#canon nickname game
manyfandomocs · 2 months
👄 + Eirene?
Oooo this one is hard I can't think of many
Haymitch ; Mitch, Company
Peeta ; Baker, Sweetheart
Katniss ; Kat, Everdeen, Beautiful
Effie ; Eff, Trinks
Finnick ; Fin
Johanna ; Jo
Send me 👄 + an OC and I’ll tell you all the nicknames they have for canon characters
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tetheredfeathers · 2 months
I have this headcanon that Katniss is a very good poet/writer. Her thoughts have always been so poetic, like who the hell calls a boy she fake loves "dandelion in the spring, that means rebirth instead of destruction" like be fr. And at the end of Mockinjay she says something like I make a list in my head of every good thing I've seen someone do.
Post mockingjay she spends her days in the woods writing for hours and hours. It's good therapy for her as well, she writes about Prim, Rue, Cinna, Finnick, Boggs, Peeta's father. Sometimes she writes down her nightmares, fears, the arena, her time in District in 13.
But mostly she writes about Peeta, how she is so afraid of loosing him, and that she's so grateful he came back to her. She writes about how nice it feels to run her fingers through his blonde curls, and his eyelashes oh my eyelashes, miss girly has 5 whole pages dedicated to his eyelashes. She writes about his strong arms, how they ripple when he's kneading dough and how he effortlessly lifts her into his arms like she weighs nothing. She writes and writes and writes.
One day Peeta eyes her notebook curiously, he sees her with it all the time but never has the guts to ask her what's in it. One day he finally gives in and asks her, and Katniss blushes furiously before saying 'just some stuff I wrote'. He asks if he can see it, and she reluctantly hands it to him, it's not that Katniss minds letting him see it, she's just a bit shy. Peeta immediately starts crying right through the first couple pages, Katniss gets all nervous and asks him if she wrote something wrong. He cries even more at that and reassures her that nothings her wrong just that her words are beautiful he can't help it.
When he reaches the more later part of the book, he gets all cheeky and teases her about how badly downn she is for him. She get's all defensive and pretends to get mad and leave. He pouts and apologizes 'I'm sorry birdie, come here'. He wraps his big strong arms around her, carries her upstairs and he makes love to her all night long.
Later he smirks to himself and says 'I can't believe I ever thought that Gale stood a chance'
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kindaorangey · 2 months
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jean should collect homoerotic codependent partners professionally
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leafith · 8 days
I just realized I never drew the Nesting Guide, so I tried..
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Bonus with Judylia ofc
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starrysharks · 1 year
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momentomori24 · 25 days
Flowey and Papyrus have been one of my favourite Undertale relationships for years (even tho we never actually see them interact personally in the game don't ask me why) and I'm so fucking happy there's been a surge in art for these two sillies since the newsletter and Q&A. As well as just more official content of them interacting in general, FINALLY. To anyone who's made art for them-- thank you for your cooking services. You've kept a desperate, starving thing fed this month. To anyone who hasn't-- please consider cooking some food, please.
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cosmic-nebula356 · 3 months
YES YES YES YES YES YES Summer☀️ x Spring🌸
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“I'm a lover, not a fighter. My participation in the clan wars was... more of a formality. The truth is mourned the Summer Clan when they fell.”
