#captain hydra x oc
askstevella · 5 months
What would you do if Steve went bad? Like bad guy attitude? The Hydra Stomper or something
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“Him as a bad guy? I um..angry Steve is hot and very commanding when it comes to his job. I’ve seen it before...but like a bad guy? Hmm…I’ll just flirt with her to get him flustered then run away, let Natasha handle his ass or something haha—what was that?”
*the room is silent as knocking is heard and then a loud BANG comes crashing down at the door being blared open*
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“There you are.” He walked over to her with a stance that made him look bigger than expect, boarding shoulders and a half glare.
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“S-Steve?”, She question looking up at him, slowly getting up as he took her by the arm, having her follow him out the room.
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“We need to go now, honey.” He said opens the door for her, looking over his shoulder at the cameras and keeps both of them pacing onto the streets and into the car, “I’ll explain everything later..”
“What’s going on?” She said once she saw him driving away from the building.
“I’ll explain later honey.” He repeated, driving onto the highway.
“Stop with the ‘honey’! I want answers.”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you..”
“I just need you safe and sound, Elle…anyway from him.”
“From who?”
“A clone of me.”
“A clone?”
“Hydra made a..”
“Yeah. He wants to make me look bad as Captain America and there is a high chance he might get to you soon. I can’t let that happen.”
“Oh dear god..”
There was a dark speeding car following them, as Steve took a glance at the right view mirror and made a swift turn around the corner as he escape the black vehicle. Stella looked over her shoulder in relief wondering if that was the man in question but once glance at her husband said otherwise as she nodded.
He was serious, his face charging with anger and attention but a form of loving concern for all of it.
The blonde in the speeding came grunted with a piercing glare trying to following the route as he received a phone called and answered, “What?”
“We believe we got eyes on the brunette and the Captain.” Replied the female voice on the other end of the phone.
But was she truly safe? 👀
-> Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and reblog with responses if you like.
-> Even keep the chain going if you want to join in on the fun with reactions hehe
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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unseededtoast · 9 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 3/37 | Part Two & Part Four
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
"A few weeks ago we came into contact with one of Hydra's weapons...We found ourselves in possession of this weapon but we are unable to decode whatever it is Hydra installed."
The chains clink against the metal fixture on the desk as the handcuffs are released from my wrists. I rub them, feeling the small indents they left on my skin and stay seated though I am free from restraints. I watch Director Fury closely, knowing I'm not entirely free and am still under his command.
"I'll be right back, don't leave this room." He instructs and I remain seated, not willing to move and jeopardize the new start I have been granted. A few moments pass and he brings in a bowl of water and some plain white cloth.
"You need to wash up before you leave this room, there's no time to waste for your assignment." I grab the cloth and wet it with some of the water, cleaning off my face and hands of the dead man's blood. The water turns a dark reddish brown as I continue to wet the cloth after wiping off the blood. I wonder what can be so urgent that they're going to assign me to something only moments after I pledged loyalty. I find it very peculiar that they're giving me an assignment instead of placing me under observation for a while. For all they know I could be lying about everything, something seems off. But, I can't question it or I'll look even more suspicious.
As I finish cleaning myself up, Director Fury beckons me to follow him out of the room. I stand and follow the man,
"I want you to meet some people. They're working on a project dealing with memories. Perhaps you can enlighten them and speed the process up given your background. It would be most beneficial that our scientists understand this as much as you do. It's a time sensitive matter. But make no mistake you will be watched, and if you try anything we will handle it." He explains in an authoritative voice as he leads me through hallways. What can be so time sensitive about my work? I ponder the question and feel uneasy about what the answer may be but remain optimistic.
The Director opens a glass door, where there are two people working. I recognize one of them as an Avenger. The lab is full of top of the line equipment and the most advanced technology I've ever seen. My palms begin to sweat as memories flash through my mind, the same scenario, different years. But I know this time it's different, it has to be. There's just no way I pledged myself to repeat the same mistake all over again.
"Bruce, this is Adalyn Averina, and she's been so kind as to provide her expertise on the project." I'm grateful that Director Fury opted to leave out the grittier, less pretty details for my sake. I nod to Bruce, who I know is also the Hulk from numerous tv broadcasts I've seen over the years. I'm introduced to the other scientist as well, she's a grad student at a local university here on an internship. The Director leaves the lab wordlessly, leaving me without any specific tasking. I feel lost and very much out of place. Everything seems to be happening at a very rapid pace, and it's not only disorienting but peculiar as well. I rub my arm anxiously and look to Bruce for any sort of direction.
"Yeah, as Fury said I'm Bruce, it's nice to meet you Adalyn, welcome to the team." He warmly smiles, eroding away some of the nerves. I smile back and approach him at the table he's working at. I see he has microscope slides laid out on a table, and I try to decipher what they are.
"It's nice to meet you as well, I assume we're lab partners then?" My eyes break away from the slides and up to his, they glimmer with humor.
"Yeah, I guess you can say we're lab partners. Oh, these are all brain matter, the subject suffered from severe Alzheimer's. Tony's been on a kick about retrieving memories, some childhood trauma thing I think. It just so happened that the project aligned with Tony's interests." Bruce rambles on and I nod, following what he's saying though I don't even know what the project is specifically about, or what the goals are.
"Well, I don't mean to interrupt your own research, it's just that I've already conducted these studies. I still have more to do, but I've got this much down." I say, hoping he doesn't take offense. His eyebrows raise in surprise.
"Really? That's remarkable. Do you have anything published? I swear I've looked everywhere for this information." I shake my head at his question.
"No, nothing is published publicly, but I do have a substantial amount of experience under my belt. I can explain it all to you, if you want of course. I'm not trying to stop you from doing your own research." I say, becoming more comfortable in his presence.
"By all means, please. I'm all ears." He sits down on a stool and I nod.
I explain the very basics to him, the parts of the brain and their functions, and how diseases such as Alzheimer's wear away at the brain matter. I briefly explain that with electrical stimulation, some of the parts of the brain can be programmed, in a way, and that this method can be used for several different uses. I explain that memory retrieval is very difficult and usually has to be handled on a case-to-case basis; treatment has to be tailored to the individual's experience, it's not a cookie cutter situation. I spare the details of what my experience is, and thankfully he doesn't ask. Hopefully he assumes my experiments were conducted on lab rats. He sits in silence after I finish my spiel, he rubs his chin as he thinks it all over.
"I think you might be the answer Tony's been looking for. I don't know where he is right now, but when he gets back you'll have to fill him in. You've got some good stuff, how old are you by the way? You seem a little young to be this educated."
"I'm 24." I answer and he nods.
"Well, that's very impressive and I'm glad we've got you alongside us now." I smile appreciatively and look to the noise coming from behind me. I see a short girl dressed in the standard Shield uniform.
"I was sent to get you." She speaks to me and I nod, following her. She leads me to another part of the building and up to the third floor.
"I'm showing you to your room where you will be staying for the duration of your time here." I stay silent and follow her down the hall. The hall only has six doors in total, I'm guessing some other employees live here. She stops at the third door on the right and nods to me,
"This is your room, and I've been told someone will come retrieve you momentarily." She says and walks off, leaving me alone. Shield sure does trust new recruits a lot to keep leaving me alone. I don't know if I would be as trusting of someone with my background. But perhaps I'm under surveillance, and they're observing what I do. That would be the smart thing to do.
I watch her walk out of the hall and then turn the door's handle. The room inside is bare. There's a single bed in the middle with a nightstand on one side, a lamp beside the door, a dresser against the wall opposite of the bed with a mirror hanging above it. I walk inside and shut the door behind me, familiarizing myself. I see an attached bathroom, noting that it also is small and basic. I stare at the bed longingly, this has been the most exhausting day I've had in a long time. I sit on the bed and stretch, soaking in the little peace I've had all day.
Though I should feel anxious after everything that's happened, I know I'm in the safest place I could possibly be. I'm too tired to worry about anything, the anxiety will have to wait until the morning. I close my eyes and breathe in the cool, crisp air of the room.
Although my bed at home was far more comfortable, this one offers a sense of security that my old one could've never provided. And though it's less than ideal to be working for another organization, it sure beats being on the run for the rest of my life. I'm just nervous to see what the project is about, and why they're looking for someone with my skill set. A sudden knock on the door startles me from my momentary peace and I jump up to answer the door.
"Miss Averina, I hope you're finding the accommodations to be up to your standard?" Director Fury questions and I nod,
"Of course, sir. Thank you." I pay my gratitude and he starts walking down the hall.
I shut the door behind me and follow him. People stare as we walk by and I wish I could vanish. They could know absolutely nothing about me, or they could know everything, there's no way for me to tell. Ignoring the stares is easier said than done, but I focus on the back of Fury's bald head, hoping the light reflecting off of it is enough of a distraction.
"Time to meet your new team." Fury says, opening a door.
We step in and I see four people sitting around a table. I recognize them all. I feel uneasiness creep into me but I try to ignore it. I rub my palms together as I look at each of the people at the table. Luckily, I've already met one of them.
Bruce sends a warm smile my way and I return it to the best of my ability, the others watching my every move. I take a seat next to Fury and wait for anyone else to say something, I cannot stand the tense silence in the room. From the status of the people in this room I'm concerned about what the project could be, it's obviously not something small if four Avengers are involved.
"So, it seems that we're in God's good graces as he's sent us someone who I believe can crack the code." Fury begins speaking, all eyes lingering on him except mine. I continue to look at the people in the room, knowing they could all single handedly kill me in a split second if they so desired.
"Bruce has already met the newest member of the team, but I'll let her speak for herself." Fury turns the attention to me and I nod shortly. I wasn't expecting to be put on the spot. I lick my lips and wipe the palms of my hands on my thighs.
"I am Adalyn Averina and I am a professor specializing in brain anatomy and physiology, with a focus in memory functions. I have an extensive background in this field and I am happy to help in whatever way I can." I keep my introduction short and sweet, not giving up too much information.
"Sorry, but with all due respect you don't look a day over 20. Bruce and I have been working on this for weeks now and haven't been able to figure it out but you just so happen to understand everything?" The man sits forward in his seat, looking intensely at me. This must be the Tony Stark charm I've heard rumors of. I nod my head, hoping to calm the rising tension.
"Yes, like I said I have extensive experience and research into this topic, I've been involved in it since I was a little girl." I see him internally trying to piece things together.
"Okay hold on. So you're like a child prodigy or something? And you have a Russian accent, I hear it. Fury where did you find her? You're sure she's not another spy?" Tony seems paranoid, and I can't blame him because I too find this situation unconventional.
"It is highly unlikely that she's a spy, Stark." Fury defends my credibility. Tony stays quiet but stares.
"She was in the lab earlier with me Tony, she knows her stuff." Bruce also sticks up for me. It's weird having Fury and Bruce defend me though I've known them both less than two hours. The blonde haired man sits up straighter in his seat and makes eye contact with me.
"I know Bruce and Tony have a scientific interest in your work, but it's a little more personal to me. If you can help us, I will be very grateful." I give him a small smile. I like him, he seems just as he appears on the television. He is the personification of honor.
"I will do my very best to help. I am unsure of what the tasking is, I'm still in the dark about that." I admit, looking between all the people at the table. The one redhead has been quiet the entire time, though she's been studying me with slightly squinted eyes. I hear Fury sigh and I look to him,
"A few weeks ago we came into contact with one of Hydra's weapons. The timing could not have been a coincidence, we've found a few Hydra spies in the past few weeks but we've eradicated them. We found ourselves in possession of this weapon but we are unable to decode whatever it is Hydra installed." I scrunch my eyebrows, concentrating on what he's saying. It doesn't make sense, I'm not a weapons expert.
As if I had run into a brick wall, it feels like the breath has been knocked out of me and my eyes widen a bit, there's no way they could possibly be talking about my Hydra mission, though it would all make sense. I suppress my anxiety and focus on the matter at hand. Fury turns in his chair and plays a video on a hologram.
I watch the scene unfold. Steve is fighting with a man on a highway that's been blown to hell. My stomach drops and I feel like I'm going to pass out. There's no way. My eyes are intensely glued to the video, and I watch as knives get twirled and punches are thrown. I watch as the metal clashes on metal, and I tear my eyes away from the fight being displayed. I stare at the table, trying to not hyperventilate. I hear the video pause and the room is eerily silent.
"Fury she looks like she's going to pass out." Bruce points out and I continue staring at the table.
"Do you know him?" The nice blonde man from earlier, Steve Rogers, asks. I meet his blue eyes and see the desperation in them. I nod my head, gripping the sides of my seat.
"The Winter Soldier. He was my mission." I manage to say without throwing up all over the table. This has to be some sort of nightmare I'm trapped in, there's no way this is reality. The rest of the table silently looks at one another in shock.
"Your mission?" Steve asks, leaning on the table, getting closer to me. I sense both curiosity and hostility.
"I worked for Hydra since the day I was born, my father was a man of Hydra notoriety. I was indoctrinated and trained. I had a special talent for understanding how people work, how the mind works. It was my job to improve what Arnim Zola created during World War Two. I didn't want to do it, but I didn't have a choice. I programmed their most efficient and deadly weapon and ruined a man at the same time." I admit. Steve stares at me with a blank expression, and I quickly meet his gaze with one of sympathy and regret.
The rest of the members take this information in and process it. There's no easy way to explain what I did, it's more of a "rip the band-aid off" situation and mend relationships from there. I feel shame and guilt wash over my body as I recall my earlier days working for Hydra. I remember every second of what I did, the pain I inflicted and the lives I've ruined.
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Man I found some hella old art when I was practicing drawing my comic years ago the progress is just WILD
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azulas-badjokes · 8 months
Seventh Soldier
So this is a fanfic I’ve been writing, slowly chipping at over several months. It is an OC x Bucky Barnes, that OC being a self-insert of me. If you hate it, let me know and I’ll stop if it’s cringe. On with the Show!
Seventh Soldier
warnings: uhhhh, depressing?, torture, biting, murder, blood, sadness?, (idk I’ve never done this), hot woman
Blood caked the side of her head. She had been so foolish as to allow the clever Venezuelan an opportunity, and he had taken it, smashing the handle of the pistol into the side of her cranium. Before he could continue the barrage, a slug nailed him in the chest and he fell. 
The Winter Soldier lowered the gun slowly. To say the pair of them had left a mess was an understatement. 12 men sprawled haphazardly, knives sticking out of them, blood coating the hotel floor. But it was quiet. She slowly got to her feet, putting her hand to her head, feeling the hot, sticky blood. 
“We should go,” She said softly in Russian. The Winter Soldier turned to go, but then she collapsed with a groan. He picked her up easily and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of flour. They had places to be. 
Bucky woke with a start. Nightmares chased him constantly, so much so that sleeping was dreaded. He ran his hands through his hair, still long. He didn’t have the heart to cut it. 
Bucky kept seeing the same thing, every night. He had hoped to forget her, and those sad hazel eyes watching him. She hadn’t pitied him, she had loved him, and that was so much worse. 
James Buchanan Barnes watched the news that night, the flashing blue light being the only illumination in his Brooklyn apartment. There was a group of terrorists who had robbed a Swiss bank, calling themselves the Flag Smashers. Bucky could tell by their movements that they were super soldiers. Not welled trained ones, but nevertheless, still juiced up on the blue drug. 
Bucky clicked the television off, deep in thought. Somebody needed to do something, and he hated to be the leader. But he also hated to be the bystander. If these terrorists weren’t stopped, people would die. 
