#changbin is more lowkey about it i'd say
leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 son of Eros!Changbin x mortal!fem!reader
𝝑𝝔 cw : unserious!reader (she is .... interesting for sure!), crude humor, Changbin is a sweetheart :c, fluffy smut, mild angst, Switch(mostly sub)!Changbin, Switch(mostly Dom)!reader, LOTS OF KISSING, mutual masterbation, clit play, no p in v, tit sucking, mommy kink !??!, love spells!!!, lmk if I missed anything!
𝝑𝝔 hyung line m.list | maknae line m.list
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Something was off, you didn't know how to describe it.
You sat up in your bed, looking around for a moment. That's when you spot a man in the corner of your dark room and you scream.
You grab the knife you kept in your nightstand, "who are you!?" you scream at him.
"Shhh!" the man tries to hush you.
"Why are you telling me to shh, you broke into my home!" you exclaim.
"Listen, I'm here on business," he starts before you interrupt him.
"What business do you have being in my house? Is the C.I.A trying to take me out because of my theory on the money smuggling because if so I deeply regret questioning my government and I swear I'm a good brainwashed citizen!" you yelp.
"C.I.A? Government? Brainwashing? I swear to Zeus, you mortals get more crazy by the minute!" the man exclaims, "but no, luckily for you, I am not from the government, well not your government."
"So like the United Nations!? That's even fucking worse! I swear I'm a good law abiding citizen who never questions the old hags that we call politicians!"
The man stares at you with a look of mixed shock and terror on his face, "the godly government," he explains.
"That's somehow even worse?! I don't even believe in God! Wait which religion is right? I swear to God, if it's Scientology I'll find the nearest cliff and jump off, I swear you will not take me alive Mr.Secret Scientology Agent Man Thing."
The man's mouth is agape and you can tell he's trying to put the pieces together, "What's Scientology?" he questions.
"They believe in aliens and shit, but they're lowkey a cult, and they're trying to reach Nirvana or whatever, trying to get their brainwaves to vibrate at the same frequency as an alien's or some stupid shit like that," you explain.
"Ok, well aliens aren't real," Changbin starts before you interrupt him.
"Ok science denier, you're telling me you're a- whatever you are- and aliens aren't real. Maybe you're in a cult. What frequency do your brainwaves vibrate at?"
"I'm not in a cult, I'm one of the sons of Eros," he explains.
You burst out into a fit of laughter while the man slaps himself on his forehead, "okay buddy, time to put you back in whatever insane asylum you escaped from," you say as you sit up.
The man turns around and you see the wings poking out from his back. "Maybe evolution did hit the ancient Greeks, you're like Icarus but like evolved and not as crispy and fried as I'd imagine him being," you figure as you admire the man's wings.
"Why are you bringing up Icarus?"
"Well he had wings," you remind him.
"Yeah and you're about to fly too close to the sun," he sighs, "I was assigned to your case. I'm going to help you find your soulmate."
"Ok sure you are buddy," you chuckle.
"Can you at least put down the knife, I feel like you're gonna stab me," he requests.
You sigh and put the knife back in your nightstand. "So how does this whole thing work?" you ask the man.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and I'll find a list of potential soulmates for you," he explains.
"So you're like the match maker from Mulan?"
"I'll make sure to look for someone who appreciates your fantastic sense of humor," he retorts sarcastically.
"Boo, you're no fun! Live a little!" you exclaim and sit criss crossed on your bed.
The man pulls up a chair and pulls out a clip board and a pen. "Male or female?" he asks.
"I'm a woman," you say it like it's obvious.
"I mean for a partner, do you want a man or a woman?"
"Either," you shrug.
He scribbles that down in your chart. "What's your name by the way, you know like everything about me and all I know is that you're a Scientologist and mentally impaired and a bird or whatever."
"Changbin," he says while rolling his eyes, "do you have a height preference?"
"Nope," you pop the p.
"Weight preference?"
"Another no."
"Age preference?"
"What do you mean by that because I am not-"
"-I'm going to stop you right there," he glares at you, "you need to take this seriously."
"I am being serious!? I'm not a-"
"Ok! I get it, I'll j-just mark down older."
"Make sure it's not like super old though."
He looks up at you, "excuse me?"
"Like a person who is like- older than my grandma. Unless they're like absolutely loaded."
