#cause hearty meals with people aren't Jon's style
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I was thinking about this again (and I’m literally listening to Christmas songs rn cause screw it Christmas music ain’t just for Christmas) so lemme tell y’all why it’s hard for me to write a Christmas fic for my Scriddler, as much as I’d like to
It’s because Christmas is Edward’s favourite holiday, but Jon doesn’t like Christmas. And yeah, to y’all that might sound like “oh well you can write something where Eddie has a bad Christmas and comes home to find Jon has decorated the house for him” but that literally wouldn’t happen cause Jon’s a stubborn fuck. If Ed had a shit Christmas, Jon would comfort him as he usually does if Edward’s had a bad day: obtain a drink or snack that Edward likes, give it to him, offer the chance to talk about the problem and then act as furniture for Edward to lean on if he needs to.
On a normal day, Jon couldn’t give less of a fuck about Christmas and ignores it, but if it’s shoved in his face enough, he just gets annoyed and locks himself away from it. And Edward would be trying to get him to partake in traditions with him because being in a relationship at Christmas is fun and all, which would just irk him. Christmas in my Scriddler’s household is Edward putting up decorations and Jon sitting there ignoring the decorations and declining the offer to help.
These two have had opposite reactions to the “child abuse victim finally gets to celebrate a holiday their way after having shitty holidays as kids” situation: Edward goes all-out cause this day is finally his to enjoy, while Christmas has just been forever ruined for Jon and he’s lost the will to care about it. I mean, Christmas in Gotham is very different to Christmas in Arlen; I imagine Jon’s first Christmas in Gotham was just him standing in the street going “WHERE’S ALL THE JESUS??? I GOT TOLD THIS HOLIDAY’S ABOUT JESUS” but he still lacked the ability to care about this more secular version. 
A Christmas fic for my Scriddler would be Edward trying to get Jon to join in in his celebrations, only to accidentally hit that point where Jon just loses his temper and snaps at him to leave him out of it, which would genuinely quite hurt him (like damn Jon he respects your holiday). Jon would begrudgingly apologise for upsetting him and he’d try his best to respect Edward’s celebration as Edward does his at Halloween, but the message of the fic would be “Jon doesn’t like Christmas, but hey I hope yours is better than his”. 
The MOST Jon would be willing to do at Christmas in terms of taking part in Edward’s traditions is MAYBE attending the Christmas party Oswald throws that Edward goes to, but only to take advantage of the lowered beer prices and sit in the corner and mull over why he doesn’t wanna be there. He’ll last about an hour before his patience is lost and he tells Ed he’s going home, text him if he needs picking up later. 
He’ll get Edward a present (and only Edward), but mainly so he doesn’t get shit for not getting him anything. If Edward lights up when Jon gives him the present, well then...that’s just a bonus. MAYBE he’ll indulge Edward when Eddie holds mistletoe over themselves and waggles his eyebrows for a smooch (Ed’s gotta catch him in a good mood for that one). He’ll take advantage of products that are sold at Christmas time (like eggnog and coffee shop goodies and whatnot) that he and Edward can share, but that’s all pretty much it.
There is one Christmas fic planned for the WanderVerse, but only because a big part of Jon and Edward’s relationship happened at Christmas, and that’s pretty much a coincidence. They accidentally, then not accidentally, then kinda accidentally but also not accidentally spend Christmas Eve together. (You’ll understand when I get it done.)
So yeah. Sorry, folks, but you’re most likely not getting cute holiday Scriddler from me. I can do a cute WINTER Scriddler fic, but not a cute Christmas one cause Jon’s kind of a bastard about it.
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