- Haru🌸
EDIT: their ship name is Naru (Haru x Natsu)
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sunnibits · 1 month
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anyways since we’re talking about my boy here’s some dimitri WIPs that I may or may not ever finish (bc I’m weirdly incapable of finishing dimitri WIPs apparently)
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thronealigned · 8 months
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these are unfinished i'm just posting them to give myself permission to be more obnoxious about my bg3 ocs on main
#baldurs gate 3#bg3 spoilers#oc: memento#<- not their name. an out-of-universe nickname. i make things very confusing for myself#the scratched out text above 'the dark urge' is robin fairbairn - the name given to them by their foster family#oc: impulse#oc: luc sauveterre#uhhh what are my notes. aberrant mind sorc doesnt exist in-game or as a mod but it's impulse's canon in my heart#i also havent actually played them as that rogue multiclass yet... 2 bonus actions + the awakened buff will be Fucking Busted i think#as for lae'zel being listed as their bestie: she was the first to make it to 100 approval. trying hard to make that make sense#luc is a brand new character i made him like 2 or 3 days ago. he's a painfully earnest wife guy. going for squidlach with him#not picturing but still existing: my evil durge my wyllmancer and my vague laezelmancer#pictured*#is that it. i think thats it. idk if the volume of oc posting will actually increase#i would reblog the tav-as-companion ask meme but theyre all so wrapped up in their respective bits of the main story/romances. i wouldnt be#able to answer most of the questions#it's not like i can reblog shippy ask memes either. mementostarion is on a one-track road to a messy divorce#impulse's relationship is.................#let's leave it at that. luc & karlach are normal and healthy and cute but it does end with one of them a mind flayer so#(impulse also ends up a mind flayer for the record)#siiiighs. just gotta start reblogging things to fill their tags with. and maybe go take a nap
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jazz-kity · 2 months
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treat??? treat for lucariooooooo????
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manyfandomocs · 2 months
👄 + Ashton?
Ashton usually just calls people by their last name it's his thing
Santana ; San, Tana, Lopez, Babe (when they’re "dating")
Rachel ; Elph (She calls him her Fiyero and he refused to do a full Wicked reference because "he's not a nerd" so they settled on Elph), Rach, Berry
Sam ; Sammy, Samuel, Evans, Babe, Gorgeous, Baby
Blaine ; B, Blainers, Anderson, Babe, Gorgeous, Baby, Angel
Finn ; Hudson, Huds, Finster
Quinn ; Q, Fabray, Mommy, Quinny, Luc, Pink (during her skank era)
Brittany ; Britt, Britts, Pierce, Girlfriend's Girlfriend, Blondie
Kurt ; Hummel, Ass
Mercedes ; Merc, Mercy, Jones
Artie ; Art, Wheels, Abrams
Tina ; TT, Ti
Jesse ; Jess, St. James, Gorgeous
Will ; Schuester, Schue, William (actually he calls him William the most tbh)
Sue ; Satan Sylvester, Susan
Dave ; Karofsky, Asshole, Bastard, Fucker, Dick (Dave and Ashton do not have a good relationship)
Send me 👄 + an OC and I’ll tell you all the nicknames they have for canon characters
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tearlessrain · 2 months
I have two different ocs named Patch and one is the three-tailed fox familiar of several of my d&d characters who canonically has one braincell and sets things on fire if he stares at them for too long (and also has been my tumblr/discord avatar for many years), and the other is my RDO cowboy who is just Trying His Best and keeps getting dragged into eldritch bullshit (aka game glitches/godmodder incidents we've canonized). this is not confusing at all.
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I swear to God , or whatever is most holy to me , if i ever make it big, as in money wise??? I'd just cast dylan O'Brien and tyler hoechlin in a gay drama where they meet after going their seperate ways for years , only when derek's nephew(hem hem son) is getting ready to go to college . They actually talk(fight) it out , finally reveal their feelings .
Stiles was like ," I couldn't face you after i woke up with your sister of all people!! I don't do that derek. I was madly in love with you!!!! And i don't even remember how or what happened"
Derek was like " i already forgave you. She already told me you both were blackout drunk and she was high on- wait . You.....loved ?? Me??? !? "
And then they proceed to have the bestest hottest most romantic lovemaking scene in the history of film , and their son has to gag everytime they're on screen together coz they're oh so sappy.
I WILLL do it. I'm threatening you all , whomsover it may concern.
I will make them kithhhhh 😡
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
Prey of the Hunt- Chapter 6
A/N: Hey! This one took a bit longer than expected and I had some trouble making the dreams and foreshadowing flow together for the reveal. BUT! that’s fine, it’s reveal time!
Pairing: Eskel x Reader
Word Count: ~3.5k
Summary: You finally remember everything about your past, who you are, and... you even speak your first words here at the Keep.
Chapter 7
As dinner concluded and everyone was pooling their dirty dishes together to be washed Eskel tugged you off to the side. His hand just graced the small of your back as you moved with him to a spot that felt more private, but you know you could only have so much privacy amongst a family of wolf-like ears. 