He rolls his eyes and moves on, "do you have a preference regarding lifestyle?"
"Yeah, I don't want them to be a politician or a Scientologist or mentally insane."
"Ok," he scribbles on the paper, "done, I need you to sign here."
He passes the clipboard to you and hands you the pen.
"Why?" you question.
"Because this is a legally binding contract," he says it like it's obvious.
"So like in Cat in the Hat where two underage kids sign their life away to a six foot tall man in a fur suit? Am I signing my life away?"
"Just sign the fucking paper," he requests.
You sign the paper and hand it back to the winged man.
He flips through more pages in the clipboard before his face falls. "What is it? Don't tell me my soulmate is a politician!" you whine.
"It's worse," he hums, "you need to come to HQ with me."
"Wait so who is it? Is it like a serial killer? I didn't even think of that!"
"Will you shut up and take my hand," he offers his hand out to you.
You hesitantly take it. You're instantly transported to a place you've never seen before. An office building with pink walls and pink tainted glass that over looks above the clouds. Changbin pulls you with him to a desk.
"Eros, I need to speak with him," Changbin says to the person, who also has wings, that is working at the desk.
"I'll tell him you need to see him," the person says.
"Thanks," Changbin mutters.
Changbin lets go of your hand and begins pacing around the waiting room. "So like is it bad?"
"It is me," he mumbles.
"Your soulmate, it's me."
Your mouth falls agape as you stare at he man. "What?" you question.
"Yeah, tell me about it," he grumbles as he continues his pacing.
"But you're like-" you pause.
"-a matchmaker. And you're a mortal."
"Eros will see you now," the woman at the reception desk announces.
Changbin pulls you by the wrist through the hallway and into a room. The room is large, huge floor to ceiling windows on two of the walls, a huge desk right in the center, and an extremely tall man with strawberry blonde hair sitting at the desk. Changbin lets go of your wrist when he makes eye contact with the man. "Changbin!" the man at the desk says, he stands up and walks over to where Changbin and you were standing, "it's so good to see you, son!"
You look up at the man towering over yourself and Changbin. Easily 8 feet tall with a pair of feathery wings on his back.
The man lifts up Changbin, pulling him into a tight hug. "Dad, it's good to see you too, but listen we have a situation," Changbin says sternly.
"A situation?" the man asks, putting Changbin back on the ground.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n," he introduces you.
"I know of her," he smiles.
He leans down to shake your hand, holding his out for you to take. You hesitate before you do, but you gently shake the tall man's hand, "you know me?" you ask the man.
"Well of course I do! I am a God after all!" he cheerfully booms, "you can just call me Eros!"
"Nice to meet you," you give the man a tight lipped smile.
He lets go of your hand and it falls to your side.
"Listen- Dad," Changbin interrupts, "I think that there was a mistake with y/n's soulmate generator."
"How so?" Eros questions.
"Well, it said that well-" he stammers.
"Does she have a soulmate?" Eros asks.
"Well yes b-but-" Changbin continues to stutter.
"-it's him, sir, Changbin is my soulmate," you explain.
"What?" the man gasps.
"Listen, I'm just as surprised as you are, I specifically said no politicians, Scientologists, or mentally insane people."
"He is, none of those things?" Eros states.
"Yeah well when you wake up in the middle of the night to someone standing in the corner of your bedroom talking about how they're from the 'godly government' and it reminds you of Scientology, and then he tells you he's the son of Eros so obviously you start thinking to yourself that this guy is either seeing something we can't or he's strung out on something, and then he makes you sign your life away like those kids did in the cat in the hat movie, then you can call me picky," you ramble.
Eros glances at Changbin then at you and then back to Changbin, "well were you the only option?"
"Yes," Changbin confirms.
"Well then it is destined to be, she did sign the contract," he points out.
"So wait? Did I sign my life away?" you ask.
"Well not your life," Eros begins before he cuts himself off.
"Dad," Changbin says, "what do we do?"
"I suppose we follow the rules," Eros figures, "you two are soulmates."
Changbin's jaw practically falls to the floor, "there is no way."
So now you find yourself at Changbin's house, well apartment, on Mt.Olympus. The apartment itself is more than just nice. It is beautiful. Floor to ceiling windows with a scenic view, a full kitchen with a separate wine closet, even a balcony overlooking the streets of Olympus which were full of nymphs and muses and Gods and Goddesses alike. Ornate furniture with gold accents, a chandelier that looked like it costed more than a yacht, and 4 luxurious bedrooms. "Make yourself at home," Changbin sighs as he takes off his coat.