These extremist groups were always quick to get to the worst. 
Far across the pond called the Atlantic, high in a London penthouse, sat a girl. She was bent over her laptop, working on a plan. This plan could not be interrupted or paused for any reason. It would be so satisfying to see the looks on their faces when they saw that she was alive. 
One more appointment, Bucky thought to himself. Of course, that’s what he said every week as he trudged to therapy. He couldn’t see how repeating every horrible thing he had done would help bring “closure”, it seemed pointless.
But here Bucky was, sitting on a plush couch, wishing he was back in Wakanda or doing something. 
“Look, James, I can’t help you if you can’t help yourself.” His therapist broke through his thoughts. 
“What if I don’t want help?” Was his snarky reply. She shook her head and pulled out her notebook. He glanced at the clock. 45 more minutes. 
“Fine. I crossed off a name.”
“Very good, and did you remember the rules?”
“What are the rules again?”
“Nobody gets hurt, kind of a big one.”
“Yeah,” replied Bucky, lying through his teeth. If the idiot in the passenger seat hadn’t pulled a gun, he probably wouldn’t be in the hospital. 
“What else?”
“It was a senator who used me to get her power, and she’d been abusing it for some time. She was turned over to the authorities.”
“Very good. Not seeking revenge is good.”
Bucky disagreed. 
The 45 minutes passed excruciatingly slow, but when they did, Bucky bolted out. He despised the room, with its birch tree wallpaper and tasteless decor. He wanted right now, more than anything, someone who could listen. Steve would have listened, but Steve was currently enjoying a life of ease. 
Bucky didn’t go to the apartment, rather he took the subway down to the CIA office. He had slowly become friends with the people who worked there, helping him search through records, determining to bring to justice the rest of HYDRA. 
“Hey Bucky!” The receptionist was Jade, the happy-go-lucky intern, that had a habit of being really friendly. She clacked away at a computer, tossing her braids over her shoulder. 
“Hello Jade. I was wondering if you had anything on the flag smashers?” Bucky asked. Jade sucked in a breath between her teeth. 
“Sorry, that’s pretty confidential stuff, but I did hear they might be looking for volunteers to go spy, or inform, as they say. Seems like everyone who goes against these guys gets beat pretty badly.”
“Wait, we’ve already tried to stop them?”
“We’ve had a couple run-ins with them, and it hasn’t ended well. Couple of our guys are still in ICU.” 
“That’s too bad.”
“Bucky! Just the man we’re looking for.” It was Darrell Freedly, the head of the office in Brooklyn. “Can I speak to you for a second?”
Darrell sat down and shuffled some of the papers on his desk before handing a file to Bucky. 
“That’s everything we have on the flag smashers. The rumor is that a former HYDRA scientist manufactured the serum for them,” Darrell said, stroking his bearded chin. 
“This Nagel guy? I don’t know him, but then again I spent 30 years in a Russian bunker. He’s in Madripoor?” Bucky asked, his stormy eyes roving over the file. 
“Yep. We’ve sent in men, but Jade told you it didn’t go well. It would be nice if it was a fair fight.” 
“How many have the serum?”
Darrell exhaled and shook his head. 
“Hard to say. Anywhere between 2 and 20.”
“Well, I’m not getting any younger sitting here. I’ll go to Madripoor and scope it out.”
“My informants have told me of two names you should be aware of. Apparently there was a power trip a couple months back and the balance shifted. The Countess of Monte Cristo and The Power Broker are the two you should be on the look out for.”
“The Countess of Monte Cristo?”
“I don’t know, must be a nerd.”
“Must be.”
0 notes
iamleesi · 1 month
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You were rescued from Hydra and then joined the Avengers. Bucky seems to hate you and you’re sent on a mission together for indefinite time.
Warnings: Mention of experiments, torture and d3ad bodies and things like that. Don’t read if you’re not comfortable with that. Bucky being a bit of an asshole towards you. Also the reader has a name and a last name if that counts as a warning?
Other: This will be some sort of MCU x Supernatural fic. English isn’t my fist language so I apologize in advance for any mistake I made. -> 18+ !!
-> Masterlist
-> Part two
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-> Hydra is home (01)
You were born in hell. That’s what Hydra was for you and for everyone who had witnessed the horrors of what happened inside the walls of that place - and there was more than one facility. The worst part is that you didn’t even know, you thought it was normality.
You thought it was normal being used and trained to be a lethal assassin at a young age; you were the youngest and they made you feel special for that. Hydra’s perfect child, that’s how they called you. The only toy you’ve ever had was a knife, and you never questioned it or thought it was horrifying up until you were an adult.
From the earliest age, you were taught that your suffering served a greater purpose, that your pain was going to save that fucked up world you lived in. Not that you had any idea of which color the sky was up until you were six, let alone knowing the rest of the world and it’s shit. You knew no other life besides the walk between your room and the laboratory - the place where you were tied up to those cold metal tables under the gaze of Hydra’s scientists.
But to you, that was normality. That was home, the place you were the safest in - they said. Hydra fed you lies all your life, making you think their atrocities were for the greater good and that you were needed. What they were doing was needed.
Worst thing? You never complained. Always complied.
You learned later on in years that you were being used to recreate a better Super Soldier serum, like the one they used on Captain America and The Winter Soldier. A better, more effective serum that was gonna give them their disciplined weapon, with a few more characteristics. It was a mystery how you survived, to you and to everyone who took a look in your DNA.
They made you a freak.
When you were fifteen, things changed and your whole world turned upside down. It was in the middle of the night that you heard the facility’s alarm, the loud and scary sound meant one thing: bad people had broke in. So you did as you practiced: you moved the rug on floor and used that safety trapdoor to hide, hoping that they wouldn’t find you.
Meanwhile, SHIELD agents were storming in every room of the base, looking for either survivors or Hydra members.
Your heart stopped when the little door above you swung open and you saw a masked man pointing a rifle at you. Hydra was right, you decided then, those were bad people. You don’t exactly remember what happened after, you don’t remember if you tried to fight them or if you passed out. Everything is a blur memory.
What you do remember next, though, is being taken to yet another facility. In the beginning all you could see were monsters who wanted to feed you lies; they said Hydra was bad, that they were a terroristic organization who aimed to rule the world. Crazy, wasn’t it?
Hydra was home.
You didn’t collaborate with them for years, not even when Maria Hill offered you visive proof of how fucked up Hydra was. It was impossible that all you knew, all that you’ve been taught was a lie.
But there was another part: the pain stopped. No more experiments or missions to catch the bad guys with the little help all those samples gave you. No more blood or guns or atrocities - nothing.
Many people amongst SHIELD agents only saw you as just another freak, but weaker than Captain America and with a twisted brain. They saw you as no more than just another Hydra experiment, one that could not be good. You had no name, no family, no friends - you were just existing… and for what? You yourself didn’t know.
Nick Fury was the one who was interested in you. You had heard his name being mentioned a few times before actually meeting him. Perhaps it was just because you had some sort of Super Soldier serum in you and he was only caring for that, but he stepped in and helped you whether you wanted or not.
And he succeeded.
He saw beyond those scars, visible and invisible, recognizing the potential you could have as an actual human being. Fury insisted in your rehabilitation, and with time he saw the first results.
It took you a lot of time and effort to feel like a human being for the first time in 23 years, it wasn’t an easy process by any means and you still weren’t a hundred percent okay with everything. Being told that for fifteen years of you life you were nothing more than a sack of meat with a functioning brain for people to use to their advance wasn’t exactly ideal, especially after learning that it wasn’t normal as you thought.
At first you didn’t even realize how fucked up it was, perhaps you didn’t want to.
But under SHIELD’s care, you started to heal both physically and mentally as best as you could. You were given a name as soon as you were rescued, but you didn’t accept it up until you were 20.
Emma Dayne, that was your new legal name as a free woman. One that had a say in her own life.
That was the name Fury used when you were brought into the Avengers Compound as the newest addition to the team. You, a superhero? Sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve it. Those people fought against the very same people you called family, those same people who raised you. Thankfully, they never held you accountable for that.
Except him.
James Buchanan Barnes. When he looked at you, all he saw was the enemy: someone who, unlike him, had willingly served Hydra for more than half of her life. He made it clear from the start that he didn’t trust you, he was always cold (which wasn’t rare, but even colder with you) and guarded whenever you were around.
Whenever his eyes found your figure, he couldn’t shake off the memories of his past as the Winter Soldier. The feeling of loss for the years that were stolen from him and that life he could never go back to came back as soon as he saw you, and he started to loathe the sight of you - he felt even worse when he saw how much the other teammates liked you.
But you could not blame him. Not even a bit. You took his silence as a reminder of what you had done - maybe if you had opened your eyes sooner you could have done something, anything, to help him.
After all, you two weren’t completely strangers. You both had worked for the same organization, and you saw him from time to time - you felt guilty. As soon as you saw the hatred in his eyes, when you joined the team, you were consumed by guilt.
But then again, the last time you saw him you were eleven. Super Soldier or not, you were a kid. Your therapist - saint woman - was helping you with that, at least. You knew that earning his trust was gonna take time, and maybe a lifetime wasn’t enough - you knew that in his position you would have been the same. Perhaps his trust wasn’t even your goal, you didn’t know what you wanted from him. You just knew that every time his eyes fell on you, you felt small. Smaller than a bug, and you wanted to change that.
You wanted him to know that you weren’t the enemy he thought you were.
It was a Saturday afternoon when Tony Stark’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, contemporarily snapping his fingers to get your attention. “Dayne, stop thinking about princesses and unicorns. I need your attention, sweetie.”
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.” You replied, crossing your legs under the big, round wooden table. You were in the meeting room with the other Avengers - most of them, anyways, and their eyes were all on you. Not judging, some had smiles on their faces.
Except one who wasn’t even looking at you.
“Happens to the best of us too.” He shrugged it off, pointing at himself with a grin. Usual. “But seriously, now I need everyone’s attention or I fear Fury might kill me.” He continued.
“What’s the situation, Tony?” Steve Rogers inquired, his usual serious expression on.
Tony leaned forward on the table, after he sat down as well, clasping his hands together. “We’ve been getting reports of Hydra activity in various parts of the States.” He explained. “Specifically, they’ve been targeting civilians. They’re kidnapping them for, what we suspect, making experiments. They’re targeting people with no family, no friends or someone who wouldn’t look for them. They found the first body near the Donner Lake, in California. The first we were able to identify, at least.”
A picture of a woman appeared on a screen behind Tony, and he continued. “Taylor Harris. She was their first slip- up, as the woman had an ex husband and a kid. He divorced her because apparently she had an addiction to drugs and was physically abusive towards the kid. Ever since then, he got a restraining order against her and the full custody of the kid. Should have gone to jail but she went missing. She actually got missing three weeks ago, and she’s been presumably dead for at least a week.”
“What makes us think this is Hydra?” Clint said, his voice stern. The man had tried to retire about six times and yet there he was. “America is full of psychopaths.”
“True.” Tony nodded. “But they made some tests and traces of the Super Soldier serum was found. If it’s not Hydra, then I don’t know what we’re dealing with.”
“I thought they had the Super Soldier serum already.” Thor frowned, his mighty Mjolnir always by his side. “Why are they kidnapping people?”
“They had something else. They weren’t able to recreate it after they used it on Bucky.” You said, looking at the God. “They tried everything to come close to it, but pretty much all the subjects they experimented on died. Some turned into… things. And eventually got killed when they didn’t comply. I was the only result they had.”
“So… they want another you.” Thor looked at you.
You shrugged. “They want a lot of things. Probably they’re looking forward to make something that can’t break out of their control.”
“If you were ever out of their control.” You heard him mumble those words under his breath, but no one else seemed to hear. You were used to it by now, so you stayed silent as the conversation between the Avengers went on.
“So what do we do?” Natasha sighed, crossing her arms under her chest. Both her feet on the table as it was a habit of her it seemed.
“We send undercover agents.” Tony answered. “The agents being you.” He gestured to the whole room. “Or half of you, the ones suited for the job.” He added.
“Great.” Clint grunted.
“Natasha and Clint, you’re assigned to Las Vegas, Nevada - don’t look at me like that. Fury’s orders.” Tony pointed at the annoyed may sat next to Natasha. All he wanted was some time to play golf, and he was always called in for a new mission. He couldn’t even hear properly anymore.
“Steve and Sharon, you lovebirds are going to Denver, Colorado.” He went on, reading the pair of agents from his phone. “Yelena and Kate, have fun in Lawrence, Kansas.“
“And then… oh. Emma and James, you’re going to Lincoln, Nebraska.” Tony put his phone down. “Sam is momentarily busy in California where they found the body, so for now this is everything. You guys will find other agents there, you’ll meet them once you arrive.”
“Why these cities?” Bucky asked, clenching his jaw. This was the first mission where he was paired up with you, and he didn’t like it one bit. But knowing Fury, there was nothing he could do to change it.
“Because that’s where SHIELD suspects Hydra’s activity. There are some bodies that have been found specifically in these places, they’re unrecognizable and have been there for longer than poor Taylor. They believe they have undercover agents there, so that’s who you have to find.” Tony answered, chewing some cashews he kept in his pockets. For some reason.
“When do we have to leave?” Yelena asked, snatching some cashews from Tony’s hands.
He glared at her before answering. “You’re needed there Monday morning already, I fear. You have today and tomorrow to pack your things and get out of my sight.” He got up from his chair. “Have fun, fellas.”
“Wait a second, what about me?” Wanda asked as Tony was about to leave the room.
“You’re the backup plan, Granger.” Tony chuckled at his own nickname for Wanda. “So are we. They find them, we step in to take them down. Plus I need someone to punch Loki in the face in case he tries something, you’re the only one strong enough to do it.”
“Hey!” Thor sounded offended. “Not the only one!”
“This place is awful.” Loki mumbled.
“Then leave.” Clint scoffed.
“You’re dismissed, children.” Tony walked out. “Try not to stab each other.”
“And boring too.” Loki added.
* * * *
“You’re supposed to fold your clothes before putting them into the bag.” Bucky’s voice remarked dryly, taking your attention away from your bag.
He was leaning against the doorframe of your room, looking at you sternly. As always.
“Thanks for the tip, Barnes.” You retorted, messily throwing a pair of pants inside the bag. You weren’t really having it, ever since you learned that Hydra was kidnapping people to do to them what they did to you. Except that those people had a life before. “What do you want?”
He walked into your room without even asking for permission and tossed a stack of paper on your bed. “The details of this mission and our fake identities, wifey.” He sounded quite calm but you could see he was pissed about it, he always was when it came to you. “Thought you may want to take a look.”
“Uh?” You frowned at the unusual nickname, picking up the papers and reading as fast as you could, until your eyes landed on the role you had to play.
His wife.
What a joke.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, as you felt his burning eyes on you. It’s nothing you haven’t done before with Sam or even Pietro, but pretending to love him and be all affectionate with him in public when this was the longest conversation you’ve ever had? That was gonna be interesting, to say the least.
He nodded and turn around to walk out, but before he actually left he couldn’t bite his tongue any longer. “One wrong move is all I need, Dayne.” He said, and that sounded like a threat.
Your eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and anger bubbling within you. “If I wanted to screw you guys over I would have done it already. It’s been a year, Sergeant, I believe you could trust me by now. Or at least start to.”
“Trust is earned, not given.” He replied, his tone leaving no room for arguments. “And you haven’t earned mine.”
“I’ll fucking live with it.”
“Have a good night.” He said without meaning it in the slightest, before leaving you to yourself once again.