“How are you holding up? After training I mean” he asked as you two stopped, his hand sliding from your back to down your arm with a tender touch until he captured your hand in his.
“Little sore” you rubbed your arm gently in a few of the spots you got hit during the remainder of your training. “And you? You must be sore after that fall” you chuckled under your breath, being met with a short snort of a laugh from him.
“I’ll be fine, thank you…” He said with a shake of his head, “I always knew you’d sweep me off my feet, but not like this.” He grinned widely as the color bloomed in your cheeks. “But that’s not what I wanted to ask about- I know that sometimes you have trouble sleeping after long and eventful days like this and- well, if you wanted, you’re welcome to come sleep next to me tonight...” He offered as his other hand tested the waters and brushed along your hip to keep you close.
But you didn’t need a hand to keep you close as your cheeks reddened in a pink heat. “I would like that… They hardly bother me when you’re near.” you mouthed with a sheepish smile. 
The quick, but very present grin that crossed his face sent fuzzy sensations through your chest. “Perfect…. I have to go talk with my brothers, so I can meet you in my room in a little while, Okay? I'll try not to be too long…” he squeezed your hand gently, bringing it up so that your knuckles just grazed his cheek and lips. “Go get yourself comfortable… I’ll be there soon” he told you and pressed a more firm kiss against your fingers before heading off towards the kitchens, leaving you to blink in surprise as you took it in.  
Your heart was racing like nothing else as he turned away, though you suspected he wasn’t too different at the moment either. A smile grew on your face as you watched him slip through the door, forcing you to bite your lip to keep it all contained . 
Without much dallying you made your way towards Eskel’s room, getting everything comfortable for the both of you and climbing into bed to wait for him. 
And you waited. 
‘I guess it’s a long talk…’ you thought to yourself as you yawned and curled further into the blankets. ‘Surely Eskel wouldn’t mind if I fell sleep without him… just a little.. I'll wake up when he comes in.’  You assured yourself as you let yourself drift off into sleep 
You had grown to recognize by now, when you were deep in a dream. Some of your senses felt stifled while others had moments of being heightened. Right now your sense of pain was what was clear as day. 
You were training in the courtyard of that palace you had dreamed of before. Surrounding you was a semi-circle of tall stoic-faced elves, their eyes a range of pale blues and greens that looked far deeper within your character than you liked. On one end of this semi-circle stood Eredin, King of the Wild Hunt, who stalked slowly around to get the best view available while you faced off against Geralt. 
Geralt… he was there?
He didn’t have the scar over his eye you knew he had now, and he held a much colder and more focused expression than he did as you knew him now- thought, to be fair, so did you. 
It was just like your sparring match earlier in the Keep, many of the moves flowing into each other the same way they had just hours ago. Your body moved on auto pilot as you fought against him, staff against sword. Your arms and legs ached from the endless hours of going through the motions you had gone through before, but you dared not let it slow you down lest you be reprimanded for it. 
You could hear the spectators murmuring as you narrowly dodged a swipe from his sword. It filled your head with a chattering anxiety that you forced not to show on your face despite how it began to deafen your ears to all else. 
You had become so consumed with how you were performing each small movement in your training that you registered Geralt just half a second too late. His sword came down like a hammer, intending to end the fight; however dream you- or maybe past you- was not prepared for it like you were at the Keep and instead of blocking it, you got caught across the cheek as you shifted away to dodge. 
So Geralt had given me that scar.
Eredin’s hand raised as blood was drawn from your fresh cut. The sparring session was now over and you had lost; you knew what that meant. 
WIthout warning your feet were swept from beneath you by a staff, your legs coming forward as you fell back onto your butt hard as the shockwave traveled through your body and forced the air from your lungs. Murmurings and snickers emanated from your older comrades as they watched you get humiliated. You coughed to try and force air back into your lungs and winced as you moved to stand, trying not to look at Geralt’s subtle look of guilt and pity as you did. 
“Aedd Gynvael…” Eredin said, referring to you as he shook his head in disappointment. “You’ll have to work much harder than that to be an effective rider. Because you are young will be no excuse.” he spoke in a quiet yet harsh tone that hurt more than the humiliation did as it hit your ears. “If you do not show me that you can keep up I will go back and take your mother as I initially intended…” he threatened. It was a familiar threat to your ears by that time, yet it had never stopped scarring you. 