"Woah, this is your house?" you exclaim as you ogle at the ornate house.
"Yeah," he blushes, "it's ours now I suppose," he runs a hand on the back of his neck.
"Oh my God, this is straight up like a fairytale," you say as you look through the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, opening the fridge.
"Yeah, is there anything I can eat?"
"What do you mean anything you can eat?"
"Well like I don't think I can drink nectar, because I'm like a mortal or whatever," you chuckle as you look at his puzzled expression.
"Well technically you can drink it, but you would like probably pass out from what you mortals call 'alcohol poisoning'," he chuckles as he grabs a soda from the fridge.
"Wait do you have some?" you ask excitedly.
"I mean yeah but like, why?"
"Well I wanna try it!"
"No," he shuts down before you can continue.
"Please! Just once Changbin!" you beg.
"I said no," he says, more firmly this time.
"Ugh fine you're no fun," you cross your arms and take a seat on his kitchen island.
"What do you want for dinner?" he asks, changing the topic.
You hum while you think for a moment, "spaghetti," you decide.
"Okay," he agrees.
He begins pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantry and you just sit there on the counter and watch as the man prepares dinner. "Soooooo," you speak as Changbin puts a pot of water on the stove, "what's it like being the son of Eros?"
"Well, I think it gives people the wrong impression of me sometimes," he reveals.
"How so?"
"Imagine that your father is known for orgies and sex, prayed to by mortals for him to grant them fertility and true love, doesn't always leave the best impression with people," he explains crossing his arms.
"Why not? Are you not like him?"
"Not at all," he mumbles softly, "I do this job because I like making people happy, to be honest I didn't know it was possible as a matchmaker to match with anyone," he explains, "especially a mortal, like yourself."
"Doesn't Zeus have lots of kids though? Is he matched with someone?" you ask.
"Don't even get me started on how many kids he has, y'know we have a whole department that keeps track of his children," he whispers the last part.
You stifle a laugh and get a good look at the man who is your soulmate. His sharp nose and round face paired with gentle eyes and buff arms have you feeling tingly inside and out. "Zeus does have a soulmate, or well he says she's his soulmate, Hera," he explains.
"Isn't that his sister?"
"I wish you mortals would stop spreading lies like that," Changbin sighs and rubs his eyes.
You giggle and swing your feet back and forth. "So wait, not all of you are like related?" you ask.
"No," he chuckles.
"So like how does the whole soulmates thing work?"
"Well, once you're matched, you're matched, you fall in love with the person, they fall in love with you, some couples get married, some don't," he explains.
"Can we get married? If we get married can we please get married by and Elvis impersonator in Vegas, ooh and I want a pink wedding dress!" you proclaim.
"Yeah, sure," he hums as he adds the noodles to the boiling water, "anything else you want for our wedding?"
"Hmm, maybe a chocolate fountain at the reception and for the reception to be held in a strip club," you half joke.
"That would make our wedding, interesting," he giggles, turning back to face you now.
"Well yeah, you only get married once! May as well enjoy it! Also honeymoon in Paris, or like somewhere in Europe!"
"Yeah," he smirks, "we can do all of that."
God, he looked good. Did he always look this good? Maybe you were too blind to it before, because fuck he was good looking.
"Really?" you ask enthusiastically.
"Really," he smiles softly.
"What about our wedding night?" you ask before you fully think through what you're saying.
"Our wedding night? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?" he teases.
"Well- I-I j-just wanna k-know what you like? I mean I-" you stutter as you try to speak.
You freeze when Changbin moves over to where you sit and pulls you in for a kiss, stopping right before his lips touch yours, you feel your heart thumping in your chest and heat rising to your cheeks as you slowly relax into his gentle grasp.
"Kiss me-" you hoarsely whisper.
He licks his lips before he finally puts his lips on your own, his lips molding against yours in a tantalizing rhythm. You are the one to break away from the hypnotic kisses he is placing on your lips. "Changbin- why I feel so-" you mumble, searching his eyes for an answer for the certain wanting in the bottom of your stomach.
"The love spell, it- well- it makes you," he flushes.
"Horny?" you ask.
