#cant wait for riz to kick her ass
creacherkeeper · 3 years
LOVR ur aelwyn and the bad kids series and can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for the other three bad kids!! got any headcanons in general about them?
thank you so much!!!! <3 <3 ive REALLY enjoyed writing the series so far, and the comments and encouragement has been so lovely ;; fantasy high fandom my beloved <3
*slaps head* this babey can fit so much headcanons in it
okay ive talked about this with a few people but i totally think season 3 will have a siblings motif. we already know a few characters who are NOT only children (fabian, ayda) which hasn’t been explored, and have some characters who also have the potential to not be only children (they called fig ‘first born daughter’ in hell?? weird choice of wording for an only child) (also either set of gorgug’s parents could have more kids - adopted or bio). and i’d just really like to see more of kristen’s brothers and OF COURSE adaine and aelwyn. riz just has such strong only child vibes im sorry i dont see that changing
i REALLY HOPE we meet fabian’s siblings but my PERSONAL headcanon for them is that he has an older sister who is like. SUPER COOL and badass and can kick his ass in a second flat and literally everyone is in love with her. and also an older brother who lives in bastion city who is a completely normal and extremely boring accountant
(also fabian’s cool older sister and aelwyn become friends ok thx)
so adaine definitely has the potential to be a very physical person (like even early early s1 she’s throwing spells, punching, The Ladle) but obviously was raised in an environment where she was expected to be very self contained. i think as she gets used to mordred manor and living with jawbone and tracker and ragh especially, she gets VERY about physical affection. like, okay, one, the child is touch starved we all know this. but i think she goes from awkward fistbumps and pats on the shoulder to like. BIG bear hugs, hair ruffling, people sitting on her lap, etc etc pretty quickly. like just embracing that physicality she has in a positive way
also jawbone and tracker (in a safe way, we know they take measures to not spread lycanthropy) totally bite as affection. and adaine picks up on it and one day just sort of chomps aelwyn’s arm a little bit and aelwyn is like. hey. so what the hell was that. and adaine was like it was affection it means i love you. and aelwyn is just like. literally what the fuck is up with this house.
ALL the bad kids have trauma For Sure but (as i hinted at in the first fic) fabian definitely has ptsd from leviathan. i think his presents as less emotional stuff and more as like. a ton of hypervigilance and irritability/snappishness when he’s triggered
okay i could literally write an essay on all the bad kids mental stuff and neurodivergence and everything but 1) kristen is just a unit of cPTSD with freckles 2) adaine and aelwyn have the SUPER WEIRD combo of adaine being the externalizer and aelwyn being an internalizer and i think that’s the thing that like. yes DID fuck up aelwyn for a long time but ultimately is what saved both of them. like i believe very strongly that if this tendency had been flipped they’d both be completely screwed
okay speaking of aelwyn 1) claustrophobia now right?? like we can all agree on that ?? 2) this is NOT just me projecting (yes it is) but i think aelwyn has chronic pain/fatigue for a good while after s2. like you cant spend almost a YEAR at five levels of exhaustion doing one extremely restricted repetitive motion and not like ???? completely fuck up your body??? like yes she and fabian totally swordfight and duel and stuff but also i think it takes a WHILE before she can do any physical activity without getting completely wiped out. because spells do seem to take SOME level of energy or whatever from you (spell slots, otherwise you could just do them all the time) i think this probably includes spells
gorgug is like. extremely good with kids. toddlers especially. he talks to them like they can totally understand everything (great for development!) and is just very patient and kind and good but also does not mind being used as a jungle gym and WILL throw a child into a beanbag chair for two hours straight (ALSO great for development!). fabian also thinks babies are the cutest things on the planet but will NOT admit that so he mostly tags along when gorgug babysits because he’s “just SO bored he CANT find anything better to do UGH” and secretly is like. babies <3
let aelwyn MULTICLASS!!!! paladin and barbarian are my faves for her
i know this is a common hc but like. all the bad kids share clothes. for sure. literally the bugs bunny OUR closet meme
kristen has a total green thumb she’s GREAT with plants and tracker is just like <3 its because youre a lesbian <3 even though tracker will totally kill any plant she comes in contact with by accident
kristen and tracker are the academy’s GSA moms. theyll be like “hello my child” and the other kid will be like im four months older than you??? and theyre like “that does not matter <3″
adaine and aelwyn were DEF forced into like. piano and violin lessons growing up but when fig finds out shes VERY EXCITED they can play together and like. does piano and violin and bass sound good together?? dont worry about it. its the first time playing music is actually fun for the two of them
ayda, after more research and understanding, is totally the type of person who’d walk up to someone in the grocery store and be like “hello i believe you are autistic like me let me explain what that is” and fig is like. babe. babe. we were just here for fruit snacks. babe.