You only dared to nod in reply. “Yes, my king….”
Your dream then jumped to another movement in time. You were walking down a hallway when you passed by a tall standing mirror and were forced to pause. You leaned in and looked over your face, the old scar traced over your nose, and the new, but healing cut running down the flesh of your cheek. You poked and prodded it as you watched to feel the ache that came with it.
“Hmm” you hummed a bit as you took a step back to fully see your self. You were clad in Iron armor, the little ornamental filigree having been worn away in most areas, but it was still present here and there. It was clunky and a little loud- but you had since grown comfortable in it. 
You held a helmet tucked under your arm possessively, Its skull like shape acting as a sense of odd comfort in that moment. It already had an etched line across the nose that matched that scar of yours, both of them were worn into smooth indents by the passage of time. However there was a new line engraved on the helmet, still sharp from being done by unprofessional hands. It was pulled across the cheek exactly where your fresh cut sat. 
“Why do you always scratch up your helmet like that, Gynvael?” Geralt’s voice came from out of nowhere beside you, causing you to jump in surprise. Despite the momentary shock, It was a familiar and friendly tone that you came to welcome it with open arms- well, friendly compared to everyone else there. 
You threw a small, barely there smile his direction and looked down at your helmet. “Well, I know we’re supposed to be faceless riders in a way” You spoke, looking deep into those sockets. “Meant to invoke fear and mystery… but part of me-” You paused as you frowned in thought. “Part of me doesn't want my actions to become something faceless. I deserve to recognize myself in the things I've done- whether I like it or not.” 
As you looked back at Geralt, your conscious mind seemed to recall the friendship you and Geralt had shared. Your bonds forged over your shared experience with the Wild Hunt; how you both stepped in to take the place of the people you cared about, how you both recoiled over the blood on your hands at the end of each day, and how you both longed for nothing more than to leave this plane. 
Your dream jumped again before Geralt could reply, and now you were hidden away in an old garden, away from prying eyes as you said goodbye. A young woman with ashen hair- who you recall having visited this place many moons ago was now helping Geralt finally make his escape. 
“We need to leave soon, Geralt- or we’re going to attract suspicion.” She said, her head swiveling back and forth to make sure they were still safe before turning to you. “I’m sorry I don’t have the power to take you with, but I can only transport one person at a time.” Her expression held genuine regret as she looked back to you, but you only shook your head. 
“It’s okay… I’m sure I’ll find another way.” You assured, but even you struggled to believe it anymore, but she didn’t need to know that.
“If you do happen to find your way out, ” Geralt said “Go to Kaer Morhen. You’ll be welcome there amongst my brothers. Just keep heading northeast  through the Blue Mountains and you’ll spot it.” His arms stretched out for a quick parting hug which you gladly took. It had been so nice to have a companion with you for a few of weeks that you were there, someone who didn’t crave humiliation and pain from you the way the others did. 
They both turned towards a thick hedge wall, ready to make their escape with the power this ashen haired woman held- when she stopped, and turned back around.
“Listen I - I have a friend around here. He’s a bit harder to find, only resides deep in the forests here in Tir Na Lia. His name is Ihuarraquax- It’s a fuckin’ mouthfull, I know. But if you tell him I sent you he should help you get out like he helped me…” she said, nodding in satisfaction as some of the guilt of leaving you left her consciousness. 
“Thank you. I’ll keep my eyes out, but you two should go. Travel safe, okay? I'll keep Eredin busy…” You promised and waved as you watched the young woman take his hand and flash away in a greenish light. Quickly the light faded and you were left alone again in the gardens, the darkness of night descending around you.
When you awoke with a start, your chest was tight and twisted- void of breath until your lungs finally managed to pull a small amount in, causing you to heave until you could catch your breath. Your head hurt worse than it ever had before as you felt your memories flooding back like a tsunami charged by the eruption of your dreams. Everything of who you were, what you did, why you were where you were became increasingly clear as the sediment settled.