"Yeah," he laughs, "makes both parties-y-y'know horny."
"Holy shit," you giggle as you bring him back in for another kiss.
This kiss is passionate and rough, in perfect contrast with the way Changbin holds you close. His hands resting on your waist, gently rubbing feather-light touches on your sides, each one leaving you more breathless than the last. Your arms loop around the back of his neck, reveling in the comfort of his lips on yours.
It's not enough though, you need him inside you, you need him to fuck you. "Changbin-" you moan against his lips.
"Darling," he coos, "tell me what you want-you c-can have it-w-whatever you want."
"Bin- I-I," you whine.
"P-please ma'am wan-wanna be inside," he squeaks.
"Ma'am?" you smirk, pulling apart from the kiss to search Changbin's eyes.
"Ma'am, mommy, mistress, master, whatever you want- I-I d'care, just pl-please, wanna be inside," he searches your face for any apprehension.
"Changbin I-I, get on your knees," you whimper as you notice the way he looks at you.
His hair is messy, his eyes lust blown and lips plump from kissing. You watch the heavenly sight in front of you as Changbin sinks down to his knees in front of you. He gently holds your leg as he kisses your knee, "please," he speaks a confession, "wanna worship you."
His fingers trail up and down your clothed legs, and at this time you curse yourself for wearing plaid pajama pants instead of flimsy sleep shorts.
You quickly stand on two feet and begin walking away, scaring the man on the floor. "Y/n- w-we d'have to!" he yelps.
"Take me to the bedroom, please," you huff.
Changbin leaps onto his feet and shows you to the bedroom, his hand in yours. Like two horny teenagers left unsupervised for more than 30 seconds.
You found yourself making out with him on his soft bed, it was a little awkward with Changbin's wings on his back, but you couldn't seem to mind, especially not when his fingers are cupping your breasts under your shirt and his fingers are tweaking your nipples in his fingers. A soft tune is playing from what you presume is your phone, or it could be the record player in the corner of Changbin's room, but honestly you don't care when Changbin's head moves down your chest, kissing above your waistband. "Honey," he calls out to you.
"Y-yeah," you look at him.
"Wanna watch you get off," he requests, "wanna watch you, please."
You're stripping off your clothes before you can even think of what you're doing, throwing your clothes somewhere in Changbin's room. You watch as his mouth falls open as he stares at your tits. "Like what you see, honey?" you ask as you lay your head back on the pillows.
He nods and you watch the faint blush creep up onto his cheeks. "Wanna see you too, please, please Bin," you hum.
He follows after you, removing his clothes and you ogle at his body. Fuck, he was muscular, and your mouth started watering when you saw his cock.
"It's n-not," he begins before you are spitting in your hand and wrapping it around the base of his cock.
Not very long, but fat in girth, with a pretty flushed tip and nicely trimmed bush surrounding it. Changbin's mouth falls open as you begin jerking his cock, "it's more than okay, baby," you reassure the man whose eyes are rolling to the back of his head from pleasure.
"Y-your," he whimpers, trying to speak.
"Don't worry about anything other than feeling good, just relax my love, let me make you feel good," you hum.
You can see the internal struggle on Changbin's face before he shoves his own hand in between your legs, spreading your wetness around your folds. "Changb-" you begin, going to chastise the boy but his fingers move up to your clit, rubbing in soft circles.
"P-please," he whimpers.
"Hm?" you hum searching his face while his fingers continue playing with your pussy.
"Can I suck on your tits?" he asks with a timid voice.
You can't help but smile as the fingers on your spare hand wrap in the boy's curly black hair and bring his mouth to your chest. You speed up your hand that is playing with his cock, trying to repay how well Changbin is making your pussy gush just with his calloused fingers.
Changbin is sucking on your nipple and his fingers are playing with your clit and it all is becoming too much and just enough at the same time. "Mommy," Changbin moans against your chest.
"Yeah, I know it feels good doesn't it?" you coo to the man who is clearly losing himself in the pleasure of you stroking his chubby cock.
He nods his head into your chest and you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head before his hips start bucking his cock into your hand. "G-gonna-ngh," Changbin whimpers.
"It's okay my love, let go, there you go honey," you instruct.
Changbin cums with a low groan as his hips keep bucking into your hand, his fingers that were playing with your clit stopping and resting there as you watch his pearly white cum shoot out of his cock and onto his soft stomach.
