#chirithy's prophecies
cottonfeltgembira · 3 months
my p4g playthrough has some great moments so far and it includes almost killing Yu the second time in Naoto's dungeon because i forgot the enemies weak to wind were also paired with the ones that repelled wind, then Kanji came in and blasted atomic press it was great
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cottonfeltgembira · 6 months
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Hell is real
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cottonfeltgembira · 6 months
Okay so I'm not crazy, Twitter is down cause all my accounts on there are just, non functioning, and I can't even search anything
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cottonfeltgembira · 10 months
hi your art is amazing huge fan of how you draw rei. have a good day
STARTS SOBBING UNCONTROLLABLY* thank yeww so much I am so glad (о´∀`о) I love drawing Rei cause wehhhhhhhhh -> obvious favorite next to Madara they're my darlings
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cottonfeltgembira · 1 year
CCS is very hilarious for deciding that yes! It will take over 30 episodes for the protag's actual love interest to actually catch feelings for her, also we decided the first thing we'll establish of the protags and her love interest who are currently rivals is that he has the same big baby crush on the protag's brother's boyfriend as she does!
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cottonfeltgembira · 1 year
There's no way Kero's 1000 year old ass is beefing with the TEN YEAR OLD HE ENTRUSTED TO CAPTURE THE CARDS Just cause her rival happens to earn himself a second clow card well mayyyybe he deserves it and maybe Kero should actually be responsible in helping Sakura more
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cottonfeltgembira · 1 year
Like. I'm on ep 14 season 1. And it's so shocking that yes! The girls talking about how Toya and Yukito are the only boys who don't have a girl friend wasn't some sneaky bait thing but foreshadowing to when Yoko confesses only to not only have Toya reject her but also reveal he likes someone else!
And it's VERY obvious who the person Toya likes is like they weren't hiding that at all.
Though now this has me more suspicious of the weirder parts of CCS, namely some big age gap stuff with the girl and the teacher 3 times her age and also Sakura's parents... And Lord why did they give huge romantic implications with Tomoyo at the beginning when she's Sakura's own cousin like .. why
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cottonfeltgembira · 1 year
Realizing why I felt like my Tumblr experience was shit cause I was following someone who put stuff on my Tumblr feed that made it shit and now that I've unfollowed my home feed is so beautiful like a flower meadow or a really good sandwich
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Speaking of which, talking to the masses who out of the ES idols would you think you be friends with like you all hang out and have fun
And in contrast, who would you have personal beef with?
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Niki Shiina and I would be friends I would bring him to the pasar malam to eat bakso together 🫶
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Mixing my interests together. Sora may be dead and in Shibuya but is that stopping him from meeting the enstar's cast?
Sora would talk to Madara and be like "you remind me of a friend I know" and cue past cutscenes of Riku
He would throw hands with Gatekeeper get fucked dude
Also the theme of dreams and expectations in es is very on brand with KH (since the concept of dreams in DDD has been more relevant than ever)
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
i love my oc unit Tenebrae like imagine a fusion of crazy b undead and fine and then imagine if they do both ballet and screamo
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Someone aske things I love to say words
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
cinderella madara you say..
HEHE its a mixture of the fact that 1) I grew up with 1950 disney's Cinderella and it played a huge part in my development and 2) in relation to Cinderella I frequently have very bizarre dreams that always seem to be a form of future and past vision and guidance (I'm blaming that on the witch blood in both sides of my family)
I think about how dreams are the main theme of Cinderella - but the interesting part is that you don't fully know what Cinderella's dream is, in the beginning of the movie she says she can't tell her dream to her little friends or else it wouldn't come true
We only find out what it is during night of the ball when she dances and spends the ball with the prince, the answer found in the song "so this is love"
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Her dream, was love.
And I like to think it's because after her father's death, there was no love in Cinderella's life as her step family forced her into a servant role rather than treating her as a beloved family member
So the love she wished for wasn't necessarily the romantic kind, just to be loved in general
It didn't matter who Cinderella was to the prince, it only mattered that it was her, Cinderella was loved.
I think about Madara, how his young self dream to be like the heros he saw on those shows, how he shares those dreams with Kanata as a child and how Madara initially joined Ryusetai.
And then how it all comes crashing down, he couldn't succeed in freeing Kanata from the cult, he couldn't cure his sister, he couldn't do anything about the war in yumenosaki.
When he failed those people, he failed himself
I don't think he can forgive himself, even if it wasn't his fault.
And there's MaM, which I fully believe represents Madara's dream, an ideal fully separate from Madara's reality.
MaM is freedom, festivals and dreams. There's this whimsical and warm feeling that MaM invokes along with Madara's loud and bright personality and persona.
You might think that "oh Madara made MaM, his dream came through right? WRONG‼️
His dream hasn't come true cause he has been denying himself of that dream, MaM is like lucid dreaming in mine eyes
You can bend it to your will, it's real to you in some extent, but it's still a dream that can come and go if you aren't always dreaming. And Madara no longer dreams-
At least, he tells himself he doesn't
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Despite his lies, I think he's still dreaming, that maybe someday.. it would come true, as impossible as it is
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
Horrifying realization that I am basically all five eccentrics as one wicked Frankenstein's creation like Eichi did not have to find 5 whole guys to make into villains he could've just had me instead
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
I think I like madarei because I am essentially both of those people as one person. Not the madarei guy, but the madarei himself
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