Through squinted eyes you scanned the room, but Eskel had still not returned. Flinging the blankets from the bed, you sprung up and out of the room as your legs ran at full speed. Down the hall you went, pads of your feet slapping against stone, but you didn’t have the wherewithal couldn’t feel the cold you usually did. 
“Y/n?” you heard from the end of the hall as you rounded a corner, almost slipping in your rush. Eskel watched you as you raced towards him, arms extending to receive you as you came barreling straight into his embrace. Your arms wrapped tight around him as your bodies connected, hands gently fisting his tunic between your fingers.
“Y/n, what happened? Was it another dream? Did something-” he started, but quickly cut himself short as a new noise came. 
“Eskel….” you whispered out, voice raspy and unused this entire season until now. “Eskel….” you whispered again, relishing his name as it finally slid off your tongue the way it couldn’t weeks ago. 
“Y/n…” he replied in shock and awe as your voice hit his ears. He had been waiting for this moment ever since you first showed up in the keep, and even though you sounded like an old chain-smoker right now it was the most delightful sound he’s gotten to experience to date. 
“Eskel,” You started again and cleared your throat in an effort to return your normal voice. “ I know who I am….”
It was the wee hours of the morning as you sat around the table with the four Witchers. Each of them had a drink in their hands to sip through as you talked, while you nursed a mug of tea to keep your voice going through it’s new amount of use. 
“I am Y/n, rider of the Wild Hunt,and known to them as Aedd Gynvael.” you started your tale.
From there you regaled everything you’d put together thus far. When you were younger your full elf mother performed an act of magic in order to save your father that must have unintentionally attracted the Wild Hunt. You instead took her place- albeit unwillingly- and joined the Hunt as a fellow rider. You learned to hone bits of magic there, you learned Elder speech, and how to defend yourself. You trained for what seemed like endless hours, raided a multitude of villages, and saw your hands covered in more blood than you cared to admit. 
During this time, Geralt had become a rider. He wasn’t who you all were aiming for, Eredin reportedly wanted some sorceress named Yennefer- but Geralt had stepped in for her instead. It wasn’t long after that that you and Geralt grew into friends over your shared experiences and shared disdain for the King of the Wild Hunt. 
However, it felt like Geralt was only there for a blip of your own imprisonment, and within no time an ashen haired woman had come to help him escape. 
“Lara- No… no, it was a C it started with… Cirilla! She told me about a friend that had helped her escape. It took a while for me to find him between the raids on the continent and the various training but eventually he opened a portal for me and I was able to get out.” you finished and took a slow sip of tea to sooth your vocal chords.
Eskel and Lambert spoke quietly to each other, seemingly bouncing their understandings off of each other. Geralt however, had a look of recognition come across his face when you mentioned your elder nickname and it only grew stronger as you explained all that had happened to you. 
He hummed in thought before he finally looked to you and spoke. “Gynvael…. That’s why I struggled to recognize you here; I’d never heard you called anything else,” a small amiable smile crossed his expression. “And- Sorry about the scar I guess…. “
You smiled back and nodded that it was okay, before turning to meet the next question. 
“So, why were you called Aedd Gynvael…?” Eskel asked, his hand present on yours in a constant comfort as his face conveyed a genuine curiosity.
“It was a cruel joke… It means ‘shards of ice’ in Elder. The story goes that those hit with the fabled shards of ice become dull, unhappy, and empty as they search endlessly for the ‘Snow Queen’ of legend. They usually end up freezing to death in their search”. You shook your head as the bitter taste of irony  hit your tongue. “But the Snow Queen is really just the Wild Hunt. Eredin thought it was cruelly funny that I really had found the Snow Queen, but still remained empty.” You sighed as you squeezed Eskel’s hand tight as you bit your tongue from saying more. Your tensed muscles gradually loosened and  channeled your anger out of the rest of your body as you did. 
Eskel nodded slowly, a similar anger smoldering in his golden eyes like hot embers as he heard your explanation. However, with a soft press of your lips against his knuckles it was tampered down once again to something manageable. 
“I have a question-” Lambert stated to get your attention, “How long were you a rider? It just seems like a lot of memories to lose.” 
“Well, I think it was just a few months… 7 or so, by Tir Na Lia’s calendars.”