His legs slightly twitch as he comes down from his orgasm before he looks up at you before remembering he is also supposed to make you cum, you don't let him feel bad about cumming first though. Instead opting to praise him for being good while his fingers resume their movements on your swollen clit while his mouth continues playing with your nipples.
"Ch-changbin," you choke out a whine.
A particular hard swipe to your clit has you tumbling over the edge of your orgasm, clenching Changbin's shoulders as you ride through the high. "Perfect," Changbin praises and presses a kiss between your breasts, "and all mine."
"All yours," you reassure, "all yours Changbin."
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planetdream · 2 months
Types of mafia bosses/position in the gang for skz? I've got the brain rot for this lately I blame the pics of them in suits and shit; I just imagine loads of tattoos too and yep I may do this to myself. But anyways, thoughts? Or thots?
can't wait to find out who of them is the first to get a real tattoo 😻😻 i will go batshit fr but i do love me some good organized crime (goodfellas is one of my favorite movies of all time, and ive written scarface fanfic, been thinking about watching the sopranos) also so so so sorry bc this was sent in may and clearly I took my sweet time answering this 🥺
cw; organized crime (i just love saying that) (non desc.) violence n drugs n sex 😻😻
let me preface this by saying, bear with me, because although i gave this a lot of thought, it lowkey reads like a random cluster thoughts lmao. anyway, i came to the conclusion that if i ever were to potentially expand on this concept more 👀👀👀 that in my head, the boys are split into two crime families, with chan and minho being the two bosses. think of their dorm arrangements (3racha/hyune + minho and the minhoettes; if those are still their arrangements ? lol). i would also say the two families are on fairly decent terms.
chan, or should I say, chris, is the stereotypical mob boss who chooses to shield his lover from the violence and drug side of his work—but has no issue showering them with the drug and violence money. if you haven't seen goodfellas, there's a scene where karen asks henry for money to go shopping before he leaves, and he gives her half of this thick stack of cash before she drops to her knees and well... yeah. not sure why, but it gives channie vibes, imo. like he hates to be pulled away from his work, but if his baby needs him for a few minutes, even an hour or two, it isn't a problem.
i'd say as a mob boss, he's one that lurks in the shadows—he likes to protect his peace, to an extent. he'll pop out and show his face every once in a while to remind others of his territory. he's always going to get his lick back, but he plays things strategically as he's not someone who makes brash decisions; it might not happen now, but it will happen. he also tries to give back to his community and those who raised him within his neighborhood, etc. he's all about strong family bonds and despite him being feared; despite all the blood and threats, the violence and damage; he craves to be loved.
changbin, strikes me as someone who is eternally faithful to the family. maybe..even to a fault (if this were a scorsese film, i feel he'd be one of the last to be murdered; and it probably happens off screen lol). but because he is loyal, he is most definitely chan's second in command, a real right hand man. if anything has happened to chan, then changbin knows that he must not hesitate, he must not mourn or act out—but to learn from chan and play things strategically. he must assume the role of the don. off topic, imo, he's someone that might show off his partner. bringing them to poker nights so all the others can drool over them. his lover is his prize and he'd go above and beyond for them. (has definitely been set up by a lover so he doesn't trust easily, but when he does, whew, he falls head first)
hyunjin is in it for the moneyyyy.. feel like he just wants to show off and get girls (and the mens...👀) and do drugs. he just wants to have fun, most importantly. life is like a video game to him; he's kinda just doing a bunch of side quests—but he knows everyone and everything, a real socialite. kinda perceive him as a friend of the mob who has serious drug connects. since he's everywhere all the time, just being in others business feeling like the cops would be trying for yearsss to pin him on murder or intent to distribute charges but they've only got him for possession once.
now jisung confuses me just a bit. originally i wrote this paragraph about how jisung and felix remind me of lenny from shark tale (another scorsese classic, sorta). they don't seem to be cut out for the life of crime and would rather just leave and be their true selves. but them mfs r not sharks!! leaving can be potentially dangerous and often has consequences (and those two would like to keep their fingers and well, their lives).
that being said, i had been internally debating on whether or not jisung would be perceived as someone who could potentially squeal if pressured heavily—which definitely would affect his rank/status.... but I think he's dedicated to prove himself in the life he was given. likely starts of simple; he's selling drugs n stuff. then, he's even handled a couple hits—so now he's looked at with respect when around everyone. and if he's honest, to be accepted and respected means a lot to him. he almost wears his murder count with such pride. has been told time and time again, not to act irrationally.
