#case of demonification or what the fuck's going on. he just wants bedtime story
nerosdayinanime · 8 months
out of context snippet from one of my aus (slight context: sabito's ill & giyuu brought him to the butterfly estate)
"What do you want to do in the meantime?"
"Im still sick, Giyuu."
"Read me a bedtime story," Giyuu could barely hear him he spoke so quiet.
"Are you 5?"
"Shut up! Your voice is nice.."
"If you like my voice why are you telling me to shut up?"
"I know you're not that dense. i meant 'change the subject' not stop talking alltogether. Now go find a book and lull me to sleep with your silky smooth voice, its my dying wish."
Giyuu turned to walk out, "Stop being dramatic, you're not going to die."
"Says the one who almost started crying when Kocho told you to leave."
"Shut up," he closed the door behind himself and went to scrounge for any stray book to borrow
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