“Go fuck yourself.”
Bucky Barnes was your personal headache.
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untilnextchapter · 10 months
Masterlist : Marvel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Do you love Bucky series? @justkending is the writer for you! Here are some of my favourites:
Finding Memories 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader, Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?)
The Number One Rule 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor’s degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other’s buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?)
The Slip Up 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader, After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.)
So, my number one for smutty Bucky is the wonderful @sinner-as-saint. Here are a few of my favourites:
Capital Letters * 🦋 (Bucky AU x Fem!Reader, You were fortunate enough to work for who was considered to be one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time; Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. And soon, things weren’t so professional between you and the man…)
His Obsession * (Mob!Seb x Housekeeper!Reader, You work for the notorious mob boss. You’re at his house regularly; tidying up and cleaning and surprisingly you’re not scared of him like the rest of his staff are. Sure he is authoritative, and mean but he’s never disrespectful or inappropriate, nor does he bark orders at you like he does with the guys. And you were almost certain that he barely pays attention to you. Until one evening he confronts you about something. And what starts out heated, ends in a night neither of you will ever forget…)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Diner Girl || @ofstarsandvibranium (Fem!Reader, After coming across a small diner, he becomes enamoured with you, a waitress)
Set me free || @intrepidacious (Bucky x Nymph!Reader, Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold)
Heal me, baby || @/intrepidacious (Bucky x Nurse!Reader, Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too)
Nightingale’s Song 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Barnes x OC, James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America’s best friend. Hydra’s secret weapon. A man lost in time who can’t remember his own name let alone those he held most dear. Florence Anna Charles. A nurse on the front in World War II. A mutant in a time they weren’t known. A woman who can heal with a touch that catches the attention of Hydra)
Lessons in Love || @violentdelightsandviolentends (Bucky x Fem!Reader, Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.)
[Not Named] || @terry-perry (Dad!Buck x Fem!Reader, Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”)
Mood lighting || @frankieetaylorr (1930s!Bucky x Fem!wheelchair-user!Reader, You never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did)
TW: brief mention of abandonment
Secret Book Club || @starks-hero (40’s!Bucky x Reader, Bucky’s got a new book and he just can’t seem to put it down)
Instinct || @dilemmaontwolegs (FATWS!Bucky x Blind!Fem!Reader, After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down)
Fall into Winter * 🦋 [Ao3] || Miajah (Bucky x Reader, Mae was just doing her civic duty when she saved Iron Man, now she can't seem to get rid of him. Then there was the Winter Soldier and of course Captain America himself. A girl can't catch a break)
Running From the Past * 🦋 [Ao3] || @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Buck x Mutant!Reader, Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings (like a chameleon/cuttlefish/octopus) and change her appearance in minor ways (such as hair, skin, and eye color), though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD)
Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Me Together 🦋 || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Single Parent Steve x Fem!Reader, After the death of his wife, Sharon, Steve Rogers is now the single parent of their daughter, Grace. Three years after his wife’s death, his friends convince him to go back into the dating game)
Not a Perfect Princess || @shmaptainwrites || (Steve x Princess!Reader, Reader meets one of the heros who saved her country and realizes around him she doesn’t have to be a perfect princess)
Making the Team || @heliads (Dad!Steve x Daughter!Reader, The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her)
10 Years Time 🦋 || @/justkending (Steve x Stark!Daughter!Reader, As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family’s country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?)
Tony Stark x Reader
Dum-E || @mostly-marvel-musings (Tony x Fem!Reader, DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it)
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies || @deadlymistletoe (Tony x Fem!Reader, A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed)
Maybe to annoy you || @specialagentlokitty (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Tony's daughter and she has a crush on Steve, like everytime she sees him she blushes and Tony is a little annoyed)
Two Wicks, One Flame * 🦋 [Ao3] || AmberSnapeBlack (Tony x Soulmate!OC, Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated. What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Little Love || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Loki x Short!Reader, where the reader is super short)
Shatter This Glass And Set Me Free * 🦋 [Ao3] || @shiningloki || (Loki x OC, Loki hasn't seen the light of day in years. He has been locked away in Stark Tower, waiting for Odin to free him of his punishment after his attack on New York. He's angry, he's spiteful, but most of all, he's lonely. It is not until one day when a new face comes along Stark Tower that everything begins to change. She's different from the rest. She's trusting, she's curious, and she's willing to give Loki a chance at companionship that no one has ever offered him)
The Eyes of the Beholder 🦋 || @/starks-hero (Gorgon!Loki x Blind!Reader, Loki has spent years in solitude, hidden away in the mountains south of Athens. Having been cursed by the gods for his trickery, anyone that sets eyes on him shall turn to stone. But what happens when an unfortunate mortal wanders into his domain?)
TW: Descriptions of blood, violence and injury, angst
Dances and Daggers 🦋 [Ao3] || Cozy_The_Overlord (Loki x OC, The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor's betrothed, Teki's only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn't find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn't the only prince in Asgard…)
Avengers x Reader
Not a burden || @/specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Child!Reader, Would you be comfortable writing something where Bucky and Steve (or maybe the whole Avengers team if you like that better) adopt the autistic reader after finding out her mother emotionally abused her?)
Some Things Never Sleep 🦋 [FF.Net] || MotomamiBizcochito (Avengers x OC, Emma Rogers, AKA The Viper Assassin, has been under Hydra's thumb for nine long years until the Avengers rescue her from a Hydra base after receiving anonymous intel from the Winter Soldier. She's thrown into a world of freedom which she's never known but with the help of her grandfather, Captain America, she slowly becomes accustomed to her new life until Tony Stark brings up the Sokovia Accords. Emma is caught in the middle of a war as she becomes intent on protecting the man she calls her father and siding with her grandfather. Not to mention she crosses paths with a certain webslinging nuisance that knows just how to push her buttons like no other...what Emma would give for the days she spent knife fighting with her father in Siberia)
I know it's a Spiderman x OC but it's because of this story I discovered MCU and Emma has a lot of relations with Avengers. A LOT of TW, check them all please
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Nrfth (1) - Dreams do come true
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Summary: A dream shattered. A heart broken.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Actress!Reader
Characters: OC Tracey
Warnings: fangirling, nervous reader, language
A/N: This series is a “short” chapter story. It contains of a collection of drabbles.
>> Prologue
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“You’ve got this babe. Go in there, show them what they are sign up for if they hire you, and blow their minds,” Tracey is as excited as you are. “I knew you are going to film movies with Chris Evans one day.”
“Trace, it’s only thanks to you and Noah. He’s…a genius. I looked like a movie star in his movie. I’ll be forever grateful for the chance I got because of you two.”
“Babe, invite me to one red-carpet event, call me your favorite bitch when they ask you who I am, and we are even,” she snickers. 
“Fuck, I’m so nervous,” you chew on your lower lip. “What if I fuck this up? This could be the only chance to land a role in the Marvel universe. If I fail now, everyone will remember.”
“I’ll tell you this only once,” Tracy says. She cups your face and forces you to breathe with her. “You are beautiful, strong, talented, and the biggest bitch in the Marvel universe. You can kick ass.”
“I can’t kick ass during the casting,” you laugh at Tracey’s determined look. She believes in you like no one else. “But I’ll give my all to land the role. And, if I walk over the red carpet for the first time, you’ll be by my side.”
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The door finally opens again. Another disappointed-looking girl steps outside, sighing deeply. She’s prettier than you, and you remember her face from a show you watched a few weeks ago. If she didn’t land the role. How shall you get it?
“Next,” the annoyed voice of the woman hosting the audition catches your attention. You tear your eyes away from the girl leaving without the role and focus on your chance. 
“That’s me,” you confidentially say. This is it. Your chance to land a role. 
If you do this right, you can film next to Chris Evans. Or at least be on the same set. Your agent said it’s possible that you never even meet Chris. 
It doesn’t matter, though. Even if it’s a small role, you can say you made it. “Hi. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. You called my agent and—”
She raises her hand to stop you from talking too much. “Follow me. This way.”
She guides you toward a different room. You sigh. Maybe you don’t even get the chance to show them that you are a great actress.
“I-I thought you wanted me to come here.”
You follow her along the hallways, sighing as she won’t talk to you. “Go in there and read the lines we sent to your agent.” She finally says. The woman looks you up and down and gives you a half-smile. “Don’t freak out, okay? He’s only an actor.”
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Holy fuck…no…really…holy fuck. Your breath hitches in your throat when you enter the room as Chris Evans stands there, holding the script in his hands.
“Ms. Y/L/N, welcome to the audition. You got the script we hope,” another woman asks.
“Yeah. Uh—thank you for giving me this chance. I got the script and practiced the lines,” you say.
Taking a deep breath, you open your bag to get the script out.  
“Alright, can you read the first lines? Just to get into the scene?” the woman from earlier asks. She gives you a quick smile, knowing that you must be nervous around the star of the Marvel universe.
“Sure,” you hastily say. “I’ll enter the room, check the surroundings, and get my gun out,” you recite the entrance scene of your character. “Things get heated, I’m surrounded by Hydra agents, and then…a bullet hits me. The agents storm toward me right when…”
“I break through the wall,” Chris uses his captain voice. He strides towards you, looking you straight in the eyes. “Miss? Miss, are you alright?”
It’s Captain America looking at you, not the actor behind him.
“Captain America?” you fall into the roll. You pant and clutch your lower abdomen. “I got shot,” you fall to your knees, just like described in the script. “My partner…I need to find him, Captain.”
“You got hurt.” 
“I can do this…” you whisper, faking losing consciousness. “Please, Captain. Don’t let them get him.”
That’s the end of the script for you. You want to end the scene and get back up. But Chris drops the script in his hands to pick up in bridal style.
It’s a struggle to not squeal, swoon, or drool when he carries you toward the couch in the room. He’s still in his role when he looks at you in his arms.
“I’ve got you,” he ends the scene with his line, and you are sure your heart stops beating for a moment when he leans closer to whisper. “I can do this all day…”
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“HOLY FUCK BABE!” Tracey raises her glass at you. “You are going to be a famous movie star and bang Chris Evans.”
“Babe, I won’t bang anyone. And my role is still small. I don’t even know if my character will survive the first episode,” you try to make her see, this role can mean your breakthrough or just a few bucks on your bank account. “You know how it is. The sidekick always ends up dead…”
>> Part 2
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Tags in reblog.
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
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✰ All I Know ✰ (Series Masterlist)
✰ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC/The Winter Soldier x OC
✰ Series Summary: Takes place right after the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky hides out in Bucharest. Without being controlled by HYDRA, he starts to receive flickers of memories. Who is this girl he keeps remembering?
✰ Series Warnings: dark themes, angst, trauma, torture, self harm, PTSD, panic attacks
Chapter One
→ Bucky decides he’s going to run, leaving Steve on the shore of the river. Meanwhile, you get a glimpse at how this girl lives in the clutches of HYDRA.
Chapter Two
→ Time has passed and the girl is still alone, haven’t seen anyone is so long. Even more time passes, and Bucky is starting to remember more. Most importantly he remembers a quiet girl from his time in HYDRA.
Chapter Three
→ Bucky and the girl from his memory finally meet, him finding her broken and confused. He has to find out who she is, and why she’s still here in the abandoned HYDRA facility.
Chapter Four
→ Bucky brings the girl back to his place with caution. He doesn't understand why, but he feels protective over her. He continues to learn about her, and help her find out who she is considering she has little memory of anything.
Chapter Five
→ Problems arise when Bucky over hears the girl mumble something in her sleep. There's something off about her.
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Suddenly I see
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AN: Thank you nonnie for this request - I hope you enjoy this. I can’t seem to write anything short at the moment!
heyyy, this is my first request, i love your work!! i was wondering if you could do a blind reader or blind OC and bucky barnes. Bucky has been attempting to help her around even if she doesn’t always need it. he keeps trying and it’s dosent really go his way and he keeps just doing the wrong things but they get there and eventually they fall for each other and it ends with them trying to navigate the only thing they haven’t yet, a sex scene. sooo angsty fluff with a smut ending. thanks you much love 💕
This also fills square K2 on my BBB card - Flowers - @buckybarnesbingo
Beta’d by @lunarbuck
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board and banner by me,
Masterlist | BBB Masterlist
Summary: Bucky just wants to help you, but it would be better if he asked you first.
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Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Blind SHIELD analyst Reader
Word count: 5.1k
CW: Human disaster Bucky, mild angst, fluff, Nat being Nat, miscommunication, pining, disabled Bucky Barnes, sex with banter (oral - m receiving, unprotected PinV sex)
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The first time you met him, you did have to forgive him. 
Most people didn’t know how to react when they met you, not expecting someone in your…position, to be doing the job that you were. For the most part you’d given up being mad about it - people either realised very quickly that your disability didn’t affect your job at all, or they felt the sharp end of your tongue and scuttled off with their tail between their legs, so to speak.
You were busy concentrating when Nat brought him into the room where you were working, but not so engrossed in your work that you didn’t register the arrival of new people. Your fingers were flying over the keyboard, typing out your code, and you knew that Nat would wait for you to finish before introducing you to whoever she’d brought into your sanctum. You pressed ‘enter’ and turned your chair towards her and your new guest, lifting your chin and tilting your head to the side as if regarding them - an action left over from when it made a difference.
“Hey, Nat! Good to see you. What brings you to my neck of the basement? And who’s the fresh meat?”
You grinned at the same time that she chuckled. 
“Do I need an excuse to come and spend time with my favourite Oracle?”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“I’ve told you before - I don’t know the future. I’m an ordinary human, just like you.”
She snorted at that, and you heard her pull over one of the other chairs before she dropped down into it, settling behind your right shoulder as you resumed typing.
“Nothing ordinary about you. And speaking of which, I’d like to introduce you to Bucky.”
Oh! That’s who it was.You’d heard of Bucky, Captain Rogers best friend, released from decades of Hydra brain-washing, but this was the first time you’d been introduced. You spun your chair back towards where he’d been standing when he entered and held out your hand.
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.”
There was a heartbeat of silence, and you heard the tiniest exhale off to your left.
“I’m over here, doll.”
You turned your chair more, grateful when Nat moved out of your way, and stood up, taking a step closer to where Bucky had spoken from.
“Well, you move as quietly as they say. Normally it’s only Nat who gets the drop on me. If you hadn’t guessed by now, I’m blind. And don’t you dare say you’re sorry.” You heard Nat’s muffled giggle, confirming your suspicion that Bucky’s mouth was flapping up and down with the apology he was about to make lodged in his throat.
You held out your hand again and gave him your name. “But Nat, here, calls me Oracle, because of my knack of interpreting intel and predicting likely scenarios.” His hand, warm but calloused, took hold of yours and gave it a gentle shake.
“Ummm, nice to meet you, Oracle.” 
You could feel the awkward tension in the air, and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh.
“Let me get this out of the way, and then we can move on, okay? I was born sighted, but was diagnosed with a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa as a child, which meant that I slowly lost my vision over time. I became completely blind about 18 months back, but I remember seeing. I know what colours look like, animals, etc. I learnt to touch type as a teen, and although my keyboard does have Braille on the keys I don’t really use them. I manage just fine. FRIDAY reads back my code to me, so I can spot errors, I have my cane and I have Jimbo.”
Aha! So the famed former assassin hadn’t noticed everything.
You gave a quick whistle and felt Bucky start as your faithful companion uncurled himself from under your desk where he’d been sleeping and came to stand at parade rest by your right leg.