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minho, is ruthless, and would like for his other half to be equally as ruthless. for that reason, he doesn't care to shield any of his work from you, and often asks for your opinion on things. if you're in the club and somebody hits on you or tries to start shit he wants you to be able to handle yourself; thus he recognizes you are your own person and not his property. i feel like minho would want to damn near fear his lover. yet I also view him as someone who is nowhere near ready for a relationship (doesn't have the time, he says) but is always at the right longitude and latitude to fuck yk?
because min is a scorpio I am also inclined to say that he is also a boss that lurks in the shadows—pulling strings behind the scenes. he's not a show off and he's not much of a talker either so but you better believe his actions speaks volumes. he fears no one and will more than definitely make sure he makes an example out of those who fuck up. low-key god complex; everything works out in his favor, especially if he's the last one standing.
nobody knows felix is apart of a crime family and he likes to keep it that way. he flies under the radar and because of it, he's made things that seem impossible happen. he gives a very trustworthy vibe, people feel comfortable around him—he deceiving them. but it's gotten him certain connections, through certain doors, and he's learned heavy secrets (blackmail champion). his kill count is unknown. no like he flies so far under the radar, not much is known about him. still, he says a lot about himself without saying too much.
thinking that seungmin is minho's right hand—his MOST trustworthy. yet I can also see seungmin as someone who may have ulterior motives: he's making his own moves and plays behind everyones back and can be perceived as untrustworthy if anyone knew simply due to the nature of what he's doing (building his own empire maybe who knows) honestly gives hitman vibes if im real (I think there's a very thin line between hitman and serial killer yk and well...hitmen don't take trophies...) seungmin is fr someone who shouldn't be crossed. isn't into dating but he might fuck around once or twice
jeongin chases that dream to be a Made Man™ since being a kid (similar to henry in goodfellas) I would say that he's really reliable. well, until he's not. he's handsome and the ladies love him, what can he say? thus, he stays IN the club unless there's an important play to be made. he's crossed between living his young life [drugs, parties, fucking] and going for his dreams and really committing to the mob life. every so often he has phase where he's getting back into the loop of things until something traumatic happens then he's off on a 4 day binger,,
very interesting indeed.....would love to chat more on this hmm
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chans-room · 3 months
Rank SKZ as ghostface (you should have seen this coming)
Okay so I don't feel like any of them would be necessarily bad at it, but there are some notable ones who'd be really fucking good.
Also uh... I may or may not have a mask kink and Ghostface is a Fave 🫡 so just... nsfw warning for what's under the cut. Nothing too graphic but I'm just telling you. Bc I don't wanna hear about it.
Lino. I'm sorry but I'm right. It's not a bit in the same way it is for some of the others. It's super natural to him and he'd be so scary and hot it's giving Billy Loomis in the best way. He's a full experience kinda ghostface: he likes to be the one calling and torturing you psychologically and being behind the mask ready to slice and dice. Full predator/prey vibe and I'm afraid it's a 15/10 slay
Jeongin. No I can not explain why but he'd be so unhinged and menacing. Lowkey giving Stu Macher vibes. His Ghostface gives serious mocking/degradation vibes and he's getting off on making you beg. I think his fave part is the psychological manipulation aspect but honestly he's enjoying the whole experience. It's gotta be a 13/10 slay
Hyunjin. He's doing his most and it's so dramatic and theatrical but it's properly scary sometimes. He violently oscillates between dramatic and scary like every sentence. BIG predator vibes, he wants you to run from him. Bc of that, he'd enjoy being in the mask and being the action oriented party of the Ghostface persona. Like is it foreplay or is he actually gonna murder you. Hard to say tbh. 12/10 slay.
Chan. If he weren't in a group with some truly unhinged mfs he'd be top of the list. I have a feeling he'd get off watching you cry. Idk if anyone other than me and @kiestrokes have seen the mtv scream show but it's giving those vibes. 11/10 slay.
Felix. The teasing, mocking tone of his voice even through the modulator?? Girl bye I'm feral. He'd do so well in those planning stages, setting up the house of cards designed perfectly to ruin you. The only reason he's not higher is because at some point, he'll get too emotional and snap a little bit and ruin some of his own plans. Is it cheap for me to say there's a dumbification kink happening here? No? Okay. 10/10 slay.
