#cant believe i've written the most for the yeehonk
littleferal · 3 years
sleeping habits 7
headcanons for agent whiskey (kingsman II)
a/n @0celesteisthebest0 reminded me (indirectly, through some very sweet tags :") that i hadn't finished this series. so i'm allowing myself to post them out of order while i finish javi and santi's. it's time for a yeehonk 💖 thank you @loversandantiheroes for helping me with the terrible t-shirt slogan :) rating general word count 1411 words. warnings mention of anxiety, co-dependency and separation issues. mild angst
benny miller | din djarin | ezra | frankie morales | javier peña | santiago garcia | jack daniels
At all times Whiskey finds a way to be draped over you, or to have you over him and you don’t get much choice about it
If the mood is right it’s endearing, the way he presses himself against your back, peppering sweet kisses and words against your neck until he drifts to sleep
(and even then he’s not rolling away in the night, he is koala’ed to you, good luck moving)
If it isn’t though… well it’s downright annoying because the man is persistent
Roll-on-top-of-you, pull-you-tight-into-his-chest, wrestle-for-cuddles kind of persistent. He just doesn’t want to go a night without you in his arms and there is no such thing as less is more with this man.
Plus Jack doesn’t just crave that physical contact - and all the intimacy it denotes to him - he needs it. He’s over-protective, over-indulgence and - at times - over-invested in the tiniest of actions. But it comes from a place of fear, something you both learnt the hard way, so you let him have it.
Although it’s not so common now, there was a time when Jack actually woke up quite a bit in the night - once, twice, three times - on a regular basis.
It had started as a habit, born of the number of times he’d slip out after a one night stand. He’d wake some time in the early, early, morning, press a kiss to their forehead if he was feeling particularly fond, then slip out of the door in near perfect silence. He had it down to an art.
What Jack didn’t realise is that this then became a habit triggered simply by sleeping next to another person. It served him well in those days but then it didn’t go away.
It became both a blessing and a curse.
Blessing because there has been - and of course still is - many times when he’d wake and the first thing he sees is you sleeping peacefully next to him, and he gets to bask in that warmth. Sometimes he wakes and you’re tucked under his chin, your leg over his hip. He traces mindless patterns over your thigh, holds your head to his chest and enjoys the feeling of someone - you - clinging to him before he slips easily back into sleep.
(And what bliss it is, to be able to wake to a soft dream and slip right back under)
Other times he wakes and you’ve managed to slip from his hold, seeking the cooler side of the bed. But even then your arm still reaches for him and it’s that one small thing that comforts him. You’ve been woken by Jack more than a few times on nights like these, just to find him pressing soft kisses to the back of your hand where it’s held in his, or against your shoulder where he’s slid in next to you. Those nights when you sleepily return his affection are the most soothing to him.
But the habit has also felt like a curse because despite settling in, despite all the love he has for you, it’s stayed, and that has nearly broken his heart.
How could he still be waking up in the night, even now? He doesn’t have any desires to leave, not now, not ever, but the echo of who he had been still haunted him.
In the early days there were times when it was near on every night, was every night whenever stress got to him. He’d wake with his heart already racing, particularly if you weren’t in his arms - have you already left? Or worse, has he already run? The only thing that calmed him on those nights was to wrap himself around you or pull you onto his chest - sometimes so abruptly it woke you up - so he could reassure himself you’re both still there
But he wouldn’t - couldn’t - speak of it. It was his own shame, his own little broken pieces he thought if you saw and knew why you’d be the one to up and leave in the night.
When it was like this he couldn’t even bring himself to leave the bed to seek sleep elsewhere, an irrational fear he couldn’t be trusted to do even that.
It was when you woke once and saw his tears in the moonlight that he tried to run; immediately dismissing it, hoping you wouldn’t ask - please don’t ask, please don’t make me say it, I’m scared - and promptly making an excuse to sleep on the sofa that night so as to not disturb you.
Of course you don’t let him - if you want to be in a relationship with Jack Daniels you need to have some skill in holding him down for his own benefit.
In the end the conversation turned out as short as he’d feared, but so much better than he could have imagined and it went a long way to helping you both understand each other better.
And then slowly, but surely, the habit faded and Jack started to sleep the night through much more regularly. He can still be a light sleeper, but with you in his arms Jack could sleep through anything.
So you let him hold you tight when he needs it and he lets you have space when you need it, finding a balance that sometimes means sleeping at awkward angles to accommodate you both.
Still, Jack can’t sleep soundly at night unless he has a hand on you somehow, somewhere. He’ll sleep on his front, side, back - any which way is comfortable as long as he can reach you
Although he is becoming a bit of an old grouch about sleeping on his front, Jack can easily be the little spoon because - as established - he just needs that physical contact and if his partner is initiating it he’s in heaven. He’ll happily spend the whole night sleeping on your chest and wake up all stiff with zero complaints.
On bad nights Jack actually prefers to hold you and not the other way around, wrapping himself around your back and holding you close. It feels less vulnerable that way, although he learns to let you face him when he does it, tucking yourself under his chin and kissing his neck and chest softly in reassurance that you’re there.
In fact, Jack likes being the big spoon a lot because it makes him feel like he’s doing something right, that you want to be in his arms.
(This is, of course, one of the reasons he used to have such a hard time if you tried to wiggle out of them, because that meant he had done something wrong.)
The compromised, favourite position on hot nights is for Jack on his back with you curled over his chest but it comforts him more than he ever recognised because it means you are actively choosing to be there.
(Yeah, Jack had to learn how to give his s/o the space to show their love for him instead of trying to immediately grab it and hoard it)
And now Jack has a great respect for how you let him hold you all night long through summer nights that he’s truly thankful. He gets extra affectionate when you do, somehow even more than he used to be.
But it’s a good thing he has learnt over time to be able to sleep without you pressed tight against him all the time because Jack runs hot. But at least you don’t stick to him because he prefers to sleep in an old loose tee. His favourite one - when it doesn’t mysteriously disappear - is an old Statesmen shirt which proudly proclaims across the chest to be “The Whiskey Of Your Dreams”. He thinks he’s funny. It’s only endearing because he’s obviously so proud of the joke.
Jack always - without fail - kisses your forehead when he wakes, a new habit he’s formed. Dipping his head to find yours or shuffling about to find you under the sheets so he can kiss you gently, he can’t leave the bed until he’s kissed you, even in you’re asleep and won’t know it.
At one point he realised, made the connection, that it’s a thing he used to do before ducking out. But the pain of the comparison is quickly dulled by you waking and sleepily reaching for him, reminding Jack that you’re both here to stay.
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