in her plans if it doesn't negatively interfere w the twins' lives.
Hiei as Takenaka who is distressed abt his sister repeatedly running away to pursue their birth mother who at this point kinda scares him and he's not seen her in years. Also very isolated in being an ESP-kid and having no one else like him to talk to, upset to learn the Telepathy club is a lie. We don't see him for SO MANY episodes and when he returns as the twin brother of the There-are-so-many-things-wrong-with-this-child (Yukina).
Kurama might be part of Claw to help out his mother... Perhaps he is a Serizawa? (Speaking like these are actors for a theatre production) Koenma is the child in claw w the wooden dolls who cries when they get OP-broken.
I love Yusuke btw but I can't stand when a MC from one series is transferred as the MC of a different series for an au simply bc the character is the MC. It's just so automatic. I personally also like to use Mob for drawing studies when deciding how to draw Yukina's expressions and write her thoughts and actions, but it also grates on me to spend more than 10 minutes to just switch all the character roles for the personalities most similar (why not just go watch the original...). This is the hater in me! Sometimes I find her.
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arabaka · 1 year
OK OK OK so the whole meeting Reigen while jogging thing got me thinking so imagine becoming work out buddies w Reigen after meeting him and you start helping each other out with morning stretches. You have him help you with those leg/hamstring stretches that have you lying on your back while Reigen lifts your leg up and pushes it towards your body.
He's afraid of hurting you but you keeping telling him he can keep pushing your leg further and further until he's practically using his whole body to push your leg almost entirely against your body and you lock eyes as he's directly above you now. You both have an "oh." moment, before quickly ending the stretching. Reigen has to excuse himself to readjust his boner so it's less visible while you just sit there and question whether or not you were imagining the very obvious sexual tension between the two of you.
He'll probably very clumsily ask to hang out afterwards and it'll be a little awkward since at the moment the only thing you have in common is working out. However that leads to you two talking about said thing you have in common, and the conversation gets steered into steamy territory until the dam finally breaks and he's holding both of your legs above your head as he pile drives you.
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*₊˚💬୧ ohhh anon, that detail about reigen having to fix his sweats to hide his boner is <3333 delicious.
imagine that happening AGAIN on another occasion and you happen to catch it... your face heating up to embarrassing degrees but not because of what he tried hiding... because you're now thinking what must lie underneath the elastic of his workout pants... and cutting off the run shorter than usual because you just can't get your mind off it and you're so wound up that you need to go home and play with yourself until you're cumming to your wild fantasies of reigen...
and the sex !!!!! after the last stronghold falls and you both get swept up into a passionate entanglement... both of you end up being breathless and sweaty by the end of it. reigen making a joke about how that's the best workout he's ever had and you laugh, laugh, laugh until you're kissing giggles into his mouth <3
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