You crouched down and gave him a pet, and in return he booped his nose against yours.
“This is Jimbo. The best seeing-eye dog ever. Aren’t you, boy? Yes you are!”
You stood back up and made your way back to your chair, Jimbo returning to his sleeping spot now that he realised his services weren’t currently required.
“So that’s me. I’m damn good at my job, and I promise that you’ll never have to worry about any mission information that you get from me. And if you can’t trust me, trust Nat. I’ve never steered her wrong.”
“Ummm. Good to know. I… ummm… if Nat trusts you, then I do too. And it was good to meet you… and Jimbo… but I… uh… gotta go. So… see you later, Nat? And again, nice to meet you, Oracle.” 
His footsteps retreated from in front of you and you heard the sound of the door opening and closing before Nat burst into a fit of giggles. You turned your chair towards her, crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow at her.
“Really Nat? You didn’t let him know in advance?”
“Hey, it’s not my story to tell, it’s yours. And besides, I wanted to see what you made of each other. Suffice to say, I wasn’t disappointed.”
“It’s a good thing I love you, Nat, otherwise I’d have to sic Jimbo on you.”
Nat moved towards you, and must have crouched down from the way her hand brushed your knee. You knew what she wanted. You scootched your chair back to allow her to reach under your desk. A satisfied huff from Jimbo let you know that Nat had found the sweet spot behind his right ear.
“This sweetheart? I’m more scared of you than I am of him.”
“Damn straight!”
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After your less than stellar introduction to Bucky, it seemed that from then on you kept bumping into him. Or rather he kept bumping into you. Literally.
You were making your way back to your office from the bathroom, cane in hand, although you knew the route like the back of your hand, when something caught on the end of it, sending it flying out of your hand. A heavy body then crashed into you, pinning you against the wall.
“Shit! What the fu… Oh. it’s you! Sorry. Sorry.”
Oh, god!
“Bucky… could you get off me please?”
“What? Oh! Yes, yes. Of course… umm.” 
He pushed away from the wall, and you sucked in a deep breath. Boy, was the guy heavy. Part of your brain decided to tell you it was the right kind of heavy. You told it to shut up. 
Bending down you reached out your hand to find your cane, only to find Bucky’s hand - he was obviously trying to help. His fingers closed over yours, and you turned your head upwards in reflex.
“Bucky, you are not my cane. Do you have it there?”
“Yes… umm.. Yes, of course. Let me, just…”
Without any warning you found yourself jerked back to your feet. The sudden movement unbalanced you and your free arm flailed, searching for purchase. Which it found by curling into the fabric of Bucky’s top, bringing you flush up against his chest, pressed to him for the second time in that many minutes. That part of your brain started clamouring for attention again. It was telling you that this was actually quite nice, and that Bucky smelled wonderful. Then, to add insult to injury the rest of your body started to join in, a gentle throbbing starting from between your legs.
Jesus, you needed to get laid, or at least find time to schedule some ‘self-care’, if you were reacting like this to a frankly frustrating man you’d only ever met twice.
You pulled your captive hand free and let go of his shirt, smoothing down your own top to cover your discombobulated state.
“Well, thank you, but I was capable of standing back up myself. I just need you to pass me my cane.”
“Oh, right. Hang on.” You felt the movement of air on your face as he quickly ducked away, and then he was back by your side, pressing your cane into your hand.
“Can I… umm… walk you back to where you were going?”
“Well, I do know where I’m going - I’ve worked here longer than you but, sure, you can tag along. Just going back to my office.”
“Sounds good!”
You couldn’t help but giggle. He sounded like an eager puppy. Maybe he wasn’t so bad… no scratch that…
You were just about to set off walking again, when Bucky threaded your left arm through the crook of his right. You couldn’t help it, you rolled your eyes. It was obvious he meant well, but by the same token, wasn’t used to being around someone with a disability like yours. You lurched forwards as he set off walking, effectively dragging you along with him.
“Bucky! Stop! Wait!” He came to a halt and you bounced off his, very muscular, arm.
“What? Are you okay? Did I hurt you when I bumped into you?”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just that it’s actually harder for me to walk with you pulling me along like this. I need to walk at my speed, and use my senses. I’m a grown woman and perfectly capable of navigating the couple of hundred yards between the bathroom and my office. I do it every day.”
“‘M sorry. I just…” You held up your hand.
“... wanted to help? I get that, I do. But if I need help I will ask for it. Assuming I need help is ableism, pure and simple. I may be blind, but I’m not helpless. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do. I’m already behind schedule.”
As you strode off down the hall, your cane moving from side to side in front of you, you did feel a bit bad for chewing him out. He did mean well, after all, but you’d had your fill of ‘helpful’ people - people who saw a problem that they had to solve for you, instead of trusting you to sort it yourself.
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t hear the dejected sigh from behind you.
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It would have been alright if that had been the end of it, but it wasn’t. Bucky seemed intent on helping you every chance he could. Unfortunately it just kept going wrong.
Like at a mission briefing when you were making your way to the table. You pulled out your chair and went to sit down, but suddenly it wasn’t there and you were landing on the floor with a shout.
What the fuck?
“Shit, I’m sorry, doll. I just pulled your chair out a bit further to make it easier and…”
You gritted your teeth, trying to ignore the smell of his cologne and what it did to your equilibrium as he helped you back up.
“It’s fine, Bucky. But I was okay.
Like the time he accompanied Nat to see you in your office. He’d said hi, but nothing else, leaving Nat to check some mission intel over with you. But then you heard the tell-tale sound of hands patting thighs, and Jimbo brushed past your legs, followed by the sounds of canine mastication.
“Umm, Bucky… Are you feeding my dog?”
All was silent apart from the sounds of Jimbo snacking.
You pinched the brow of your nose and tried to ignore the tremors of suppressed amusement from Nat next to you. You strode forward and somehow managed to swipe the offending bag out of Bucky’s hand.
“I thought he might like a little treat for being so good…”
“And that’s very sweet, but he’s not allowed treats when he’s working. And even if he was it’s good manners to ask. He could be on a specialised diet or something. If he gets an upset stomach, not only do I have to deal with being without him while he recovers, I somehow have to clean up doggy diarrhoea, which I can tell you isn’t fun when sighted, let alone blind.”
“Doll, I’m…”
“Yes, Bucky. I know. You’re sorry… You always are.”
You turned your back on him and went back to your chair, tucking the doggy treats into your desk draw and going back to your conversation with Nat. You tried to pretend you didn’t notice when Bucky slunk out. Nat, sensibly, didn’t say anything.
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One thing about working for SHIELD was that for those that wanted, you could have accommodation to live in on site. You’d jumped at the chance - anything to do away with an annoying commute. You just had to walk from the main building to the apartment block.
Jimbo sat down at your side as you let go of the handle of his harness, and pulled your key from your purse. You opened the door and signalled for Jimbo to go in, then closed it behind you and hung up your purse, keys, cane and coat, before removing your faithful companions' reflective harness.
“Good boy. You did so well today.”
You walked down your hall and into your open plan living room and then halted as an unexpected smell assaulted your nose.
How and why were there flowers in your apartment?
“FRIDAY!” You called out the AI, a little louder than necessary.
“Yes, Oracle?” 
Damn Nat. And damn Tony.
You let out another sigh. You seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.
“Are their flowers in my apartment?”
“Yes, miss. Roses and carnations. A large bouquet on the dining table. The roses are blush pink and the carnations are red.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“And did Sergeant Barnes put them in here?”
“He did, miss.”
You stalked back towards the door, grabbing your cane, coat and keys.
“And does Sergeant Barnes live in this complex?”
“He does. Would you like to know his address?”
You thrust your arms into your coat and pocketed your keys.
“If it’s not too much trouble, FRIDAY. I need to give him a piece of my mind.” 
“Sergeant Barnes’ apartment is 2C.”
Okay, so one floor up and third apartment along. Not quite overhead of you.
As you opened the door you felt a nudge to your leg. Jimbo.
“Good boy, but stay. I’m sure I can make my way upstairs.”
You gave him a pat and then walked out of your door.
You hadn’t been on the other floors of the apartment block more than a handful of times. Nat always came to you if you organised to hang out, and you worked mostly on your own, not having really made friends with many of your co-workers. However, you found your way to the elevator and rode it up to the next floor.
You knew that apartment C should be the second on the left hand side of the corridor, so you walked along that side, and used your cane to identify the first, and then the second door frame. Squaring your shoulder and mentally preparing yourself, because you didn’t really like confrontation, you raised your hand to knock and brought it down… on nothing.
No. Not nothing. A person. Bucky. You were confused.
“Why is your door open, and why are you standing in it?”
“Heard you coming, doll.”
You could swear you almost heard the smile in his voice. Shit! Your hand was still on his very warm, very broad chest.
“You wanna come in?”
“What? Oh, yes. Thanks.”
You snatched your hand back to yourself as he stepped back and you walked through the door, using your cane to work out where he was.
“Can I take your coat, and cane? This apartment is set out the same as yours, more or less, and I can help you to the couch?”
“Umm, sure.” 
God! He was being so nice and considerate, which was going to make this more difficult. You could feel your frustrations evaporating by the second, and damn it, you wanted to stay mad.
You passed him your cane and shrugged out of your coat, then waited patiently for him to escort you. He moved to your left side, and this time he waited for you to start walking, gently steering you around his furniture until your hand made contact with the back of his couch, allowing you to find your own way onto it. As you settled onto it, feeling the soft leather under your fingers, you felt the other side dip. Bucky was sitting next to you, on your right, but not too close.
“So, what can I help you with, doll. Can’t say I expected you to turn up at my door.”
“Bucky, you broke into my apartment and left flowers in it.”
“Well, I realised I’ve been a bit of an ass, and wanted to apologise. And you never let me actually say the words.”
You sank back into the couch and mulled on what to say.
“You gotta realise that since I got this diagnosis when I was five, before I even understood what it meant, I’ve had people saying sorry to me all the time, and then trying to help me. Over and over and over. Running roughshod over my autonomy because I happen to have a disability. My brain works fine. I manage just fine. It’s just so frustrating and it’s hard for those without disabilities to understand.”
The silence between you stretched for a few moments, before Bucky started to speak.
“I…” You cut him off.
“Don’t you dare say it!”
Then you heard something you hadn’t before. A chuckle. Bucky’s chuckle. 
Deep. Velvety. Downright sinful.
“Wasn’t gonna, doll. But I did want to show you something, so to speak.” He took hold of your right hand with his own. “Can I?”
You nodded, wondering what he meant, but it all became clear as he raised your hand and placed it on his left shoulder. You could feel the soft cotton of his t-shirt, but where it should have been stretched over his upper arm and bicep it in fact hung loose.
There was no arm there.
Your mouth dropped open and you whipped your head up towards him.
“How did I not know?”
Your words were a strangled whisper, and full of shame.
“Dunno, doll. It’s in my file. Although I do have a prosthetic. A very fancy one at that. It gives me more than normal abilities, but I will admit, like any other amputee, when I get home, I like to take it off.”
“Nat never mentioned it.”
“Like she never mentioned you being blind to me?”
You didn’t know what to say. You knew what it was like to be bombarded with questions about something so personal.
“Well, if you ever wanna talk about it, you know where I am.”
“I do, doll. One floor down and to the left.”
Your hand was still on his shoulder, and you felt a little awkward.
“I… well… I was wondering, could I feel what you look like? I mean, if you don’t mind?”
He picked your left hand up from your lap and lifted it up towards his face.
“I was waiting for you to ask. Go ahead.”
You placed both your hands on top of his head, feeling his hair. It felt long; tied back.
“What colour is your hair?”
“I’d say brown, but Nat says it’s chestnut.”
You hummed as you trailed your fingers down, finding his brow and sweeping your fingers over his eyebrows and round his eye sockets and cheekbones.
“And your eyes? What colour are they?”
“Sorta blue-ish grey, I suppose.”
There was hair on his cheeks and jaw, long enough to feel soft  against your sensitive finger tips.
You realised you were finding it hard to breathe. There was a tension in the air between you, a tension that you knew had been there from almost the beginning, but that you’d tried so hard to ignore.
Your fingers moved towards, and then traced across his lips. They felt plump, albeit slightly chapped and you found yourself wondering how they’d feel against your own. With your left hand still on his mouth, your right trailed over his chin, feeling a small divot. You smiled as you imagined using it in order to grip him, hold his face still.
You were just about to pull your hands away, when Bucky reached up again, and held your left against his lips, so he could press small kisses to your fingertips. Your breath caught in your throat.
“I’m gonna say it, doll. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was such an ass, and that I didn’t listen to you. I was stupid because I was trying to impress you. I wanted to show you how good I’d be for you, because almost from the first moment we met I was totally enamoured. You’re so smart, and confident, and I just felt useless. And then every time I tried to help I made it worse. Nat had to give me a talking to because I was just making a fool of myself.”
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks at his words.
“Bucky, I…” but it was his turn to cut you off.
“So, I’m saying sorry, and I hope you can give this one-armed super-soldier a chance to show he isn’t an ableist ass, because I’d really like to get to know you better.”
Your heart was beating so hard you thought it was going to burst out of your chest, and you could no longer resist what your body and mind was telling you to do. You took hold of his chin, just the way you’d imagined a few moments ago, grabbing his attention.
“You’ve frustrated me from nearly the moment we met - I hope you realise that. Gotten under my skin in a way I couldn’t describe. I didn’t know why. Well at least, not at first. Every time I wanted to chew you out, I also wanted to kiss you. For trying so hard and so earnestly, but still getting it so very, very wrong.”
“You could kiss me now?”
Your lips twitched. “Smooth, Barnes. Smooth.”
“I like to think so…”
“Shut up.” You broke out into a full smile as you pulled him towards you by his cute chin until your lips met his.  
It was everything you’d imagined in your private moments. The warmth, the restrained passion. Everything.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, strands coming loose from his ponytail. His arm was wrapped around your waist… and when and how had you ended up on his lap? You didn’t care, you just wanted him to keep kissing you. When he finally pulled his lips from yours you ducked your head down to his neck, wanting to keep any kind of connection. It was like a dam had burst and you had no way of stopping the flood.
“Doll, you gotta stop. Please. ‘Cause I’m dying here.” He was panting. You could taste the sweat on his throat, feel his pounding in his chest, feel the firmness at his groin.
“You really want me to, Bucky? Or do you want me to help you dig your grave?”
“Oh, fuck, doll!”
In one swift movement his arm shifted to cradle your ass and he stood up. Your legs clenched around his waist and your arms went around his neck.
“I got you. I got you, doll. Just moving somewhere more comfortable, if that’s alright with you?”
“Sure is. I need space so I can ‘take a look’ at the rest of you.”
It was only a short walk to the bedroom, and he placed you, oh so reverently, on the bed. You pulled your top over your head and shimmied out of your work pants.
“I have no idea if this underwear matches - I was in a rush this morning.”
There was a rusting sound and the mattress dipped. Bucky took hold of one of your left hand and pulled it down so you could touch his, now bare, chest.
“You look like a million bucks, doll. Now, I gotta warn you. I got some pretty ugly scarring going on here.”
You brought your right hand up, and lightly stroked over the left side of his chest. You felt the edge of the scarring that started just above the nipple, raised and hard, which led up to cool metal which covered all over the shoulder area.
“Is this what your prosthetic attaches to?”
“Yeah. Unfortunately, when it was first done, the people doing it weren’t concerned with the aesthetic of it.”
“Good thing I’m blind then. I don’t care.”