okay i will stop here for now because i super need to shower but also if people wanted more/specific headcanons i might be .....,, persuaded ...
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Fighting For The Life
Chapter 2 to Hell of a party. Hope you all enjoy.
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Gif credit @fromthesixteenthfloor
Cocos P.O.V
Arriving at the hospital the doctor immediately took Riz and Dee to surgery.
Dee was screaming for you as you let her hand go. "I'm right here". You cried, pinching the bridge of your nose. Ez came up behind you laying his hand on your shoulder.
"She's going to be okay. We have the best doctors working on her". Ez spoke softly.
"I can't lose her man".
"You're not, she's a fighter and will kick ass to get to you". Ez chuckled which lightened the mood as you nodded.
"Mr. Cruz"? A nurse called you.
"Yeah, that's me".
"This is paperwork for you to fill out for your wife". She handed it to coco.
"Okay, how is she"?
"It's hard to say right now but the doctors are working quickly to get her better". The nurse smiled.
"Thanks". Coco sat on the bench his knee jumping up down. He clicked the pen over and over. Some what annoying Ez but he understood that he was scared of losing you.
"We have to find the fuckers that did this to my wife and brother". Coco sneered.
"We will. You can promise that".
Three hours have past and Coco was going crazy bouncing off the walls. He went to the nurses station every twenty minutes to see how you were doing.
"We don't have a update yet but when I do I will personally bring the doctor out to talk to you".
"Fine". He huffed jerking himself off the desk walking back to Ez.
"Can I get you something"? Ez asked.
"How's Riz"?
"I don't know. Angels with Shiloh right now. They don't know much". Ez signed.
"Mr. Cruz"?
"How is she"?
"Lets sit". He pointed to the bench.
"Tell me doc".
"Dee has lost all vision in both eyes do to the fragments of glass and bullet. She will not regain sight. She will need therapy and your help. I'm sorry".
"Holy shit". Ez was shocked. No one knew that it was this bad.
"Can..I...see her"? Coco choked on his words. He couldn't process that you wouldn't be able to see him anymore or if you had kids you wouldn't be able to see your beautiful kids.
"Yes, just don't be alarmed when you see her. She has been through a lot". The doctor told Coco. He followed the nurse into the room. The sight of you made him break down, falling to his knees at your bed side.
"Oh god". He grabbed your hand with his. Your life was going to be so different now and Johnny couldn't wait to get his hands on the ones that changed it.
Dees P.O.V
Next thing I know I wake up to the sound of beeping, what the hell? I tried opening my eyes only to be greeted by darkness again. "Coco? Baby?'' I said feeling for his hand only to come up empty. I can hear noises but where.... I reached up to touch my face but jumped when I felt hands on mine. "Don't touch baby they had to do surgery to get the glass out of your eyes. "I cant see. Where are you? What happened? Where's Shiloh and the others?" I said starting to panic. Me and Shiloh were always together hardly apart. "Coco? You still here?" I said feeling for his hand. I knew he was still here I can smell the mix of leather and cigarettes. Then again all the guys smelt like cigarettes. But my coco had a different smell like a old spice kind of smell if that made any sense... "Come on babe, this isn't funny. I can't fucking see, where are you I'm scared."