Geralt piped in again at this point, “however, time moves slower there than it does on this plane. I was gone for a few weeks I thought, but here it had been 2 years… Its 1266 now, so…”
You nodded and thought back through it as you did some mental math. “So I’ve been gone a little longer than 11 years….” You said, matter-of-factly. You wish you could sound sadder at this, at the wasted years of your life, but riding with the Hunt had been all you knew. There was nothing else to feel that you missed. 
Vesemir nodded as all the pieces of your puzzle came together. “That explains a lot… like why you tend to dream of winter and bodies, why none of the modern descriptions of these towns seem right to you, why Geralt and you recognized each other…” 
You nodded, continuing his sentiments “- why I saw a rider in the mirror, and why I knew exactly where to find Kaer Morhen”.
Everyone grew quiet and nodded as they took in the entirety of the situation and replayed the events of the last few weeks over in their minds. 
After the quiet had settled in fully, Lambert was the one to speak up and break the silence. “So… where do we go from here?” He asked, looking around at everyone.
It took another moment of thoughtful silence before you finally responded. “Well, Eredin gave up on the first chase- and I’m hardly the most valuable rider he has. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about unless he gets a good offer and can kill two birds with one stone- so to speak.” 
Vesemir nodded and leaned back in his chair as he listened to you finish before giving the closing remarks. “ Well, if he hasn’t shown up already he probably wont. But we can keep our eyes open just in case, and it wouldn’t hurt to reinforce the Keep for either possibility.” He stood up and downed the rest of his drink. “For now, all of you just get some sleep and we can deal with it more in the morning.” He dismissed and made his way off to bed. 
Geralt and Lambert quietly said their goodnights and went off to their respective rooms, while you and Eskel stayed behind and waited for everyone to leave.
“Eskel…” you sighed heavily- as if your entire soul was exiting through one breath, trying to find the things you wanted to say and convey, but Eskel squeezed your hand in interruption. 
“I know…” He sighed as well and held your hand against his cheek. “But It’ll be okay. I’m still here beside you the whole way”. He assured and looked to you with his same honey golden eyes. 
Even though you could speak again, you were glad to see that you and Eskel still didn’t need words to communicate. It was a weight off your chest to have someone like Eskel by your side while you went through all of this. 
“Let’s go to bed, yeah? It’s been a long night….” You smiled a bit and stroked his cheek gently as you stood. 
His face bloomed into a subtle but lovely smile, a slight sense of mischief showing before he carefully scooped you up into his arms. “I couldn't agree more…” 
Strong secure arms carried you back to his room, sitting you down amongst the furs. Neither of you spoke, neither of you had to, as you curled around each other and settled in for sleep. The heat of his body warmed you better than any fire could and as you laid your head upon his chest, listening to the way his heart beat beat beat against your ear, you could have sworn you felt the ice of your past beginning to melt away.
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @dark-academia-slut @weaponizedvirtue
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cattyanon · 1 year
*looking at the Scrapnik Sonic AU idea* please share more
Okay so I got this and another similar question and wanna start by saying I'm so glad people are interested!!!
So I still need to work out more of the details of the AU but one thing I think is concrete is that when Sonic first wakes up he pretty quickly desolves into a panic attack.
Where is he? What happened? Why is his vision all weird and blurry? Why does his body feel so wrong? Why can he barely feel anything?
All this, combined with two other things I shall not mention as to keep it still somewhat a surprise, actually manages to make Sonic short circuit himself. Now Sigma has to figure out how they're gonna get him back online again without him panicking so hard he short circuits... Which I do have a plan for!
I'll probably end up making this a fic. Maybe even with some art to accompany it? Either way it'll be pretty angsty. >:3
Tbh most of what's taking me so long to draw Sonic in this AU is a combination of two things. The first is that I've been helping out my mom with yardwork so she doesn't have to do it all by herself. The second is that I have to relearn/learn how to draw robots. If you're curious what I mean by learn and relearn I'll just leave it in the tags.
Hmm... maybe I could get a Tails design done today? Well hopefully today but we'll see.
So anyways Sigma is trying their best and you'll get more deTAILS when I post his design.
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shadow0-1 · 2 years
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“You trusted me…”
“Of course. Always.”
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