Bucky let out a bark of laughter.
“You’re incredible, doll.”
“And so are you. Now lie still, so I can take a good look.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Your hands roved over the rest of his body, feeling where his chest hair grew in patches around the scarring. When your palms brushed over his nipples he gasped and you felt him shift beside you. Impishly, you did it again, grinning when he let out a warning growl.
You took the hint, however, and continued your explorations, discovering the solid plains of his abdomen and feeling the strength within his core. No wonder he’d been able to lift you so easily, even with the help of his super-soldier serum.
When you finally ‘saw’ his cock, your hands gently learning the size and shape of it, every vein, every sensitive part, you heard his laboured breathing as he tried to control himself under the sweet torture of your touch.
“You’re so pretty, Bucky. I wonder how you taste?”
You bent over, and licked a stripe up the length of him, revelling in the sound of his indrawn breath. It had been a while since you’d been with anyone, but muscle memory was your friend. You traced the contours of his cock with the tip of your tongue, tasting the sweat, the musk, the essence of him, before taking him into your mouth.
“Oh, God! Doll! I wasn’t lying. You’re killing me!”
You pulled off him with a pop.
“Don’t resist it, Bucky. Give yourself over to ‘le petit mort’.”
You returned to ministering to his cock, sucking strongly on the tip of it, while stroking the shaft with your hand. You teased his slit with the tip of your tongue, then swirled around the head. His whole body was trembling with tension and you could feel how wet you were, how aroused you were by the power you held over him.
“Doll, I’m gonna cum! Fuck!”
You wished you could see Bucky’s face as he came, but instead settled for reaching up to twine your fingers with his. When his hips twitched under you, you hollowed your cheeks, and took him as deep as possible, moaning low in your throat as he spilt down it. 
You continued to suck and stroke him through his orgasm, until he shifted under you, sitting up and dragging you up his body. You straddled his lap again, pleasantly surprised to realise he was still hard, pressing up against your heated core. He kissed you, licking into your mouth, either not caring about or enjoying the taste of himself on you. His hand pulled at the fastener of your bra, but this was obviously something he couldn’t do one handed, so you reached behind you, quickly releasing the offending garment and discarding it.
“I need you, doll. I need to be inside you.”
“Please! I need you too!”
You didn’t want to pull away from him, even to remove your panties, so you pulled the flimsy fabric to the side, before taking hold of him and guiding him to your entrance.
Bucky let out a gasp and fell back onto the mattress as he started to slide into your heat. Your hands went to his chest, looking for stability and leverage as you moved yourself up and down, drawing him into you, inch by glorious inch.
It felt so fucking good! The stretch, the slight burn. And you were also certain that it wouldn’t matter how long it had been since you’d last had sex, this, with Bucky, would still be mind blowing. His hand was on your waist, helping to keep you stable as you moved. You were so fixated on how he felt inside you, that it took you a few moments to realise that he was talking to you.
“You’re fucking glorious, you know that? I swear, tomorrow we’re gonna do this when I have two arms and I’m gonna take you apart. ‘M gonna fucking feast on you.”
You laughed and tossed your head as you continued to ride him. “Is that… fuck!... a promise?”
“Sure is! Gonna help you remember what stars look like.”
“Get that hand on me and you can help me now!”
“Yeah? You close, doll? I fucking hope so, ‘cause I swear ‘m gonna cum again, any second.”
Bucky moved his hand from your waist, sliding it between you and searching for your clit. You gasped, the bundle of nerves so sensitive, so engorged you knew it wouldn’t take much to make you…
You let out a loud whine, your body clenching down on his cock and your fingernails curling into the flesh of pecs as the pleasure washed over your body.
“That’s it, baby. That’s it. Fuck! So beautiful when you cum. Gonna fill you up… you’re gonna have me leaking outta you for days…”
His words were cut off, becoming a shout as he came. And, fuck, he hadn’t been joking. You could feel him pulsing inside you, feel the warmth of his cum filling you, and then leaking out of you, coating your thighs. It felt as though your orgasm just kept going as you rode out the aftershocks, jolts of pleasure continuing to shoot through you, just as you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more.
Eventually they stopped and you slumped forward onto Bucky’s sweaty body. His arm came around your waist and rolled the pair of you to lie sideways on the bed. Your eyelids drooped; you were so tired. You desperately wanted to sleep but…
You tried to sit up, but Bucky urged you back down.
“It’s okay. You sleep, okay, doll?” I’ll pop down, take him outside then make sure he has his food, yeah? Then I’ll be back, ready to sleep next to you, all night long. That sound alright?
You smiled softly, high on dopamine and sleepy as hell.
“Sounds perfect, Bucky. Thank you for helping.”
“No problem at all, doll. No problem at all.
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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jackiequick · 7 months
The truth hurts, doesn’t it? | Agents Of SHIELD Fanfic
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Summary: Everything good must have been an interesting lie underneath it all, waiting to be uncovered, but the question is how will you take it?
Pairing: Grant Ward x OC, Grant Ward & Amelia Parker (WardParker)
Setting: Captain America The Winter Solider and Agents Of SHIELD season 1
Spoilers for Agents Of SHIELD 1x17–1x20
Warning: Blood, mentions of anxiety, heartbreak, a bit of manipulation, betrayal
Characters mentioned: Nikolai, Marlene, Melissa, Coulson, Fury, May, Skye, Fitzsimmons, Tripp and The Young Avengers
It felt like madness. The air was thick and colder than they would’ve liked. The team was tired, confused and more or less worried. Trying to figure out what to do next and how to stick together while doing so. There were some agents coming in and out of the bunker, they were even set underneath an lie detector and all passed with flying colors.
The cell service was better than expect, they had food, water, and shelter that’s what matters.
It was a late afternoon when it happened.
Practically night.
Everyone was doing their own thing. Some were trying to rest like Fitz and Jemma, some were on computers doing research such as Skye, and others were training themselves for the bigger fight near the locker area.
Amelia felt on edge, these last few weeks it was like a nervous twitch creeping up on her waiting to snap. She wasn’t thinking straight about anything, as far as they knew Fury is dead. Hell, she wasn’t sure if Nikolai, Marlene, or Melissa were fully aware of the situation in place, even though she sent an critical message to them.
She knew that none of the young avengers or adults one had any clue about what exactly was happening, due to the truth of Coulson’s death was kept from most of them. But HYDRA creeping around wasn’t something truly hidden per say…
Sometimes she felt like it was this shivering headache that reached from the back of her neck toward the front of her forehead. This whole situation bothered her to the inch of her bones, this chilling adventure she didn’t remember signing up for in the first place.
Maybe she needed a nap? Watch a video to relax her mind? Hell, splash some water crossed her face to try and clear her head?
Walking past the supply room, she left oddly enough weary like she was missing something. It was just her anxiety seeping itself, as she thought. An odd feeling recklessly filled the rest of the area, as she scurried into one of the restrooms.
Closing the door behind her, she let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Her joints hurt, twisting themselves into her shoulders as she rested her arms against the bathroom sink. Her vision went blurry for a moment, her back arched froward as she unzipped her jacket to breathe and roll up her sleeves.
She turned on the knobs as she splashed some cold water on her face, wiping her eyes browns and rubbed her eyelids facing the mirror for a quick second. She mumbled a few things to herself, wishing she was back on the bus with her friends like nothing happened, but she knew it couldn’t do a blasted thing about it. She grabbed an towel to dry her face, as she wiped her face out of the corner of her eye she noticed something that set her off.
An automatic sliding painting that was supposed to set to afternoon, was lowing a hushed flickering light. She clenched the towel against her fist stepping forward to notice an dagger, a small knife, stabbed into the edge of the painting. It was waiting to bent over and break, there was a hatch breathe in Amelia’s throat as she removed it from the placing.
The painting slid upwards to display a horrific glint of flickering lights as the slashing words ran across the screen. The sunset frame brushed against the wording in deep gashes.
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Amelia blinked, gasping a shaky breath that catches in her throat. She shakes her head at the wording in disbelief, as if she couldn’t do anything but freeze. Her fingernails were pressed so hard against her palm, she would’ve drawn blood.
“N-no..” She mumbled underneath her breath, “..no, no..no!”
Suddenly her voice became so small, her eyes waters and her mouth went dry. The denial sinks in so fast, she stumbled back hesitant to run her fingers across the painting.
“It’s not him..” She muttered softly accidentally dropping the towel on the floor, unable to breathe once again and laced in shock.
Ward Is Hydra.
The words ran by her eyesight in pure shock. She thought it was a trick, some sort of joke being made to use her own wits against the team. Amelia heard people saying that Coulson or May might be Hydra, that even one of their agents might play a game to see who’s loyal or not.
Someone knew about this before her, but they couldn’t. They all passes every single test with—
An loud noise startled Amelia, hands of her hips as she ran her hands above her waistline stumbling out of the room shaking her head taking another glance at the sign. She practically slid down the hallway, tripped over her steps stopped inside one of the supply closets to find Jemma racing out of the room at the same time as she entered.
She narrowed her vision in confusion, sending a odd look to her teammates. They were field agents but also scientists and technicians who weren’t used to this whole thing, so it was understandable if they was uneasy with whatever they saw. But it couldn’t be that bad, right?
The moment she wiped her head inside the room, the sight would’ve had her screaming if it weren’t for her biting her buttons lip and gripping the doorknob. There was a blush of heated dripping liquid slowly hitting the floor from above, as her gaze followed it towards the red drops, her eyes widened.
Blood from a fellow agent, laying dead against the ceiling and high shelves. Their eyes were closed, killed in the late hours of the afternoon in a dark supply closet. Amelia was left in utter tears, silence and shockingly loud noise ringing in her heads. She felt hurt and heavy, wonder where the hell is the rest of the team.
Amelia felt like she might throw up, fumbling with her pocket trying to reach her phone as her other hand cover her mouth. She tried reaching Nikolai and no response, Marlene and no response and even Melissa had no single response. There was a mole in the bunker.
Skye was still upstairs doing research, as Amelia raced upstairs to face her as she whisper yelled, “Skye! What do you know?”
She looked up with a gasping glare, “I’m guessing you know?”
“Yes! And it’s not him..it can’t be him!”
“You don’t know that..Ward has lied to us, Amelia..he’s Hydra.”
“He lied to the team! But I have known that man for 4 years, Skye! 4 years!”
“You think I like this?! I fell for the man, I kissed him..I still think I love him..”
“Oh god..okay, maybe this is just a game right? Ward treats us different, something’s not right..”
“…you still feel like you love him, don’t you?”
“Well the truth hurts, doesn’t it Skye? We just gotta play along.”
“I’m already doing that, I feel hurt Amelia. But I’m gonna follow Ward, see what’s going on in his head and if something happens.”
“Okay, yeah..okay. I’ll try to see who I can contact and prepare for whatever Ward thinks he might pull..”
There was an unspoken sense of urgency in their eyes. Grant Ward is Hydra but that concern and confusion hurt both of their feelings.
Mainly Amelia’s heart.
It felt like the five stages of grief, sadness and anxiety was rushing across her veins. She felt alone, betrayed and abandoned, even though she wasn’t, it felt that way.
The next 48 hours was a world wind..
So many things happened, from unexpected agents trying ambushing the bunker and buildings to the news about some of their fellow agents dying protecting the property of SHIELD. No one knew who was right or wronged here, who’s good and who’s bad. Fitz and Simmons were off doing their own thing for Coulson, May have gone with a couple of glares, Tripp rushed off to get extra stuff, and John Garrets got into a fight with Coulson.
Hell, Skye was sharing a few short moments with Ward himself.
Honestly Amelia felt bad for Skye, she knew she felt deeply for Ward since their chemistry climbed upon the time they all spend together on the plane. She also knew Grant felt some very similar feelings for her, as he was teased about it from the team.
She was still trying to contact her friends but nothing came up, tears rising to be released. She felt nauseous, a little numb and bruised. As if she was in the middle of a hot flash.
Currently, she sat nearby couch of a decently small room with her head in her hands, tiredly sighing. The door gently opened as in came the man of the hour, noticing her downing look as he looked at the girl in concern.
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He sat down beside her, leaning against one of the chairs and asked, “Sweetheart..are you okay?”
“Hm?” She replied, peeking in between her hands to look at him.
“What happened?”
“You really asking me that?”
He scoffed, “Yeah, I know what’s happening. I wish it wasn’t like this but we can’t do anything about it.”
“It feels like I’m being caught in a horror movie.” She added.
“What? Like Scream? Who’s the killer?”
“One of our agents..we don’t know who’s on our side or not.”
“More like multiple agents, you don’t know who is really involved in SHIELD or HYDRA. You probably think I can’t be trusted, Ames.”
“Ward, honey, I trust you. I do. But the question is, will you actually be telling me the truth or not..”
“I alway try to tell you the truth, even if it hurts.”
At that moment, she removed her hands from her face and turned to face him, “Oh really?”
He straightened his shoulders seeing the look on her face as he sighed, “Amelia, are you seriously asking me that?”
“Grant, you lied to me before about missions to keep me and the team safe. You could be lying to me right now.”
“And you lied to me more than once to keep me in the loop. I’m being honest here. Do you trust me?”
“Do you trust enough to tell me the truth?”
And there it was again. The line that has been repeatedly said by one another the moment they trained, to the times the group was on the road for missions. Even in moments of daring action, where it might result in something serious or stupid.
The glances, the nods, the smiles or smirks, the pointing and the questions..
Do you trust me?
It hurts how much those words carried so much, such as a heavyweight question to them.
They both sat there in silence. The silence was so loud, it was painful to even notice the smell of their perfume and cologne that filled the room. Ward could see the oddly wave of emotions that washed over her face, it honestly felt like he was ripping her heart out of her chest.
He hated seeing her upset, it’s why Grant practically took a beating from his boss, Garret, when the man told him how soft he gets around the people he cared for. And he won’t admit it but it’s true. Deep down he cared about Amelia, Daisy, Fitz and Jemma. He respected Coulson and May. Especially with how much time he spent with the team was placed into.
“Do you trust us? Did you even love me?” Said a small broken voice that belonged to Amelia, looking down at her hands, her fingers were laced with cuts and small gashes.
“Oh my god, Ames..” He replied, standing up as he went to sit down next to her grabbing her hand gently, “..of course, I trust you. You know I love you, I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you if it meant you would feel like this.”
“I’ve known you for 4 years Grant. 4 years, I have stood by your side fighting on the ground and the skies to make sure everyone was safe, to come home safe and sound. As a team and now..”
“4 years and I don’t regret anything, none of our time together. I can explain whatever it is that is crossing your mind.”
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She knows. He knows.
Amelia wiped her head over to see him and asked, “Can you?! Can you look me in the eye and tell me you are on the same team?”
“You weren’t meant to get hurt! You and I were always on the same team, don’t you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you!” Grant replied yelling, hesitant to let her hand go.
“I swear, you weren’t even on the same team to beginning with! You were loyal to HYDRA.”
“No. I wasn’t ever loyal to HYDRA, if anything I would say I’m loyal to Garret.”
“You killed people.”
“And you haven’t?”
“The last few days you have shot down unexpected agents, not knowing if they were on your side or not. You and I are just trying to protect ourselves here! That’s all what we’re trying to do.”
“Were you ever gonna tell me?”
“Of course I was. Garret wanted you dead! I couldn’t let that happen! I’m trying to protect you here, I was just trying to protect all of us.”
“By keeping this secret from me? I know you are never one to talk about how you feel, but this..this should’ve been something you should’ve told me..”