Seungmin. Okay, I know someone's gonna question why he's so low but tbh the whole thing feels like too much work for him. He has to be SERIOUSLY motivated or full of enough spite to go this far and do the whole thing. Because he'd honestly rather just get things done with and move on. But if he's doing it, man is committed HARD. He's getting off on his ability to outwit you and it plays into a lowkey superiority complex. 9/10 slay.
Hanji. I love him. Do I think he could pull of the planning? No. Do I think he could be scary and pull off the murdering bit? Yes. But is he in charge???? Fuck no. He's working at the behest of someone else. Nearly anyone else. Also the first time he stabs someone he almost chickens out but gets it together at the end. Another Stu vibe but like almost less menacing? More of the goofy Stu vibes. The cocky, confident vibes he's got bc of the mask tho makes him 😮‍💨 8/10 slay tho.
Changbin. There's something about Changbin to me that absolutely does not give me ghostface vibes, but at the same time, he could be one of those plot twist ones that really send the message home that ghostface could be anyone. I'm gonna be real tho, if I'm seeing Changbin come at me menacingly, I'd be properly terrified. He'd def throw you around. Even if it's just a kink thing, he's doing his most. 7/10 slay.
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death2normalcy · 2 years
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Stray Kids Dynamics: Changbin and Felix
Felix - For you, I like your mentality and heart and every single thing about you so I just like you for you. Honestly speaking, that's why I'm more open about it and whatever you say to me... You're giving me feedback or letting me know so I don't get hurt...
Changbin - I want you to know that when you talk about your concerns, I'm not nice about it. I'm honest. But you take that really well and I feel grateful for that. That's what I want. Before, you used to be really weak. Very weak mentally, and I felt sorry for you, since you're my roommate and little brother. ...And since you take all that in and still come to me for advice, I'm really grateful. That's a great personality you have.
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toomuchbuttahh · 3 years
Stray Kids NSFW Hcs
a/n: I don't really like reading or writing for irl people bc it makes me uncomfortable most of the time bc they are REAL people and a lot of the time it's very cringey but here I am being a hypocrite 😊. Also these are headcanons I don't think any of them would actually be like this tbh so don't take this seriously and if there's anything you'd like to contribute or think differently, I'd love to see! Also reblogs are very appreciated :)
genre: smut
warnings: obviously, nsfw
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soft dom
not really into degrading, restraints or being mean in anyway though he might come back from work and want to take it out on you so sometimes he can be quite rough
really good at aftercare
he really wasn't lying when he said "You know what else is big?…" 😳😳
Lee Know:
oh boy
is a complete sadist and masochist, likes degrading and humiliating you
also likes seeing you tied up
might sub but very rarely and is so fucking bratty it's annoying
into thigh riding bc have u seen his thighs oh my fuck
i love lee know
dom most of the time he might sub but like once every 5 years or something😒
you have to convince him so hard to sub and you have to give him lots of gifts, treats, dates, cuddles, chocolate for him to say yeah
he wont admit he quite likes being the sub
praise kink
so whinyyy
also into thigh riding have you seen his thighs
switch prefers being sub most of the time though
likes being tied up
pretty bratty but the good amount😌
although sometimes he'll come back from work, exhausted as shit and the only thing on his mind is you domming him, being fucked out of his head, letting you handle everything that he can't be bothered to be bratty and just wants praise and serious aftercare
likes being degraded only lightly and HAS to be coupled with praise
REALLY vocal and his moans are actually so pretty
also loves when you pull his hair i mean come on this is obvious
if you put your hand on his jaw and make him look at you while you're fucking him he actually dies. turns to putty. cums like 5 times more.
