#carm pissed me off really bad this season but he's just like me so i'll forgive him
allowcase · 1 year
finished the bear and i have a lot of thoughts i just don't know how to form those isn't complete thoughts however,,
i liked how season 1 ended in a way that didn't necessarily require a season 2 but left the option open (seeing as a lot of shows i mean A LOT don't get a second season, they were never guaranteed that and i wonder how the ending would've changed if they had known they'd get another season).
but season 2 slammed it's fist on the table and declared not only that it needed the second season it needs a third as well. you can see a shift in the writing from season 1 that felt timid it now feels confident and i think it's so fun watching a show evolve like that, and we're only on season 2 imagine the possibilities
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