“And have you act like this towards me? I told you years ago, I’m not a good man, Ames..and yet you stood by me. You and Skye decided to stay beside me no matter how bad it got.”
“And I said ‘yes you are.’ But right now, i just can’t imagine what I should and shouldn’t believe here. Was I pawned in your little lie, huh? Was I?”
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At some point both of them were standing up, pacing the room grunting and groaning in annoyance. The room felt like it was heating up due to the argument that forming between them.
Tears were forever forming in her eyesight, running her fingers across her hair as her eyebrows furrowed as her glares softened. She was hurt, she more than hurt and her emotions were breaking in front of her. Tears that being hold back for more than 48 hours finally were getting to see the light of day.
He sighed deeply, wishing he didn’t see those tears, knowing that he will have to deal with Skye later on but this, he looked away from. His hands rested on his hips shaking his head, his anger was rising and his annoyance was taking form. This wasn’t the plan, she wasn’t supposed to get hurt. It wasn’t supposed to be personal for any of them.
“No. You weren’t ever part of the plan nor a pawn, Ames. Believe me, I didn’t expect you to come into my life and change things up!” Grant admitted closing his eyes shut, “It’s over. It’s done, i can’t do anything about it. For once in my life I wanted something that was for me, not Garret giving me orders here! And you came in, yes I lied to you but it wasn’t personal..I swear it wasn’t!”
“Oh, but i think it was! Please, Grant I’m begging you..you’re living a double life here! Getting so close, yet so far to people. I didn’t expect for you to come into my life but you did!” She admitted, “..you were..you lied to me. You lied to me. Don’t hurt Skye, more you than probably are already.”
“I won’t regret getting here and I won’t think about hurting Skye. But Ames, someday you will understand what i have gone through to keep you safe because I love you..”
“So why does it hurt so bad? What are you gonna do next? Lock me up in here? Because your definition of keeping me safe from it all sounds like a hell lot of lies..why?”
“Everything i ever felt for you was real, don’t you get it?! But I won’t betray Garret..”
“..because me and the team woke up a weakness inside of you. I..i don’t know what to think, or believe right now, alright?! I..i..”
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Amelia felt weak, not like an agent of shield or anything. Just hurt, broken, betrayed as she crumbled underneath her feet about to walk away.
That was when Ward gently swiftly her back in effort to calm her down as she tried fighting back.
She tried pulling away, hitting him in the chest as hard as she could, causing him to stumble back regaining his stance. Grant just held her in his arms, grabbing her wrist as she repeatedly kept hitting his chest.
“Stop! Stop it, Ames!” Ward said, practically growled at her, “You’re embarrassing yourself here. I won’t kill you or our team, i promise!”
“You promise?” She said, mumbling and stopped hitting his chest, resting her forehead against his chest instead.
“I promise. You can tell them or shout it from the rooftops, but HYDRA is already here.”
“I failed..you failed me, Grant. HYDRA is here..oh god, there’s nothing else to say.”
“I know, baby. I know..”
She just cried into his arms, banging her fist softly again his best. He wrapped kept his embrace tightly, closing his eyes and kissed her forehead before walking away.
“W-where you going?” She asked.
“It’s for your own good, Ames.” He replied.
Without a second later, Grant speeded away out the door, locking the door behind him as you can hear Amelia screams and shouted trying to unlock it. He squeezed his eyes shut and made his out of the hallway.
Amelia grunted realized what he was about to do and scrambled to search for her phone, quickly she texted Skye a message.
‘He’s coming to you.’ She messaged
She responded, ‘On it. You okay?’
‘Will be..’
Amelia Parker was on the verge of tears once again, anger filling up her mind and conflicted onto what was happening next.
Her next move was informing Coulson, Hill and whoever else was online about what she knows from her research. At the same time, she tried finding a way out, possibly crawling across the vent.
“T-this is agent..Amelia Parker..we found one of the moles, Hydra is dead set of seeking into whatever corner they can. Garret is one of leaders, i don’t know who’s his boss but we need extra weapons, load up the power grids at every SHIELD Facility we can. You should know that Project Insight is part of it. Keep a-any updates coming from any scanners and detectors available. And most importantly, watch your six, you..you don’t know who is your friend or foe..” She said into her voicemail, messaging anyone on her contact list.
She knew that her voice message may have come out choppy or a bit rushed per say due to the sound of her voice, but it was all she can mange at the moment. It sounds like she was exhausted and most likely finished crying before starting that message.
She was practically locked in a bunker in what feels like the middle of nowhere, with not the best service but it manageable if you knew how to handle some technical problems. She just found out that the organization, she has been working for has a lot of issues and the people she thought she knew had more secrets than she ever expected…
Of course she was a mess!
Her only hopes were that she can get out here soon, and her message was sent out to her friends and fellow actual agents. Oh heavens, did she hope her friends and loved ones were safe..
Thank you for reading this! Tell me what you think about it
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askstevella · 2 months
Things my husband says 🐾
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—Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!OC
~ god help Stella 😅
Stella: Please tell me you didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
Steve: I didn’t drag Sam and Bucky into this.
*the doorbell rings*
Stella: *cross her arms* Who’s at the door?
Steve: *smirks* I think you know.
Steve: What’s does IDK, WDYM and ILY mean?
Stella: I don’t know, what do you mean, I love you.
Steve: I love you too but you’re not gonna be any help, I’ll just ask Sam.
Stella: I-
Kendall: *tapping on the table*
Steve: *tapping back*
Stella: Stop that please.
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Steve: What would you do if I died today?
Stella: I’d die tomorrow.
Steve: Marry me.
Stella: Already did.
Stella: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Steve: That’s not a lot of inches.
Stella: I-
Sam: *at Stark party* Uhh I think we lost him.
Bucky: No we haven’t. Watch this.
Sam: Huh?
Bucky: *shouts* Your wife is useless piece of sh-!
Steve: *pops out of nowhere* SAY THAT AGAIN MOTHER—
Stella: So Steve got drunk last night.
Thor: Oh no.
Stella: And tried to set our marriage certificate on fire.
Steve: Good luck trying to return me without the receipt!
Steve: Did it hurt?
Stella: *rolls eyes* Let me guess, when I fell from heaven
Steve: No.
Stella: What?
Steve: *smiling* Did it hurt when you fell for me?
Liane: Hey what are you getting Steve for his birthday?
Stella: I am married to Steve and gave him 2 kids, that’s enough presents to last him for a lifetime.
Steve: Hey, you married Captain America, you didn’t do so bad yourself.
Stella and Bucky: *kidnapped by Hydra and HIVE*
Strucker: Soon the Captain and his team will arrive, then will see what true power tastes like
Bucky: Let us go asshole.
Strucker: Not a chance—
HIVE Agent: *hears guns blazing through the halls, grunts and screams of stuff being blown up* Uh sir, who was that?
Bucky: Your fucked.
Stella: *grins*
Steve: *bust the door open as he snarls* Say your last prayers, Strucker!
Stella: *looks at him while he’s drawing and mutters* I’d date you.
Steve: *smirks, definitely heard her* What?
Stella: *blinks and half scoffs* I said, I hate you.
Steve: *smiles to himself* I hate you more.
Bucky: *drunk on Asgardian liquor* Sam is the hottest person I ever met.
Steve: He is your fiancé.
Bucky: Bullshit. I can’t stand the guy.
Steve: So why did you just say find him hot then?
Bucky: Cause I got eyes, Steve.
Steve: *under his breath* I don’t wike it.
Natasha: *gasps*
Steve: Nat don’t—
Stella: *at 3am reading* Wow, some few hours earlier some couple just tried to kill each other in their own home. Can you imagine someone ever snapping like that?
Steve: *trying to fall asleep glaring at her* I can.
Steve: If I dislocated John Walker’s arm, would they arrest me despite being the original Captain America?
Stella: Yes. Yes they could.
Steve: I’m dying!
Stella: WHAT?
Steve: -of hunger!
Stella: Oh thank heavens.
We might need a Steve one soon 🤔 what do we think? Which couple is next? Liane & Ethan? Rose & Finn? Peter & Rei?
Please like, comment and share 🫶🏼
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @sherloquestea and etc
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unseededtoast · 9 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 2/37 | Part One, Part Three
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
"That seems like a lot of blood on you, miss. Do you mind telling me whose blood it is and why it's now on you?"
I see the building I need and speed towards the high fences with adrenaline rushing through my veins, the blood beginning to dry on my skin. I'm not sure this will even work but it's my last resort and only hope. I slow down once I reach the security gate and roll down my window. My hands are covered in another man's blood and I'm sure I look deranged.
"Identification." The man with dark sunglasses states. I swallow my nerves and clear my throat.
"I don't have any. I'm here seeking refuge." I say in hopes that he will let me through. I never wanted to be here and never thought I would be here, but if I want to live it's my only option. The man leans closer to me and pulls his sunglasses down to where I can see his eyes peering over. He takes a quick look inside my car and surely notices my blood-stained hands and car. He readjusts the sunglasses on his face and clears his throat.
"So I'm just supposed to let you in? You could have a weapon of mass destruction in the car." In a way he isn't wrong but I'm not about to get into technicalities right now. I shake my head and pleadingly look into his eyes.
"Sir, I am here seeking refuge. You can interrogate me and search my car. I don't have anything on me or in the car that could hurt anyone. Please." My voice wavers at the end sensing that this might not work the way I hoped it would.
What if they don't let me in? What am I supposed to do then? Am I going to have to run and hide again somewhere else? That would be pointless, they would just find me again. They know where I'm at now, there's no hiding by myself anymore.
The man stands up straight and walks back to the small booth which controls the traffic barrier. He speaks into a walkie talkie, I can't hear what he's saying. I pick at the blood-crusted skin around my fingers and watch the man intently, tears burning at the corners of my eyes. After a few minutes of dialogue, the man comes back to my car.
"You're going to drive through and take a left. There will be someone waiting to take you in for questioning and we're going to search your car. If anything harmful or dangerous is found you will be criminally tried in the court of law. Do you understand?" I nod my head with wide eyes.
I can't believe it worked. He walks back to the booth and lifts the bar, I roll my car slowly through and follow the path he told me to. Just as he said, there was someone waiting for me. I put my car into park and turn it off, grabbing my bag I had thrown in the passenger seat.
"Put the bag down and step out of the car." The man waiting for me states with a tone of authority. I do as he instructs and I close the car door behind me. The man approaches and pulls out a pair of handcuffs.
"You are not under arrest, you are being detained for security reasons. Do not resist. Resisting will result in criminal charges. I am going to escort you to an interrogation room and your items will be searched." He rambles on as he tightens the cuffs around my wrists behind my back. I nod my head in understanding and walk alongside the man.
Glass doors part for us as we enter the modern-style building. There are people all over the place, talking, making phone calls, putting projections into the air. I look around at the operations and I'm surprised they would walk someone who is detained through this area, there's so much information that could potentially be gathered. As we walk through the busy room, I can't help but feel self conscious as people stare at me as we pass through.
The man escorts me down a hallway that's lined with heavy iron doors. We stop in front of one and he unlocks it with his card. He pushes me slightly into the room and sits me down in the chair, connecting my cuffs to a metal fixture on the desk so I can't go anywhere.
"Someone will be in shortly." He leaves the room and I hear the click of the lock. I look around the monochromatic room. It's devoid of any decorations or warmth. It's very cold, and I spot a camera in the corner of the room, it's no surprise they're already monitoring my every move.
I anxiously tap my foot on the hard floor, waiting for someone to come and question me. I know once they search my belongings I'll likely be glued to this chair for hours, if not days once they figure out what I have. The book will either be the reason I'm offered protection or I'm turned away, unfortunately there is no middle ground. I'll have to play my cards right and convince them that I'm on their side and worthy of being protected.
I'm not sure of how much time has passed as I'm ripped from my thoughts abruptly when the door opens and a man steps in. He's dressed simply, in a long dark coat accompanied with a black shirt, pants, and an eyepatch. I make eye contact with his good eye and watch as he silently takes the seat across from me. He adjusts in the seat and stares at me, I stare back. From his confidence I can tell he probably has a relatively high rank.
"That seems like a lot of blood on you, miss. Do you mind telling me whose blood it is and why it's now on you? And who you even are?" I swallow and nod my head to the intimidating man seated across from me.
"I am Adalyn Averina and I do not know the man's name, but I am almost certain he worked for my former employer. He showed up at my work and threatened me in the parking lot. I cut his face, and he followed me home. He didn't make it out of my house, it was either him or me." I give him the short and not-so-sweet version of the story. The man nods his head and boldly asked his next question,
"Was that man after the Hydra material found in your bag?" I lick my lips and nod at the man, of course they found it. I decide honesty is the best policy and hopefully transparency is my ticket to being protected.
"Yes." I watch the man's facial expressions, trying to get a read of what's going on in his mind, but his face is a blank slate.
"What's inside that book and why did he want it?" I scrunch my eyebrows together confused as to how he knows the book is Hydra material but doesn't know the importance of it. Or perhaps he does know and is testing me to see if I tell the truth. I realize this is the time to start making my demands in order to secure my safety instead of freely handing over information. I need to play my cards right or else they can take my information and kick me to the streets.
"Sure, I'll be happy to explain and cooperate on the condition that I receive asylum and aid from Shield." I lay out my terms not confident that I have the upper hand in this situation. They could easily just translate the book without my help and have all of the information. My hands are shaking in the cuffs and I feel myself start to sweat. The man rubs his chin and leans forward.
"Why would we give aid to a Hydra conspirator?" He has a valid point and if the roles were reversed I would likely ask the same questions.
"I'm more of a Hydra defector, I did just kill one of their men." I answer quickly, hoping my answer is satisfactory enough to get my wish granted. The man takes a deep breath and nods.
"Alright then. You explain yourself and the material you're in possession of, and in return we will set you up with our protection program. A new life and identity with some conditions." I nod my head eagerly.
"Thank you." I say appreciatively and get into the story I've dreaded telling for years. As I tell the story, I notice the man's subtle body language, insinuating that he's far more interested than he's letting on. I go into detail, but not too much. I tell him the important things he needs to know and nothing more. By the end of my recounting, the man has both hands on the metal table in front of me. He takes a few moments before he speaks,
"I'll be right back." He rises from the chair and walks out of the room. I nod my head and watch him leave, anxious for whatever is going to happen next. I feel the now fully dried blood on my hands, making them feel crusty and stiff. I rest my forehead on the cool metal table and close my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
The adrenaline is beginning to wear off and I recall the events that transpired only a short time ago. I killed that man, stabbed him right through the neck with no chance of survival. I feel myself start sweating more, like I'm going to panic but I try my best to keep my breaths even and deep. Shield doesn't owe me anything, the man can easily go back on his word and not grant me a new identity or not offer any sort of protection. Shield is definitely capable of extracting the information from the book and leaving me for Hydra's wrath.
My panic is cut short as the man walks back in. I lift my head from the table and it feels as though a rock was dropped in my stomach. My eyes are locked on him in a wide panic, eager to hear what he has to say. His next words make or break my future and whether I have much longer to live.
"We are prepared to make you an offer. We offer you a position here, with us. You'll be protected and work in our labs researching what you already seem to know so much about and work on an assignment pertaining to your skillset. If you decline this offer, we'll set you up with a new identity just as promised." I know that the new identity options comes with its own set of conditions, which are uncertain and will likely provide much less protection that what I am currently comfortable with. If I take him up on his employment offer, I'll be under the direct protection of Shield. It's a no brainer to me.