also have u seen his hands !?? he loves fucking you with his fingers
also a switch
but he doesn't like showing his submissive side to anyone. He has to really trust them bc I think he might be a bit insecure about it
likes bondage both ways
likes to be degraded
also likes hair pulling both ways
needs good aftercare
whiny bitch
not really bratty
can be 😈🥴😏👺😈😈🔪🥀⛓ and 🥺🥰😊😩😳🐥🌻✨💕 he does both so well
depends on his mood
if you prefer being dom most of the time, he really doesn't mind being the sub
and if you prefer being the sub, he certainly doesn't mind being the dom
pretty experimental and likes to try things at least once if you want to too
has a thing for chokers/collars like he gets so weak if he's wearing one and you're tugging at it or the other way round and he's doing the tugging
definitely uses his really low/deep stage voice in bed
moans are actually the prettiest bc they than become so high pitched and voice cracky omg
loves eye contact but also lowkey likes being blindfolded
EVIL BITCH you think he's like really nice and sweet but he is not
likes degrading, doesn't really like being degraded
switch, if he had to pick he'd probably say dom though
pretty bratty if sub
when they were saying he's the main vocalist in the group they weren't lying-
BRATTY before anything else
switch, doesn't really mind being either
definitely has a praise kink
also likes being blindfolded
he loves receiving aftercare
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planetdream · 2 years
okay no but yes I just got sick for another week 😭😭😭 life is not kind to me,,,,I JUST finished an essay and it's 6:19am rn and the sky is lighting up this is homophobic </3
I'm trying to get to terms to losing it but mannnnn I'm so pissed and upset because I had three kpop photo cards in it 😭 (along with other very important stuff ofc like my old student cards and I, obviously, alr graduated)
What can I say I'm just someone who loves the dark too much sksksksks jokes aside tho the dark is nice cos it makes me less guilty to be depressed - it's so weird to see it still light outside at 7pm rip
DREAMIE I WAS LOWKEY KIDDING BUT YOU ACTUALLY SAVED A SPOT FOR ME ALDHFJSJSHDJSKKDDK I LOVE YOU HELLO?? Okay but yes I will Sit Down and Think About It and come back to you with an MV uwu
Also Maniac omg,,,,Felix is such a queer king with that skirt and his HAIR as always a fashion icon. Hyunjin with red hair?? Chan with blue hair?? Changbin with green highlights?? Freaking LEE KNOW with purple hair?? These boys are here to slay and they aren't leaving anyone alive oh no. And Han with that slicked back hairstyle </3 I'm sorry Seungmin but Han is killing me there I can't skskkzsksksksks Also erm no hate but I didn't like the song at first? But it's so catchy?? Like does it sit at the top of my skz playlist? Not really. But is it so catchy that it makes me want to loop it so many times my brain explodes? Yes.
(also sorry if everything looks incoherent I've been writing a 2k essay for the past seven hours and I desperately need sleep)
Bestie SAME on the touch starved end 😭✋ and yes physical emotional connection desperately needed here as well pls 😭😭 I think my friend's constant complaints rubbed off on me because he's always like omg I want a boyfriend and there can only be one touch starved hoe between us so I have to be the bigger person ☠️☠️ but yes much love needed here as well
SCREAMING CRYING MOANING AT THE MENTAL IMAGE. just,,,,seungmo trying to not betray his feelings but ultimately man is a human as well and at the end he's not even scrolling through his phone,,,,the screen is black and it's just something to anchor himself onto </3 absolutely insane with that idea
Also that anon who said Lee Know <3. Massive vibes <33
How are you doing dreamie? Hope all is well hehe :)
ok first off—get some sleep (maybe u already are idk) can't have u out here sleep-deprived AND sick omg.
and the wallet 💔💔💔 three pcs and important things oh baby i really feel for u...tbh i dont think i'd be able to come to terms with losing it...
as for the collab—there's not a set deadline for posting the fic at the moment (and there probably won't be lol) so you can take your time choosing the fic, but that seungmin spot is 100% yours, babe!
maniac—the boys all look so good and im proud of what they've accomplished this era so far. i was talking about this with moon the other day but it's so fun to watch all of this happen in real time. like bb200?? so sexy of them, really. and yeah, at first listen i wasn't vibing with maniac like i did the other songs on the album (chalking it up to my general occasional dislike of singles) but after the second listen i liked it a lot more ahaha
— apologising for things seeming incoherent?? welcome to my entire blog fr
i've been going outside more and more lately since it's getting warmer and idk im just so...starved of different types of connections. i think i want a romantic connection lol, but that's a lot of work rn and i can't put someone through the stress of dealing with me atm rip
how am i doing? well it's pretty late now and i had a pretty busy day and im finally settling in at home fr and im just....so emotional for no reason?? wanna cry a little bit but other than that im doing good. upset bc i don't have any weed rn but it is what it is lol
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