sghq-gossip-blog · 2 years
most likely to vanish without a word and never return from each family?
Here's my best guesses for most families:
Shepherds - Ellis is really the obvious answer here. I don't think Bailey would have it in him, and she just seems very much done with it all sometimes.
Avery - Mia's the only choice, but it'd make sense still. Poor thing always looks so stressed out.
Torres-Robbins - Pretty sure Sofia'd do it if she could, but I can't imagine it would be easy with 30 family members around all of the time.
Sloan - Anna, that girl always looks like she's so on edge. She'd have it in her to snap and vanish.
Shepherd - Charlotte? But, like, not on purpose. She'd do it on accident, and it would be a whole thing.
Karev - Audrey, only because of the fact that it would be so dramatic and shocking given that she's so family-oriented.
Deluca-Bishop - Carlin, because I'd also be pissed if my mom banged someone that I also banged.. which wouldn't have been a problem if fidelity was a thing.
Bailey/Warren - Jameson feels like a mean answer, because of recent events, but fingers crossed he doesn't leave the kid.. again?
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mentioned: @ellisheps @dbshepherd @majesticmia @sofxrst @annabellesloan @charlotteshep @audreykarev @carlindb @jamesonwarren
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andreadelucabishop · 11 months
"No," Andrea shook her head, glaring at her manager. "No, that's not what happened. What happened is that the guy was a prick who just couldn't believe anything that a woman told him. I said a hundred times the scope he was trying to buy wasn't going to fit his gun, and he bought it to spite me. So if I was you, I'd tell him we won't accept a return on the grounds of being a pig. But what do I know?" She caught sight of a familiar face coming through the front door and smiled, excusing herself.
Her lingering aches were worse than usual and she used a cane as she walked, but all in all she felt like she made quick enough progress. "Hey, Carlin. You so bored that you're visiting me at work now?"
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carinad · 2 years
For @carlindb​
C​arina didn’t expect that ordering a milkshake and fries was going to result in this. Suddenly everything was moving faster than she could comprehend, and it was all followed by screams of panic. She had tried to move when the vehicle barreled into the diner. And she did, for the most part, but obviously not well enough to avoid injury. Her right bicep was bleeding, and her left forearm had a gash so deep you could see bone. She had a small cut across her right cheek. Yet, despite all of that, she wasn’t going to sit still. She could barely process that she was hurt, she was too concerned with everybody else. It had to be the adrenaline, and her doctor instincts kicking in as she rushed around from person to person, trying to make sure they were all okay. Spotting her daughter, she sighed relief. “Carlin, bambina, are you alright?”
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sofxrst · 2 years
closed starter for: @carlindb​​
Sofia cautiously approached Carlin in the café, two fruit smoothies in hand. She’d only known the kind Carlin liked after asking one of the kitchen workers nicely, but it was the thought that counted. Sofia and Carlin had gotten lunch together a few times, and guessing based off of the smoothie’s color was too risky. Especially when she was attemtping an apology. She slowly sat down at the table, sliding the drink across the table slowly, “hey.” After a beat, she offered Carlin a small smile, “I’m really sorry, Carlin.”
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