"I'll work for Shield." I confirm and the man nods affirmatively.
"Welcome to the team, I am Director Fury." He introduces himself. I breathe a breath of what seems like fresh air, I will live to see another day.
"Director Fury, it's a pleasure to give my skills to Shield, thank you." I give him my appreciation of the offer. It's likely he will never know that he saved my life today.
I never envisioned myself working for Shield ever, the idea of going from one major organization to another of the same nature never sat right with me, but here I am. It's not like I had much of a choice, it was a life or death situation. However, I intend to make the most out of this and not repeat my mistakes that I made while I was a part of Hydra.
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welldonebeca · 1 month
It's a Bad Idea, right? (3)
Summary: The worst idea a waitress in MamaStefka can have is to fall in love with a man in Hydra. They aren’t supposed to even talk! It doesn’t stop Betty, though. Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC! Betty Warnings: Mafia AU. Secret identity au. Tension.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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"I'll swing back to pick you up, alright?" Piet wiped his hands on a towel, looking at her. "Don't leave. We're just going to grab some groceries, drop off Wanda, and then I'll be back for you."
Betty tried not to shake her head. It was her turn closing the restaurant and anytime that happened to either her or Wanda, Piet stayed behind so they would walk home together and she didn’t close everything on her own – it was a thing the chefs did too, no girl was ever left closing on her own.
"Just head off, Piet," she urged. "The quicker you go, the sooner you'll be back."
That seemed to do the trick, and she locked the door behind him before entering. She double-checked the money – the girls had already taken their tips, so she needed to be sure the numbers were right – before putting it in the secret safe, hiding it before getting back to the tables.
Wanda had already refilled and stored the condiments, and Betty confirmed that Mila had cleared the tables. Those tasks were sorted. She glanced into the remaining restrooms, secured the windows, stowed the tableware, emptied the waste bins, and powered down any idle equipment.  She ensured the fridges were still running – and made sure no one had made the stupid mistake of turning off the fridges – before locking up the windows.
All she had was to do now was take out the trash and wait for Piet, and she could set up the alarms.
Betty left the backdoor open when she came back inside for the second bag, and if she hadn’t seen a strange shadow, she wouldn’t even know something had happened.
“Pietro?” she called, walking backwards to the counter, and pulled the bat they kept there, adjusting the safety sock on it.
Whoever it was didn’t answer, and she swung it up, ready to use to protect herself.
Who was dumb enough enough to invade Mama Stefka? It was the meeting place of the Mafia!
“I don’t know who you are, but you are probably not from this side of town,” she announced into the emptiness. “I would leave if I were you.”
The answer came not with words, but with a big man walking closer to her with his hands up.
She was frozen in place for a moment.
The German guy.
“Hi,” he spoke slowly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Some friends said this was a good place to lay low for a minute or two.”
She looked at him and then at the door, still wide open, and he stopped away from her, a bit far. If she wanted to run, she could get out and he wouldn’t catch her.
"What's your deal?" she asked, chin jerking toward him. "Why do you need to lay low?"
He grimaced a little.
"I got caught up in a little situation out there," he gestured behind him. "A misunderstanding. You know how it is with the cops."
She looked at him from head to toe.
“Do I, really?” Betty asked.
He hesitated a bit.
"Malick mentioned you might have a first aid kit around. I'm Steffan. Bauer. Your friends know me as Captain."
She held her ground, still cautious.
"They're quite protective of you, the Malicks. And they've been in this business longer than I have. I wouldn't dare jeopardize their trust, miss. I assure you."
That, at last, made her relax, and Betty lowered the bat slowly.
Yeah, that bit was way more believable than him having a good heart.
"Someone else is supposed to meet me here," she warned him. "And he's just about as big as you."
He wasn’t. Piet was strong, sure, but he was absolutely not as strong as that dude.
“No problem,” Steffan nodded.
Betty lowered the bat, although still holding it.
“You said you need the first aid kit?” she asked, still wary.
He nodded.
“Just a little scratch, miss,” Steffan assured her. “Could use some cleaning.”
She scoffed a little. Fine.
“I’ll go get it.”
The bat was firmly in her hand as she walked to the kitchen – it wasn’t like there was anything valuable at his reach, the very door to where the safe was hidden went through the kitchen. And they had big chef knives there too, she wouldn’t go down with a fight, whatever his goal was.
But when she came back, Steffan was on the same place as before, sat on his chair and without his jacket.
And he was jacked. Really big and strong. A real powerhouse.
She could see the blood sipping through his shirt on his – big, big – shoulder when she approached him, and held the box close as he pushed the fabric aside and over his shoulder.
Bullet scratch. It wasn’t too bad, but it certainly bled quite a bit.
“No need to dig out a bullet in this one,” he joked, giving her a charming smile. “Thank you for taking it.”
But she just walked behind him, putting her bat on a table near and setting the kit behind his arm.
“I’ll do it,” Betty interrupted him. “Just don’t do anything funny.”
Steffan tucked his head down, chuckling.
"Sure thing, ma'am," he agreed, his hands resting on his thighs.
He had big thighs, very meaty.
That dude was really well fed and a big fan of gyms.
She kept her mouth shut as she opened the box, and put on the gloves before touching anything else, and put antiseptic on it with the cotton pads, and he hissed in response, but didn’t say anything or even flinch.
She covered it up with what they had there, some gauze and medical tape, and took off the gloves, grabbing her bat to go throw them into the trash bag.
“There,” she looked at him, keeping her distance. “You’re good to go.”
Steffan readjusted his shirt, pulling it back into place over his shoulder.
“The Malicks called you Betty,” he observed. “Is that your name?”
She shook her head, still wary.
“It’s for the Americans,” she told him. “They butch up my name too much.”
He raised an intrigued eyebrow.
"Put me to the test," he suggested.
Betty pondered for a moment.
It wasn’t as if he couldn’t figure it out on his own if he asked the right person.
“Elżbieta,” she told him.
"Elżbieta," he repeated confidently.
Nailed it.
"It's a lovely name," Steffan remarked, his gaze fixed on her face.
How was he this hot?
“Thank you,” she mumbled, shifting her eyes away.
He stood up, at last, getting his jacket from behind the chair.
"I should be on my way, Betty," he smoothly informed her, his tone a bit too smooth for someone who had invaded her closed workplace. "It was a pleasure meeting you. And once again, I apologise for the fright. Rest assured, it won't happen again."
With that, he walked through the open door, leaving without any physical contact. Betty stood there, feeling frozen in place for what seemed like an eternity, until Pietro entered through the same door about five minutes later.
"Hey," her roommate greeted her. "Finished up?"
She shook herself out of her stunned space.
God, that was weird.
"Yeah," she confirmed, her voice steady. "Just need to set the alarm."
. . .
“it’s a Bad Idea, right?” was posted on my Patreon in September 2023 and is finished this month. To have early access to it (and lots of other stories), consider subscribing to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I know you won’t regret it!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102​​ @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega
Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @tayrae515​? @indecisiondecisions​? @afanofmanystuffs @patzammit​? @thevanishedillusion​​? @widowsfics​​? @alexisshoto​ @princess-evans-addict​​ @dreams-of-feysand​​ ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
Bad Idea: @peaceloveancolor
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souurcitrus · 4 months
Since I started getting more into Marvel I made a bunch of OCs for the media, and with time I created a whole universe to insert them in the stories. So I'm gonna start posting here my personal time-line.
These events include stories from the comics, a bit of the cartoons and the movies. Many events or characters have their backstories changed and I will include my ocs here.
It's just a project I do for fun (and has been taking my mind in the last years help). It's not complete. There's still a lot to work but I got the basics.
B. C - Events
• Okkara and the Enriched
• Birth of Apocalypse
• The Clan Akkaba
A. C. - Events
• Thanos' birth
• Creation of the Ten Rings
• Fall of Titan
15th / 16th / 17th Century - Events
• Odin brings the Tesseract to Earth
• Rise of Count Dracula
• Apocalypse and the Army of Darkness defeat Dracula
• Fall of Tenochtitlán
• Creation of Talokan and birth of K'uk'ultan
• Selene Essex becomes Lady Sinister
• Trial of Agatha Harkness
• Apocalypse is sealed by his subordinates
18th / 19th Century - Events
• Mystique's birth
• Victor Creed's birth
• Logan's birth
• Victor Creed and Tereza Márquez (OC) meet
• Howlett's Tragedy
• Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme meet
• Fall of Akkaba Clan
• Origins: Wolverine I
20th Century
1900 - 1930 - Events
• Origins: Wolverine II
• Wolrd War I
1940 - Events
• World War II
• Johann Schmist finds the Tesseract
• Steve Rogers becomes Captain America
• Bucky Barnes becomes his partner
• Phineas Horton creates the original Torch
• Sgt. Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos
• Foundation of Weapon X by Dr. Abraham Cornelius Truett
• Captain America dissappears and Bucky Barnes is taken by HYDRA
• Logan marries Itsu. Later she is murdered by the Winter Soldider and his son is taken
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier become stepbrothers
• Wong starts his training in Kamar-Taj
• Howard Stak works for SHIELD
1950 - Events
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier fight in the Korean War. Marko dissapears after finding the Temple of Cyttorak
• Max Eisenhardt marries Magda
• The original Torch dissapears / dies
• Logan meets Silverfox
• Magda and their daughter dies, Max Eisenhardt changes his name to Erik Lehnsherr
• 1950 Avengers
1960 - Events
• Charles Xavier meets Moira Mactaggert and Gabrielle Haller
• Sabretooth and Wolverine join Team X
• Adam Brashear becomes Blue Marvel
1970 - Events
• Professor X, Magneto, Mystique and Destiny create the first team of X-Men
1980 - Events
• Captain Marvel
• Ghost Rider
• The Incredible Hulk
• Iron Man
• Ant-Man and Wasp
• Hawkeye and Mockingbird
Age of Heroes - The first famous groups of heroes start to rise, the first conflicts earth went through after FF, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Decenders and the others formed.
1989 - Events
• The Fantastic Four
• Puppet Master
1990 -
• The Avengers
1991 -
• Jessica Drew works for SHIELD as Arachne
• Logan adopts Amiko Kobayashi
• Matt Murdock debuts as Daredevil
1992 -
• The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• The X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman and Beast)
° Time-line of the X-Men (1970-2000)
• X-Men VS Juggernaut
• Sam Wilson becomes the Falcon
1993 -
• Simon Williams joins the Masters of Evil as Wonder Man
• New Avengers (Black Panther, Hercules, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkerye, Falcon)
• Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk
1994 -
• Sue Storm and Reed Richards Wending
• The Fantastic Four meets Black Panther
• Dane Withman becomes Black Knigt
• Z'Nox attack
• Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool
• Silver Sufer and Galactus
• Alex Summers becomes an X-Man
• Betsy Braddock becomes Captain Britain
1995 -
• Mesmero attacks Krakoa. Lorna Dane joins the X-Men as Polaris
• Patsy Walker becomes Hellcat
• Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man
• Jessica Jones becomes Jewel
• Heroes for Hire (Luke Cage and Danny Rand)
• Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin
• Natasha Romanoff leaves the Red Room and joins SHIELD, working alongside Mockingbird and Hawkeye
• Frankie Raye joins the Fantastic Four as Photon.
• The Avengers battle against Ultron and Vision
• Among us stalk the Sentinels! Ororo Muroe and Sean Cassidy join the X-Men
• Frank Castle becomes the Punisher
• Jean Grey absorbed the power of the Phoenix
1996 -
• Hank McCoy joins the Avengers
• Greer Nelson becomes Tigra
• Secret Empire
• Avengers / Defenders War
• Flint Marko becomes Sandman
• Second Genesis.
• Hulk VS Wolverine
• Cyclops starts a new team of X-Men (Wolverine, Storm, Thunderbird, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Sunfire)
• X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'Ken
• Wanda Maximoff and the Darkhold
• Darren Cross becomes Yellow Jacket
• Wanda uses her magic to create her sons
• Mystique and Destiny start a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• Kitty Pryde and Alison Blaire join Xavier's Institue
• Dark Phoenix and death of Jean Grey. Cyclops leaves the team
• Kree / Skrull War
1997 -
• Days of Future Past. Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop join the X-Men
• Cyclops meets Madelyne Prior.
• Rogue absorves Carol Danvers powers
• Rhino VS Spider-Man
• The trial of Hank Pym
• X-Men VS the Brood
• She-Hulk joins the Avengers
• Wanda and Vision find out their sons are magic creations of the Darkhold
• Illyana Rasputin is captured and taken to the Limbo
• New Mutants
• The Morlocks
• Rogue joins the X-Men. Logan marries Mariko.
• Beta Ray Bill!
• Venom arrives at Earth
• Hawkeye creates the West Coast Avengers
• Forge joins the X-Men
• Curtis Connors becomes the Lizard
1998 -
• Jean Grey returns
• Nathan Summers is born
• Mutant Massacre
• Madelyne is corrupted by the demon N'Astirh, becoming the Goblin Queen
• Asteroid M
• Fall of the Mutants
• Franklin Richards is born
• The Punisher took over the Assassins' Guild, and later became a substitute teacher while investigating drug trafficking at a school
• Wolverine and Jubilee work together against the Hand
• Gambit joins the X-Men
• Genosha X-Tinction Agenda
• Legacy Virus
1999 -
• Kree/Shi'ar War
• X–Cutioner Song
• Rise of Midnight's Children
• Maximum Carnage
• Fatal Attractions
• Bloodties. Fabian Cortez kidnaps Luna Maximoff
• Sabretooth goes to the X-Men after he starts losing control of his feral side
• Cyclops and Marvel Girl marry
• Generation Next and Phalanx events. Emma Frosts takes the new mutants as her students. Blink dissapears.
• The Hellions die
• Peter Parker meets Olivia Octavius, who later becomes Dr. Octopus
• Sabretooth escapes. Angel loses his wings
• Ozyamndias comes to warn the X-Men about the return of Apocalypse
2000 -
• Jessica Drew joins the Heroes for Hire
• Graydon Creed's assassination
• Apocalypse returns with his Knights
2001 -
• Mantis creates Adam Warlock. Later Gamora is sent to kill them, but decides to betray Thanos. With Drax, Groot and Rocket, they become the Guardians of Galaxy.
• The Thunderbolts
2002 -
• Sepent Crown's arc. Lemuria and Talokan are revealed to the world
2003 -
• Jessica Drew returns as a heroes and joins the Heroes for Hire with Cage and Rand
2004 -
• The start of Infinity Gaulent arc. Earth's heroes lose the battle to Thanos. Half of the Universe dissapears.
• The X-Men split in Team Gold and Team Blue
2005 -
2006 -
• Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson marry
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
• Mayday Parker is born
2010 -
• The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of Galaxy and Denfenders join forces to fight Thanos once more
• Thor becomes king of Asgard
2011 -
• The Avengers rebuilt their base.
• Scott Lang joins the team as the new Ant-Man.
• Emma Frost and Scott Summers re-open the Academy X
2012 -
• E is for Extinction
• Runaways!
• Jean Grey dies fighting Xorn
• Gitfted / The Mutant Cure
• Ana Corazon becomes Spider-Girl
• Logan meets Laura Kinney
• The Winter Soldier Returns
2013 -
• Vulcan takes the throne from Lilandra
• Peter Quill joins the Guardians of Galaxy
• M Day happens
2014 -
• The Young Avengers!
