minoritychronicles · 7 years
Sentient Races
(( Satyr-like ))
Conserves a tribal structure throughout ages.
Tend to form “councils”, trade agreements, and treaties, but do not form full societies.
(( Beetle-like ))
Mystical in that only brave adventurers have returned with accounts of them. (”Weevil” was coined by a member of (( TBD )), who was discredited after his generous use of imagination. )
Generally wise and prudent as well as genuinely charming.
Very small compared to many other sentient races.
Inefficient swimmers and runners but surprisingly skilled at climbing.
Only native in the Ancient North forest.
Covered in fur that is normally light and mild in color.
Argued to be the oldest sentient race on the planet.
Found mostly in dry caverns. (Believed to have created some in the North Mountains themselves, though the process is unclear.)
Very reclusive; only found when they plan to be.
Argued to be the oldest sentient race on the planet.
(( Most human-like of all. ))
Pointed, slightly elongated ears that are believed to be evolved through the species’ early stages as tree-dwellers.
Three sub-races have arisen and adapted to industrial, acquatic, and wooded environments.
(( Snake-like. ))
Has one, or sometimes two, pairs of brutish, scaly arms.
A thick, softer, legless lower body supports the muscular upper body.
To move, their skin creates manipulable friction with surfaces.
Only mutated / advanced Squam are able to move well in water.
The first to develop panoply.
Brutish and searing in demeanor.
As a society, they are almost entirely war-oriented.
The Oscil are colorful, winged, feathered, oviparous quadrupeds.
Their societies are marveled at by the rest of its world for their wildly shifting values. They are rarely indecisive.
A common disability is underdeveloped wings, which disallows flight and usually stunts the individual’s size.
Completely devoid of hair and speech.
It is unclear how, or if, they thermoregulate or communicate.
Skin is normally a sleek dark blue or indigo.
Despite their tendency to live in seclusion, they are a curious race and sometimes will even form communities of friends.
Regarded by some to be nonsentient killing machines, the Farrow are a piglike race that travels in war bands.
Females and males thus far are only distinguishable by their behavior during mating season.
Full of wisdom and nearly ageless.
Knurls appear much like the trees of the forest in which they arise.
Capable of full speech, though their learning processes are thought to be very different from other sentient races’.
Societies are highly complex and regard the infallible practice of faith and unmatched hunting skill as the race’s pinnacle.
Facial tattoos are ritualistic and are bestowed at youths’ coming-of-age.
As Pallids age and they grow into hunters, their irises darken as a result of the amount and type of blood they consume.
Scaly quadrupeds that otherwise have extremely varied phenotypes.
Develop written language with dialects, but are not normally capable of structured speech. (Grunts, roars, and glottal projections are common.)
Proven to exist as of the Architectonic Era, but shrouded in mystery nonetheless.
Legends and folk tales told about this race are timeless. Most claim the Sylph to be spirits of those long passed to a different world who got lost and “came back home”.
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