Shiloh's P.O.V
You didn't get to say goodbye to Dee as they rushed her away. Riz was taken to surgery right away. Angel held you tightly as you sobbed into his chest.
"He's going to be okay". Angel said over and over. You thought you had lost him already with the way he looked. It was frightening to see him that way. You always came up with a way he would have died when he came home late and didn't call. But this scene was not one of them enjoying a family party in his own back yard. Yeah the club had enemies but you never thought they would step in your life. First coming into your world and then taking away your sister and your husband. They had to be taken out.
"Mrs. Ariza"? The doctor came over to you. ]
"Yes". You sniffled.
"Your husband was shot in his lower abdomen, and it hit a artery some bullet fragments are lodged against his spine. We wont know anything until we open him up".
"Will he survive"?
"Its up to him. I say he has a fifty fifty chance".
"Will he be able to walk again"?
"That I can't say". He walked off leaving you devastated.
"What the hell am I going to do"? "I can't lose my sister and my husband in the same day". Your head fell into your hands sobbing.
"Ez just called me, Dees out of surgery but". Angel stopped.
"But? But what Angel"? You yelled at him.
"She's completely blind".
"What? No...no..no". You sobbed, your heart felt it could fall out of your chest and dry up and die.
Angel pulled you close. You could feel tears fall on your forehead.
"What happened"? You heard Taza behind Angel. "What's going on"?
"Riz is in surgery and they don't know if he'll walk again. Dees completely blind, Coco lost it and the cops have just arrived". Angel spoke as you couldn't form words. They both looked at the nurses desk where the sheriff just came in.
"I'll call Bishop, we'll stall them". He walked off getting on the phone.
"Miss"? A nurse came over to you handing you a clip board.
"Hey what's this"? Angel asked but as he read it he sighed a look sigh. It was a form for you to sign in case Riz seized do you want to bring him back.
"Shiloh, you may want to look at this". He handed you the paper.
"Are you fucking kidding me". You scoffed, walking over to the nurse. She was laughing with one of the other nurses. You reached over the desk, grabbing her by the shirt making her look at you.
"Is this a joke to you? My husband is in surgery and my sister will never see again and you're over here laughing. This form you can shove up your ass because if anything happens to him, you will be right behind him. Do you understand? Now find me a respectful doctor and get them down here, you little bitch". You pushed her away, a petrified look on her face as she ran off.
"Atta girl". Angel praised you. "You tell em". He said patting your back.
It took the nurse five minutes to find a doctor. She brought him straight to you, but quickly left without looking in your directions.
"So what is happening? My sisters husband said that he didn't have this kind of trouble getting information but I'm getting asshole nurses and shitty service". You explained.
"They have removed the fragments and stitching him up but we wont know if he'll be able to wall until he comes to".
"Okay, see that wasn't to hard. Thank you". Angel was laughing in the back as the doctor hurried away.
"Damn, Riz got lucky with you".
"He did, I just pray he's okay".
"He will be".
"It will kill him if can't ride anymore. Do you think Bishop is going to want him in the club anymore if he can't ride"?
"Hey, Riz is family and you don't turn your back on a brother. Riding or not, he will be a Mayan".
"But will he still be able to vote"?
"Yes, I'll make sure of it". Angel promised, you nodded.
"Mrs. Ariza"? The nurse must have sent another nurse to get her head bitten off.
"Your husband is out of surgery and is in the recovery room".
"Can I see him"?
"For a moment. I'll show you". You followed her to the room. You heard the ventilators they frightened you. Was he going to be able to breathe on his own?
"Riz, baby. I'm here". You held his cold hand. He looked weak and clammy. You didn't know what you would do if you lost him. You had your future to look forward to, you were not ready to let him go.
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