° Iron Lad (16), Kate Bishop (17/18), Wiccan, Speed (16), Patriot (16), Hulking (16), Sting (14), Jonas (??)
• The New X-Men
° Armor, Loa, Prodigy, Cuckoos, (15), Rockslide, Pixie Hellion, Flubber, Gentle, Wind Dancer, Surge, Wallflower, Onyxx, Quill, Network, Wither (14),
° Mercury, Indra, Dust, Ink, Laura, Elixir, Kidogo, Trance, Dryad, Icarus, Tag, Preview, DJ (13), Wing, Wolf Cub, Rubber Maid, Bling!, Anole, Match, Specter (12)
• Stryker attacks Xavier's Institue
2015 -
• Civil War
• World War Hulk
• Birth of the Mutant Messiah
• The Avengers and other heroes fight Kang. Sam becomes Captain America
2016 -
• Skrull Invansion
• The X-Men move to Utopia
• Skrull Invasion
• War of Kings
2017 -
• Dark Reign
• The Inner Circle attacks Genosha
• Hope returns as the Messiah
• Annihilators
• Hank Pym opens the Avengers Academy
• Children's crusade
• Hope and the Lights
• Apocalypse Solution. Warren Worthington III becomes heir of Apocalypse
2018 -
• Fear Itself
• The Schism between the X-Men happens
• Logan opens the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning
• Miles Morales (13) becomes Spider-Man
• Jean Foster is diagnosed with cancer. Later she becomes a Valkyrie
2019 -
• The Phoenix returns
• Rage of Ultron. Hank Pym sacrifices himself to defeat Ultron
2020 -
• Khamala Khan (16) becomes Ms. Marvel
2021 -
• Dead Man Logan
• Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man create the new Champions
2022 -
2023 -
• The Mutants create Krakoaland
2024 -
• Mayday Parker becomes Spider-Girl.
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stardusksx · 2 years
( silver assassin, part 1/? )
Summary: Y/n and her siblings where hydra assassins from the age of five, and she’s been trying to erase its stain on her humanity for the last five years after her liberation at the age of nineteen. Steve Rogers is making that task very difficult.
Warning: Angst, Violence, Mentions of abuse. I think that’s all?? Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: Hello! This is adapted from wattpad to a y/n, and I think I edited all the mentions of the oc but if there’s a random name in there please let me know so I can edit it! Also format might be weird I posted this on my phone <3 enjoy! (Gif not mine)
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                  Y/N’s MIND WAS A LOUD PLACE. She was a hostage to her own thoughts, and from its taunting there was no escape. Yet she'd become quite the master at numbing herself to it's effect— she always had to keep herself busy. When she was busy there was more thoughts to drown the others out. That's why her free time away from the avengers complex was spent throwing herself into random jobs— which also helped to ease her guilt surrounding her current living predicament. She didn't like other people paying for her existence. Not when she was the cause of so much suffering.
Her body weaves through the tables of an outdoor cafe, Midtown Manhattan alive with the morning rush hour traffic. "Lucy, hey," Her mouth stretched into a smile when she reached the table of a regular, the woman's leafy-green eyes focused on something behind her, "More coffee?"
Lucy blinked, seeming to come back to reality, before a grin fell onto her lips, "Do you even have to ask?"
Y/n scoffed slightly before re-filling the baby-blue mug resting atop the cafe table. Lucy's attention seemed to be stolen again, gaze fixated on the same spot she'd been starting at a-few moments ago. "What are you looking— oh." Y/n sees him as soon as she turns her head to look, Steve Rogers' body crammed into a tiny patio chair a-few tables away. There was tattered sketchbook in front of him, charcoal pencil in hand, and — oh god, and an empty coffee mug. One which she would have to offer a re-fill for.
"Can you believe it?" Lucy excitedly whispered, and y/n plastered a fake smile onto her fallen expression.
"What are the odds, right?" No, really. What are the odds that out of all the cafes in Manhattan he'd find his way to this one. "Speaking of which," She weakly rattled the half-empty french press, "Better go do my job."
Reluctantly she ventured towards his table, convincing herself that it was best to get this interaction out of the way with.
"Captain," She greeted, her stomach twisting with the unpleasant feeling that comes when you know you're presence won't exactly be celebrated, "Refill?"
Steve's eyes tore away from his sketch book, clouding over with confusion when they landed on her. Though she was well aware of his opinion on her— he never outright displayed his dislike. He was captain America after all, but sometimes the passive aggression was worse than being forwards. He gave her a tight lipped expression and nodded his head, "Please."
Y/n began to pour more coffee into his cup, suddenly regretting her decision of approaching him as the silence ensued and his gaze acted like needles to the skin.
"You work here?" He asked finally, and it was more of a hidden question that sought explanation for why she worked here rather what he actually asked— it was already obvious through her apron and the fact that she wouldn't be pouring him drinks otherwise.
"Yes," She replied, "Keeps me busy."
He nodded, but his gaze still seemed to be attempting to figure her out. He always looked at her like that— like she was hiding something. Y/n bit her lip at the awkwardness, the guilty feeling she seemed to get whenever someone was trying to dig too deep into her past making an appearance.
"Okay," She spoke when he said nothing else, "Well, have a nice day."
His smile was tight lipped, "You too."
Then she was turning away, attempting to push aside the unpleasant feeling that gripped at her. Y/n managed to make her way through a-few more customers, taking orders and exchanging small talk about recent news. Only half an hour passed before her phone began to ring, Tony Stark's name flashing on the lock-screen. Her gaze flickered upwards as she brought it to her ear, trying to see if Steve was still at his table, but all that was there was a pushed back chair as if he'd left in a haste.
"Y/n, hey. Rhodey wants us in." His voice responded.
She tucked the phone between the crook of her neck, begging to untie her apron, "What's going on?"
"Team meeting apparently," His reply didn't offer much information, "See you soon." Then the line went dead, and after informing her boss of her 'family emergency' she was hailing a cab towards stark towers.
━━Y/n unconsciously tugged at the lanyard around her neck before exiting the elevator of Stark Towers, allowing a moment to briefly survey her surroundings. The hallway was encased by windows— gifting her the seemingly infinite view of New York City, and allowing an almost blinding amount of light to engulf everything. Y/n hadn't always been able to process her surroundings like this. Once the world was just a series of locations in which her targets inhabited, not to be admired or appreciated, but instead analysed and abused to suit her missions objective.
Life was like running on autopilot back then. Now it had some semblance of self awareness that paved way for what could be recognised as living for a reasoning that was intended to be normal for everyone else. Or, at least, close to it.
Her heels collide with the floor as she makes her way towards the meeting room. Tony hadn't told her what this was about, he'd simply stated get your ass over here, y/n , on the phone and left her to wonder what could possibly be the reasoning behind it. Things has been relatively quite when it came to being called in on a mission for team avenger, and the longer than usual period of being dormant from action had began to make her feel anxious. Truthfully, she was glad for another reason to be busy.
The office was already occupied by most of the team when she opened the door— Tony, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Sam and— apparently Steve had managed to get here before her too. They where still waiting on Rhodey and Thor, though sometimes the inconvenience of not being on the same planet kept the latter from attending meetings.
"Oh," Tony's voice was laced in its usual sarcasm, "Nice of you to join us."
Y/n merely rolled her eyes, "Tony, if you call me and I'm twenty minutes away, it's probably going to take me twenty minutes to get here."
"Sounds like a excuse."
"Yeah, well, you can complain when you figure out how to invent teleportation. Until then be at peace with the time it takes me to get here in a car."
Tony gasped, "You know I'm insecure about my inability to invent teleportation."
Y/n scoffed, taking her seat towards the back of the table and next to Nat who offered her a smirk in greeting. She merely had a chance to tuck her chair in when the door opened again, and Rhodey entered with solemn expression that immediately drained any trace of humour from the room.
"Hey," He greeted half heartedly, tiredness seeming to ghost his features. The man picked up the projector remote, switching it on, "An hour ago we got sent security footage of Hydra operatives, and the government wants us in on this."
A paused black and white image displayed on the wall, seeming to depict a rainy alleyway of some city. He gave her a strange, hesitant, look before pressing the remote.
Y/n inhaled sharply as the grainy footage started to play— there was two figures on the screen, wearing black fighting gear and hoods, one slightly shorter than the other, a female and a male. She knew that uniform, and she was also pretty sure she knew the figures that wore them. Her fingers curled around the arm of her chair, not a single inhale of breath entering her lungs as she watched, and in one jolty movement of the footage, there was a brief moment where their faces could be seen.
Rhodey hit pause, but there was no need for it— Y/n already knew who they where from the instance they turned towards the camera. God. They had grown up. She hadn't seen them since they where merely nine years old, but there was nothing left of their child-like features anymore. Granted, they would only be fifteen now, but there was something about hydra that ensured no one remained in the light of innocence for too long.
"Y/n," It was Tony speaking this time, bringing her out of the thoughts she didn't know she'd been trapped in, "Is it them?"
She swallowed, willing her panicked heart beat back to normal, "Yes," She managed, "It's the twins."
"The twins?" Steve interjected, his brows knitted together as he watched her skeptically. Vienna's time at Hydra wasn't a tale she openly shared all the details to, and while Rhodey and Nat where pretty well informed, it was only Sam and Tony who knew the full story.
She steeled herself, attempting to recount her history as if it had no effect on her, "My siblings and I where all apart of the same program— the twins where the youngest, Valencia and Ivan, then me, Violetta, and my oldest brother, Elio. Violetta and I where freed when shield infiltrated the base six years ago, but hydra managed to escape with the rest. There's been traces of them here and there linked to assassinations over the years, but that's the first security footage of the twins we've recovered thus far."
The first time I've seen them in years. She felt like her heart was burning. Like this feeling could suffocate her— threads of relief and dread all coming together in a mess of chaos she'd never be able to sort.
"Where is this?" She nodded at the screen, though her eyes didn't fully land on it this time. Something in her couldn't look anymore, scared of what she'd see if she began to overanalyse it. Overanalyse them.
"Poltava, Ukraine," Rhodey answered, "This footage was two hours ago, there was shield agents based out there on a classified mission we don't have access to yet. All of them where killed."
She knew it would be something along those lines, but that didn't make it any less of a punch to the stomach. They where only children. Children she wasn't able to protect. "Okay," Her voice was small, "What's our move?"
"There's an abandoned hydra base about fifty miles outside of Poltava, no activity there since it was raided in the late sixties, but we have reason to believe it's being used again. It's possible they could be reporting back to it." He explained, a tense look on his features, "We'll fly out on the jet to check it."
A wave of nausea hit her. Y/n wasn't expecting this today— she wasn't ready for this today, but the past six years had been filled with her hoping that some sign of their location would present itself. Her grip on the arm rest tightened, but she gave a nod of approval nevertheless. Rhodey began to talk about strategy, giving a little context on the history of the hydra base, and assigning each of them a role. It was only when another voice interjected that her attention was fully captured again. "Is this a good idea?" Steve questioned, gaze briefly on her before he turned back to Rhodey, "Her coming on a mission that's so personal?"
"There is no debate here." Y/n said sharply, cutting Sam off. While she'd never dared to send a glare of ice his way before, she was openly giving him one now, "I'm going."
"I'm not trying to undermine you, y/n. If you're distracted then you could make mistakes, and we can't afford that."
"I'm not sitting this one out, Rogers. They're my family."
"That's exactly my point—"
"She's right, Steve," Rhodey cut him off, "If the twins are there, seeing a familiar face could be the leverage we need to get them to back down."
"I just think that we should be careful about this."
Careful. Steve was always careful when it came to y/n. Careful when assigning her tasks. Careful when letting her in on certain information. Careful when trusting her.
Y/n a scoffed, "I'm going to suit up, I'll meet you on the tarmac." She shoved her chair back, sending another look of annoyance to Rogers as he let out a sigh, and exited the meeting room with little hesitation.
━━She tugged up the zipper of her boot, jaw clenching in aggravation. Steve Rogers distrust wasn't anything new— he always doubted her, hesitated when it came to her involvement in missions, and for the most part she didn't let it bother her. After all, she had been Hydra's little puppet for fifteen years, it wasn't like the caution surrounding her wasn't warranted. So why was she so bothered by it this time? Y/n secured the knives in her thigh holster, perhaps giving it too harsh of a tug when adjusting the strap.
"You know you're suppose to leave room for the blood flow."
She let out a sharp gaps, "Jesus, Sam. Dose that suit come with soundlessness." 
"No, I think that would have something to do with the angry, little, distracted crease going on between your eyebrows." He gave her a grin, to which she responded with a halfhearted middle finger before giving a dramatic sign and placing herself into a sitting position on the edge of the jet. Sam followed, pushing his red goggles onto his forehead— a move which she was glad for because there was no way in hell she could take him seriously with them on.
She racked a hand though her hair, rubbed her palms against her eyes, before she finally looked at him, "I just want to get them back, Sam."
"I know you do," He said softly, "We all know you do. Steve knows you do."
Y/n swallowed, jaw clenching. She tore her gaze away from him, not willing to display how... she didn't know what it was in her eyes that she wanted to hide, she just knew there was something. "He's just looking out for everyone's safety, y/n, it's not his intention to belittle you."
"It's every mission, Sam," She shook her head, "Every single mission, six years, I have to worry about every little choice I make on the field because one mistake and he'll run with it."
Sam was quite for a moment, "Steve respects you more than you think."
"That's bull, Sam." She scoffed, "If Rogers respected me he wouldn't look for every opportunity to chastise me."
He opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of the doors opening interrupted him. Nat, Tony and Steve entered the tarmac, each of them suited up and talking amongst themselves. She exchanged a look with the man beside her, but as soon as she felt the group grow closer, she got to her feet and made her way towards her seat in the jet.
Link to wattpad version:
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that1nerd-20 · 3 months
Hydra hurt us, but he brought us together Masterlist
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Keira Williams was a Hydra asset known by many as Reaper. But, after 2012, she was forgotten in Cryo. When the Avengers found her, she ultimately was handed over to SHIELD, where she would become an agent. Keira becomes an Avenger, but when Bucky resurfaces as the Winter Soldier and Steve wants to go after him, she helps Steve even though shes risking her home with the Avengers. Old memories and feelings resurface, but will it be enough?
Bucky Barnes X F!Oc
Warnings: THIS IS AN OC FIC NOT A X READER!!, there will be mentions of death, death, abuse, mentions of SA, mentions of suicidal thoughts or actions, Canon typical violence. If there is any missing please tell me.
Authors note: please mind my rant here. there will not be an endgame or Infinity War. I hated those movies and almost all of the shows that took place after them. This whole book will be a happy one (for the most part) where everyone is alive; there's no super unhappy ending. If you don't like that you can leave. So no Steve going back in time (because that just throws his whole arc out the window), no Wanda vision, no Loki show (that show drives me nuts and I hate it with every fiber of my being), no She-hulk, and no ‘no way home’ (still haven't seen it, and never will) we are also going to pretend T'challa is alive (but rest in peace Chadwick), also no love and thunder either.
(That movie ruined Guns and Roses for me, also it made no sense to me, also I'm probably gonna get hated on but fuck Jane) pretty much all of the Avengers live together, besides when Tony and Pepper get married and he moves out, all of the Avengers + Loki (and yes he lives with the Avengers) live in the Avengers compound (the one they move to after the tower) obviously there will be some avengers that dont live in the compound, like Antman, captain marvel, and strange. but yeah, hope you enjoy this,
Let me know if yall would like to be in the taglist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
And more to be determined
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